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  • Sonder Frontier Deore Rigid review
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Where do you chaps live? The only time I’ve seen dumping that bad was an ill advised holiday to the Dominican Republic 🙁

    Full Member

    There’s your problem. They might be Mums but they cant drive at that age.

    <claps and chuckles>

    Full Member

    DrJ yes damn us “rich” people buying expensive products with 20% VAT and providing work for dealers, maintainence craftsmen, sail makers and marina staff as well as local pubs and restaurants. Must add up to £100k in VAT over 15 years.

    So you happily admit to spending half a million quid on a hobby, (not a home, not investments, not transport, not schooling, a **** HOBBY???) And you have the temerity to put the word ‘rich’ in **** inverted commas*? Jesus. What planet are you on? No wonder people play the jambollox ball; I find that massively insulting.

    *speech marks actually, but who’s counting

    Full Member

    I saw them too (Kinver wayish). RTB from Cosford was my thought.

    Full Member

    I agree but labour shouldnt have been so far behind in the first place

    They’ve been trailing hugely ever since they positioned themselves as ‘like Tories but untested and a bit more dull’ with Milliband et al. This is the start of the resurgence, when they actually, for the first time in about twenty years, offer a genuine alternative.

    Full Member

    I see that Corbyn has consigned Labour to banishment from front line politics for a generation due to his hard left, nigh on communist politics, just as predicted by the STW pet rabid right wing frothers (and Binners)… oh wait

    Full Member

    Amber Rudd keeps her seat with a majority of about 300. 🙁

    Full Member

    Tory DUP coalition 🙁
    But wow; what a night for Labour. Shame about the nouveau ScoTorys

    Full Member

    Deleted my account about three years ago, haven’t really missed it expect for the Wyre Forrest mtb group

    Full Member

    I feel a little bit bad for Clegg. He’s not the natural enemy, he just made a bad call when he sold his soul to the Devil.

    Full Member

    Scotland. Tories? What’s going on in yer heid? (I think that’s how you spell it)

    Full Member

    This is brilliant!!! Best night shift ever.

    Full Member

    Money laundering. It’s how the coke barons do it these days

    Full Member

    Had a dashcam for 4 years. Reviewed footage about twice. I’m a calm, relaxed driver. It’s saved me £250 by proving a third party was to blame in a knock on a roundabout that would have otherwise gone ‘knock for knock’. YMMV.

    Full Member

    Do you want Corbyn as PM?

    That’s a resounding YES! from me. Realistically I realise I’m in a minority, but I never will understand the sheep mentality that leads people to vote for a malevolent rather than a benevolent leader.

    Full Member

    Labour. In a massively safe Tory seat sadly (though Labour are distant second, so no need of tactical voting here). Whilst the incumbent is unlikely to be ousted, I see my vote as an endorsement for the direction that Labour has gone in the last couple of years. I feel massively (sadly still outnumbered) enfranchised this time round, and it’s the first time since I could vote that I felt that way.

    Full Member

    Against my expectations I really enjoyed Tim Farron’s contributions 😯

    Full Member

    75-100 seat majority remains my call

    You’ve halved your prediction?

    True to form, Jambalaya seems to have issues with the word ‘remains’.

    Full Member

    Brilliant thing about STW is it’s stored repository of good advice/entertaining bolleaux; Pretty sure I actually found this place in search results for a random NON mtb related search request, and since then it frequently pops up high up in the results for non MTB googling (even when googling on public/work PCs). I’m sure I’m not alone in this. ‘Tis ace, this place.

    Full Member

    Emma Barnett is Jewish…. Corbyinstas “Zionist” Twitter abuse … Corbyn …

    Oh do change the **** record. You’ve already said that. Any opportunity to get Corbyn and ‘jewish’ in some negative manner in the same post, and you’ll take it, at least twice. It’s muck slinging, plain and simple.

    Full Member

    I really didn’t like the petrol engined version of that car to drive, the common petrol just felt like the wrong engine in the car,

    Yeah, I know what you mean with that; plus the petrol ford engines of that era seemed STUPIDLY thirsty, for very little actual go.

    Full Member

    Boring answer; reach. I wouldn’t be surprised if mumsnet had tenfold traffic over this place. (Some techy type will even know how to find that sort of thing out, probably)

    Full Member

    The Manchester suicide bomber may have built a second device which is now in the hands of fellow jihadists, police fear.

    Officers who raided the home of Salman Abedi discovered a working bomb factory with a huge stash of explosive chemicals and other components. From the Telegraph; can’t cut and paste link because of that annoying ‘AMP’ thing that Google does with news sites now.

    Full Member

    Well, I hope you’re all right, and that her actions are reasonable, proportionate and most importantly, effective in protecting the public. Time will tell, I suppose. As my OP stated; I completely accept that I’m feeling rather cynical and fed up at the moment; I suspected political mileage being made out of tragedy, and voiced my concern in the safest space for comment that I know; here! Thanks for the correction.

    Full Member

    this speculative thread is all a bit pointless

    Fair point; just voicing my frustrations and suspicions. Aren’t an awful lot of threads pointless though, really? 😉

    Edit; I can’t help but think that the ‘right thing to do’ would be to postpone the election by a set period to let us get back onto an even keel. At this rate we’ll still be reeling and feeling unsafe when we go to the polls.

    Full Member

    It’s ‘character building’ mate 😉

    Full Member

    Have these all had push button start or something?

    I think most (all?) VAG cars have had this safety feature for quite some time. Certainly the last two golfs I’ve had, and the work Octavias have done this.

    Full Member

    is when I’ve jumped out in an emergency … not quite been at an absolute stop.

    You are Bodie (and/or Doyle) and I collect my massive old fashioned paper five pound note that I could buy a second hand 3 litre Capri with…

    …and the e-brake’s not applied…

    Ah, errr. Here’s your fiver back. 😆

    Full Member

    I apologise in advance for the moment that it becomes obvious that the expensive new plugs have solved nothing… 😯

    Full Member

    Confirmed suicide attack. Coward

    Full Member

    Controlled explosion just heard in background of live BBC feed

    Full Member

    Absolutely. I was referring to the earlier post.

    Full Member

    The Oldham Hospital report of an armed man is a god example of Chinese whispers; hospital has gone on ‘lockdown’ as a standard response to local events, that gets misentepreted by someone, who tells someone else, it’s juicy so it’s spread and suddenly there’s armed men outside a hospital.

    To confirm, there isn’t.

    Full Member

    Tom, stop. Nows not the time.

    Full Member

    I’m hearing up to 16 dead and 40+ injured.

    Full Member

    Ah, ****. Police confirming ‘a number of fatalities’

    Full Member

    Hoping it’s just crowd panic from a malfunctioning show pyrotechnic. Stampede injuries and no deliberate intention to harm.

    Full Member

    Plugs? Have you seen what needs to come off/get moved to get to em? Looks like a Haynesesque ‘dismantle to constituent parts, change plugs then reverse previous step…’

    Best get started then; them fairings aren’t gonna strip themselves!

    Full Member

    Change the plugs. Or just give em a wire brush and check the gaps at least

    Full Member

    Insurance (of any kind) is just one massive scam opportunity for scammers, overbillers and exaggeraters to make a killing. Everyone is out to make the most money out of it, and not just the insurers.

    IANAIU, but I heard an explanation regards insurance business on the radio which seemed compelling; that there’s no real incentive for an insurance industry to limit or reduce payouts, as it’s all cashflow, and recoverable from the captive audience clients via next years premuims. Now, I’m no accounting genius, but that seems to make sense to me, and the only net losers are the premium payers, in the end. So as far as a ‘scam’ is a scheme designed to extract maximum cash out of the scammee, if probably agree that it is an elaborate, legalised scam.

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