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  • Rider Resilience and Stoked On MS – The Ride It Out Show
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Because they’re ****, but not quite as big a set of **** as those who don’t pick up dog shit at all!!

    I’d actually rather they didn’t pick it up at all (or better, stickenflick) than do the weird poo bauble thing.

    Full Member

    What you fail to realise (or are ignoring for the sake of trolling) is that competitors would fight behind closed doors to test themselves regardless of the audience.

    Not quite sure what point you’re making here, tbh. So boxers and UFC fighters would fight anyway, great. Luckily for them, there’s enough money and public support in their consenting violence that it is considered socially acceptable and therefor legal. What difference is there between that and ‘consenting’ football hooligans having a ruck? What exactly makes one morally acceptable and the other reprehensible? Both are just the two extremes of the same thing.

    Your WRC vs TWOCing analogy is poor. A much better analogy would be to compare an unofficial kick about in the park with mates to premiership football. Both soccer, just two ends of the scale.

    The issue I have is that boxing, UFC and their ilk legitimise and glamorise extreme violence. I see no real moral difference between that and the hooliganism. I daresay that a lot of violent hooligans would actually aspire to and are probably inspired by the likes of UFC, which really is legitimised premier league thuggery.

    Oh, and offering an alternative opinion is not trolling.

    Full Member

    Professional fighters who train hard for years versus a bunch of football hooligans and you think both are the same? Have you ever boxed or practiced a fighting art? There is a hell of a lot of skill, fitness and discipline involved in both. That up there is a bunch of hooligans stamping on each other, not even remotely the same.

    These are all technical differences, which I don’t dispute. I’m asking what the moral difference is, as I don’t see it. Both are legalised violence for the entertainment of the masses.

    Full Member

    Then, and with all due respect, you’re a donut.

    Ah yes, silly me. Blokes belting seven shades of shit out of each other without weapons for financial gain within a framework of rules has absolutely NO moral equivalency to boxing or UFC. In which blokes belt shit out of each other for money, within a framework of rules. Oh.

    I don’t see how anyone can condemn one without the other, sorry.

    Full Member

    This sounds morally reprehensible and thorough unpleasant. Can’t really see any real difference between this and boxing or UFC though.

    Full Member

    Trapped will be back in 2018, apparently 8)

    Full Member

    Aww, come on guys. Are we not doing phrasing? [/Archer mode]

    Full Member

    Bit mainstream for STW, but I frickin’ LOVE Mr Brightside by The Killers. Gets me on several different levels. Just a great tune, too.

    Full Member

    Once you’ve seen: hitmen, heroin (or other drugs), guns and hookers on door to door service.

    But is it real? Or just 99% scam, 1% sting?

    Full Member

    I feel a bit anxious even clicking on this thread, let alone commenting. What possible non-nefarious reasons would one have for accessing this thing that according to the mainstream press is purely the haunt of pedophiles and drug dealers?

    Full Member

    My Aldi one is bob on; maybe you’ve got a dud? Take it back

    Full Member

    Traxxas FTW. Sturdiest stuff in my opinion. The slash is almost indestructible, though not to all tastes as it’s a ‘short course truck’ style car. This means it has covered wheels as opposed to the open wheel monster trucks and buggies, and helps with damage resistance I think, as the bodywork/bumpers take the hit rather than the suspension more often than not.

    Full Member

    Stove top baked potato cooker FTW

    Full Member

    It’s proper windy in Brum. Reckon it’s done thousands of pounds worth of improvements to the city…

    Full Member

    Cougar; I’ve just spent the princely sum of three English pounds on a DVD of Tucker & Dale vs Evil based on your recommendation and a subsequent YouTube trailer view. I’m confident this is a good investment, thank you 8)

    Full Member

    Individual union reps being less than useful does not alter the fact that the concept of legal unionisation is the greatest single thing that has ever happened to the working man (and woman, Ford!). Any union is only as strong as its members. People who feel that their reps underperform need to get involved, take a role, not bitch and whinge. United we stand, divided we fall. Have a think about who gains on a macro scale if the populous loses faith and sight of what unions have done for them. Clue; if you’ve less than several million invested in various portfolios, it’s not you!

    Full Member

    I kept mine because I wanted to. Can’t see that it hurts anyone as my intentions are non nefarious and they’ve yet to send the failuretocomplywithpointlessinsruction police round as yet.

    Full Member

    Edenvalleyboy; fair, but what you posted did sound a lot like minimising, playing down the unacceptability of their behaviour.

    THM; I don’t buy that. If their actions were purely out of a desire to pray for the unborn, surely an appropriate place for that would be a church. Doing it outside a clinic is not about empathy, it’s about trying to force their views on others, trying to tacitly control and subjugate them, to influence their behaviour. And the others in question don’t need their shit at that point, they are dealing with enough shit already.

    Full Member

    Mumbling is not doing much harm compared to some of the other choices of attacks the less liberal folk in the world can use.

    Very much depends on your personal perspective. It’s not a competition; prejudice, hate and general unpleasantness do not become acceptable because there’s someone else who is more effective at it.

    Full Member

    Odd use of (sic). Anyhoo;

    Mumbling prayers gathered outside somewhere that they have no reason to be other than to condemn and intimidate vulnerable people is about as far as they can push their grubby behaviour whilst staying (arguably) within the law. So yes, their damnedest, really.


    Full Member

    ‘Kin ‘ell Max, that ‘Seat’ is AWESOME! Hats off.

    Full Member

    In this situation, the ‘praying’ (not going to get into whether it’s valid or not’ is completely irrelevant. It’s the deliberate presence of a crowd of people who are doing their damnedest to project their strong disapproval at vulnerable people (whilst cynically attempting to stay on the right side of the law) who are already, by definition in a pretty shit place. Abhorrent behaviour by the ‘Christians’ (although, as already noted, not particularly ‘Christian’ behaviour, so unfair to tear all with the same brush.

    Full Member

    My car has a built in Sat nav.
    I use Waze when I need to navigate anywhere.

    +1. 2016 Golf. The VW sat nav is pretty good, but the ease of being able to just type just about anything, like business names etc into waze and it finds it is the killer advantage I think. Putting postcodes into the VW one is a little faffy, too. It’s nice to have on whilst driving, but I don’t wouldn’t have deliberately paid extra for the privilege.

    Full Member

    Enville ale. The wonderful nectar that it is. 🙂

    Full Member

    Could just pay higher rate tax on their extra hours, just like us PAYE saps. (NHS, FT employee here) just a scam isn’t it really? Just starbucking in an individual scale.

    Full Member

    ‘Tend’ to get much better mileage than equivalent petrols (YMMliterallyV). But also kill more baby robins and children’s faces, as well as caring more and being more complicated than their petrol counterparts. Pays your money and takes your choice. I reckon for anything over 12k miles a year, they are a no brainer. Someone will be along in a minute to disagree…

    Full Member

    Really interesting views on here, for a father of two lads of 5 and 6. I wonder how old they’ll be before they can afford to move out… 😯

    Full Member

    NHS – make the band 2 admin girls redundant. Make the band 7 managers do the admin; now we need to pay them OT at x1.5 because there aren’t enough hours in the day to complete the donkey work admin…

    Full Member

    Very common, as everyone in the village has £1000 worth of oil in a plastic tub in their garden. The tanks are normally hidden by shrubs as they’re ugly, so nice and easy to steal. Just need access to garden, 18v drill and a tube…

    Its even easier if you’ve got a tank that has a convenient stop tap that is both insecure and easy to access <face palm>. Hence the ‘fairly sure’ rather than ‘I have been’ in my OP. But 500ltrs in three weeks is horribly excessive and there’s no sign of a leak, so yep, fairly sure.

    Thanks for input so far guys.

    Full Member

    Thanks fisha, looking into that. Also, bump for the day crowd?

    Full Member

    Manything downloaded and being played with as I type, thank you. Ton; how much of that £400 is hardware, vs installation? Are your systems installable by a relatively handy user?

    Full Member

    I love the look of the Stirling engine ones, gorgeous bits of novelty engineering. But I don’t like the price so I haven’t got one :-/

    Full Member

    They could just leave it alone to work though, surely? Why scupper it? I don’t want a new app, just the old one to carry on working.

    Full Member

    My touchpad stopped working straight after but a reboot sorted it. What annoys me is the ‘I’ll just quickly turn on the laptop and print something… oh no I won’t, it’s been hijacked by Microsoft (again)’. It’s a might cheeky, it’s my machine not theirs.

    Full Member

    My Land Rover is officially a ‘truck; utility, light’. And people call it a jeep. To me it’s the car, the jalopy, the motor, the truck, or the landy. It’s not a pick up, because it’s not a pick up truck. None of these things really matter. Go figure. 😉

    Full Member

    Long stroke Rover V8 with nice wide bore exhaust manifolds. (Although I am obviously biased). But actually, there’s something a little magical about the the sound of most V engines. (See Merlin, Lambo etc above) must be something to do with the regularly irregular exhaust pulses.

    Full Member

    Or Blackfoot. They are teh orsumz too (and are classic monster truck looking)

    Full Member

    What does a tonne look like, TFO? It’s all ‘tonne bags’ (which obviously aren’t a tonne) ‘pick up loads’ and ‘transit tipper loads’ round here :-/

    Full Member

    One route is to get a chainsaw (inc PPE and training) and get yourself known as someone who’s prepared to help out getting rid of excess/fallen trees etc.

    Now this is RIGHT up my street. ‘Will work for wood’

    Full Member

    We’re in the Stourbridge area. Offcuts sound good, I’ll keep my eye open for that. £130 sounds a lot cheaper than I’ve found around here.

    £175 for mixed. You’re being ripped off.

    I have suspected as much. Can’t find much cheaper (though plenty more expensive!) in this area though.

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