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  • Issue 147: Last Word: Feel The Love
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    As a shift worker of some seventeen years, I feel I’m qualified to advise here. The biggest issue is your brain. Stop thinking about it! That’ll sort it. Just honestly don’t worry about it and all will be well. You’ll either a) not wake up at 3am, o more likely, and this is the trick b) wake up at 3am but just shrug, turn over and be snoozing again immediately. The fact you even know it’s 3am means you are worrying too much about it, don’t look at that clock, and especially DON’T look at the phone!!! Just shrug and go back to sleep. My own sleep habits are proof that it doesn’t need to be dark, it doesn’t have to be quiet, you just have to be a bit tired, and not worried about it.

    Full Member

    You can see it bend upon the rearward impact on the on car footage. Did look like it was made of cheese, but pre airbags, very strong steering wheels were not particularly clever an idea…

    Full Member

    could have been ideal for todays small turbo petrol engines.

    Compare the weight and space requirements for an Lpg pressure vessel and a plastic petrol tank and you’ll realise why it really isn’t. For a start you can only fill an Lpg tank to around 66% capacity, IIRC.

    That’s one of the reasons but not the only one.

    Its the only meaningful reason that makes any real sense. 33% more energy per litre is not to be sneezed at; and fits nicely with the approx 30% more mpg that you can expect from equivalent diesels compared to petrols.

    Full Member

    What he said^ plus, it all comes down to energy density. Diesel is more ‘efficient’ than petrol purely because it has more joules per litre. Autogas is cheaper than petrol, but having to have a heavy compressed gas cylinder on the vehicle plus extra fiddly bits negates the advantages. Hydrogen is a bugger to compress enough to make it viable and has a habit of leaking. Batteries are getting better but still don’t have anywhere near the energy density of petrol and diesel, and are only economically viable due to MASSIVE subsiding by the government, in a complete lack of vehicle fuel duty plus grants at point of purchase. I reckon diesel and petrol will be around for a while yet, and viable replacements for the diesel powered goods transport that most of the world relies upon are only just emerging. Fact is, diesel is the cheapest way of converting chemical energy to kinetic energy that there is, pretty much (when government subsidies and levys are taken out of the equation, especially).

    Full Member

    So; exponentially more expensive than my trusty 5s, for incremental improvements. It’ll make sense to a lot of people, but it doesn’t make sense to me.

    Full Member

    Interesting point though; is it telly if it’s a live stream that not also ‘broadcasted’ by a telly company? What about a YouTube live stream of a sporting event? What about a vlog live streamed? What about a Skype conference? What about a live webcam? What about a FaceTime call?

    Where is the line drawn?

    Full Member

    That’s perfectly acceptable and indeed has happened in my extended family, without a raised eyebrow. Just be on time, and send a strava beacon just in case

    Full Member

    I’m up for an abusive and obnoxious forum ride and post ride beer. Not sure that I fit the bill of a ‘prolific political poster’ though I do fit a lot of the other stw stereotypes;

    MIddleish aged white male VAG owner <tick>
    Cotic owner (as of a week ago) <tick>
    Leftish leaning <tick>
    Works in IT <cross>
    Works in public sector <tick>

    Full Member

    Sure it has been posted before, but still my favourite. Pilots running commentary makes it for me; “into the overbank.. nnnggg.. 6g…”

    Full Member

    IANAL,J or any sort of expert, but I am an interested member of the public. I’m all for protecting the public but 6 years feels harsh for what amounts to teenage angst that (fortunately) didn’t hurt anyone, which was seemingly due to the offender actually coming to his senses and reaching out for help. Possibly the actual owner of the shotgun should be answering some questions about how a minor came into possession of his gun.

    Full Member

    Juan Elias from that Spanish drama, I’m gonna end up locked in a cellar, aren’t I? 😯

    Full Member

    Well, I like it, lots. Which is an entirely moot point as I’ll never own one

    Full Member


    Full Member

    But your Dad bummed the goat and everyone knows it.

    I didn’t know that you knew your mam’s nickname!

    Full Member

    Maybe a bin bag?

    Full Member

    There will always be some that need some good advice.

    This word, ‘good’… I don’t think it means wh… etc

    Full Member

    <chortle @ snarky Mol>

    I had a leaky back pack, so I only used it on dry days.

    You can get waterproof pouches to put any sensitive stuff in.

    Hey; just don’t put anything in it that could spoil.

    Full Member

    I had the BCG vaccine mate. It’s only about 70 to 80 percent effective

    Ah yes, but if everyone you had ever met (or got coughed on by) had had it too…

    Sorry to hear it bud. It’s bad luck. Hopefully it’s been caught early and you’ll be back to full Tomness soon.

    Full Member

    TB = consumption. Maybe the gentleman would like to try the malaria? Or a bit of Hepatitis?

    Full Member

    Shocking. If only there was a vaccine, we could have a program to vaccinate the population at school age. Oh…

    Full Member

    6 months abx treatment if dormant, 12months if active I think. Doubt it’ll impact on your life too much, but IANAD.

    Becoming more common in the uk again it seems. Had a chap with no raised risk factors diagnosed via routine OH procedures for new starters the other day; was quite an eye opener.

    Full Member

    This is a good point. But on the other hand; your Mum is like well fat.

    Im totally telling my dad on you. He’s bigger than your dad and he’s a.. a… black belt in oregano fu

    Full Member

    there is a significant and dark intolerance of religion and political views. STW would be much better if those topics where banned or MUCH more proactively moderated (which it too much work for volunteers so better banned)

    Counter view; this place is great for allowing honest and intelligent conversation about various mainstream but frankly bizarre mass held opinions; just because a lot of people think it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be challenged with evidence and logic. I think that Jambalaya’s above butt hurt comes from the fact that in the ‘real world’ people don’t challenge odd but mainstream views because ‘manners’, but here daft opinions presented as facts get the treatment they deserve. Some of the best thread topics have been ‘controversial’ recently, yet almost everyone managed to keep discussions civil, refrain from ad homs and generally present opposing views in an entertaining and mature fashion. STW; you’ve grown up a bit; well done!

    Modding is just right imho. (Except for that Cougar bloke; he’s a knob 😉 )

    Full Member

    IANAPetroChemicalEngineer, but I’m fairly sure that higher octane petrol doesn’t actually have any more energy in it. It’s to do with its resistance to pre-ignition, so it’s good for very high compression petrol engines. Won’t make a jot of difference in an engine that is designed to run on ‘normal’ petrol, I don’t think.

    Full Member

    Really enjoyed this filum, despite a fairly deep dislike of the principle male.

    Full Member

    Thought it was shockingly badly written and acted. Cinematography was quite artistic, with a fairly good score. Left feeling a bit ‘wtf’ though.

    Full Member

    It’s CERTAINLY more fun with more vehicles than just your own on the go; whether that be on the highly regulated racing circuit or just bashing around with mates. Hence my cautious suggestion above.

    Full Member

    Its the “proportionate” part of this which is doing my head in.

    I don’t know why; reasonable and proportionate in relatation to an acid attack would give any prospective ‘have a go hero’ quite a large latitude I would imagine. So long the perp wasn’t actually killed to death I reckon no court on the land would convict, and that’s in the unlikely event that the police and then the CPS even felt that prosecution was in the public interest. I don’t think the law IS lagging behind, it’s just a particularly nasty new way of one human inflicting nasty damage to another.

    Full Member

    You’re allowed to use reasonable force to prevent crime. This is the ‘citizens arrest’ argument; doesn’t have to be self defence.

    Full Member

    Another example of über rich = above the law. For all intents and purposes at least. Like any sanction available is going to actually bother him. At least he’s off the road for a year or two, I suppose.

    Full Member

    Academically; the answer lies in the realms of ‘reasonable and proportionate’; would you be justified in using reasonable/proportionate force to defend/detain an individual; I think yes. Would you be actually in a position to? Seems unlikely in a genuine acid attack. Unless it were lemon juice, or vinegar.

    IANAL or PO.

    Full Member

    I would literally be cautiously enthusiastic for a STW crawling club; I don’t know if there’s anything active in the UK at the moment, but the extra level of sorting g that STW provides means there would always be loads in common with other enthusiasts

    Full Member

    Axial wraith/derivatives is where it’s at if you like building/modding/customising, imho. That Traxxas thing looks bloody impressive though; jealous; it’ll be a lot of fun…

    Full Member

    but feel that providing boots to the boys and not the girls is….a bit 1970’s…

    Surely illegal?!? FFS in this day and age, that’s shocking. It’s not like Chelsea are strapped for cash, either.

    Full Member

    I shall pass on your regards Jamie! 😆

    Full Member

    Algae bloom.

    Full Member

    Funny business. Where’s Jivehoneyjive when you need him?

    Full Member

    Was there any point to this “match” other than to make obscene sums of money for some people?

    Isnt that precisely the point in absolutely every professional fighting event? I can’t see any other reason for the base spectacle.

    Full Member

    I like the invisible silent hand pushing me forward (and holding me back with energy recovery when I brake) sensation from an electric motor

    I’m sure I’d like that too, and I may well have it when it’s time to pick my next car. However, if it wasn’t for the MASSIVE subsidy of not paying any tax on your fuel it would be totally unaffordable/unjustifiable for me. If I could get petrol excise free, I’d DEFINITELY prefer the noisesome hand of a mahoosive V8 pushing me forward; it would work out as cheap as an electric car.

    This makes NOW the best time to own an electric car, before everyone has got one and they can start ratcheting up the tax.

    Full Member

    How many times a year would you have to do anything more than plug in your car on arriving home?

    Nah, you’re missing my point. I’m completely happy with the practicalities of electric vehicles. I’m just aware that there is NO duty paid on electricity used for locomotion; unlike almost all other fuels, except homemade biodiesel, oddly. This is why they SEEM to offer huge efficiencies; the cost per megajoule consumed is vastly less. If electricity for locomotion were taxed at a comparable rate to other fuels (by gps per mile maybe?) there would be absolutely no incentive whatsoever to drive a far more expensive and far less versatile vehicle. It’s like comparing the ‘efficiency’ of running white diesel vs cherry.

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