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  • Trackside: Steve Peat’s Evolution in the Santa Cruz Syndicate
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    This is the bit people struggle to get their head around.

    Your wife’s insurance premium went up because she was statistically more of a risk. Nothing sinister about it, just cold hard stats.

    The bit that’s so galling is that you the 3rd party’s insurance should return you to the state that you were previous to the incident that happened through no fault of your own. So they fix tor car, paid for by the third party’s premiums which will no doubt go through the roof upon renewal to account, but then the insurance industry double jeopardies you and claws the money back from you anyway, putting you at a ‘pecuniary disadvantage’, through no fault of your own. I’m fairly sure that insurance companies compensate themselves for risks that have already been calculated in several times. They are guilty of utilising any spurious statistical reason to hike a premium, but they won’t do the same to reduce one.

    Insurance is a licence to print money, even more so now the auto renewal bollocks is legal. Don’t get me started on that particular legalised scam. Funny how a simple phonecall can reduce your premium and alleged ‘risk’ so much, isn’t it?

    insurance companies skirt a very fine line between shady business and actually defrauding the public on a massive scale, too massive to properly comprehend. Whilst it’s legal (or at least getting away with it) it’s very immoral. As stated in the example above, it’s a huge industry designed to milk money at every step, and the only actual income is from the policy holders, so we all lose in the end.

    Full Member

    Problem is, he’s technically right. And just demonstrating yet ANOTHER way in that insurance companies are complete scoundrels.

    Full Member

    The chap has certainly put himself in the firing line. He has a broader point; these dog whistle specific laws are usually a bad idea.

    Why is this revolting practice not dealable with using existing privacy legislation? Surely people have a ‘reasonable expectation of privacy’ for their underwear?

    Full Member

    Cheapest per month diesel lease car. Esp if you can get one through work.

    Full Member

    I gave a lease car back a couple of months ago, and whilst the chap found plenty of little issues, he hardly paid any attention to the interior, esp the rear. I shouldn’t worry too much.

    Full Member

    That Marina was far from the worst car of the era…

    Full Member

    Brill, thank you. Did you enjoy the event? Recommend it?

    Full Member

    Bill Gates in Global Gaslighting Shocka!

    Full Member

    Immobiliser fault. Or rather, immobiliser too effective.

    Full Member

    Just replace with a normal wheel nut? Really, who’s going to be checking out your berlingo to pinch a single wheel? Unless you’ve got some ‘mad rims bro’? I’m fairly sure alloys pinched to order has gone the way of pinching Mercedes grill badges to wear around your neck like a medallion…

    Full Member

    Could you hammer a ‘too tight’ socket on? Hard to offer a specific solution without seeing the offending wheel nut really. Whatever the answer is though, it’s going to involve mechanical abuse, and maybe heat. I’ve seen nuts welded to knackered or lost key security nuts to get them off.

    Full Member

    I’ve not been, but I’ve heard very good things from trusted friends about this place;

    ‘Proper’ Dublin pub, no tellies just good food , drinking and chat in a nice environment.

    Full Member

    20v stuff from both Aldi and Lidl are great quality for the price and more than up to occasional use. You need to buy tools and stuff for each job you come across; expensive at first but you soon gain the experience and tools to attempt most stuff.

    Full Member

    In the spirit of recommend* what you run, We have a 2012 Navara D40 double cab and it suits us brilliantly, apart from maybe the fuel consumption. Our requirements were;

    Ability to carry 5 bikes ✔️

    Easy clean interior ✔️

    4wd desirable but not essential ✔️

    Ability to get three kids booster seats across back and still access seatbelts themselves ✔️(Just)

    versatile load carrying ✔️

    Enough room for 2 adults and 3 kids 1 dog plus camping gear for a 4-5 day camping holiday ✔️

    Civilised to drive ✔️ (Depends on what you compare it to though)

    Things it potentially falls down on;

    Load security; bikes unsupervised I the back are a worry ❌

    thirsty; though probably not much worse than a van; 32mpgish ❌

    Slow and cumbersome if you compare it to a car ❌

    Limited ‘in car’ space; mostly rectified by a decent laid bay cover. We have a roller shutter one. ❌/✔️

    Back seating area actually pretty spacious (as neither of us adults have particularly long legs possibly) but very upright seating. Fine for little’uns, I wouldn’t recommend it for adults ❌/✔️

    *I don’t actually recommend it as such, but it suits us fine. A van may have worked for us too, but didn’t fancy a panel van.

    Full Member

    Small emergency front brake would just seem sensible on the road. You don’t know when someone else is going to do something daft; and it’s not as if the technology isn’t available or sufficiently blingy. And as for the low maintenance argument; if you don’t use it, it won’t wear out, will it?

    Full Member

    They must get through some back tyres 😳 and if they keep that up one of them is going to end up as a radiator rabbit on a Scania…

    Full Member

    It’s not so much debt, as the weird way that the poorest and most financially naive in society are massively exploited and disadvantaged by the current system. See also; doorstep loans, bright house et al, pre pay utility metering, debt is just the result of the exploitation of the poor, and the means to bind them.

    Two £65 fines should NOT be allowed to grow to over £1000 simply because someone can’t (or even won’t) pay. If £65 is what has been decided is proportionate to the offence, then £65 it should stay. This ratcheting up of debt basically for the profits of the companies that have monetised debt is immoral and repugnant.

    Full Member

    pigeons are superstitious

    Wooooah. I can’t just let that go by unquestioned. Really? They barely seem to have the processing power to avoid slow moving vehicles, but superstition? Shurley not.

    Full Member

    They could choose…

    They CHOOSE…

    I agree with you, on an individual, personal level. But drill deeper. WHY do they make these choices? Why do you and I chose NOT to be antisocial? On a societal level, a population that is ostracised and hated by the society within which it finds itself is Not likely to behave well towards the haters, is it? Just blaming the individuals involved in the bad behaviour is too simplistic. It may be true, they may be acting like arseholes, but to not explore the underlying causes of the arseholery is lazy, Daily Mail thinking.

    Full Member

    Just a heads up; tonight’s episode is going to be especially humdingerous. I don’t normally watch, but I’ll be tuning in tonight.

    Full Member

    Evidence from this thread suggests that T zone washers wash greater or lesser parts of their body dependent upon actual need, whereas all over washers wash all over whether or not it’s needed, ‘for the pleasure of it’


    All over washers = dirty minded, time wasting onanistic perverts

    T zoners = efficient and effective clean human beings

    (Just felt that the insult balance needed redressing)

    Full Member

    Do dogs posess an innate resistance to the bacteria that would cause food poisoning in humans?

    If I ate raw chicken I’d probably become quite unwell. How can a dog do it?

    As I understand it, due to the way chickens are slaughtered, their carcasses are contaminated with faeces and the flesh is permeable to this.

    I don’t know whether it’s innately better or just better exercised, but our pup takes great delight in eating any chicken or horse poo that he finds, so what you call a chicken poo contaminated carcass would to my boy just be nicely seasoned…

    maybe if we all ate a bit of chicken poo now and again we’d all be better at fighting off the bugs 💩👍

    Full Member

    An awful lot of these issues would be solved or at least become non issues if people tried harder to follow Wheaton’s Law.

    Full Member

    Welcome to PuppyTrackWorld Doug 👍🏼😎🐶

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    Badger says hello

    Full Member

    Holl moly! That must have been epic; it woke me up for upwards of 15 minutes! That never happens. Still rolling around the hills this morning as well.

    Full Member

    I think that an every day shower is a very different thing to a post activity, esp sweaty dirty activity, shower. I actually thought that I was very thorough, until I started using a white towel. Seems I miss quite a few bits, which only show up after a very muddy ride… quite the eye opener tbh.

    Full Member

    Seems like high diesel prices are encouraging you to make some good decisions for both yourself and the planet, V8ninety

    I see your point, but diesel prices were high enough already. These recent hikes simply represent increased pain and reduced buying power for something more efficient.

    because if everybody makes the same decisions we’ll all benefit.

    Either that, or the government will slap a massive tax hike on the currently massive tax dodge that electric vehicles represent. Gotta get that revenue from somewhere, eh? Long may electric vehicles be outliers.

    Full Member

    Will the traditional way of getting deleted, ie being an argumentative so and so, still work? 😉

    Full Member

    two transit vans clattering away outside my window

    I suspect that the person who isn’t turning these engines off, isn’t the person paying for the diesel, so the point is moot.

    Full Member

    Dare I ask what car you do your “high number of personal miles in”, V8ninety? (I realise it’s unlikely to ba a V8 ninety)

    Ha! No, those days are gone. Family mileage is split between a Skoda Fabia diesel and a diesel pickup. Need the diesel pickup, but it’s forced to do more miles than I’d like to do in it because it’s not (yet) economically sensible to run another smaller more efficient vehicle along side it due to replicated servicing, insurance and capital investment. FWIW, Fabia will be getting replaced by a Nissan Leaf in a few months, which will hopefully reduce our exposure to pump price hikes. What I’d really like to see is Nissan produce an eNavara…

    Full Member

    Maxtorque, Edukator, will you two just get a room already? So much pent up frustration… it’ll be fireworks!

    Full Member

    How do you know about the conviction? Curious

    Full Member

    Anyone considered that the price rise is a good thing?

    As someone who is extremely tied into a high number of personal annual miles due to circumstances beyond his control, I’m going to go with no. It’s a bad thing, that will make me and my family worse off. If there actually were viable and cost effective alternatives available to me I would be less negative, but…

    Full Member

    Cougar helped me with an IT issue once. Over the phone, but it still counts; smashing chap.

    I’m not very IT literate so I didn’t realise that the key to the fix was dancing around in my pants in front of the webcam… works well now, thank you. I have noticed that the little blue light by the camera keeps flashing in the evening, but apparently this is to do with receiving updates…

    Full Member

    Looks like a beast v8 😎

    It is! It has an (optimistic) 12hp on tap! 😱

    Full Member

    <harrumph> didn’t even get a bank holiday out of it. Some royal bloody wedding. What’s the point in that?

    Full Member

    I think the use of ‘woman’ in this situation is the issue, and probably defensible as it’s a plain descriptor, and I suspect Bercow would be just as likely to say ‘stupid man’ to a bloke. If he’d have used any feminised demeaning insult words like bitch, bint, mare, etc, he’d be on much dodgier ground.

    Full Member

    now have to disclose this claim against me or i will get flagged up as providing false information

    Hmmm. That doesn’t seem right or fair. As far as you’re concerned, there ISN’T a claim against you there’s a claim against a different person, in a different car, with a different reg. I think you’d be within your rights (and entirely truthful) to answer ‘no’ to the accidents claims or convictions in the last  five years question.

    Full Member

    As a serious answer how many people would say that to a colleague?

    To? None, but it’s not really my style. Bercow rocks the more, err, robust chiding style.

    About? I can think of a few, and a few ‘stupid men’ too…

    Full Member

    This is the same John Bercow that publicly and firmly chastised that blundering buffoon Boris for sexism recently. Opportunistic Tories be opportuning I suppose.

    The question is, was it a factual statement? Is she a) stupid, and b) a woman?

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