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  • Hope F22 flat pedal: initial riding impressions
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    So taking your argument a step further: why bother obeying speed limits, or stopping at stop signs, pedestrian crossings and level crossings? And surely you can always make good progress on a busy motorway by driving along the hard shoulder or perhaps using the pavement in towns?

    aha, yes you’re right, except that’s not my argument and nor would I suggest they were. I was fairly specific and limited in my OP for a reason, you know. 😉

    The ‘slippery slope’ argument is, well, a slippery slope to daily mail style hysteria…

    Full Member

    What you are advocating is a free-for-all which is clearly ridiculous.

    I’m certainly not advocating a free for all 😆 that’s a fair logic jump there. (Although, people would certainly pay a lot more attention to the road if there was a free for all situation 😉 )

    Sadly it is the fools who tend to think that the rules are optional.

    Rules actually are optional. You can choose to live within them, or not. It’s the awareness that the decision has consequences that separates the fools from the wise.

    Full Member

    You are making a huge assumption that hair-free automatically equals clean and hygienic.
    If hair is un hygienic why not shave your head?

    I don’t think he is; I think he’s suggesting that it looks more hygienic. Which, whilst obviously subjective, I’d tend to agree with. (Spoken as a very hairy male).

    Full Member

    A) rules, whilst often well meaning, can just be wrong. Laws are ever changing and evolving. I’m not (exactly) advocating deliberate law breaking, but I’m sure as hell not going to lose sleep over this one.
    B)Ever heard of time and motion? Those ‘few seconds add up considerably, when multiplied by the volume of traffic on the road. A damn sight less marginal a gain than xtr vs xt vs slx I’d imagine.
    C) Already roundly addressed. Use your bloody eyes.

    Full Member

    Metal (almost) never pops back into shape; stretching almost always occurs. This will be a fill n respray job. Or keep for character.

    Full Member

    The problem, besides being illegal, is that they are not “actually increasing the efficiency of the (usually poorly designed and implemented) traffic controlled junction” because the cars waiting at the other lights are delayed on green while waiting for the amber gamblers to get through or while making sure the approaching traffic is actually going to obey the lights.

    GrahamS, if this were true in my experience, I would completely agree (and I should add another caveat to my OP that it would be unacceptable at the mythical ‘zero wait’ traffic controlled junction), however, my experience is almost always of a large delay between every change of phase, which is greater than can be accounted for by lackadaisical red light waiters.

    Full Member

    This has to be a troll, doens’t it?

    😆 Nope just (maybe a little too) honest. I’m aware it may provoke strong reactions; but, THIS IS SPAAARTTAAA SINGLETRACKWORLD!!!

    Full Member

    LOTS of junctions still have a big ol’ delay when EVERYONE is on red/red-amber, IME.

    Full Member

    Having seen half bricks flung from between twin wheels with alarming velocity, My money is on something small and dense (probably metal rather than stone) being chucked off a lorry wheel with a high arc. Wheel nut or similar. Thinking metal rather than stone because of the weird lack of paint disruption. Or meteor. Or blue ice.

    Full Member

    Houns; I’m local and actually would LOVE to buy some firewood from Kinver; not bothered in the slightest about shape; it all ends up the same! Email or PM would be most welcome 8)

    Full Member

    Problem with oil stains (esp from Diesel engines) isn’t the oil, it’s the soot that it carries into the fabric of the material. You can degrease the oil but it’ll leave the carbon behind. I know this from owning a diesel Land Rover and a concrete drive. I wondered in the end whether it would be better just to brush used oil thinly over the whole drive…

    Full Member

    That’s a properly shit day you’ve had there. I can only sympathise and agree.

    Full Member

    Pain is below and towards inside of knee, and kind of feels inside, rather than superficial. It’s NOT agony. It came on during a run, but has been present to a greater or lesser extent since (three days now), worse when I get up in the morning, not agrevatated by cycling, just enough to make me adjust my gait initially when getting up to walk. Twisting actions seem to make it twinge as well.

    Shoes are adidas kanadia trail runner type shoes that I already had for multipurpose shoes.
    Thanks for comments so far.

    Full Member

    In my mind, acid is FAR worse than a taser; given the unpleasant choice, is ride the lightning any day over having my face melted off 😯

    Full Member

    High streets, shops, school, coppers etc need to be given diphoterine to go with the defibs. If this worries you lot Id suggest carring a small can of it.

    Dont hold your breath. It’s not even carried on front line ambulances.

    Full Member

    Healing vibes dude. I feel your pain!

    Full Member

    Seems a great idea. Fairly common in foreign parts, I’m led to believe. Dunno why it’s ot caught on in the UK; makes more sense than the kitchen.

    Full Member

    Bizarre human behaviour. Can’t see any sensible justification for it at all.

    Full Member

    I think we have the same lease car deal Drac… 8)

    Full Member

    My 306 td estate was a brilliant bangernonics car. Bought at 90k for £300, finally blew up at 175k at 80mph on the motorway, and that was my fault. Cost in that mileage was less than £500. Was always reliable and cheap to run. 306s were ace for there time. I don’t think that they passed on their reliability genes, unfortunately.

    Full Member

    I think this may push me over the edge of my puny ‘must resist buying a PlayStation’ stance; (plus GTA, obvs)… sounds ace

    Full Member

    Rubbish name for a film though. I am curious despite the title, rather than because of it

    Full Member

    😆 Unexpected gem of a thread

    Full Member

    Son #1 has turned into a mini hitler. Minimum requirement of 3 books before will consider getting dressed, generally I need to chase him round and pin him down to dress him. Plus, if he sees me eat at home he wants breakfast, hence it needs to be in the car

    I’m very sympathetic as the dad of a five and six year old, but you need to review this paragraph and think about who is the boss. You’re setting yourself up for two decades (at least) of pain if you let your kids run you like that.

    Oh, and don’t get a dog…

    Full Member

    £1.20? I’m in! Oh, wait. Err…


    Full Member

    Horrible. And frightening. Any one of us could have ended up in that situation; it’s not unreasonable to confront open vandalism of property. RIP Alex.

    Full Member

    My boys are five and six. I love the natural affection that we share; I’m dreading the day when they no longer want to hold my hand when out for a walk or on the way to school. Can’t be too long now 😥

    Full Member

    I’ve got a saw.


    Full Member

    I’ve had a lady who apparently play (or played, it was a while ago) a doctor on ‘Doctors’ of off the telly on the back of my ambulance. Pleasant enough lady. I only found out because I asked what she did for a living; I’ve never seen it, lol. She hid her disappointment well. 😆

    I spotted that massive bloke that played ‘The Mountain’ in Game of Thrones at Reykjavik airport. The role wasn’t a stretch for him. Blimmin Mahoosive fella!

    Full Member

    Fundamental difference between eagles and wolves; eagles won’t eat ramblers. Wolves probably will*.

    I’m not sure whether this makes me pro or anti…

    *Statistically speaking, at some point.

    Full Member

    What sort of weirdos sit around drinking beer and watching TV in the garage?

    Do you not have a fridge and TV in your house?

    Man-cave?! Sounds more like a “teenage boys cave” 😆 Trollalolalol, lolololol

    Full Member

    You’ll be fine; just call it ‘temporary’. Worst case scenario is you may have to rip it out before you sell the place.

    Full Member

    I’m guessing they also didn’t tell you is there were using kevlar pages!

    😆 Actually, come to think of it, they weren’t phone books, they were Argos catalogues. Maybe they use a Kevlar blend for longevity? 😉

    Full Member

    I am not an expert, but have witnessed phone books stopping bullets from fairly hefty police weaponery in this country at a ‘demonstration of force’ event. So not quite as far fetched as it would seem; something to do with the laminar nature of the pages of a book having excellent energy absorbing properties, it was explained.

    That said, I have also fired a box of rounds through a .50 desert eagle, and it was ridiculous. I also had a go with a magnum and an ak47; nowhere near as intimidating to use. The desert eagle made the entire spit n sawdust Vegas range go quiet as all the locals stopped to look and see what was being fired down range. Bonkers. 😯 I wouldn’t trust 10 phone books between me and the DE.

    Full Member

    US is a poor comparison – 40% of their total spend is on administration of billing system. Which is madnessprofitable.

    Why do you think the Tories want to privatise the NHS?

    Full Member

    its (for the many not the few) also hollow and meaningless like strong and stable, bring back control, make america great again etc

    unusually though, given the opportunity (such as Glasto for example) JC can fill in the ‘hollow’ with honest, compassionate, reasoned and principled detail. Detail which, whether you agree with it or not, you must admit has been conspicuously absent from the other above mentioned slogans.

    Full Member

    Thanks guys. Food for thought.

    Full Member

    You’d be surprised at how common it is in certain regions to have a “boy” for activities

    House of Lords? Catholic Churches? It’s not just the Middle East…

    Full Member

    I don’t know about the legalities, but I do know that canoeing from Shrewsbury to Bewdley was both easy, fun, and beautiful. There’s several easy in/out spots on this stretch of the Severn

    Full Member

    Sort of seems like a ridiculous concept to be honest. Too diametrically opposed; like the Palestinian/Israel opposing positions, writ large and international.

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