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  • Canyon Neuron First Look: A Very Rejigged Trail Bike
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Bugger all snow here, just outside Stourbridge. Can’t help but feel a little jealous.

    Full Member

    0002hrs – light flurries in Brum. -3deg

    Full Member

    Not commenting on the rights or wrongs, but the FC’s ‘stick and flick’ policy is well documented.

    Full Member

    ..and Corbyn wants tenants to have the right to own pets. This, although not the cause of the problem of poo hanging off trees, won’t help matters. Some people just simply shouldn’t own certain animals. Dogs need space and having them cooped up in a flat is not good for them. If more people were allowed to own dogs there will be more shit everywhere.

    And the prize for most brazen politicizing of an apolitical issue goes to… Bigblackheinoustoe! Well done that man.

    Also, you know that people rent houses as well as flats, don’t you?

    Full Member

    I wear them.

    I wear them too, and I’m not so sure…

    Full Member

    If you can’t find one at all then you can request a size outside the normal ones or to have them altered. That goes for men too.

    , I think your employer may be more open to this than my other half’s. This isn’t the case here, there are no alternative sizes (other than mahoosive) and no alterations service. It’s a ‘like it or lump it’ situation and it seems that considerably more women are finding themselves having to lump it than men. Hence my pondering about discrimination.

    Full Member

    Has anyone sent kit back saying that it doesn’t fit? Will their stores people arrange a personal visit if needed?

    , stores people, is, in actual fact, one chap who works by himself, 50 miles away, and is responsible for providing uniform to the entire, fairly substantial and geographically spread out organisation. He hasn’t got the resources. When uniform is sent back, the next size up or down is supplied. The fit is still poor.

     It never occurred to me to think of this as discrimination

    , But maybe it is? fairly, low level, accidental, indirect discrimination, but does that make it right? Seems to me that in your situation that you have just taken the ‘suck it up’ option, and that is both reasonable and understandable. It’s not the same as saying it isn’t discrimination though.

    Full Member

    Height is precisely the example used on the acas page to explain the principle of indirect discrimination. Probably the first thing you’ll see if you try googling to learn a little about it.

    Fair point, and an interesting read.

    Full Member

     Is it height discrimination that my shirts constantly come loose from the waist because they are too short?

    Maybe but height isn’t a ‘protected characteristic’. Sex is. (see also, gingers)

    Full Member

     ‘unisex’ uniform trousers, which are actually basically men’s trousers. They do not appear to have any concessions to the anatomical differences in the female figure, and are measured in male sizes.

    In this case its clear they are unisex.

    I don’t think that they are unisex. I think they are male trousers, being issued to both sexes. Calling them unisex doesn’t make them so. As I have said; speaking with both male and female staff, there is an imbalance of satisfaction in favour of men. Genuinely unisex trouser could be a solution, but more sizes and fitting options (shapes? IANAT) would be required. just calling men’s trousers unisex does not seem fair.

    Full Member

    Drac; bottle green indeed. Regards unisex = rubbish fit for both, actually an entirely unscientific vox pop finds that they suit men a lot more than women. Most chaps are fairly happy with the trousers, most women seem not to be.

    TJ; No belt? That’s a new one on me! cant quite imagine how that would work in our scenario. Do you have anything linkable to that effect? would be interesting leverage if nothing else.

    Full Member

    Working fine (better than pre update I think?) for me now. Thank you

    Full Member

    but surely goods and services become so cheap that we don’t need to earn as much.

    Isn’t this just incredibly naïve though? What possible incentive will the owners of the robots/industrial processes that make people redundant have to share their increased wealth and power? They have no responsibility to the workers (costs) that they have shed, any more than Asda do to the checkout operator they would have employed had they not conned their customers into doing the job for them…

    Full Member

    Many low skilled jobs have already gone, how many factories employ labourers or broom pushers these days. Forklifts and floor sweepers put paid to those sorts of manual jobs years ago.

    That’s the point with this stuff though, as AI comes closer, it’s not just the low skilled jobs. it’s YOUR job, and MY job.

    What happens then?

    Full Member

    Robots do my job. I go mountain biking. Seems ok to me.

    But you’re not going to be able to afford said mtbs, because that robot, (or more accurately, it’s owner), is getting your salary now…

    Full Member

    It’s not racist. It takes intent to be that, and a golliwog is a thing, not a person. To own, display or otherwise endorse Golliwog symbology is definitely racially insensitive, and may well be racist, depending on the intent.

    Full Member

    Have just renewed my P. I have faith (optimism) that this place will continue to thrive. Also the alternative is FaceAche, and that place is a LOT more sinister and corporate, not to mention shit, and I don’t want to go back to it…

    Full Member

    Maccies is what it is. Comparing it to gourmet  is a bit like comparing roller skates to a Rolls Royce. Both technically transport, but y’know…

    if you’re going to compare expensive burgers, compare them to the expensive but (in my eyes) PERFECTION that is a bacon cheese burger all the way from Five Guys…

    Full Member

    Bookmarking; me too

    Full Member

    As may be inferred by my username, I’m a big fan of ‘proper’ land rovers. That being said, I can’t disagree with any of the criticism levelled above. They compare TERRIBLY to almost any modern (last 15 years) car. About the only thing they compare favourably to is an old tractor, or lorry. Which is kinda what they are, really. Still love them though.

    Full Member

    <span style=”color: #444444; font-size: 16px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto;”>This one has now developed a problem where it will literally not switch on or charge at all.</span>

    This’ll be a failed U2 IC chip, fix costs about £30. Usually Gail because of cheap chargers or dodgy power packs providing too much voltage.

    Full Member

    There but for the grace of God goes us. Donated. All the best.

    Full Member

    So, if people who are in are feeling uncomfortable, logically it’s a good time to get in, no? buy low, sell high? Or is that overly simplistic a way to look at it?

    Full Member

    Pholcodeine (sp?) linctus actually works. Whether you want to surpress a cough when you’ve got grot in your upper airways is a different question. (Answer; depends on the cough. See a doctor)

    Full Member

    I’m pretty sure (99%) that there is no offence committed by using these ‘back doors’. Whilst it is discouraged, no specific legislation exists. The only potential offence is the civil one of trespass. Personally I’d just ignore the parking charge. This is not particularly good advice, and certainly risks it going wrong, but it has worked for me in the past, more than once. The way I see it is that once they have a proven interaction with an actual human being, it becomes worth their while to harass you, because they know that statistically, people are likely to cough up for an easy life. No reply and they give up quickly as I bet they often don’t manage to open dialogue due to incorrect details etc, and statistically these cases aren’t worth investing the time in. Like I said, NOT good advice, but it definitely has a good chance of working, especially in your case whereby if it DID go to court they’d look pretty stupid anyway.

    Full Member

    So what was it? 😳

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Legal advice will always be yes. I’m in a similar position and I haven’t though, time will tell if I regret that.

    Full Member

    Trømso (sp?) seems to be the destination you seek. There are also cruises that promise a high chance of seeing the aurora. Would possibly be ideal for the senior traveller?

    Full Member

    Seems fine to me. I’ll be sticking around. I’m sure it’ll be good when it’s finished, and it’s already working pretty much fine for me (old iPhone latest iOS), It’s a great environment, mainly because of the quality of posters, even the moaning Minnies. (Come on chaps, it’s transiently glitchy for a week or two. Big whoops. Keep the constructive feedback up, quit the whinging).

    Full Member

    You should be able to add a vehicle to a policy in the same way as you can add a driver; ie; a little bit of admin and a slight policy adjustment up (or down, hahaha) depending on the altered risk. I don’t think that one person owning two old cars makes for a significantly higher (in fact possibly lower if the driver chooses to drive the cheaper slower car more) risk than one person owning one car of the value of the two.

    Ooh, that is interesting slartybartfast. How did you come across that? Sounds exactly the sort of thing I need (except for the high performance bit I suppose)

    Edit; I am VERY much NOT the target consumer for that insurer, sadly.

    Multi Vehicle policies are aimed at Mid/High Net Worth families who own a mix of vehicles with the lead vehicle being valued around or over the £70,000 mark.

    Full Member

    Exactly. I wouldn’t buy it if I couldn’t park it; and the other costs, servicing, tyres, MOTs etc would deter me from my slightly odd ‘if I were a millionaire’ leanings of having 27 or more old cool cars scattered around the manor, just in case. But insurance is annoying. why should I pay double for what clearly isn’t double the risk?

    Full Member

    Re the R Gervais thing; it’s weird. I think SR has put his finger on it; he’s just fundamentally annoying. I’m about as far from a religious nutter as its possible to get, in fact my views very closely align with Gervais’s, but I can’t bring myself to like him very much.

    Mind you, I don’t suppose he’ll lose much sleep over it…

    Full Member

    If you want to know routing, use a ohmmeter and test each pin in turn. Non destructive testing FTW. Also, HTH

    Full Member

    Complicated subject but one thing is clear; humanity (in the safe first world, at least) has broken ‘natural selection’. Successful propagation of the species is not limited to the ‘fittest’.

    Full Member

    Nuke it from orbit…

    Full Member

    I’m fairly sure the phrase ‘chop chop’ along with ‘chopsticks’ and ‘choppy seas’ aren’t inherently racist, as they are just words acquired from a different language, such is the way of the English language. I’m also pretty sure that they could be used in a racist manner though, which kind of cuts to the crux of this issue. There appears to be two types of racism being talked about here; deliberate racism of the ‘monkey football chant’ variety, and perceived racism, such as the cheeky monkey t shirt. I’m fairly sure both are wrong, but I’m also fairly sure that they are on a entirely different order of magnitude of wrongness to each other.

    Let me ask this….

    How many of you would be happy to walk up to a black person in the street and say to their little kid “awwww you`re a cute little monkey arent you?” I’ve done exactly this, entirely innocently, in a professional clinical setting. Not my finest moment in hindsight, but the parents did not take offence, and I didn’t realise what I’d done until about ten minutes later, thus avoiding any Basil Fawlty style comedy backtracking. I wasn’t intentionally racist, I was possibly racially insensitive, my conscience is clear as the child’s racial origins were not consciously or (upon reflection) unconsciously the motivation for the choice of words. Would I do it again? Hopefully not, but I’m sure I’ll fall into some other well intentioned gaff at some point. I have a degree of sympathy for H&M, but I’m surprised that the ad actually made it to publishing.

    Full Member

    Good to see the ignorant have all coalesced again.

    just so we know; are you an unpleasant and condescending atheist or an unpleasant and condescending theist? Someone’s got to keep a count…

    Full Member

    Having quickly skimmed through the thread, I feel that it’s important to point out that it seems that Mr Woppit doesn’t seem to have resorted to a single ad hom, whereas ultra right-on Molgrips, has. It’s weird how people are accusing people of being intolerant and nasty, by actually BEING intolerant and nasty. Damn atheists, eh?

    Full Member

    For balance, I have an Aldi one that has served well for about three years. I don’t think that the tech is very difficult to get right, with a half decent quality control. Good warranty, too.

    (I wonder if this post makes me an ‘Aldi type’?) 😆

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