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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day Three Continued
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    We are well and truly through the looking glass now. 😳

    Full Member

    @ctk; so a LibLab coalition then? Not the worst case scenario in fairness.

    Full Member

    I’ve always felt that the Pamplona bull run seemed a bit more evenly matched than your traditional bull fight. I suspect it ends in similar fashion for the bulls though, such bad luck for them that they are so delicious 😋

    Full Member

    There’s not a cat in hells chance of remain winning a new referendum.

    I don’t think that’s true! Let’s vote on it 😉

    Full Member

    Around 1% of the population die every year. Just to be sure, I’m all for another referendum in about 9 months time 😏

    Also, it doesn’t have to be a binary referendum. The reality is so much more nuanced. Also also; rules should be predetermined as to majority required, as they should have been last time. Ridiculous that a decision so close to the wire as that should dictate such a tumultuous course of action. Should have been; too close to call = status quo.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure Ninfan likes the Donald so much as he likes taking the contrary view to the norm. Some could call this being the devils advocate, others would call it trolling.

    I don’t think we ever really see a real actual personal position from Ninfan as such. I’m not even sure he has one, other than ‘argue’.

    Full Member

    In fairness WCA; you are in a FAR better position to tell us what you should do; you’ve had loads more experience than most of us with things like this!

    Full Member

    We have one of those glass red glowing electric job things. I don’t really like it but that’s for no good reason other than I’d rather have gas, but that’s not an option, and actually it’s pretty useful and works well. It also doubles as extra work surface as the whole thing is flat; just don’t accidentally twizzle a knob as you walk past when there’s a birthday cake plonked on it… please don’t ask me how I know this 😳😳😳

    Also I’m not posh. Posh people love induction gobs because they are the most expensive and other reasons, which may or may not coincide with how they justify their Audi/Merc/BMW…

    Full Member

    IANAD but if it’s not broken and it still ‘works’ albeit with pain then it’s a soft tissue injury and I’d just see how it goes. You’ve got to let the initial swelling and bruising recede before having an idea as to whether there’s more significant damage. More specific advice would require an examination.

    Also; just read about your crash; that was pretty cool. You should totally have a username that reflects your crashing abili… oh 😉

    Full Member

    chrisylad24, Jeez bud, that sounds truly horrendous.  Can’t help but think that that’s a dick problem more than simply a drug problem though; blaming drugs for that behaviour is letting them of the hook to much. What a nightmare 😣

    Full Member

    Where are you RNP?

    Full Member

    It turns users into virtual zombies.

    This is true, although they tend to be more aggressive, less reasonable, and thankfully, less coordinated than zonmbies when approached. Properly unpleasant stuff.

    You must be in a pretty grim position in your life to think “yeah, that’s what I want to do.”

    Ain’t that the truth. 😳

    Full Member

    Some very eloquent and persuasive posts up there, I’ll not attempt to match them. Have massive sympathy for Thorpie though, he’ll be seeing the worst end of the worst shit day in, day out. That being said; I would just like to say as a serving ambo in a big city, I’d rather deal with a cannabis case than a heroin case, a heroin case than an alcohol case, an alcohol case than a cocaine case, and worst of all are the Mamba/Spice cases. Proper killer zombie shit that stuff. Cannabis seems like the least worst of the poisons to me, in my (nearly) twenty years of experience.

    Obviously no substance misuse at all would be the best option.

    Full Member

    2006 Octavia estate FTW.

    But actually, what he said ⬆️

    Full Member


    Firstly, ironically, Trump pretty much stands for everything that is non-inclusive, divisive, nasty, racist, misogynistic. Plus it’s bikes for kids in Malawi. Plus Hanna states in her post that it’s non sanctioned and unofficial. Also, it’s an Internet forum, run by mountain bikers. Who said it had to be completely politically impartial?

    Full Member

    I was southbound and down in a 44 ton artic on that section of the M6 yesterday afternoon,it was the usual grind.

    Burt Reynolds’d IFY. Tsk

    Full Member

    Donated 👍🏼

    Full Member

    When it comes to parking enforcement, local councils don’t have a better nature that I’m aware of.  Good luck.

    Is the correct answer. Appeal denied. 😕 Ah well it (probably wasn’t) worth a try.

    Ps, they aren’t really twins. Just a bad pun on my username, sorry

    Full Member

    …defend that type of behaviour

    Haven’t seen anyone doing that. Linky?

    Full Member

    You can replace “basically” with “almost” if it calms down your inner pedant


    <pedant mode> ‘basically’ means does, and ‘almost’ means doesn’t. I don’t think pedant is the work you were looking for… probably ‘accurate’ would be more, err, accurate. <\pedant>

    shit riding, no one seriously hurt, shit rider got a bit of a scare and rode away sharpish from an (understandably) angry man who initially chased him then remembered his priorities. I’d say all was right in the world, tbh.

    Full Member

    an accident implies it was unavoidable.

    Point of order; no it doesn’t. ‘Accident’ merely implies that it wasn’t intentional, so is most likely the most accurate descriptor.

    as you were…

    Full Member

    smarter to do it in the dry season tho

    I think (happy to be corrected) it was the dry season when they went in. Rain came early apparently

    Full Member

    v8ninety and atlas feel that anyone not wanting to bang a trans person is a homophobe

    This pisses me off. I’ve been criticised (probably correctly) for being high horsey on this thread, but this is what frustrates me. AT NO POINT have I suggested any such thing; it’s far more nuanced than this. What can make someone prejudiced (homophope is the wrong terminology and I have not used it) is the reasons that they decide why they don’t want to ‘bang’ someone. And as that is a purely personal thing, only the individual can know. That is, UNTIL you tell everyone about your reasons on an Internet forum, and then it’s perfectly reasonable for people to tell you that you are prejudiced.

    Full Member

    Yes, but that kinda disproves your ‘rape’ point; that crime linked to is NOT rape, and there is actual physical harm to the victim. Not an accurate analogy.

    Full Member

    So, as above, cancel and forget about it then. Job dun.

    Full Member

    I’m against for both moral and practical reasons. But a thought just occurred to me, that may give heart to people who (understandably) feel the need for revenge against the perpetrators of some horrendous crimes.

    The prison service spends a great deal of effort preventing a lot of these individuals killing themselves. This suggests to me that life in a shitty prison is indeed a fate worth that death. So, revenge, ✅?

    Full Member

    Hypothetically speaking, what’s the worst that can happen if you just send a letter saying that it wasn’t you? They aren’t going to request extradition about a speeding fine, are they? Because if they can ‘prove’ something that categorically isn’t true, then that says a lot about that country’s justice system.

    Full Member

    V8ninety, you should be cautious in your campaign, I think the problem is you will never educate anyone to your woke position if you keep chucking the barbs in. I am trying to be honest and open and happy to face anything, you seem to give the impression that anyone who hasn’t achieved your nirvana deserves contempt, to which most peoples reaction is just to tell you to **** off.

    Happy to take that criticism and learn from it, thanks. Reading my posts back I can see that they may come across as a bit high horsey. Sorry.

    TBH, it’s not my battle, and certainly not a campaign. I’m a heteronormative white male, who has just been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with all sorts of different humans beings. I just see behaviours and attitudes towards fellow human beings that saddens me, and react. Also, I see what appears to be deliberate misinterpretation and conflation of facts in order to find something to be outraged about (ZOMG! No one is going to force ME to have sex with a bloke!) and I try* to bring a bit of objectivity back into the conversation. Sorry if I’ve offended. I shall try to stick more closely to Wheaton’s law in future! 👍🏼😎 all the best.

    Full Member

    I developed an allergy to micropore

    ZOMG! How on Earth are you going to fix the ambulances now, when the satnav/mirror/cupboard door etc drops off?!? 😉

    Full Member

    You can ask an unconscious patient but their response is not going to be very informative.

    This is true. But do you think that when presented with an unconscious patient, a clinicians first thought is ‘let me just check the pooter to see what allergies they’ve got’? The A in ABC is Airway, not allergy, lol.

    What you are experiencing is the fact that clinicians know that the IT system is untrustworthy.

    Full Member

    I think sedation and general anaesthesia are getting confused on this thread. There are many degrees of sedation.

    Full Member

    You and others are saying that if heteronormatives do not fancy having sex with people who used to be the same gender as them then they are homophobic.

    No. In fact nearly the opposite. You should use whether you fancy someone as the reason whether you want to have sex with them or not. If you don’t fancy someone, that’s fine. But if you fancy someone, then find out they have the wrong chromosomes, and then don’t fancy that person, AND THATS THE ONLY REASON, it’s my opinion that you are a victim of your prejudices, and err, what was that phrase that was used earlier?

    Edit; found it; social conditioning.

    Second edit; And to clarify; if the ablove is the case, I am unequivocally NOT going to advocate that you are ‘forced’ to have sex with a transgender person. That is the absolute opposite of what should happen and seems to have come from someone else’s fevered imagination. I’m just going to be a little sad for you, hope that one day you grow a little as an empathic human being, and hope that you manage to stay away from people that your opinions are offensive to, for their sakes.

    Full Member

    Absolutely BRILLIANT news! Well done all involved.

    I think it’s almost a forgone conclusion that an element of sedation was involved; it would seem daft not to. Useful tool.

    Full Member

    some of the comment on here backs that up – men telling Lesbian women who they should fancy, and shouting “homophobia”/”hate” if women don’t fancy the people

    I don’t see that happening anywhere on here.

    Full Member

    Not a vtwin. I’m oot.

    Full Member

    Smacks of lumping them all in together. They might do but they have just as much right not to.

    Again; I don’t think anyone is proposing to round up the LGBTs and make them live together in one happy community. It’s entirely voluntary to participate in LGBT events.

    Full Member

    Why should a gay man or woman relate to a transgender person?

    Oh I don’t know. What experiences could they possibly have in common, in this open, unprejudiced and welcoming world?

    Full Member

    I was being facile, its not prejudice, it’s personal,preference.

    It becomes prejudice when you change your opinion based not on the characteristics of a person, but because of their chromosomes.

    Full Member

    What if they did still have male sex characteristics? Would you accept you were a bigot if you refused to have sex with them on that basis?

    Then I presume you wouldn’t fancy them and the whole discussion is moot.

    Full Member

    Call it what you like but no law is going to compel one person to have sex with another,

    Good lord. No one is forcing anyone to have sex with anyone. Just **** who you fancy so long as they fancy **** ing you too. Simple. And don’t get all hung up on details that you wouldn’t otherwise know about. I think this is a massive pointless argument anyway because no transgender person is going to go anywhere near someone demonstrating prejudices such as these. It’s not sexy!

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