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  • v8ninety
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    We have discovered bones and they are good.

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    If there are, what’s the difference between that and a religious MP voting a certain way based on personal conviction that aligns with that of their faith?

    Theres one small difference between the unelected and the elected houses…

    Full Member

    I an see the need and the benefit. What I can’t see is why the person you describe (counsellor, mediator, staff moral support etc,.) needs to be religious.

    I agree entirely with this sentiment, but the beauty of calling it ‘religious’ is that it provides justification and protection for the role. It is difficult in these austere times to justify spending money on anything that does not provide a quantifiable fiscal benefit to the organisation, and pastoral care is very vulnerable to this. Couch the pastoral care as religious and it has an extra layer of protection from the bean counters.

    And I speak as a card carrying, dyed in the wool secular atheist.

    Full Member

    I bloody love RC stuff. This is my most funnest truck, despite it being probably one of the slowest. Mods/upgrades include but not limited to;

    axle strengthening tubes

    heavy duty steering rods

    two speed gearbox

    FPV camera and transmitter

    Its running a sensors brushless programmable motor, and I have a hacked Tx with (virtually) infinitely programmable functions.


    Full Member

    Fantastic. Thanks for sharing! Green eyed as above 😏

    Full Member

    Glad your lad is okay; could have been a lot worse! No need to report to police if details have been exchanged and there are no serious injuries. It’s for the insurance companies to sort now.

    will his premiums go up as hes been involved in an accident even if no blames attached?

    Sadly, most definitely. Insurance companies don’t need any excuse.

    Full Member

    Who actually buys bottled water? I don’t get it.

    Full Member

    Fantastic and long overdue in principle. The devil will be in the details of the implementation.

    Full Member

    Both have been 100% reliable so far

    In fairness, you’d bloody hope so for £40,000 bar the shrapnel! Crikey.

    Full Member

    Audi is better looking than the Merc. But will you be able to get out of your head that the Audi is closely related to a Passat and even a Skoda Superb? Merc is bona fida fancy.

    Both are a shockingly expensive way of saying to the world that you have considerably more money than them… maybe

    Full Member

    I saw Charlie and Mack, but I had to click on the little box. Handsome pair! 👍🏼

    Full Member

    Ah I see, thanks! 👍🏼

    Full Member

    Do they need to be public in order to share them on here though? I had assumed they would need to be.

    Full Member

    He’s a beauty. Post more pics whenever you want.

    I will, and for this reason;


    It’s going to be really interesting to see how he turns out. He’s got big front paws, smaller rear paws, a small nose but increasingly long legs. He’s definitely got some kind of long dog in him, and I have no idea where his badgery colourings have come from. Thanks for the positivity, he’s awesome 😎👍🏼

    Full Member

    Apart from sacking Owen Smith for undermining his position, yeah… 🙄

    Full Member

    Pallet wood store

    As promised, a couple of (not very good) pics of my pallet wood store.

    Full Member

    Yep, at least half collie, on the maternal side. Staffie, not so sure. Can’t say definitively no, but the dad is a mixture himself.

    Here’s a pic of him coming home; 9 weeks old and demonstrating why his name is so apt;

    Badger coming home

    and yes, he’s REALLY lovely 😊

    Full Member

    Lidl are selling some active noise cancelling in ear headphones for 29.99 at the moment. I have no experience of them, but only have good things to say about Lidl’s stuff generally. And if you don’t like them, they’ll have them back.

    Full Member

    Bet the kids know how to shoot a video in landscape though.

    Get with the program grandad, snapchat encourages portrait style shooting, all the cool kidz do it. Landscape is like so 2010! 😂😘

    Full Member

    If I leave them to it, it takes fooorrreevvvvver…

    Full Member

    True, but there are reasons* why that didn’t happen.

    *not very good ones, admittedly

    Full Member

    No cull but some hitters have chosen to leave.

    This makes me sad. I hope the place recovers, or they come back. Functionality seems pretty good now.

    Full Member

    It’s working fine for me, but it’s obviously frustrating a lot of people, because the place feels so quiet. It’s like there’s been a big (and medium sized) hitter cull. I’d blame the sunshine, but it’s been getting like it over the last few weeks.

    please don’t die STW forum 😢

    Full Member

    zilog6128 is guilty of a hate crime!

    Only if you take his comments out of context… oh. Errr…

    Full Member

    agreed. It’s the fact that he’s wrong that means he’s not right!

    This word, ‘fact’. I don’t think it means what you think it means…

    Full Member

    Oh my God. Circular argument is circular.

    Edukator; you can’t compare reaction times of highly alert racing drivers to everyday joe drivers in mundane situations. It would be useful if you actually explained what exactly you disagree with of Maxtorques assertions. You actually seem to agree on a lot of points.

    Maxtorque; I think it’s fair to say (and I think you agree) that the Uber technology failed badly. I think it’s also fair to say that a competent driver, paying a normal amount of attention could have at least started to take evasive action; which would have undoubtedly increased the survivability of the incident. If the driver could see much further, due to vastly superior dynamic range of the human eye, than the poor dash cam footage suggests, then it would make it even more likely that an attention paying human could have avoided or mitigated the collision.

    So could a computer controlled car. The question is why didn’t it?

    and that’s for Uber to answer, probably in court.

    Full Member

    Shouty/sweary man is not right just because he’s shouting & swearing loudly

    Granted, but it doesn’t mean he’s not right either. So a moot point really.

    The intention is to upset his girlfriend by doing the most abhorrent thing he can think of.

    And his motive for this is to incite hatred of the Jews? Or is it to get purile laughs? Because ones a crime, and the others just not funny.

    Full Member

    From Sbob’s posted video;

    “You know the only other place you’d get prosecuted for taking the piss out of nazis? NAZI F@&£ING GERMANY!”

    Spot on. Going to prison for making a bad joke but (for example) receiving a conditional caution for assaulting a paramedic who has been sent help you, is frankly, a piss take.

    I’m mildly surprised at JYs position on this.

    Also, as a point of order; I’ve watched the video and it has been misrepresented slightly; the pug wakes/shows an interest at the “Wanna gas the Jews” said in an excited voice to it, it’s trained to give a nazi salute on “sieg heil”. Small detail. Either way, it’s a bad taste joke, and REALLY shouldnt be a crime. This is beyond sinister.

    FWIW, having watched the video (because you should, if you are going to have an opinion) the chap doesn’t come across as a right wing nut job, just a wind up merchant.

    Full Member

    There’s nothing wrong with giving us all the safety enhancing aids that the research for these projects create though.

    yeah that’s true. The overprotective auto panic brake feature on my Golf isn’t AT ALL annoying when it gets spooked by stationary traffic in a different lane… 😂😡

    Full Member

    As for bloke he’s there to observe and intervene if there’s a problem but likelmost drivers he’s off with the fairies…

    Which demostrates the limitations of agency drivers being employed as responsibility stooges by Uber et al, but does not automatically infer that an ACTUAL DRIVER would have also failed to react. If a driver was actually driving the car, there’s a fair chance that they could have reacted to mitigate the situation. Admittedly, that’s only if they weren’t also playing candy crush whilst browsing Facebook and Snapchatting their mates…

    Full Member

    There was a bloke in the car. He didn’t stop it.

    He wasn’t looking, that’s why! If he was actually driving the damn car there’s a much better (although sadly still too low a) chance that he would have been looking.

    in this specific circumstance, educator is right. The Uber car fell dramatically short of what would be expected of a human. No braking, no evasive manoeuvre, with AT LEAST 1.5 seconds to do so. That’s an age in computer time. The point that he is trying to infer from it is wrong though. AI controlled cars <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>will</span> have the ability to be much safer, statistically speaking, than humans. In this specific circumstance though, it looks likely that the computer effed up.

    Full Member

    It’ll be a bit of debris in the pump impeller, I’d put money on it

    Full Member

    I like how someone says, after watching a video where the events were known “i’d have managed to avoid her”. Sorry, but, no you wouldn’t

    Sorry Maxtorque. I’m often impressed by your posts, as they often seem to demonstrate a considered opinion from an impressive base of knowledge. But I’m going to have to at least partially disagree with you here. Even on the fairly poor dash cam footage, the pedestrian appears from the inky blackness of beyond the dipped beam a whole one and a half seconds before impact. A human driver who is actually looking at the road would definitely react in that time, and at the quoted 38mph, the reaction would likely have mitigated, or even avoided a collision. The Uber car SHOULD have been able to see the ped far outside the range of the lights, as it’s sensors are not reliant on the visible light spectrum. It completely failed to react, which is either a sensor or a logic failure, and is a massive fail on Uber’s behalf. This is exactly the sort of situation that autonomous cars are meant to best humans. Incidentally, the road in question actually has a good level of ambient light, and there is footage available that would suggest that the human eye would have been able to see considerably further than the dipped beam range too, had he (she? Can’t decide) actually been looking forward out of the windscreen, rather than down at something (phone?).

    Full Member

    Human driver could have avoided or mitigated that impact. Probably wouldn’t have, but definitely could have. But then, lidar equipped autonomous system could have too, so I’m back to square one in my opinion, really. Computer can make mistakes too, shocker. It was probably checking it’s twitter feed or randomly rebooting/updating for no apparent reason or something…

    computers are a very long way from infallible. This appears to have been a case of ‘unexpected bag lady in the driving area…’ :-/

    Full Member

    People don’t pay £1,100 for a cardigan. Surely. Not actually. Must be a pisstake

    Full Member

    day is a very odd choice as NHS holiday entitlements are counted and taken in hours across the year – so for people with different length working days a different number of hours will count as ‘a day’.

    A ‘day’ will just mean 7.5hrs. Pro rata for us mugs working 12hr shifts.

    Full Member

    27 plus 8 BH initially, rising to 33 plus 8 BH after 10 years service. Holiday days are 7.5hrs. working week is 37.5hrs. half hour unpaid lunch is assumed, but often not taken, esp in hospitals.

    Full Member

    erm, yes it is.

    Its a ratio change in X over a specified period.

    You mean its not 6.5% pa. Which it isnt. But it never said it was.

    Okay, smartarse! 😉 But there’s a convention for quoting pay offers, and its per annum. to quote the three year amount is misleading and disingenuous. You also have to read past the headline to find the ‘specified time’ which is bordering on deliberate obfuscation.

    Full Member

    Osprey wallet here. Lovely

    Great wallet, cheesy video…

    Full Member

    2 foot was deep enough for our old deerhound. Similar size beasty. Fair hole, took about an hour in clay soil.

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