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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 13: Tailfin Bike Luggage Bundle
  • v8ninety
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    I got soul but I’m not a solderer.

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    I’ve had two GTDs on lease; would just like to point out that I liked after mine! (Although the big alloys ARE very susceptible to potholes on country roads, I had 4 new tyres on the front n/s because of pothole damage over the course of four years).

    Also, they are not stupid fast, but they are definitely more ‘real world’ fast than you ever (should) need; in no way comparable to a 1.6 civic, lol. Gearing and smoothness hides a lot; the GTD is actually pretty long legged in the ratios I reckon.

    Full Member

    educate you on what’s reasonable force.

    And therein lies the problem. You can’t ‘educate’ someone on what IS reasonable force in any given situation. You can only explain the concept, and then let people decide for themselves. So you’re both right, and as for the video, someone else (probably more qualified than us to decide) appears to have decided that it was reasonable, in the circumstances that we only have a partial understanding of.

    Full Member

    when you consider that ~1pc of people pay ~30pc of uk tax

    FACT-CHECK! Utter bollocks. the 1% highest earners pay 28% of income tax which doesn’t even include NI which conveniently goes from 12% to 2% at about £50k regressively lessening the impact of ‘higher rate’ tax and makes up just 25%ish of the total tax take. The rest is VAT, fuel, alcohol and tobacco tax etc, which are again much more regressive taxes.

    Full Member

    There are two words that apply to both situations being discussed in this thread. Two words that must be applied in the contexts of the situations in question. ‘Reasonable’ and ‘proportionate’.

    Were the actions reasonable and proportionate to the perceived threat to the officer and the public in the immediate vicinity? Could the threat be neutralised by less forceful means? Was the force used reduced proportionally to the reduction in perceived threat.

    In relation to the head butt; I would suggest that despite it not being particularly pretty, the officers actions passed these tests. Wouldn’t be surprised if his sergeant didn’t have done words of advice for him at some point afterwards, though.

    Full Member

    Which would be interesting as he would’ve known he’d be on the hook.

    Lorry driver ‘has ounce of conscience’ shocker

    Full Member

    They throw the book in the absolute strongest way they can possibly muster, in every single opportunity they can

    As someone who has been the beneficiary of an experienced officers discretion on more than one occasion in my ‘yoof’ this simply isn’t true.

    Full Member

    cardiac arrest.

    Everyone dies of cardiac arrest in the end…

    Full Member

    I just looked up that case.

    In two minutes? Yep, that’s what they got the officer for in the end. I should imagine that there would be inconsistencies in my statements and cross examination answers over the course of what, seven years? in their situation too.

    Full Member

    Think about how many AFO’s (Firearms officers) have had to go to court over the years, for simply doing their job.

    Most don’t; coroner returns verdict of lawful killing = no case to answer.

    Full Member

    Nah, that’s crap

    Read up about the officers involved in the Kingsley Burrell case. Then tell me it’s crap.

    Full Member

    As long as the officer used reasonable force and can justify that then the officer will be ok.

    It’s gone beyond that point. Even if acquitted, he’ll likely be sacked. Differing burdens of proof for criminal vs civil (disciplinary in his case) cases.

    For it to be murder there must have been a deliberate attempt to kill (or GBH)

    This is what I find SO hard to get my head around. It doesn’t fit with the details that we know about the circumstances.

    resulting in death which would be manslaughter?

    There is an alternate charge of manslaughter being offered. Most press coverage has glossed over that.

    Full Member

    If it is simple and important enough to put a national tv advert out, SURELY it is important and simple enough to send a letter out to anyone who looks to be close to the threshold of being affected by it. ESPECIALLY if HMRC think it’s fair game to fine people for not watching tv. It’s a lot more justifiable to fine someone for not paying attention to a letter from the tax man than it is for not paying attention to the filler during the tea making breaks on love island or strictly…

    Full Member

    Some people seem to see ‘P’ and ‘L’ plates as some sort of additional provocation to their fragile egos. Usually the type who tailgate and try to intimidate me when I’m driving a tiny hatchback, but not in a bigger saloon car.

    This, sadly. Some people really are bell ends. I’ve never been on the receiving end of so much aggressive, bullying driving behaviour since I bought a panda. Some people are just ****.

    Full Member

    If they decide to write it off, ask for a cash offer in lieu of repair, then negotiate. There’s usually a bit of flex.

    Full Member

    Would you prefer communism.., sorry i meant socialism.

    It’s not an either:or question. Capitalism needs controls or most of us would be slaves.

    Full Member

    I don’t think we know enough about the chap in question to assess it as ‘low risk’. The best we can hope for is ‘probably quite low risk’. There must be a better way of helping, surely?

    Full Member

    I have concluded that we should put a moratorium on fracking in England with immediate effect

    -Andrea Leadsom


    a temporary prohibition of an activity.

    Full Member

    Claiming that you can’t get fit or stay fit on an ebike is like claiming that only getting into an actual boat will improve fitness, and that a rowing machine won’t.

    Ah, no. You e gone in completely the wrong direction there. Neither example you give do any of the work for you. What it’s actually like is saying you’ll get less fit pedalling an electric assisted pedalo* (aka a crap motorboat) than you would on a traditional pedalo.

    *it really exists! (Kinda)

    Full Member

    Farage must be ready to follow through with his threat in order to have a bargaining position that will be taken seriously by the Tories. He’s got o go through the motions of splitting the brexit vote in order to persuade the Tories to talk to him. If Brexit happens without him being a key player in it, he’s finished. It’s in his personal interests to oppose ANY version of brexit that he has not been involved with, as continuing this farce is elongating his career and earnings.

    Full Member

    It will be great news for the Tories if Farage manages to put forward some candidates, because Johnson can then claim that the Tory party is once again the party of the sensible, moderate, centre-right voter

    Problem is, the Tories rely on not just the ‘sensible, moderate, centre right, but also the ‘far right/xenophobic/easily lead by the meeja’ vote in combination to achieve a majority.

    Full Member

    It’s a really laudable idea. And probably would be fine. But please be aware that homelessness is often associated with severe mental health, drug dependence and alcoholism issues.

    A family near me was violently destroyed recently by a homeless person that they wanted to help*. This is certainly a statistical outlier, but highlights the extreme end of the type of risks that you would expose yourself to.

    Please be very careful. Maybe consider safer ways to assist.

    Full Member

    What something DOES is more important than what it IS.

    Couldn’t agree more. E-bikes are vastly less damaging to the environment than even low powered IC mopeds (although still not as environmentally friendly as a push bike). But as you concede, they ARE ‘motor’bikes.

    Full Member

    When you say “loophole”
    I assume you mean
    “the specific legal classification of an ebike, that was made specifically for ebikes to differentiate them from motorbikes,

    Sounds like the very definition of a loophole to me; a specific exception made in legislation to allow a bike, with a motor, to not have to comply with motorbike rules. Because, y’know, it’s only a little, quiet motor and you have to make a show of ‘pedalling’ to make the MOTOR drive the BIKE. 🙄

    I’m not saying that they don’t look great fun, I’d love a go on one. I’m not saying that they shouldn’t be allowed; in all for getting people out and active. I may even get one when I’m older. But I am surprised that people are so keen to argue black is white and say they aren’t motorcycles, in the sense that so is a moped, a scooter and an electric road motorbike. They may be different classes of motorcycle, but they all have a motor and two wheels. A push bike has NO motor, therefor it’s NOT a motorbike. It’s quite simple really. Nowt quasi religious about my point of view, it’s just logical.

    Full Member

    an ebike is nothing like a motorbike other than they both have two wheels.

    And, errrm, a motor.

    Not legally a motorbike, but actually, literally, the very definition of one.

    All power to the people exploiting the loophole that allows battery powered motor driven bicycles on terrain that I/c powered motorcycles are not allowed on, though. Looks great fun.

    Full Member

    Did you miss the 2016 campaign v8? The NHS logo appeared on Leave battle buses

    It’s one thing (and bad enough) hijacking the generic NHS logo, quite another to wear the uniform of a specific Trust. It’s suggestive that the NHS organisation supports and endorsed him, which crosses a line in my mind.

    Full Member

    **** FUMING that the blonde buffoon has been doing interviews wearing an NHS branded white coat, whoever gave it to him deserves an arse kicking. In no way does he represent the visions and values of the NHS. He surely shouldn’t be allowed to wear that particular NHS trust’s logo as they should be politically impartial. 🤬🤬🤬

    When does Purdah kick in?

    Full Member

    Makes my goolies feel funny 😳

    Full Member

    Regarding the ‘why didn’t they just…’ questions; bear in mind that the appetite for a body recovery is very different to that for a live rescue. I suspect that the emergency services had a very good idea of the individuals condition from the helo sortie; after that I don’t think that anyone was rushing. This bloke had been topless, upside down in a very exposed position for several hours before he was spotted. It was never going to have a happy ending.

    Full Member

    Quite enjoying it, though admittedly it’s gotten a bit silly with the UC redeployment. Cassie is hot though, so I’ll persist for now.

    Giri/Haji excellent so far, though it feels like it’s about to de end into a Tarantinoesque slaughterfest.

    Full Member

    IMO, electronic goods are never going to be ‘repairable’ by the average consumer unless part replacement is made as simple as battery replacement ie a modular plug in structure, with easy diagnosis, and that’s going to mean big compromises to the design of devices.

    I hear what you’re saying, but I don’t think that it’s entirely true. It’s bloodyminded manufacturing/design decisions that are infuriating. Stuff doesn’t need to be made ‘easy’ to repair, it needs to be possible, by someone reasonably skilled, that’s all.

    It’s at best lazy design and at worst it’s deliberate built in obsolescence that is the problem; which should be illegal. It’s as anti green as plastics and fossil fuels in my mind.

    Full Member

    Dunno. But it made me smirk, as it would anyone with a vaguely medical background… 😏

    Full Member

    Done. Replacement instead of repairing is the elephant in the room when it comes to ‘greening’ our way of life. Most people recognise its importance but most people want the latest new shiny thing.

    Full Member

    EU agree to Jan 31st extension – BBC

    Full Member

    Child maintenance is paid by the non resident parent to the resident parent, on a sliding scale, based on the number of nights spent at either parent’s home and on the take home income of the non resident parent. The calculator is available here. For legal purposes, the resident parent is the parent that the children live with more, even if it’s 51/49. That parent will also be able to claim the child benefit for both parents.

    There’s no compulsion to follow this amount, but it’s considered a reasonable starting point for negotiations. I believe if the non resident parent did not engage, an enforcement order can be sought. Do not go down this road.

    Good luck, try to keep it reasonably amicable, but don’t get walked all over.

    There’s some reasonably good further reading on the above link, too.

    Full Member

    pah……working 17hrs instead of 16.

    ‘Working’??? 🤔😘

    Cheers Drac. I survived. They say it works itself out over the course of a career… 🙄

    Full Member

    <waves> I’ve mostly been driving round in circles looking after the crews that are looking after the good (and not so good) people of my city. Bit of a lull so getting in some scran before club kicking out when it’s all going to go mental. As a bonus, the public are getting 13hrs for the price of 12 out of me and my crews tonight. Woop, and indeed, woop.

    Full Member

    LOVES it mate. His older bro isn’t so impressed; it’s closed the skills gap incredibly! 😂

    Full Member

    W00dster, you may be right, stamina wise. Both the boys are on 24” Wheels though. They can winch themselves up! 😂

    Billoddie <highfive>! Here’s a pic of the Saracen in action 😎

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    Full Member

    Thanks for replies all. Had previously discounted red as ‘for big’ us only’. Is it not too tough? Both boys are reasonably fit, have decent geared bikes and pretty good bike handling skills relative to their age.

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    They are a bit cautious if anything. I think that the length/multiple ups of the red would knacker them though; isn’t there a shortcut back to the blue half way round?

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