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  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    What’s ‘vitality’?

    Full Member

    It’s okay; TJ is immune to all advertising.


    Full Member

    billionaire in no time

    In geological terms, maybe…

    Full Member

    Wealth is not the same as income. 80k is a fair whack though.

    Full Member

    Has he actually suffered any ill effects, or was it precautionary? More info needed really.

    Full Member

    60kwh battery, utilitarian and for Nissan Leaf money; sounds unlikely, but if it was true, I don’t care how Fugly it is, I’d be on it like a tramp on chips (or white lightning).

    Full Member

    Did anyone hear the bloke that earns 80k+ get angry about being labelled a member of the top 5% of earners to the point that he actually accused Labour of lying last night in BBCQT? Blatantly got wealth conflated with earnings it seems, and reminded me of a TJ vs the world thread on here a few years ago.

    Sad thing was, he got applause for accusing Labour of being liars, and there will be a lot of people who will just remember that. It’s how fake news is born…

    Full Member

    Re Wahoo app; be careful that it’s acquired your HR sensor and GPS before you hit start. It doesn’t seem to be able to acquire either once the exercise has started. I’ve lost a few KMs from my recordings recently because of that; which is disproportionately irritating, despite the fact that it shouldn’t really matter…

    Full Member

    working for Tory central office

    Please. They aren’t going to pay you. More like working alongside the Tories.

    Full Member

    So… to be clear… when Boris gets his majority, it’s my fault?

    Stop it. You’re being a wally. It won’t be all your fault. Just a small, unquantifiable amount. But y’know, you’re still pushing in the wrong direction right now.

    Full Member

    I’m suddenly possessed of the urge to buy crayons, eat a pie and vote for Boris.

    You jest, but every thread about sausage rolls makes me peckish…

    Full Member

    Expressing your legitimate concerns was fine and dandy (and mildly entertaining) before the election kicked off, but now it’s a binary issue. There’s no change leader option right now, and anything that criticises Labour helps the Tories. Perfectly happy with you saying ‘I told you so’ in four weeks time, I’ll even nod in agreement because I’m no Corbynite. But for now, give it a rest, because you ARE helping Boris in your own little way.

    Full Member

    Plus there’s only one of them that will guarantee a referendum.. so there is that.

    THIS. Then get rid of him if you must. He can’t have much longer on this mortal coil anyway…

    Full Member

    Beyond the actual contributors, probably about 5.

    I hope you’re right.

    Full Member

    I feel it too. But they will empathise Boris into no 10 before we know it. And then we are ****. It may be a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea, but I’d like a chance to try swimming.

    Full Member

    It is, but tbf, I don’t think binners…longest tantrum in history… are all that influential!

    It might be though, because it’s funny, and incredibly persistent. You make people laugh and some of them will start to empathise. Then some of those people parrot similar views on their social media… and so on. I wonder how many unique views this thread gets?

    Full Member

    Erm, lets not over estimate it either, eh…

    Fair do’s, that’s a bit dramatic. The effect is unquantifiable, but is definitely pushing in the wrong direction.

    Of course he isn’t.

    Okay, he’s a ‘useful (and quite entertaining) idiot’ then. At this moment in time it’s a two horse race, and constant, pointed and aggressive slagging off of Corbyn is only going to help one side. Save it for after the day of the race, then feel free to slag away.

    Full Member

    So it’s my fault they’re totally unelectable?

    Erm… ok

    You know I draw pictures for a living, right?

    No it’s not your fault. But you are undoubtedly an influencer as one of the most vocal and colourful detractors of Corbyn et al, whilst supposedly being ‘left leaning’ on here. STW is not mumsnet, but I don’t doubt that traffic to this site, and this thread is several orders of magnitude larger than the number of people who are brave (stupid?) enough to engage in opinion sharing on it.

    Don’t underestimate your influence, when posting on a popular public forum. You’re currently working for Boris, whether you realise it or not. And we always joke that Chewk or whatever his username is, is the ‘bot’…

    Full Member

    **** me.

    Full Member

    I don’t have a problem with privately owned and rail services in some (many) circumstances, bu there are definitely routes that being failed year after year,

    That’s all very well, but it would be (already is in parts of the rail network, the prison service, and the NHS) privatisation of profit and nationalisation of losses. Why should you and I effectively subsidise shareholder profits through our taxes because they want to cherry pick the juicy contracts?

    Full Member

    feels like he’s actively trying to stop people listening to those words!

    This saddens me. We all decry personality politics and sound bite speeches, but when we see a video of a calm speech, saying really quite sensible, but not exciting things, we jump on the ‘OMGz! YAWN! SNOZEFEST!’ Bandwagon. We’ve been gaslighted as a nation into wanting big exciting people as leaders, despite their vacuous and empty hearts.

    The human race gets the leaders it deserves, rather than needs, it seems.

    Full Member

    Jeez, this is like a ‘me too’ thread. I’m off to the doctors this week having been burying my head in the sand for about a year about some dodgy BP reading that were high. Repeated last week; still sky high. Time to see doc about it I suppose.

    Frustrating thing is I’m healthier than I’ve been for years, running regular 5ks, occasional 10ks, out on my bike quite a bit and dog walks every day. My diet, whilst not perfect is not bad, don’t smoke, don’t drink much, lots of scratch cooking and less processed food over the last few years than ever, and whilst I’m a little bigger than I’d like, I’ve probably only got 1-2 stone to lose. I take other peoples BP all of the time and you can often spot the really high BPs a mile off. I don’t look like them but currently I’m looking at readings of 180/120 plus. I’m somewhat pissed off about it really.

    Full Member

    A tax dodge is a way to avoid the tax you should be paying, but the low tax on PHEVs is a deliberate incentive – they want you to buy one.

    I stand by the assertion. Many company cars are now PHEVs, despite the fact that they never get plugged in, run on their big petrol motors all of the time and produce more CO2 by far than the fleet of relatively clean diesels that they replace. The incentive was created for good reasons, but has been abused by car manufacturers. I’m talking about the hybrid beemers and Lexuses (Lexi?🤔) in particular. Big, heavy, polluting cars with extra tech to carry around, paying less tax than a traditional IC car that puts out far less real world emissions.

    Tax dodge. Exploiting ill thought out tax rules. Whatever you want to call it.

    Full Member

    PHEVs only exist as a tax dodge. Fundamentally flawed in engineering terms. They are a bit like having a diesel car with a little petrol engine and fuel tank as well, just in case there’s no diesel available when you go somewhere.

    Go BEV or go home 😉

    Full Member

    Had to take saddle of bike to fit it in car; left saddle on roof of car, surprisingly wasn’t there when I got to the trail. Hurrumph.

    Full Member

    You’re clearly just going to dismiss my original suggestion you rein in on the avoiding A&E suggestion, as politely as I tried to make it

    In fairness to Drac, he’s always on message and bob on regarding what stuff could be seen at an MIU vs ED. If he didn’t advise on your injury you can hardly hold him to account for advising on OTHER issues. The fact that you’ve transposed his advice to others to your different situation is kinda on you, really. That being said, the MIU probably should have been able to get your treatment right.

    …don’t give a **** about congestion. We need to fund it properly.

    You’re certainly not wrong about the funding thing, and in an ideal world loads of MIUs should be replaced by fully fledged EDs. But, y’know, Tories ideology/cold hard economic truths* and stuff…

    However, the good thing about MIUs when used appropriately is that you’ll generally be seen and treated more quickly and efficiently because more significantly ill/injured people won’t be continually jumping the queue in front of you due to triaging.

    *delete dependent upon political viewpoint

    Full Member

    My example of one has changed my life forever, because I didn’t go to A&E.

    In fairness; your example of poor treatment from an MIU nurse doesn’t mean all MIUs are bad. ED docs and nurses (and even paramedics😱😉) eff up too; they’re also human. That being said, I’m not a massive fan of the MIU concept. However with NHS funding as it is, it’s what we’ve got, especially in more remote or rural communities.

    Full Member

    Very interesting. Some lovely work, an awful lot of hours, some questionable bits (Carbs look ‘messy’? They look lovely! Maybe that’s just me). Can’t help but think that he’s spent a really long time making a perfectly good R100 into something unquestionably cool but a bit less stable and a bit slower though…

    Full Member

    People are talking at crossed purposes here. OP talked about eejit drivers forcing oncoming driver to change course because they don’t appear to want to get their shiny faux by four wheels wet (which I’ve noticed too) and then got a load of replies about how to drive through floods. It appears everyone is correct in their assertions, but some need to work on their comprehension skills! 😂

    Full Member

    Badger looks like a bull cross lurcher crossed with something else big!!

    Not far off I reckon on his dad’s side, but Mum is a gorgeously tempered working collie. This is the lurcher dad;

    Badger’s dad

    Your guess is as good a mine, but there’s something big headed in there and something long legged, and the markings are pure bull terrier.

    Kea looks gorgeous! 😃

    Full Member

    Whilst people at both ends of the political spectrum continue to loudly protest the the BBC are biased, I can’t help but think that they must be doing alright. Examples that ‘prove’ both positions are always available.

    Full Member

    If you win the auction, you always used to be able to then request contact details, which are address and phone number. Downside is ebay provide tours to the other party, so you pays yer money, and takes yer choice, really.

    Full Member

    You cant ride very far then … Obviously yours is different and could easily do a 60km day out!

    Probably 30-40k realistically. Badger is 50% border collie, 25% some sort of bull terrier 25% some sort of running dog, so has more stamina and is undoubtedly slower at top whack than a true 50/50 lurcher, although ‘lurcher’ is a very broad church, lol. He’s also in his absolute prime at the moment. I guess I ‘could’ ride further than that but I enjoy 20-25k rides (any further and I go into ‘long distance slog mode’), I’m not quick and the dog does significantly more distance whilst ranging in the woods on any given ride anyway.

    Full Member

    I had some issues yesterday, I did the cure all IT fix it procedure (off and on again) and it seemed to sort it.

    Full Member

    My Collie/Lurcher can run all day at a lope, with manic charges every now and then, squirrel dependant. He can run further (and faster) than I can ride, but the lurcher in him means he can sleep longer than I can, too. He’s incredible.


    Full Member

    Aldi have their merino undergarments coming on sale soon. Get some of those. Job jobbed 👍🏼

    Full Member

    Aqua planing is nothing to do with water hitting the underside of your car, and everything to do with tyres, speed, ground pressure, and water.

    Full Member

    Very sobering. Thank you.

    Full Member

    I bought a Lidl one about 4 years ago. It’s the mutz for what I need it for, still going strong. Much nicer and lighter than a petrol, much more convenient than a cable electric. Heartily recommended.

    Full Member

    Just read the obituary above. A lovely, moving piece, so obviously from the heart. Thank you.


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