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  • Bespoked Bike Check: Two Bikes To Make Tarmac Tempting
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    In that situation I’d be asking for a contribution of a nominal sum of say, £100, to contribute to replacement costs down the line. Chances are you could have sold it with 12 months ticket, and you still possibly could, but it would definitely fetch less. Also, she shouldn’t get away Scott free from Greg results of her inept driving, a small financial loss may concentrate her mind. And £100 rather than claiming on her insurance is still doing that young skint family a massive favour tbh.

    Full Member

    I once crashed my motorbike and it bounced into a parked car. I was not liable as the car was illegally parked.

    You got lucky, Teej. Whilst a car shouldn’t be parked illegally, the onus on the moving motorist is always not to crash into stationary objects. What if it had been a child’s face or a baby robin? (Or a legally parked emergency device vehicle or a broken down vehicle?)

    Full Member

    Are they putting you at fault for parking on pavement?

    Can’t be a thing, really. Parked, as in stationary, is the operative word.

    Full Member

    That’s not what was sniggered at…

    Just offer the neighbour a ‘deal’ of him giving you cash in lieu of repairs on the understanding that it’ll go towards the next car, and run the banger until you can’t stand the sight of it any more. Don’t either of you tell the insurance companies or you’ll both be paying for it for ever.

    Someone will be along shortly say that that’s insurance fraud, but really, it’s up to you what you claim for. Think of it as a really big stone chip.

    Full Member

    What do those tiny little black thunderflies eat?


    Full Member

    I think that this discussion has veered away from bike recommendations and into the realms of a supernanny style conversation about parenting techniques! I appreciate that everyone’s different, but I’m happy to let my kids have a bit of a say about what they want from a bike, so long as it’s not ridiculous (to the point of being impractical) or prohibitively expensive. After all, it’s meant to be fun, so the more they are invested in the process the more they, and vicariously I, will enjoy it. I can’t stand spokeydokeys for example, but they aren’t my bikes! 😂😂😂

    Good news is I’ve been offered a good condition second hand bike that fulfils ALL of my criteria for a reasonable price as a direct result of this thread, so STW FTW yet again. Cheers all 👍🏼👍🏼

    Full Member

    Totally flummoxed at the notion of letting an eight year old choose their own bike 🙂

    Haha! It’s not that daft. Discs is my choice, as the person in charge of maintenance, and I’d feel a bit churlish saying “I know you’ve told me specifically that you’d like suspension forks like your brother and sister, but actually the sort of forks available will give you little or no appreciable competitive edge so bad luck son”. And the rest of the requirements are reasonable, surely? Just a pity that Vitus isn’t in stock; it ticks all the boxes.

    Full Member

    Surely it’ll be fine unless they are mistaken for bombers? 😳

    Full Member

    That’s a great article, Lego. I think this paragraph…

    The discourse of privilege creates false dichotomies and unnecessary tension among people who actually agree with each other. If, instead of demanding that the poor white man must acknowledge his privilege, we remind him that other people are being denied their fundamental rights, he may wholeheartedly agree and eagerly join the movement.

    …Probably sums up what people are disagreeing about on this thread, mostly. I’d like to hope, at least.

    I have to say, I’m partially persuaded that the terminology is a problem, because although it doesn’t make me feel defensive/guilty, I can see it has that effect on others.

    Full Member

    to beat people with, shut down and exclude from conversation.

    Literally no one is doing that. If anything, the terminology has and will continue to encourage debate and reflection. It’s down to the individual how they react to the challenge of the terminology.

    Full Member

    Completely sold out I think 😫

    Full Member

    Being able to pee standing up is a privilege

    Not for the person cleaning the loo/bathroom floor…

    Full Member

    Got to admit, that for me, ‘male privilege’ is pretty much the perfect term. As Cougar has analogised, (is that a word?) it’s not a bad thing per se to have the privilege. But it’s probably important to recognise the fact.

    If the term makes men a bit uncomfortable then it’s probably working, and how those men then deal with that feeling says more about them than anything else.

    I’m a forty year old white male, and still going through a process of realising how fortunate I am. I don’t feel guilty about it, but I do feel like I have a social responsibility to empathise and try to raise awareness of the inequities within society. So many people walk around with blinkers on.

    Full Member

    Would this not fit him? Its only 2″ per wheel!

    Can’t see the link, sorry. But if it’s 26” then nope, 24” will be a stretch. He’s eight. Re his wish list, is mainly based on what his older siblings have got, mainly the voodoo bakka, but also his sister’s Ghost powerkid 24 which was got at a really good price for the spec, probably because the market for a highish spec ‘girl specific’ bike is even smaller than the market for a highish spec kids bike, sadly.

    Full Member

    So the concept is accepted, but the label isn’t? Interesting. Couple of questions; why is the label so disagreeable to you, and what would you call the issue in question?

    Full Member

    Sounds like I might be, garage dweller! (I often dwell in a garage too). Thanks all. That Vitus looks spot on, but you had the last one, ya sod! 😉 I’ve put an email back in stock alert request in.

    Full Member

    Discs and suspension are pointless whether he wants them or not.

    Agree with you re suspension. Disagree with you re discs. Worth it for the minimal maintenance compared to rim brakes, before you even take into account the better performance.

    Both are irrelevant though, it’s going to be his bike and he should get a say. I get to pick what OOT, unnecessary tech goes on my bike, why shouldn’t he?

    Full Member

    This thread demonstrates a fundamental problem with the human condition and society. An abject inability or unwillingness to empathise with fellow humans from a slightly different group. In this case gender, but see race, nationality, political affiliation, chosen form of commuting vehicle…

    The ability to dehumanise those who are a little different to ourselves is one of the most sinister and damaging human traits that we possess.

    Full Member

    Aye, it’s people that are the problem, generally.

    Full Member

    Now, which section of society tends towards being smaller and physically weaker on average?

    This, and in addition to being the above, woman are involuntary in possession of something that most blokes, in principle, want. And when they are pissed, or scumbags, or thick misogynistic bastards or all of the above they think nothing of expressing their desires in many ways. Subtle, vulgar, aggressive, it’s all about power.

    And decent men get tarred with the same brush, don’t like it, and then deny male privilege exists, putting their status as ‘decent men’ at risk, TBH.

    Full Member

    Disappointed by the underlying misogyny demonstrated on this thread, although maybe a few years ago I’d have been on the side of the scoffing ones. What changed for me; listening, actually listening to females experiences of doing the same job that I do, dealing with people from the the grim and not so grim end of society. I realised that how people spoke to and treated me is often fundamentally different to how my female colleagues would be spoken to and treated. Both males and females get grief from idiots; but the sort of crap that women deal with is (IMHO) more insidious, often sexual, and actually more about power dynamics than anything I have ever experienced as a bloke. When I put myself (not literally, lol) in the shoes of a usually smaller, less physically powerful, female individual than myself and imagined how that felt, it was a bit of a revelation, but not a pleasant one. It’s nothing to do with what actually happens, more often than not, it’s far more sinister than that. It’s the attempted suggestion from the abuser of what could happen that epitomises ‘male privilege’.

    Take the recent rape ‘jokes’ made by that idiot Ukipper against Jess Phillips. Look at how those were laughed of by him and his supporters, and surely you can see the parallels between that behaviour and the comments from the male privilege deniers on this thread.

    Full Member

    That’s a truly schizophrenic position. Weird.

    Full Member

    The (city based) trust I work for doesn’t allow this, neither does the county trust nor the neighbouring trusts.

    Fair doos, things must have moved on. It’s been a few years since I last dated a nurse, which is from where my experience of this was obtained. They were definitely late to the 11hr break party though; I thought at the time it was iffy.

    Full Member

    11 hours between shifts being one

    Yet loads of nurses routinely do ‘late-earlies’ And no one bats an eyelid… 😏

    Full Member

    Thanks all; I have achieved closure on this. I tried to send a ‘Stop’ message to the number supplied but just got a ‘message not delivered’ message straight away. I called Three, who were pretty good, confirmed nothing had yet been charged to me, and offered to put the total block on this sort of thing moving forward, they took all of the details and then rang the company for me. I then got to speak to a representative of the company directly, who (without apologising or admitting that they had done wrong) offered a ‘good will refund’ of four weeks subscription costs. Time will tell whether I’ll end up £16 up or they’ve managed to get £16 out of me first before the block was put in. They have also confirmed my desubscription. They also told me the exact date that I allegedly clicked on an advert and then again on a ‘subscribe’ button, and insisted that it was all above board and that I must have done it because it’s a two step process. We agreed to disagree on that one.

    Full Member

    Were you on STW on your phone when it arrived?

    No, the phone was in my pocket, but I have been on today. Bloody irritating; any idea if there’s any settings I can adjust on my phone to stop this sort of thing happening? Surely websites shouldn’t be able to interrogate mobile devices for their telephone number? Or am I being naive?

    Full Member

    How can I be billed for a message I have received and didn’t ask for? What a total scam! Not come across this before. Thanks

    Full Member

    Interested in the overstressed Thule 591s for spares if you get to keep them; I have a pair that have lost/cracked quite a few bits of plastic but are structurally sound. PM me 👍🏼

    Full Member

    We all know if we’re fat or not, nobody’s in denial,

    Actually I didn’t notice for ages. Not so much denial, more creeping waist syndrome. In my mid to late thirties I had fairly severe reverse body dysmorphia. I’ve pulled my head out of my arse now though, although I’ve yet to do a great deal about it.

    This thread has assisted me in my decision to make a conscious effort to eat a bit less/better. And run/ride a bit more too. Cheers! 👍🏼

    Full Member

    Oh god totally relate to this thread. Cold and dead inside here too <waves cheerily> despite outward appearances.

    Full Member

    It IS a crime, because he plotted to harm.

    Serves the food thief right though. No sympathy; don’t nick other people’s food.

    Proving beyond all reasonable doubt that a crime had been committed would be tough however (Facebook mia culpa aside, that is). If I were on the jury I wouldn’t convict. Natural justice tops U.K. law. See ‘jury nullification’.

    Full Member

    I dunno, there might be a sort of stop-gap period where two car households have a leccy job for daily local journeys, and a big old IC or hybrid for longer-range family missions at the weekends that probably sits in-used for 95% of its life

    This is almost exactly us. We have a Leaf that is the other half’s car, used daily for commutes (16miles e/w) and school runs (20miles e/w). It’s perfect for those ubiquitous uses. I own the ‘big old IC’; a chunky Navara that does family camping holiday, MTBing and general fetching and carrying duties, including materials for my many hobbies/projects. I also run a little panda for my commuting and school runs because when it’s just me and a couple of young lads, 2.5 tonnes of diesel car is a bit excessive. We are lucky; we have adequate space to be able to have the right tools for our jobs. Ecars are great, but they aren’t yet the whole solution. Not sure if they ever will be, but that’s okay. An E-Navara would certainly be a very interesting vehicle, but I suspect exorbitantly expensive until batteries get lots cheaper.

    Full Member

    Where do you get sweeties and machine coffee from then?

    S’allRight, I’ve got a dinojuice burning car that fulfills those needs. As reasonably priced as electric cars are, they still can’t compete with the bangernonics of a £750 fiat panda!

    Full Member

    We’ve a new shape Leaf and we concur; ace. My other half hasn’t been to a petrol station since. Lovely to drive, too; as mentioned, the instant acceleration is a bit addictive, made even better by the lack of noise or fuss as it happens. And whilst it’s set to do about 16k a year in our ownership, we’ve only charged it away from home once, and that was just for the novelty of it. Perfect for us.

    Full Member

    Panda with a black box. Job jobbed. Cheap to buy second hand too, just watch out for rusty back axles.

    Full Member

    I’ve finished off a sheep I found in the hills that had fallen off a cliff and was writhing in pain. Also a deer that I found at the side of the road in a similar state. Very unpleasant

    Waitwut? This needs further explanation. Sheep are pretty big. How did you dispatch the beasty?

    10:1 ‘strangled it with bare hands’

    8:1 ‘slit its throat with a pocket knife that I keep for just such eventualities’

    Evens: ‘smashed in its head wiv a rock’

    Any other bets?

    Full Member

    It’s why the prophet spent so much time on making sure it could play well with christianity

    That doesn’t seem to be working out so well these days does it? 😳

    Full Member

    we are a secular society

    No, we really are not, sadly.

    Full Member

    Thinking of his family. **** cancer 🤬

    Full Member

    I have thisHusky hatchet. Nice thing and not too pricey at about £25. I have no idea if it’s artisanal but it’s got a wooden handle and it chops wood onto kindling fairly easily, so it ticks my easy to please boxes.

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