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  • Pace RC295 AXS Ultimate review
  • v8ninety
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    (But maybe not quite so… STW… )

    Oh, I don’t know; it’s basically the Tesla (or at least the Leaf, yeah probably the Leaf) of the lawn mowing world, Shirley? Molgrips at least will approve, I’m sure 😆 plus it’s from STWs second favourite German discount store, so it must be good 8)

    Full Member

    That’s it, I’m sold. I’ll be gutted if my local store doesn’t get some in on Thursday…

    Full Member

    Gaffer tape is your friend regarding sharp edges. Won’t help with being able to see the blinker though…

    Full Member

    Not a fail so long as it works and there aren’t sharp edges that could injure a pedestrian. Probably get an advisory. MoT testers love advisories. They prove to the inspectors that they are actually looking at the car.

    Full Member

    Interesting! So by my reckoning (and RC car experience 😆 ) if NiCad = good, then LiPo/brushless should = awesumz! I’m definitely going to buy one. I’ll report back.

    Full Member

    Thank you 8)

    Full Member

    Thank you 8)

    Full Member

    😐 still no idea.

    Full Member

    😐 still no idea.

    Full Member

    Aaaargh!!! I’m not on Facebook! Don’t make me join to see, that would be too much!

    Full Member

    Aaaargh!!! I’m not on Facebook! Don’t make me join to see, that would be too much!

    Full Member

    Nope, you’ve lost me. It’s like you’re all talking in code…

    Full Member

    Nope, you’ve lost me. It’s like you’re all talking in code…

    Full Member

    their (McD’s) meet is not fit for human consumption until bleeched and mixed up into no meat content at all.


    KFC is an overpriced source of rubberised / puréed chicken

    (special) sauce? Pretty sure that’s not true, TBH (although may have been once/in the States). I’m not the biggest fan of KFC or Maccies, but the chicken was definitely fillet or off the bone, and Maccies go to great pains to advertise that their burgers are 100% British or Irish beef. I’m not trying to suggest it’s not cheap, factory farmed, and pumped with water etc, but it’s cheap and cheerful flood, not a ‘gastronomic experience’.

    As for the ‘bugs in Ice’ story; meh. They probably sampled the restaurant that Quirrel works at… and as DrP says, it’s what our immune systems are for.

    Full Member

    Surely if he just ‘holds onto it for the company’ its value will drop to zero pretty quickly though? And thus he’ll be doing them a favour by disposing of waste in an environmentally friendly manner?

    Full Member

    So yea, in a roundabout way unless you can find some leftover hydrogen from the big bang, new water will be difficult to come by

    I’m of the opinion that if you’ve split water into its component atoms, it’s no longer water, and then when you stick them back together the water that is produced is about as new as you can get… But to be fair, we are all made of star dust

    Full Member

    Saw the chap that plays the (latest) Mountain in Keflavík airport last month; all I can say is that ‘Mountain’ is a very appropriate character for the chap to play. No CGI required to make everyone else look teeny around him! 😆

    Full Member

    I was initially a little disturbed by this; but following on from the peeing in the shower thread, if you think about it, it doesn’t really matter does it? When you wash your hands in any public facility, you surely NEVER actually touch the porcelain, surely? Now THAT would be a minging habit. It’s: tap on, soap on rub and rinse under the flow, tap off, dry and retire, surely?

    My feeling is that, whilst err, unusual, this habit actually carries far less risk of sharing other people’s urine than the apparently masculine and completely socially acceptable habit of standing up to pee in a receptacle designed to be sat on.

    All of the above depends on the ability to think logically and dispassionately when it comes to bodily functions however, something that a large proportion of the population seem unable to do.

    Full Member

    You can’t make new water

    Erm, I’m no chemist, but I’m fairly sure you can, with just two ingredients… Has a fairly useful by product too.

    Full Member

    Bad, BAD timing! 🙁 I’d literally JUST ordered some of them there CX9 things for this exact situation. Please tell me that (whilst I know I’ve been stung paying more than needed to) at least they’ll do the job I need them to with Shimano 105 levers? Grrrr….

    Full Member

    Get the lightning cables that Aldi sell every now and again; work perfectly and feel a LOT more durable than apples own, or anything else I’ve come across. Barginous, too

    Full Member

    With 13.5% personal contributions and a move to the career average scheme since 2015, I’m alert for any developments that make it not worth paying in any more.

    Me too. 13.5%!!! That’s a fair wack for a fundementally worse scheme. Thieving barstewards.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Well, it was a bit amateurish and low rent, basically a bunch of model railway layouts ranging in quality from ‘very much work in progress’ to ‘intricate; can’t believe you’d put that within prodding distance of the great unwashed’. Two of the set ups have controllers that kids can drive the trains with; this was a MASSIVE hit with my lads. There was also a four lane scalextric set up upstairs which was very entertaining for me and the boys. We happily whiled away several hours, and journeyed to and from the place via train and the new midland metro, which the lads loved too. It’s CERTAINLY no think tank or Cosford, and I can’t help but think it’s a little flawed as a visitor attraction, (wouldn’t be any good at ALL if it were even a little bit busy) but it was a lovely way to spend a cold Sunday with the two most special chaps in my life.

    Full Member

    at which point the camera cyclist cuts up the police car by riding past the passenger front wing and straight to the centre of the lane in front of the copper

    Call me a cynic if you like, but it’s almost as if the camera cyclist spotted a good opportunity to wind up plod and obtain some self righteous footage that will cause a mini furore on forums across the land/hits on his YouTube channel…

    Full Member

    Nope. I’m no expert, but if a pension has been withdrawn and replaced by another, it seems unlikely in the extreme that the replacement is going to in any way represent better VFM for the employee. Bastard government.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure, but I’ve heard there are some lakes. But the big secret is; there are hills also! Which is nice, apparently. I’d quite like to go. There’s probably pubs too.

    Full Member

    Are you sure? It’s hard to tell exactly what he says over the wind noise, but he shouted something about cycle lanes twice (I think) when he was still in the car.

    I’m not sure, but it’s the impression I got. I don’t for a second think that the copper wasn’t a prize plonker either though. The line that the cyclist took, especially if their had already been words about staying in the cycle lane, was particularly pillocky too. In the context of the rider having a bee in his bonnet about a suggestion that he should stay in the cycle lane, it looks a lot like it was deliberate in order to provoke a reaction from the copper. That to me strikes me as just as nobjockish behaviour as the copper, IMHO, of course. It looks like he was a good 10′ from the cycle lane at one point, whilst maintaining an intersecting course with the police car, it looks to me.

    Full Member

    Bizarre and sad state of affairs that water in plastic bottles is so attractive, as to put that much effort to take it. Something not quite right with our society, isn’t their. Not so far off the post apocalyptic Mad Max type world as we like to think…

    Full Member

    Shame the OP hasn’t been back to respond; hope he hasn’t been deactivated for dual logins. Sometimes a bit of discretion is in order. Would be really interested in how this progresses. Sorry to admit it but an affair (possibly emotional rather than physical) was my immediate thought too. It seems that the female in question no longer goes to the OP for The stuff that people who love each other do. Sadly. As has been said, OP should hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

    Hope he’s okay. Been there, it’s shit.

    Full Member

    I guess not then! Bump for the morning crowd. I’ll report back this evening anyway…

    Full Member

    Beaten to it (but even cheaper from th’bay) as above; don’t let your voltage go below 3.2v per cell. You won’t pull it back if it goes below.

    Full Member

    It comes down to whether or not you think that the copper had any right to pull the bloke over and talk to him, doesn’t it. I reckon, on balance of probabilities, there’s a fair chance that he had a point, TBH. (Appreciate others think different). He didnt tell the cyclist that he should have been in the cycle lane (which is what the cyclist seemed to be hoping) and he did have a point about use of the horn. Swerving into lanes with motor vehicles moving at speed without even doing a shoulder check (which is what the other rider did, and what it seems the copper thinks the cyclist did too) IS a way of getting yourself smeared over the road. Yes, copper handled it badly, but so did the cyclist. He could have at least listened to the coppers point of view, and the copper could have patiently waited until the cyclist ran out of steam, and talked to him in an adult manner, instead of being a patronising grumpy plod. However the cyclist was a bit of a smarmy know it all, looking for a confrontation (is my impression) and obviously wasn’t interested in listening. A pair of prize plums.

    Full Member

    So, what exactly are you ‘just saying’? (Just wondering, like…)

    Full Member

    I’d quite rightly be annoyed if a copper stopped me for no bloody reason too

    So you are happy to accept that the cyclist was ‘annoyed’ then? And you can tell by his actions, mannerisms, vocalisations? So basically he was being a bit of a dick then? Good. I’m glad that we agree.

    And it wasn’t for nothing, was it? It was (rightly or wrongly) because the cyclist decided to suddenly change lanes into the same road space as the police car, right after having berated said police car for agressive behaviour. It was a bit like the worst thought out punishment pass ever, really. It was kind of a forgone conclusion; like dodgy gay porn, it was dick on dick action.

    Full Member

    The only ‘attitude’ I can see is that of an arsey copper who just wants to throw his weight around for no reason.

    probably says more about your own internal bias than anything constructive about the video, TBH. I’m sure I’m slave to my own biases, but they both acted like pig headed dicks in my eyes. Neither listened to one another, and both repeated what they wanted to say without accepting or even acknowledging the others perspective.

    Bobby – you cycle like a dick and are going get yourself killed
    Cyclist – you think I should be on the cycle path and shouldn’t blow your horn at people
    Bobby – I sounded my horn as per the Highway Code and have not said you should be on the cycle path, RESPEC’ MA AUTHORITAH!
    Cyclist – you think I should be on a cycle path and you shouldn’t blow your horn at people

    Etc etc.

    Both dicks. One more dangerous and should know better than the other, mind you

    Full Member

    +1 to junkyards post; they’ll get back into it, because let’s face it, it’s fun! DON’T for heavens sake suck the fun out of it by forcing the issue. One extra piece of advice I can offer (which may or not be useful, but it works for the miniVees) is not to refer to the cuts and bruises as ‘poorlies’ or ‘ouchies’ such is the habit of many parents. They are ‘tough marks’ in my family, and are to be worn like badges of honour and shown off to friends and family at every opportunity. This approach rapidly takes the sting out of all but the worst mishap, as they visualise showing Nan and Grandad their newest badges of honour…

    For reference, the miniVees are four and five, and now fly around pump tracks on their pedal bikes at really quite gobsmacking speed for such little’uns. They both started on balance bikes a couple of years ago, and have both had some fairly spectacular offs!

    Edit; great vid! He’ll be pedalling soon 8) I HATE those little ‘almost tankslapper’ wobbles that they have, proper heart in the mouth moments sometimes

    Full Member

    If he cycled out without indicating he deserved to get pulled over. Any other road user would.
    If he did, can’t see a problem with his riding. Its not how I would personally ride but don’t have an issue really with others doing it.

    Sort of agree, except the act of indicating is just that; an indication of intentions. It doesn’t give the rider/driver an express right to carry out the manoeuvre, just lets other road users know what he/she would like to do.

    Full Member

    Neither party came out of that well. Cyclist looked to be trying to prove a point to me; his manoeuvre seemed to either deliberately or otherwise take him too close to the police vehicle, which could be interpreted as provocative. Copper displayed typical arrogant copper attitude; they are so used to people either a) sucking up to them, or b) giving them verbal, that they struggle to respond to the middle ground that this was; someone sticking up for himself in a confident but possibly a little too bolshy a way. Neither handled the verbal very well, too much of both parties being convinced of their own correctness, and FAR too little of both parties listening to what the other has got to say. Militant cyclist meets dyed in the wool copper, went probably a little better than could be expected TBH.


    Full Member

    I like this: “I’m absolutely fine with my wife mopping up my stale piss, but there’s no way I’m doing it!”

    Ha! 😆 To clarify. I’m the only adult in my household. If I wasn’t the only resident cleaner, I’d still sit out of general respect 😉

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