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  • Singletrack Goes ASMR & Keeper Of The Peak heads to his Island
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Toothpaste. Abbreviated to T Paste. HTH

    Full Member

    they make appointments weeks away by which time the ailment has gone.


    Full Member

    IMHO dead man walking.

    That’s what I thought of Theresa May after the snap election debacle. I wonder if no one else wants to be Home Secretary either?

    Full Member

    Or dogs could be properly controlled by their owners and the rest of us can go about our business without having to modify our behaviour to avoid being attacked.

    Yes. Also, see, pragmatism vs idealism.

    Full Member

    I tend to give them a smile that I hope conveys “I think you rock”

    It’s very kind of you to say so, but ambo peeps are just normal peeps, with ambulances and a bit of training and (mostly) a bit of common sense. Sense of humour is optional 😉.

    Hopefully they don’t think I’m a weirdo,

    Trust me, ambos meet a lot of really weird weirdos. You won’t even register on their scale…

    Full Member

    women getting raped don’t know how to behave around men? Because when you say it like that it just sounds **** ridiculous doesn’t it?

    Dogs and men are a bit different though I hope. You know, in the whole ‘societally expected civilised behaviour’ and the ‘being accountable for their own actions’ departments. Some more than others, admittedly. Dogs bad behaviour is the FAULT of the owners, but it’s pragmatic, sensible and prudent to have an understanding of how to behave around them if you are destined to inevitably come into conflict with them.

    Full Member

    When is a target not a target?

    When it’s not a Ruddy target, okay???

    Full Member

    I’ve got to admit, the show makes me cringe slightly.  I’m always amazed that they manage to obtain consent from the patients involved; feels like a huge invasion of privacy.

    I’m a little uncomfortable with the degree to which the staff allow their souls to be bared too; I know some regret their portrayal in the last series. Their choice I suppose.

    Full Member

    Sympathies to the OP, he did the right thing, and yes, police should probably be informed (though don’t hold your breath for any outcome). However, I’m trying to get my head around the logic of this little gem;

    I’d report to the police due to the passing out etc…

    Being bitten is surely the issue, not with how the OP reacts to it emotionally half an hour later…?

    Full Member

    No normal person comes to a forum to read an argument between a couple of wazzoks.

    I don’t think that’s a safe assumption at all. Millions of people tune in to watch eastenders three times a week, which is literally just a bunch of wazzocks arguing, as far as I can tell…

    Full Member

    Thoughts; what’s one of those. Bit of googling leads to…

    Opinion; Oh. Another SUV. This one looks a lot like a semi melted version of the Jaguar one, which isn’t particularly good looking itself.

    Experience; (in SUV ownership), zilch.

    what happened on the motorway? That story sounds more interesting?

    Full Member

    We appear to have killed it 😟

    Full Member

    Thanks chaps; some things to think about. Because of the comments above I’m already revising my plans; current size brings it in at 32m2 so it needs shrinking oh so slightly to bring it into permitted development territory. Building regs hassle just not worth it for 2m2!

    Full Member

    OMERGERD! Have you not been listening to the Archers (sly public informational) broadcasts? Infected scratches and bites can KILL! Get thee to a doctor/prescribing clinician be it via minor injuries, GP same day appointment, or even ED, immediately!

    (only half joking. Get it looked at. The forum is quiet enough as it is…)

    Full Member

    Pay via PayPal. If it doesn’t turn up you can get the money back. Both eBay and PayPal Ts&Cs are massively weighted in your favour for this very anxiety.

    Full Member

    Is that a drink problem or a mental health problem? Many people use alcohol and/or other drugs to deal with other problems.

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>As right as you are, it’s almost irrelevant because so long as consistent drinking is present, you won’t get mental health services to touch him.</span>

    Full Member


    Wanted, any 16-18″ singlespeed specific frame in decent condition

    Posted 8 years ago

    Either Russia is prepared to infiltrate STW eight years in advance (that’s impressive groundwork)

    or you’re getting a bit overexcited…

    Full Member

    Personally I think the problem lies in the constant politics and religion arguments and peoples general lack of respect.

    Respectfully, 😉 I would disagree. One of the main reasons I like this place is because it is safe to challenge accepted norms, (unlike faceache groups where IMLE it’s a big cosy agreeathon for fear of getting booted) but importantly people mostly challenge appropriately, in contrast to say, YouTube comments which are often just full of unadulterated juvenile abuse, often jingoistic,racist, homophobic etc in nature.

    It’s good here; people think about what they want to say, mostly say it politely, and but don’t seem afraid to share their real opinions.

    Also, having actual grown* up discussions about religion and politics without either a) it descending into really nasty vitriol, or b) it just being an echo chamber of like minded people is a genuinely rare thing on the internet or indeed in Real Life™️ these days.

    *Everything is relative; give me this one 😜

    Full Member

    I reckon it’ll be a take it or leave it price. It’ll be based on what they anticipate it fetching at auction, so no skin off their nose either way.

    Full Member

    Same me thing happened to me; I’m sure she thought I’d been using her phone or something.

    Damn, thats creepy.

    Full Member

    Important point – I will want to go for a petrol vehicle and not diesel if possible.

    I think a shark just jumped over your moon on a stick.

    Full Member

    Excellent! Obviously you must flog yourself with organic sustainably sourced birch nightly to atone for the terrible damage that you are doing by not discarding this tonne and a half of highly manufactured, completely fit for purpose devil machine to replace it with a slightly less polluting tonne and a half highly manufactured wündermachine…

    Full Member

    Diesel all the way. 16k a year? No brainer. You More likely to actually return close to stated mpg, too, and thank the ‘diesel is the Devil’ brigade for the more sensible prices that may be available on diesels these days.

    Full Member

    Really interesting post; I love stuff like this. A multi basket auto irrigating hanging basket setup is about as far as I’ve got with it though 🙃

    Full Member

    For the price you’ve been quoted I’d be expecting a cloud based wireless system with no DVR.

    Thst seems very expensive for something that you can do with a couple of old phones and a minimal monthly fee.

    Full Member

    Kerley has form for being a voracious ‘stock n flick’ proponent. He’s VERY sure that it works where he lives, and I dare say he’s right. Logically, if the population density of dogs is low enough, and the undergrowth thick enough, stick n flick will work fine. This doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for most of Britain, with high human and dog populations and a lack of convenient sufficiently thick undergrowth.

    Dog poo is highly unpleasant, but it’s also highly biodegradable and will quickly get broken down in a dark damp environment such as thick undergrowth.

    Full Member

    You stay classy sbob :-/

    Full Member

    Yet this thread is suggesting that is is acceptable to drive a car that exceeds permitted emission levels.

    Actually, most of the advice is to basically get the car up to its ideal operating conditions so that it is assessed fairly, and will probably pass. If it’s still emitting too much crap when it’s at optimum temperature then it will still fail. This is how emissions testing works. Do you think that car manufacturers, when submitting new models for testing, just strap on the apparatus to any old cold car from the cap park on a frosty morning and go straight into the test cycle? Come on now.

    Full Member

    He was killed unlawfully

    Nope, don’t think so.

    A person is guilty of murder if he/she kills a person unlawfully (ie not in self defence or defence of another or accidentally, each of which provides an absolute defence)


    Unlawful killing is a coroners verdict and would not be the correct one for this case.

    Full Member

    If it’s self defence, then it’s not unlawful killing, pretty much by definition. (IANAL etc)

    Full Member

    given sufficient opportunity, amoral scumbags don’t have to go round burgling people’s houses to make a living.

    Give a man a fish…

    Give a man a bank…

    Full Member

    Don’t think that is true

    But it is. And modern Diesel engines are excellent at exploiting the fact.

    ‘The calorific value of diesel fuel is roughly 45.5 MJ/kg (megajoules per kilogram), slightly lower than petrol which is 45.8 MJ/kg. However, diesel fuel is denser than petrol and contains about 15% more energy by volume (roughly 36.9 MJ/litre compared to 33.7 MJ/litre).’


    Wood has more (energy) than diesel

    Per litre? Lol. I somehow doubt it. But your point about exploitation of energy certainly stands. Exploiting a solid fuel rapidly is much more difficult than exploiting a very volitile liquid, which is in turn (until Diesel engines got so good) easier than exploiting an energy rich but much less volitile fluid.

    if you consider that diesel has 15% more energy than petrol per litre, and then look at real world economy of petrol vs diesel, measured in distance per litre, there’s a definite correlation. I’m sure a clereverer person than me could prove causation too.

    If we suddenly started selling road fuel either by weight or by calorific units, it would turn the conventional thinking about fuel economy on its head.

    anyway, enough of this; I’ve just got up after a night shift and IT’S THE FIRST SHORTS DAY OF THE YEAR!!! YES!!!!!!!

    Full Member

    Well, you kinda have to provide a linky now, don’tcha? Good luck and well done 👍🏼

    Full Member

    Petrol…offering similar torque and efficiency to a diesel

    We’ll see. I’m no expert, but unless they’ve figured out a way to compress petrol in storage, diesel will always have more calories per litre, which is largely why diesel is more ‘efficient’ than petrol, when compared using distance per unit of volume.

    I don’t think diesel is a better fuel than petrol per se, but it’s more energy dense. When we buy it by volume, that’s kind of fundamental.

    Full Member

    still only stuff though.

    Completely get where you’re coming from, but ‘stuff’ = money = time spent earning = life that you’re not going to get back. And if you’re buzzing around on a moped, there’s a fair chance that that moped is worth a lot of worked hours. I don’t suppose many people own a moped as a lifestyle choice, they own one because it’s the most cost effective way to get about, when you are of limited means.

    pretty shitty crime really.

    Full Member

    Depends on economics.

    Full Member

    Released on bail pending further investigation. Opinion pendulum swings away from ‘more to it than meets the eye’ and towards ‘plucky and lucky have a go hero’…

    Full Member

    But you can intentionally kill someone in self defence?

    IANAL, and it’s splitting hairs, but I don’t think you can. Your actions may result in someone’s death, and your actions may well be considered reasonable and proportionate, but the intention must be defence, not killing. That’s my interpretation, anyway.

    Full Member

    Except in self defence?

    In self defence, it is assumed that there is no intention to kill or cause GBH, rather that the motivation is, err, self defence.

    Full Member

    That’s a smashing looking pup you’ve got yourself. I see collie in him and maybe a bit of bull lurcher?

    Thats exactly the mix, I think. Mum is a very fancy working collie, with blood lines and everything calm and clever as you like, and dad is (or looks like from a picture or two at least) a bull mastiff lurcher from the wrong side of the tracks (well from the nearby village, anyway). Suffice to say, farmer wasn’t happy but we are very pleased with the result.

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