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  • v8ninety
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    Ace, thanks bails!

    Full Member

    Also, do the powerline plugs work as a pair,ie if I want to have a printer at the end of one, and a TV at the end of the other I’ll need two plugs at the router end, using two ethernet ports, or can I creat a network of them and have multiple powerline plug communicating with the master plugged into the router? (Sorry for slight hijack)

    Full Member

    Aldi ‘special buys’ aisle; end of thread. May not be pricey per se, but regularly doubles the cost of my ‘bargain’ shops… 😆 😯

    Full Member

    I know it’s dull, and dodgy morally as well as nutritionally, but I **** LOVE a good Big Mac meal. Can’t help myself

    Full Member

    If adding more trains was so easy that is what all the private companies would be doing, to maximise profit.

    Yeah. Because running two trains with everyone seated with say, 200 comfortable passengers each is SO MUCH MORE profitable than running one train RAMMED with 400 hot sweaty cattle passengers on it…

    I’m no train operator, but I can do simple maths.

    Full Member

    The me, myself, I generation. Lets have it all.

    Hardly. More like the collaborative, working together, cooperative generation. Employment is, after all, a mutually benificial relationship.

    I dont think a fortnights holiday in half a years time is unreasonable.

    Full Member

    Ah, once again, a thread that demonstrates STW’s amusing middle class bias. I don’t like looking at man blubber either, but who’s it hurting, really? And is it really JS Sainsburys place in our society to be the moral arbiters of good taste and decency? 😆

    Full Member

    South Staffs checking in. Am trapped in house. And still itchy. Eugh.

    Full Member

    Got one! That salmon is MASSIVE!

    Full Member

    I’m very sympathetic, as you’ve obviously been done like a kipper. That Stott character evidently knows how to dress up a turkey and flog it.

    I didn’t say it was a ‘restored’ defender (whatever that is) and personally I’d steer clear of anyone who puts the word ‘bespoke’ in their business title, it stands out a mile (along with ‘gourmet’, ‘artisan’ etc) as a fishing ploy to catch gullible people with too much money who want to get a Land Rover as a lifestyle vehicle, but don’t want to do the legwork or hard work themselves. If you want to buy a restored anything, surely you need to view other examples of the blokes work, talk to previous customers, things like that? Your video shows a bog standard 300tdi ninety that has been chucked onto a galv chassis as cheaply as possible, with not a lot of care taken. That said, it’s not ruined, it’s a nice tinkering project for someone who understands landrovers to get stuck into. Probably worth about £5-6k, optimistically.

    Full Member

    Got to agree with RustyNissanPrairie; whilst there’s no way of ever part with £13 grand for an old defender, the entire video pretty much documents an… old defender. Nothing in the least bit alarming about any of it, except the price, and possibly your expectations of the polishing of the turd when actually it was only ever going to get rolled in glitter. All the faults, both on the video and the VOSA list, are pretty standard stuff for a 90. (Although the windscreen wiper gearbox is a pain in the arse).

    Full Member

    if you press the accel pedal halfway, then you might reasonably expect the software to implement this for you…but don’t be under an illusion that you have direct control, a software bug could prevent this from happening

    By the same token, twenty years ago;
    If you press the pedal half way you might reasonably expect the carburettor to implement this for you, but don’t be under the illusion that you have direct control. The fuel air ratio has been carefully set by some very clever boffins at the factory, and the complex and balanced decision making of how much fuel vs air is allowed into the inlet manifold is made by some very clever self regulating mechanisms that take into account engine temp, load, revs, as well as a variety of other factors. Of course, if a little bug got stuck in a jet, it could prevent this from happening…

    Since machines have become increasingly complex, we have had less and less ‘direct’ control. The paradigm shift that is going on now though is that we are actually handing fundemental control to the machines. As a driver (responsible for my own errors) I’m not sure I’m ready for that yet.

    incorrect gearbox software could still result in tragic consequences.

    Not convinced of this, to be honest. Expensive, yes, but under normal driving conditions a gearbox would have to REALLY **** up to cause a crash. (Edit; and a pure mechanical box could **** up in just the same way, so electronics are kinda irrelevant in that example)

    Full Member

    Perhaps we can nominate the OP to explain the concept of ‘Darwinism’ the victims’ children.

    Technically, if anyone is explaining Darwinism to the deceased children, then it doesn’t actually apply… Jus’ sayin

    Full Member

    The inputs to the engine and gearbox are purely electrical though. The software decides what to do with those inputs, there is no mechanical override other than obviously the brakes

    The key thing is who (or what) is generating those inputs. Yes a computer will decide to select a different gear ratio, and a different fuel mixture, but the computer is responding to a driver request. Even with cruise control and lane assist, the driver has requested to maintain a certain speed and course.

    It’s about who is in charge, and who is responsible.

    Full Member

    how much control do you think you have driving a modern car with an automatic gearbox? The engine is fly by wire and the shift lever has no mechanical link to the transmission for selection of neutral.

    enough to know that I need to pay attention and not watch frozen on the DVD player I guess. Throttle may be fly by wire but the driver is still putting in command inputs, gearbox maybe computer controlled but still responds to control inputs. Steering however has to have a physical link between steering wheel and front wheels so that if (when) hydraulic and electronic systems fail the driver can still steer. Same with brakes. It’s not to do with the gadgetry under the skin of the car, it’s about what makes the control decisions. Even with adaptive cruise control and lane assist, that responsibility lies with the driver. Apparently it is the same for the Tesla, but, people are lazy…

    Full Member

    And the PLP would be wiped out in a GE or any BE.

    That may well be the case. Recent post Corbyn by-election results (not to mention the London Mayoral result) have failed to prove that Corbyn is the electoral poisoned apple that the likes of Jamby Ninfan actually almost everyone had predicted though. Time will tell I suppose.

    Full Member

    So how does Corbyn get anything done in parliament if the PLP response is ‘says you’.

    Inwould image it very much involves a new PLP…

    Full Member

    Jamby, I partially agree. However I feel it’s more that the PLP would not be managed by Corbyn. No amount of ‘leadership’ will help when the team refuse to consider the man their leader. He never stood a chance with that shower. Now either they go or he goes; and is clear that a) he’s not going and b) he gets to keep the name, the funding and the members. The armchair pundits predict that this will consign Labour to oblivion, and they may be right; but by the same chalk, they may be wrong.

    They were wrong about Brexit
    They were wrong about Boris
    They were wrong about Corbyn
    They were wrong about Trump
    They were wrong about Labour in the last GE.

    In fact, they’ve not been right about much recently. Maybe there is a new politics after all, both good and bad.

    Full Member

    The Corbyn gamble;

    That the majority of Labour MPs have been voted into office despite not because they are right leaning Labour lite. Because of our quasi-democratic FPTP system, an AWFUL lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum definitely vote for the candidate most likely to get in and contribute to a possible majority, that isn’t the opposite of their beliefs rather than the candidate that actually represents their views. Thus we end up with a two party system whereby BOTH parties ideologies can drift fairly spectacularly away from the general population. Hence we see Labours annihilation in Scotland when a third option became available that could deliver for the public regardless of the fact they won’t technically deliver a majority in Westminster. This would also explain the extraordinary popularity of Corbyn when he emerged; he represented something completely different, socially responsible, decent and principled. I know plenty of non-lefty (including myself) types who excitedly got behind Corbyn, it’s predominantly been the wealthy, more mercenary characters in my social circles that have been voraciously anti-Corbyn. Oh and anyone ex military or with family in the military; he doesn’t wash well with that group of people either, for fairly obvious reasons, swords are far more exciting than ploughshares.

    I’ve watched in a kind of resigned and weary state of non surprise as Corbyn has completely failed to win over the PLP or the media. I’ve been dissapointed but unsurprised that the ‘everyday man on the street’ has failed to look past the shitty manipulated soundbites that the press use to bash nails in his coffin. And I’ve been horrified and dissapointed to see the way the PLP have treated him; whilst almost inevitable, it does make me wonder ‘what if’ they had wholeheartedly got behind him and delivered a new option, rather than churlishly muttering and plotting to remove him behind his back.

    If he’s removed, I’m afraid I’ll go back to what I was before; a completely disaffected voter, that neither of the conventional parties have at all appealed to, since I was old enough to vote. That’s the reason that Ed’s labour lost so badly; they failed miserably to offer anything actually sufficiently different to the electorate, so the ‘better the devil you know’ rule overwhelmingly applied.

    Full Member

    the adverts displayed are based on your browsing history…

    😆 😆 😆
    Methinks it’s time to push the ‘P’ button, sharpish! Or you have some explaining to do sonny Jim

    Full Member

    I think it says more for the increasing normalisation of these horrific terrorist attacks, than anything else. Plus, roaming gunmen in Turkey is hardly a massive shock these days, sadly.

    RIP the victims. My thoughts are with their loved ones.

    Full Member

    Oh I’m not knocking it Ernie, far from it; but there’s 158 pages of ‘just’ this thread. I’m genuinely impressed that you bothered 8)

    Full Member

    Since I gave up smoking and switched to vaping, every time I change juices, my farts go into meltdown mode!

    Just where are you sticking the vaporiser? I fear you have been misled as to their proper useage… 😆 picture that though; grade 1, cloud chasing arse eruptions. Now that WOULD be entertaining…

    Full Member

    You’ve got to give it to Ernie, he’s got a good memory and he really does like a good archive trawl.

    So; this non binding vote of no confidence by lots of Labour MPs who have never had any confidence in Corbyn and have been planning this day for ages. What does it actually tell us that wasn’t already blindingly obvious? That the PLP don’t like Corbyn? No shit Sherlock. At least it’s officially out in the open now; no more of this nice to his face, busily briefing against him behind his back bollocks. I completely agree that he hasn’t been effective as a leader of Labour so far, but that’s because he’s been trying to herd cats in a battle against the vacuous fog of a hostile media. The Labour Party as we currently know it is finished. The PLP don’t represent the grass roots and probably neither represent their ‘traditional’ core vote; that’s divided between UKIP, the SNP and the Tories now. And it’s not coming back soon. The Tories are screwed too, and the LibDems have been an irrelevance for a good while. I have no idea what is going to happen (and nor does anyone else, that’s obvious) in UK politics, but I’m fairly concerned that it’s not going to be pretty. At the risk of invoking Godwin, 1930s Europe would not be to far away from the historical period that people could do with looking to for lessons to learn. Nastiness stalks the streets of the U.K., having been incubating for some time but massively emboldened by recent events. And we have a political vacuum that will surely be exploited by someone charismatic and nasty.

    Bad times.

    Full Member

    extremely rude calling me a thief which I am not !

    In fairness you did kinda imply that either I was a thief (by finding) when you said

    So if you found a £50 note on the pavement would you hand it in ?

    Or at least that it was morally okay to keep someone else’s money in certain cases. So, touché, I reckon.

    Full Member

    Great idea. I’m all for it. I know exactly how you feel. (Rubbish thread title though; thought it was about football, pleasantly surprised)

    Full Member

    I want him to stay. If he survives the night of the long knives then the decks will be cleared for a new generation, Burnham (if he stays loyal) will be in position as loyal deputy and heir apparent to come 2020 to take over a young fresh and invigorated socially responsible REAL Labour Party.

    Or something. Who knows. But the traitorous evidently fairly right wing ‘labour’ MPs don’t seem to represent anything I want to vote for and should not be rewarded for their treachery.

    Full Member

    No loyalty card scheme at Asda. Civvy investigator will be circulating image of offender to local policing teams. Don’t think there’s much else she can do. Bummer.

    Full Member

    Bit of a grey area when it comes to a premeditated crime, perhaps dishonest on the part of the woman and she really should have handed it in.

    No one is suggesting ‘pre meditated’. But ‘taking with the intent to permentently deprive’ is pretty much the definition of theft. It is mitigated by the fact that she didn’t go out with that intention, but aggregated by how easy it would have been to return the money to the owner; that’s what the customer service desk is for, and it’s what a decent person would do. I’m perfectly happy to chalk it up to experience, it was the supermarket who were fairly vocal in their encouragement to report it as a crime, and I haven’t chased the police on this at all, she keeps ringing and updating me. My reason for posting was to get a better idea of the hurdles faced by the police in this instance (seeing as the investigator seems less than sure).

    As for victim blaming, well I’d usually be very vocally against such a thing, but I was a blithering idiot for leaving £50 alone in Asda, wasn’t I? Lol.

    Full Member

    So if you found a £50 note on the pavement would you hand it in?

    Well, yes I would actually. Fairly sure someone might miss £50, and it would be the right thing to do. Thanks for the insight into your personal morality system though; atheist by any chance? 😉

    Full Member

    Hi Hels, thanks for the posts. I haven’t got a copy; because ‘data protection’. Otherwise I’d be all over the wanted poster idea, that would be ace! Just to clarify, I wasn’t suggesting that the police were about to give up, I’m really happy with their response, it’s been friendly, they have taken the issue seriously and dealt with it in a commensurate way so far. The civvy investigator seems to be approaching a dead end now though, which is frustrating (for her as well as me) considering it’s something for which digital records obviously exist.

    Full Member

    When even Tories are wishing Labour had a better leader, you know that something must be wrong they are lying and/or plotting with a barely concealed ulterior motive.

    No change there.

    Full Member

    to be fair the cost is more than you think id be guessing near to a thousand so far

    Nope; case handled by a ‘telephone investigator’ who rung the store. The store already knew about it as I’d raised it with them first, and they’d sent me to the police with an apologetic “love to help but y’know, data protection”. CCTV footage emailed across to said investigator. No warrant carded police officers have been involved so far. Very cost effective investigation so far, as it goes. Of course, it’ll be shit value for money if they just give up though.

    Full Member

    so far you have cost us the the tax payer more than £50 in resourses (sic) for your mistake !

    You know what, I’d forgo the £50 or donate it to the costs of the investigation, it’s actually more about the dishonesty TBH. I just don’t think that behaviour is, y’know, okay. I’d happily pop round and sort it out myself, but that sort of thing is frowned upon. I don’t actually think it’s cost the taxpayer very much at all so far; the cost of a few phone calls by a civilian investigator maybe. Maybe we should not investigate any crimes that the victim brings upon themselves; or only involve a ‘petty’ amount of loss, eh? Dishonesty is fine, so long as your victim is a forgetful eejit rather than a wronged celebrity, or something.

    Full Member

    I completely get where you are coming from Seosamh77. However, if you replace the word ‘crime’ for ‘dishonesty’ then (hopefully) you can see the issue. You see, ‘finders keepers’ doesn’t have much legal precedent when it comes to easily returnable cash. I’d just like the £50 back. I’d rather just knock on the woman’s door myself and ask her, but all these pesky data protection laws mean I have to ask the police to uphold the law for me.

    Full Member

    Thanks TGA. I’ll politely suggest that as a next step to the civvy. Feels she may be just out of her depth a little.

    Full Member

    Actually, I don’t agree that you’re a dickhead an idiot.

    Thank you; still feel one though. And it seems likely I’ll be a £50 poorer idiot.

    Wish you were behind me that day, Esme x

    Full Member

    Does CCTV footage show the cash left in the machine before woman takes it?

    As I’ve said; I haven’t seen footage myself, but the civvy investigator seems to think it’s fairly cut and dry.

    Full Member

    It is when it’s free! apparently the perfect crime!

    Might have FTFY (though I remain optimistic that I’m wrong)

    Full Member

    I haven’t seen the footage so don’t know what she looks like, unfortunately. (Maybe fortunately; vigilante justice is frowned on in our ‘civilised’ country’ 😆

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