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  • Making Up The Numbers Fort William World Champs Special
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Pick up pad is the right answer if you haven’t got a canopy; literally the simplest way to carry 4-5 mtbs other than a massive van and not massively challenging to secure to at least the ‘deter the opportunist’ level, certainly simpler than trying to make a Thule 591 opportunist proof.

    Canopies are a real mixed blessing; they give you a massive (compared to a car), but awkwardly shaped space that has much more limited access, turns the truck into a rubbish van basically.

    Full Member


    Agree with most of above. Collie/Bull Terrier/long dog of some type, ie a lurcher! Smashing looking hound!

    Full Member

    IFS under a defender shell? Witchcraft I tell thee!

    Full Member


    Not so cute now! He gone grew a bit.

    Full Member

    Stocks and shares even with brexit imminent? (I have no idea how these things work, genuine question)

    Full Member

    Watch this space, I reckon.

    Full Member

    CH won’t be on until the oil is delivered in October, but the stove has worked several times already this autumn. Ideal for driving out the damp cold weather in the evenings.

    Full Member

    Wasn’t it only released two days ago? Don’t reckon you’re going to get much in the way of specific experience just yet, lol.

    Full Member

    what kind of eight year old requests an analogue watch?

    Ha! The kind that is the only kid in his class that can tell the time with one, and is pretty proud of it. See above!

    That Timex looks just the ticket; the right balance of nice and affordable. Thanks all!

    Full Member

    BUT it’s not unreasonable for people to expect an appropriate degree of consideration for their expensive property.

    But but but, this is a thread about parking ‘too close’, not about damage. Different things, you can park two foot away and still be an inconsiderate door swinging nobhead. And as for the other poster who parked ‘too close’ nose to nose, I’ve been on the receiving end of a gobful for similar and can’t get my head around it; unless you’ve blocked someone in it literally doesn’t matter, surely?

    Full Member

    seems pretty implausible that you could accelerate sufficiently for the car to go behind but would not have been able to brake sufficiently for it to go in front, given that braking is massively more effective than accelerating in all realistic scenarios.

    A disappointingly unimaginative statement. I can easily image such a scenario; Cougar tootling safely away from the line, head of the queue. No need to accelerate firmly, and (he thought) no need to look left as the traffic light had given him priority over traffic from the left. As he commences crossing the junction, he looks left, sees numpty on mobile phone/twiddling with stereo/distracted by squawking kids travelling towards him at or near the speed limit against a red light; obviously not going to stop because they haven’t noticed the red light, let alone the baby blue (with brown rust highlights) Vauxhall Nova our hero is driving. The Nova is already entering the danger zone; stomping the brake would only halt it it prime smooshing territory. Fortunately 1st gear on a Nova is a particularly low ratio, allowing the panicked mashing of the accelerator to be almost instantaneously be converted into a gazelle like leap forward, which, along with a rightwards yank of the leatherette covered steering wheel to the right resulted in our hero cheating death by mere centimetres. Huzzah.

    It’s a relatively rare scenario, but far from impossible. People are paying less attention to the road then ever before, I’d rather keep every option open to me when attempting to dodge the dickheads on a day to day basis, thank you.

    Full Member

    *Everyone’s different shocker*

    Absolutely; hence my use of the phrase ‘an element of’. My comment was in relation to this little gem;

    <three sorts of people>

    1) people who wash hands, use hand cream and don’t have sore hands.

    2) people who wash hands and have sore hands.

    3) people who don’t wash hands.

    Sorry, I should have made that more clear.

    Full Member

    Ummmm. I’m a bloke, I wash my hands whenever I err, need to, and I don’t get sore hands. I think that there’s an element of frequent use creating the need for continued use for some people, with hand creams (and chapstick type stuff, but that’s a whole other conversation).

    Full Member

    What would be the problem with technologically-enforced speed limits

    IMO, massively increased complexity and potential of reduced reliability, esp as these theoretical vehicles progress through the second hand market, combined with only very marginal justification for such a system. Gross speed is only a causal factor in a small proportion of accidents, the vast majority of traffic is now largely speed compliant, and your proposed system would almost certainly increase the incidence of ‘due care and attention’ RTCs.

    All that being said, the ‘speed out of trouble’ argument could be easily worked around with an indented accelerator pedal and an irritating bonger that goes off whenever over the limit.

    in fact, rather than a limiter, a bonger that goes off constantly if speeding in a similar fashion to the now compulsory seat belt warning bongers would be a much more palatable alternative maybe?

    -posted from my iPhone whilst driving at or below the speed limit*

    *not really but you get my point

    Full Member

    Any gender of child alone with any gender of staff member can make accusations… so I don’t really see any real difference.

    Wholeheartly this. It’s surely best practice to have a chaperone for any potentially iffy consultations in this day and age regardless of the gender or sexuality of patient or clinician. In a school environment this could be a TA or secretarial staff. It wouldn’t be hard.

    Full Member

    Teej, you’re showing your age/generation! Surprised at you 😉

    Full Member

    I have a pet theory about this whole midwife/nurse = female, yet gynaecologist/obstetrician fine to be a bloke thing. It has a great deal to do with the feminised role title, I’m sure. Ban the words ‘nurse’ and ‘midwife’ and replace with ‘clinical practitioner’, ‘obstetrics specialist’ or some such and give it ten years to settle in and you’d see a much more equal gender balance in these roles.

    Of course, the daily Wail brigade would hate it, (political correctness gone mad I tell thee) which I’m my mind is only a plus.

    I have no no evidence for this other than there don’t seem to be such gender disparities or prevalent biased views in the equivalent medical professions of obstetrics and gynaecology.

    Full Member

    My lad is getting a re released Blackfoot for his birthday 😁 I’m glad to hear that they are still AWESOME! 😎😎😎

    Full Member

    Ha! I was sorely tempted by that very car, leather in Wolvo on t’bay narrows it down! Looks lovely. Hope you enjoy it!

    Full Member

    How much do you save over a normal lease arranged on your own?

    It’s not insignificant, plus this particular scheme is fully serviced, insurance, tyres, windscreen etc. Most personal leases don’t offer that.

    That said, I’m actually coming away from the scheme because I’m concerned about the effect on my (career average) pension, combined with the fact that bangernomics is cheaper and more kinda, ‘me’.

    Full Member

    What he said ⬆️😁

    It is a lease car, sourced by and supplied by my employer and paid for by me via salary sacrifice. No tax men are intentionally being diddled, as a large amount of BIK tax is being paid, and it is the very definition of a benefit in kind. But I’m worried it’s not being accounted quite correctly, hence this thread…

    Drac, I fear you may be watching for some time.

    Full Member

    Floorpan of 3 and 5 doors is same length. Just the two door had comedy long barn doors that looked ‘right’ but seriously affected your ability to get out of the car in a narrow carpark space 😂😂

    Full Member

    You know, I get the distaste of JHJ’s timing, but he’s entitled to his opinion, surely. Disagree with him by all means, but quit with the vitriol. Unless you were personal friends or family, it’s not really your place to  get all defensive, and name calling/wishing someone to ‘**** off and die’ lowers the tone more than JHJ ever has.

    Full Member

    If you’re able to blend in, go for it. I’d feel very vulnerable with my pasty white face and zero ability to speak the language.

    Full Member

    Dad of two lads of primary school age, who’s schools uniform policy is of the more progressive ‘Sainsbury’s  sourceable’ type, and I agree with the above posters who assert that it’s the best value and least stressful all round way to clothe the kids at school. Black or grey trousers, navy jumper, light blue polo. Logo’d Versions available but not required. Simple, smart, effective.

    Full Member

    Only one thing worse than religion, intolerance…..

    The positive correlation between piety and intolerance is pretty irrefutable. But can you be a pious atheist?

    Full Member

    As I (begrudgingly) listen to ‘Good Morning Sunday’ on R2, knowing that a flick of the dial to R4 will have ‘Sunday Worship’ coming from the pipes, I can’t help but agree that this entirely intentional increased religiosity we are now experiencing from the Beeb is depressingly regressive. I support people’s right to believe whatever they want, but when it impacts on my Sunday morning, I dream of a secular UK.

    Full Member

    Always sit at home or as a guest I’m not ashamed to say; an altogether more relaxed experience, but most importantly cleaner, too. It’s not about aim, it’s about secondary drippage (which it’s easy to not even be aware of) and micro rebound spray and atomisation. Those who think that all their pee ends up in the pan are dreaming tbh. And the family’s tooth brushes are stored 8’ away, it’s a no brainer tbh.

    i do like a good striding pee outside though; simple standing al fresco pees are so passé 😉

    Full Member

    Bloke I know lives in Bridgnorth. Smart, decent chap, but for some reason never learnt to drive. Went to Wolverhampton once, got mugged, has hardly ever left Bridgnorth since. Some people are just homebodies, and happy for it. Each to their own.

    Full Member

    Do you still think this when getting overtaken by a Caterham R500 or Ducati 996?

    VERY unlikely to be their only mode of transport though, and as a frequent owner of a fun vehicle, I’d put good money down that their other vehicle isn’t a saloon. Even the name is dull. Also, a saloon had four doors. Some of those examples above are very definitely coupes, which are a different kettle of fish.

    Full Member

    Lidl baked goods. Mmmmmm I’m salivating now…

    The singularly unappetisingly named ‘low GI loaf’ is actually remarkably tasty; I’d heartily recommend it. I love all of their sweet confectionery, freshly done croissants are a particular high point.

    Full Member

    Or a  business that covers a risk that only you properly know and understand the details of, based on the concept that you will be honest and tell them everything?

    Were that were truly the case though, they wouldn’t pull the old ‘lets out the price up and hope he doesn’t notice’ game, requiring active engagement with the shysters every single renewal, just to stop them swindling you by default. Sorry state of affairs.

    Full Member

    Yet another thread that demonstrates the absolutely shower that the insurance industry really is. An obscenely opaque business that used any excuse to  charge you more, and any other excuse not to fulfil their obligations. B*%#$¥$s.

    Full Member

    How did you use the term ‘chinky’ 10 or 15 years ago? 😉😈

    Full Member

    Local or general anaesthetic? World of difference in how capable you will be afterwards. It was a bloody good job that I didn’t have easy access to work emails after my last GA… 😳😳😳

    Full Member

    In my experience of working shifts for donkeys years, it’s always when I realise it’s a Saturday when I get to the shops that I kick myself. There may be some proper dopey zombies wandering around in wrk days, but the sheer volume of human detritus that fills shopping areas at the weekend make it a far worse experience. Sometimes it feels like I’ve entered the set of Dawn of the Dead…

    Full Member

    It would be a damn quiet shift if you managed to go 12 hours without going back to the hospital to refill.

    With a 60% plus non conveyance rate across the board, some crews get through several shifts without seeing an ED.

    Full Member

    Thanks everyone, that’s loads to be going on with. Hoping this lovely weather holds! ☺️👍🏼

    Full Member

    Anna Soubry;

    I have NO doubt, Jacob Rees Mogg is running our country.


    Full Member

    ⬆️ You don’t get much of that with badger baiting, more’s the pity!

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