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  • Issue 145 – Singletrack Kitchen: Gloriumptious Dahl
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Thanks for the replies, all.

    Transaction numbers for mine and the thiefs have been found, and hopefully stored, by the civvy investigator. The woman’s image has been positively linked to the taking of the money, and I’m not bothered about a conviction as such, I’d just like my £50 back and an apology would be nice but if she tried to lie about it then I’d happily assist in her prosecution. The dishonest toerag should have a lesson in good manners by having a Bobby knocking on their door, enquiring about the money that they have demonstrably taken and not returned, putting the fear of a prosecution in her. If I’d have found £50 I would have handed it in, and so should she.

    I’m aware that it’s not crime of the century so not a high priority, but as all it seems to need is a data protection form filling in with a transaction number and a reason and sending to the shops HQ, it doesn’t seem to be too onerous. In fairness to the civvy investigator, she’s kept in touch, obtained the CCTV and obtained the transaction details for mine and the thiefs shopping. It seems to me that the leg work is done already, and she genuinely doesn’t know how to take the next step. She’s done all the contacting me about this; I was expecting the brush off from the start, TBH.

    Full Member

    I hear what you are saying Junkyard, and I’ve spotted those inconsistencies too. However I hold the ridiculous press and probably bad advice from his PR people for those glitches. To me, his message is still strong and clear, and calls for dignity and honesty over spin and bullshit.

    Full Member

    I voted Corbyn. I’ll vote him in again, even if it’s just as a ‘**** you’ to the fundementally disconnected PLP who have NEVER given him a chance, merely biding their time. I appreciate that he’s not perfect, but he’s honest, and if he gets voted in twice then the axe will REALLY fall on the traitorous bastards.

    Full Member

    Anything I can do to speed things up I will!

    surgey would definitely do that, so long as it goes to plan. Mainly down to the reduction in immobilisation time meaning a reduction in the need for recovery physio.

    Full Member

    Once you have the plate in, apart from it hurting like a Son of a Bitch whenever anything falls onto it (and I mean it’s excruciatingly painful and if you have small children a head flopping tiredly onto your clavicle is the classic example)

    Not my experience. Obviously everyone is different. I was aware of mine for about 6-12 months, now don’t notice it at all (and that includes being regularly used as a climbing frame/trampoline by boisterous 4-5yo boys!)

    …you have also now made your ‘fuse’ much stronger than the bones around it.

    Also not my understanding of it (not that my understanding of it is much more positive). Doctors are at pains to explain that once the bone is healed, the metalwork (which is actually pretty flimsy) adds eff all to strength of the bone, and in fact because it is fixed through holes in the bone it is still weaker than a healthy, unbroken bone. This also means that any future fracture that involves the same clavicle has the chance of being a LOT more serious, as there’s a lot of sharp/spiky metalwork that you really don’t want floating around near important stuff like nerves, blood vessels and lungs…

    Full Member

    Surely no one in real life would use The Sun newspaper as his or her political guide?

    Brilliant! You managed to type that with a straight face, well done!

    Full Member

    So, how would you ‘humanely end’ a rat (without the assistance of Dr J Russell)?

    Full Member

    I pushed for having mine plated and got my own way, having spent 48hrs reading ALL about the pros and cons. Glad I did and would recommend it to anyone suffering a similar fracture to mine, which was a displaced fracture of greater than 20mm, with two north-south fragments. In most civilised countries this would be a no brainer, as both those things make the chance of a malunion or even a non union high. I would probably reservedly recommend it for simpler fractures too mind you; as the pros (for me) far outweighed the real and potential cons.

    Pros of surgery;
    • Little need for splinting less than a week after the op; which meant that whilst I couldn’t do much useful with the arm, importantly I could keep it mobile, which reduced my need for physio to nil.
    • immediately reduced pain (mine was goppingly painful, ymmv) and more importantly the improved sensation of actually being the correct shape again, and not feeling bits of bone grating together when you move in bed/sit funny/try to get up from seated/cough.

    • Scar isn’t very pretty (but nor am I, and nor is a huge calcified lump under the skin of a misshapen shoulder, which is what I’d have likely ended up with).
    • Small triangle of completely numb skin caused by the dissection of a nerve during surgery (literally not a problem).
    • Risks of going under knife vs not going under knife. GA’s are serious shit.
    • Potential of the metalwork being annoying or unsightly. Mines fine. Yours may not be.
    • Had to book fit quicker, which was a bit of a shame, but literally had no reason to not be at work after about two weeks (obviously as you are self employed this will be on the ‘pro’ list anyway.

    My thread, for reference

    Full Member

    I feel alienated from my country. Can I opt out of brexit; declare my house a seperate principality?

    Full Member

    Over 6 MILLION votes counted, and thirteen thousand in it. This has the potential to rip the country apart.

    Edit; one thousand.
    Edit edit; three thousand.
    Edit edit edit; thirty two thousand.

    Full Member

    Not seen a single ‘good’ result for remain yet. Scotland seems to be relatively sensible, I suppose.

    Full Member

    Oh shit. We’re leaving, aren’t we? Turkeys voting for **** Christmas.

    Full Member

    One of the final polls before the EU referendum has shown Remain

    SO hope you’re right but the last GE destroyed any faith in both polls and ability of the populous to make sensible decisions. 😐

    Full Member

    51.5% out. I do not have much faith in at least half of my fellow human beings.

    Full Member

    I still feel shit scared, because maybe…. just maybe….. we are collectively that stupid.

    There’s no ‘maybe’ about it. I’m pinning my hopes that ignorance and apathy go hand in hand. It’s the remain camp’s only hope to be honest.

    Full Member

    Saw thread title, thought this was about unusual post beverage kinky attire. This probably says more about me than you. Anyway, just buy your nuts after the top up. Job jobbed

    Full Member

    Is it just me that keeps glancing at the thread title and misreading it as something decidedly less savoury? 😯

    Full Member

    No – you should be embarrassed to have a KOM on a road descent; it often only means your fat, stupid … or both.
    Rolling down a steep hill assisted by a considerable belly and ignorant of the dangers to yourself, or others, is not a demonstration of fitness or strength.

    😆 Well, that’s told me; Hilarious! 😆 Thing is, probably in common with a lot of native MTBerists, I only go up so I can go down, quickly, and with a shit eating grin on my face. I don’t really get the whole ‘pleasure from extreme pain of grinding out a tedious climb’ thing. The fact that I happened to do it quickly enough to get a KOM on a mile long knadgery bit of descending back lane (which is national speed limit and not in a baby robin breeding area) just makes me smile even more. So thank you Strava, you’ve increased my enjoyment of my chosen past time and motivated me to lose some more of my ‘considerable belly’. 😆

    Full Member

    Everyone. Please heed those that say leave the politics out of this thread. This talk will come, I’m sure. But NOT here, not now. It’s just not right, it’s disrespectful. At least let the dust settle, and start a different, ‘intellectual discussion of the implications’ (optimistic I know) thread tomorrow, maybe?

    Full Member

    RIP. So **** tragic and pointless 🙁

    Full Member

    Are we allowed to be chuffed with downhill backroad segments? Because Strava doesn’t like it, for reasons of not encouraging us to kill ourselves on public roads, but truth be told I’m enormously chuffed with my mile long 1/542 KOM on a segment called Balls Of Steel… 😆 😆

    Full Member

    There will definitely be a place for online shopping for us moving forward, but that Google Keep app looks really useful too, thank you. How do I share the space? Do I do it list by list, in the ‘collaborators’ option?

    Full Member

    Can I use that there Google stuff for shared shopping lists and the like? editable by all users?

    Full Member

    The Wrangler hasn’t really had any real connection to the original Jeep for donks, other than the name across the front

    It’s got just as much of a connection (evolution, not revolution?) to the original jeep as a last of the line Defender has to a Series I. Live axles, frame chassis, longitudinal mounted engine, gearbox, transfer box. And looks that evolved from the original. And it has a hell of a lot more connection to the originals than anything currently produced with Land Rover emblazoned across the bonnet, sadly.

    With you on the Jimney, but they’re teeny!

    Full Member

    Awww, jeez. That’s nasty 🙁 You have my sympathy; now please stop poking your own eye!

    Full Member

    Looks real to me. (Gasping for air, flailing, become less coordinated). Not nice. Most likely fatal.

    Full Member

    How the hell do you just come across that? Completely bizarre and strangely compelling…

    Full Member

    Out of interest; have you considered RC Hobby grade lipo cells? LOADS of variation available from (for example) hobbyking, for not a lot of money. No ‘battery protection’ included, but you could add a low voltage alarm pretty easily. Just a thought.

    Full Member

    And if you want to see a really nice wrangler; google Wrangler Brute double cab. Someone please post a pic; can’t from my phone.

    (Obviously; YTMV!)

    Full Member

    In case it wasn’t obvious, I quite like Land Rovers. However, against the fashionable tide, I also like Wranglers. And now that the company called Land Rover doesn’t actually make a proper Land Rover any more, I have a great deal of time for Wranglers; the last TRUE main stream conventional road going off roader. Seperate chassis, hi low transfer box, live axles. It’s never going to be a wonderful road car, but those who knock it for that are COMPLETELY missing the point. Long live the wrangler; taking back the baton from the Land Rover that it handed to it all those years ago. Chapeau, yanks.

    Full Member

    changing driver behaviour – prevention
    kids wearing helmets – mitigation
    what do we want?

    As a parent of a couple of youngsters who are somewhat frighteningly (for me, they LOVE it) exploring their newly aquired skills at the moment, of course I want prevention. Unfortunately, the only tool in my armory is mitigation. So for the moment, sturdy helmets that are built to take a few knocks.

    Full Member

    Hang on; you’re browsing AND POSTING on STW on your actual stag do?!? WT actual F man?

    Full Member

    You can tweak all you want. However, whilst you have human beings racing machines at silly speeds inches away from immovable objects, on a track that would mentally exhaust Einstein, riders will die. Humans (esp when close to the limit) make mistakes. Road courses quite often punish mistakes with death.

    The riders know this, and do it anyway. Don’t change a thing; you’d break it.

    Full Member

    Get arrested.* Sobers people up quite quickly.

    *this may not be good advice

    Full Member

    Sort of related, but I always hankered after a disc braked CX bike; that is, until I replaced my frogs legs for CX9 vee brakes. I swear they are better than the discs on my MTB!

    Full Member

    to reduce the number of blown engines.

    Oh won’t somebody think of the children big ends…

    Full Member

    Excellent work. Maybe we should have UK mounted police trained in calf roping skills?

    Full Member

    It’s all subjective. The current generation (in the UK, and other highly developed countries) has been spoilt rotten in mortality terms. No mass casualty wars for a generation, road traffic deaths and violent crime death at an all time low, modern medicine able to preserve and prolong life like never before.

    Obviously this is mostly a good thing, but it has sensitised people to loss of life; it’s tragic when someone dies, but only for the immediate loved ones. It’s terribly sad for the people that knew the dead person, and it’s a little sad/morbidly interesting for everyone else, especially if the death was unusual or particularly nasty.

    Five young men dying doing something that they love, whilst being fully conversant with the risks falls firmly into the ‘ah that’s a bit of a shame’ category for everyone but the dead chap’s friends and family. All this hand wringing is a little bit OTT, IMHO.

    There are strong parallels between this discussion and the issues around euthanasia; as in it comes down to whether you value quality or quantity of life more highly.

    Full Member

    Extrovert, entertainer type drunk. I tend to lead people astray and have been known to make bad decisions. This is at almost complete odds to my sober character, so has come as somewhat of a surprise to people it happens around. I’m NEVER a nasty, fighty drunk, although the aforementioned bad decisions may lead to me getting clobbered one day (they haven’t yet, touch wood).

    Full Member

    Mines (a Lidl special) proper brill. It isn’t old yet though. Yours sounds like either the battery is failing, or there’s excess resistance in the drive train. Does the blade spin freely? Is it sharp? I should imagine replacement batteries are available on t’web otherwise

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