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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 4: DT Swiss EX 1700 Wheelset
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Unlit wooded roads and bridleway runner here. The decathlon chest light is awesome. 👍🏼 (if a bit odd)

    Full Member

    2x work boots
    1x walking boots
    1x riggers
    1x trails
    1x runners
    1x riding/general purpose trainers
    1x everyday wear dealer boots
    1x flipflops
    1x ruggedised sandals for when flipflops won’t cut it
    1x canvas sketchers for summer
    1x shimano spd shoes (dusty, somewhere)

    I think that’s it. I feel a little underbooted, although where you lot keep all your shoes is beyond me 😳

    Full Member

    This is possibly the geekiest thread I’ve seen on STW for a while.

    Love it, it’s the reading version of listening to the shipping forecast to me. Keep it up!

    Full Member

    Refrigerator trailer. Even if not running, those things are pretty well sealed up. Awful.

    Full Member

    I really fancy a V50 D5. I have a similar budget to the OP, and can get a c70k miler for that money. Is there any reason to run a mile?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Flange, I can only apologise to both you and anyone else I’ve offended/upset inadvertently with my clumsy grumbling. It certainly wasn’t aimed at yourself; the self insight you demonstrate entirely rules you out from the sort of cases that I was referring to. I spoke out of turn and I apologise.

    Full Member

    Mooman; agreed, regarding telling them apart. There’s people who genuinely need help. There’s also a growing raft of people who realise it’s a great way to get attention. It’s the second group whom I struggle with, not least because it makes the first group so hard to recognise and help.

    And to clarify; my distaste for attention seeking behaviour does not think that I think these people should be ignored, for the reasons that we agree upon.

    Full Member

    I’m in the process of making my shed/garage type thing. I had a concrete pad laid, bought a shedload of 2×4 and a load of 8”posts. Put the posts up on galv post stands bolted to the pad, joined them all together with timber. I made some pent trusses out of the 2×4, plonked them up on top. Laid some membrane over the trusses, then some ebay bought slight second metal roofing. Clad the frame in ply, then membrane, then feather edge. I’m just working out how to do windows and doors now. It’s been a learning experience, and probably not the cheapest way to do it. But the structure is amazingly strong now, and it’s been an enjoyable process.

    Full Member

    Because it’s never a rational decision. Most people who feel suicidal and subsequently get over it are glad they didn’t do it. So that should tell you something.

    This is a very black and white opinion in a world of shades of grey. I was going to say arrogant but actually I think just ill informed. What you say may be true some of the time, but in my experience, a great deal of successful suicides are carefully planned, pre planned and considered, which points away from a lack of capacity.

    I despise suicide, for what it does to the people left behind, for the fact that the individual feels so trapped that he(usually, though occasionally she) sees this as the best or only way out that they can bear. Society has a lot to answer for in how it values people and status.

    I despise suicide. But I recognise that for some people, it’s a choice that they will make, given the world we live in. To dismiss them as all as ‘not thinking straight’ is dismissive of the position they find themselves in the extreme. Some aren’t thinking straight, almost all could be helped, but a great deal have significantly more insight into their situation than any well meaning outsiders.

    I also, really, REALLY despise pathetic attention seeking ‘cry for help’ type suicide attempts. This behaviour makes spotting and helping the people who have genuine need so much harder. I think that the ratio of genuine attempts vs ‘give me attention’ attempts must be 50:1.

    Full Member

    Ok anyone care to explain what the Letwin amendment means,doexBoris have to write the letter now?

    In ordinary times, yes. But nothing Is guaranteed in these times.

    Full Member

    Nutella ftw 👍🏼

    Full Member

    I can see both sides, and in no way do I think the OP or even CFH are in any way irresponsible, but in the end, I’d ban alcohol consumption on all public transport. There’s just no need for it. Whilst it’s perfectly possible to have a responsible tipple, a significant minority of travellers people simply aren’t responsible, and spoil it for everyone else. Fellow travellers and staff should not have to deal with intoxicated idiots, and there’s simply no compelling reason why anyone should have the ‘right’ to consume a behaviour affecting substance before being locked into a confined space with a hundred or so other humans for several hours.

    It’s a bit like speed limits; responsible drivers wouldn’t need them. You’ve got to make rules to control the lowest common denominator, sadly.

    Full Member

    3rd party insurance cannot be invalidated by the actions or inactions of the policy holder. It would be unfair to punish a third party due to negligence or omission on the part of the policy holder; it’s kind of the whole point of car insurance really.

    Full Member

    1 series has always been an ugly fugger, tbf. Wasn’t a high bar.

    Full Member

    You should inform your insurance company; they’ll certainly punish you if you don’t and they then find out, because you’ll be in breach of your contract.

    However, it’s certainly not illegal to come to an arrangement without involvement of insurance companies; it can be a lot less stressful for all involved for a minor bump. You need to put some trust in the third party, but financially, it’s in neither parties interests to involve insurance companies for a matter of a few hundred quid.

    However, if you’re thinking of claiming from their insurance without telling your company, it’s a massive gamble that they won’t tell your insurance anyway. They sometimes don’t, but their policy is to share that information.

    Full Member

    The clever* bit has emerged; part of the deal struck by Johnson is that the EU will rule out an extension; making it Johnson’s deal or no deal, attempting to rule out Johnson’s deal vs remain.

    *We’ll see.

    Full Member

    I’ve just noticed, next to the image I posted on Imgur there’s a link that says, “help people find your post.”

    ‘V8ninety likes this post’

    Full Member

    The button is still there, but there’s no point using it as I want HR data. It seems that if I want HR data in Strava now, I have to use a third party app or device to collect it. Seems A very strange way to treat paying subscribers.

    Full Member

    Well… they didn’t say ‘how’ they’d fix it… 😂😳

    Full Member

    They’ve effectively removed the ‘record’ functionality from their app completely for anyone who pays them for their ‘summit’ level of subscription. Bit of an alienating move. Disappointing.

    Full Member

    So, I now need an app that records Bluetooth hrm and ride/hike/run data and will them sycn to strava?

    same here. Wahoo fitness app seems to fit the bill. Doesn’t mean I’m not grumpy about it.

    Full Member

    Just a different app that does link to the HRM, and then syncs with Strava. Not the end of the world, just unnecessarily complicated.

    Full Member

    I’ve stopped auto app updates to see if I can eek out extra time. Other than that; looks like the wahoo app is the way to go; irritating extra layer of stuff but hardly the end of the world.

    so if they’d worded it.

    ‘this feature is more hassle than its worth. we can’t be arsed fixing it so its easier just to remove it. deal with it’

    would that make you feel better?

    Actually, it would. At least it would feel honest…

    Full Member

    Out of interest, anyone had the Strava app crash on them recently? I do use Bluetooth HR with it and it’s not crashed once.

    but yeah. conspiracies are better.

    Because corporations never fib to consumers? Must be nice in your world 😂

    Full Member

    Title needs changed really, only affects folk that use phones.

    Noted and done so ✅

    Full Member

    Could you record your run on something like the Garmin app and set it to sync automatically to Strava?

    I reckon that’s the best bet. Irritating though. Why don’t they just fix their app?

    Full Member

    Strava don’t make watches.

    No but their corporate partners whom they rely upon, do. It’s bad juju to allow users to cut out your symbiotic businesses.

    Full Member

    Sounds like it’s occasionally below the water table. Sump and auto pump?

    Full Member

    I don’t think that you’re ‘paying off some one else’s debt’ you’re buying a car, and the seller is using the proceeds to pay off his debt, which is pretty reasonable. If you don’t trust the seller to do this, then as above, offer to pay the finance company directly the outstanding balance and make up the difference with the seller. This is how all mortgaged house sales work with mortgage companies; similar principles really.

    I bought my last car from a bloke at work that needed the money to clear his finance; I trusted him that he’d do it and he sent me the confirmation that he had done as soon as he’d got it from the finance company. A bit different if it’s a random bloke off the street I suppose.

    Full Member

    These regulations cover patients and others exposed to microbiological infections, and include infection control measures.

    Apparently not separate; came across this whilst trawling through the below linked document, which is the most up to date DOH guidance that I can find on Bare Below the Elbow. Interestingly this document also provides an exemption for ambulance staff to wear wrist watches, stating;

    “For some clinical staff working outdoors, particularly ambulance teams, a wrist-watch may be essential. Where worn, these wrist-watches must be washable and be removed for hand washing.”

    Full Member

    Aye, that’s true; but there’s no more point than if I wore a turban on a motorbike really, is there?

    Interestingly as an aside, wearing of turbans by non Sikhs on motorbikes has been tried, and they didn’t get away with it.

    Could an atheist wear a plain metal bracelet as a Sikh can under ‘bare below elbow’ guidelines? Could an atheist wear 3/4 length sleeves as a Muslim female is allowed under the guidelines?

    If so, then I agree, it’s not discrimination, it’s just an entirely pointless guideline.

    Full Member

    H&S or infection control as it seems you’ve switched the reason?

    IP&C is a form of H&S isn’t it? If not I stand corrected.

    I agree with Poah that it’s a form of (albeit minor) discrimination; but I think that as an atheist one would not be protected under discrimination law. An absence of a protected characteristic would not afford protection I don’t think.

    Edit; apparently atheists are afforded some protection under law. It would be interesting to see how a discrimination claim would play out though.

    Full Member

    If she is being told to remove it for H&S grounds then that trumps any religious exemption.

    She IS being told to take it off for (possibly spurious) H&S reasons, which Harry IS exempted from on religious grounds. First world problems, but it’s not right, is it?

    Full Member

    OP here; I don’t need a Garmin. I don’t even own one, (yet😏) My point that I tried to make is why should religious niceties trump policy that (however clumsily) has been put in place to ultimately prevent harm or even in extreme circumstances, death? And why should my mate Harry, who is Technically a Sikh, but about as observant as a blind Jim Davidson, get a free pass to wear wrist ornamentation whereas atheist Sally, who’s simple bracelet was given to her by her daughter a week before she was killed), have to take it off? (Both true examples for what it’s worth)

    Ally these points to the fact that it is an ill informed and poorly evidenced policy at best, and a cheap diversionary propaganda policy at worst, made me think that there’s a conversation worth having here.

    I don’t think that there should be any religious exemptions. Bare below the elbow should mean actually bare below the elbow, no ifs or buts. Hurt feelings at having to take stuff off are just that; hurt feelings, whether or not there is some sort of historical but ultimately evidence free reason for the hurt feelings. Why should one group of peoples hurt feelings be considered more important than other people’s hurt feelings?

    Full Member

    Mostly what they said. Left field alternate diagnosis; stuck on recirculated air. Had this, did this.

    Full Member

    Jeez that’s worse than I thought it was going to be. Looks like a jelly moulded upscaled Kia Soul with added britpop bling.

    Full Member

    What you are suggesting is I can have a Garmin, so long as it’s silver, brass or copper? 😂 I’m on it…

    Full Member

    At an increased cost – double the amount of stock to hold, double the amount of different uniforms. Costs?

    You are right of course; it’s a money thing. But what better way to send a message to your staff that they are expendable than dressing them in cheap, one size fits all stuff. Makes all the ‘investing in people’ bullshine moot, really.

    Full Member

    Big difference between not paying parking tickets and killing someone

    Yup, big difference indeed; one is £11m, the other £1.8m…


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