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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    The point is did anyone know it was going to end so badly?

    YES! It was obvious!

    certainly didn’t know the planners didn’t have a scoobies. Mind you after a decade in the Army there’s an argument I should have!

    You should have, because it was effing obvious to millions of us.

    Protests in 600 cities globally ‘should’ have given pause for thought. MILLIONS of people worldwide who were horrified at enough at direction that events were taking that they joined some of the biggest mass protests the world had seen. But no, no one had any idea.

    Full Member

    Extra charge for tethering is always a pisstake in my mind. You e paid for the data, you’ve paid for your line rental, extra money just do you can look at your pixels on a different screen is just profiteering isn’t it? Why is it the carriers business what you do with your GBs?

    Very naughty.

    Full Member

    It baffles me why people think these things need sharing

    There’s an argument that it holds the security services to public account. I’m in two minds on that one.

    Full Member

    I suspect a soft interview actually acheives a lot more than a hard interview.

    There’s a massive difference between a soft interview and a sympathetic interview though. A right leaning interviewer has no motivation to dig.
    (Edit; as evidenced above 🙄🙄🙄)

    Full Member

    At 42 years of age, I’m wondering if I’ll ever see a real UK Labour Government.

    I’m 40 so tell me about it! It’s a dubious honour indeed to be have been born a month after Thatcher arrived on the scene.

    Full Member

    It seems from the polling that Tory remainers aren’t voting Labour because Tory,

    I do wonder how this will translate on the day of the race though; at work where I’ve had multiple political chats over the past week it feels like the enthusiasm factor is with remain/younger Labour voters, and the apathy factor is with both the Labour leavers and the Tory remainers who must both feel somewhat disenfranchised. We shall see, but I doubt the polls are telling the whole truth.

    Full Member

    FTX Outback 2 would be a good first crawler?

    Simple answer; yes, absolutely.

    Slightly more complicated answer; yes, but be aware of the limitations of it being a ‘scaler’ rather than an out and out crawler.

    Full Member

    Having this thread discovered by HR or an investigating manager wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. I don’t think that any reasonable social media policy rules will have been breached, and it is a contemporaneous account of the OPs genuine surprise (and therefore lack of racist intent) at the fact that the term could have been considered racist, as well as a willingness to reflect, learn and attempt to resolve the situation amicably.

    Full Member

    True. Everyone on every news channel chatting about Labour AS, and BBC news has ‘someone wins lottery’ higher than the Tory islamophobia story.


    Full Member

    So I’m not one for the theory that the BBC is biased, but they tested my resolve on that position this evening;

    Listening to R4 news on the way to work tonight;
    first story – Antisemitism in Labour!
    Second story – Islamophobia in the Tory party (fair dos I thought…)
    Third story – muslims are bigoted! Footage of Muslims falsely accusing schools of paedophilia, AntiLGBT protest permanently banned.
    Fourth story – Story about Islamic extremist terrorism somewhere in the world that I can’t even find on the BBC news front page.

    Now I don’t dispute that they are all news, but smashing home an ‘Islam – BAD’ message straight after the supposedly balanced reporting of the top two stories seemed a bit sinister to me.

    Full Member

    What’s your sick pay rate? Could be he’s done you a favour, financially speaking (or at least thinks he has).

    Full Member

    Go on, quote David Duke.

    In your own time.

    I can’t, because I won’t give that Tory mouthpiece my money. However, IT’S. NOT. NEWS. It’s a smear.

    Just like the fact the Tommy Robinson endorses Boris Johnson isn’t news either. It’s just useful smear fodder to the so inclined, and attention seeking from the aforementioned pathetic racists. (And it works though, eh?)

    Full Member

    …and won’t they be pissed off if we leave and it doesn’t solve all their problems?

    Yes… with Europe, or with remoaners, or anyone but themselves. 🙄

    Full Member

    Err, the Nazi’s aren’t endorsing Corbyn’s views on his prize winning marrows.

    No. Griffin tweeted that;

    Right now NOTHING is more important than resisting the psychotic rush to WW3 of Boris and the neocons

    And even a broken c(l)ock is right twice a day.

    Get a grip. Let’s face it, if a neoNazi fascist potato head is criticising our current PM for being a little too aggressive and warmongery, there’s probably something a little wrong with the current picture.

    Full Member

    So if he isn’t anti-semitic actual Nazis aren’t picking up on it as well as you’d think they might.

    I’m sorry. But what a monumentally stupid thing to say. There will be things that Boris Johnson and Vladimir Putin agree upon, but it doesn’t make them the same (Although I’m willing to bet they are considerably closer in ideology than Corbyn and Griffin FFS). What a pathetically transparent attempt at a blatant smear.

    Full Member

    Only semites should be allowed to reply to the OP. The rest of us just aren’t qualified to answer.

    Is this a joke?

    A) This is STW, being ‘qualified’ has never precluded anyone from voicing an opinion, and
    B)We are all human*. That’s all the qualification that’s needed to damn bigotry, whatever the flavour.

    *Chewkw I’m not sure about, but we should give him the BOTD.

    Full Member

    Does making sexist and racist remarks on Twitter make you a member of the Labour Party?

    No, because being a Tory precludes you from joining the Labour Party.

    Full Member

    Let’s call it an example of Hanlon’s Razor

    On both of your parts, then; your sloppy inference of antisemitism was as bad if not worse than TJ’s lack of clarity between the terms of ‘Israel’ and ‘Government of Israel’. If he’d conflated ‘Israel’ with ‘Jewish’ you’d have had more of a point, but he didn’t.

    Anyway, agreed, let’s move on.

    Full Member

    it confuses me why Jeremy Corbyn doesn’t come out much more strongly condemning it in general

    It’s a very tricky challenge to deal with; I think it’s been handled badly but I am at a loss as to what would have been better. I feel that the leadership have tried to just ‘not talk about it’ as it doesn’t matter what they say, it will be twisted anyway, and will just add fuel to the fire. Whilst that’s probably true, it’s also true that the strategy has failed.

    The weaponisation of accusations of antisemitism is one of the most sinister developments in U.K. politics, and scarily, by polarising viewpoints further can only fan the flames of bigotry of all persuasions. I really do fear for the way things are going.

    Full Member

    Do you wear red trousers?

    Actual lol. True though.

    “Yah, we totally sacked the cleaner for superficially scratching the cooker. I mean, what are they teaching them in scrubber school these days? You can’t get the staff…”

    Full Member

    TJ is antisemitic, no one has claimed, or even suggested that.

    This clearly implies it, IMO;

    is NOT the fault of British citizens who happen to be Jewish, OK TJ? Have you got that message now?

    If he didn’t MEAN to imply it, he owes TJ an apology. If he DID mean to imply it, then he owes more than an apology.

    Full Member

    That the Israeli Govt are arseholes about Palestine, is NOT the fault of British citizens who happen to be Jewish, OK TJ? Have you got that message now?

    Your post was reasonable and considered up until this point. I don’t make a habit of it, but I’m going to defend TJ here. NOTHING he has posted has suggested that he thinks that Israeli actions are U.K. Jews fault. To do so would be clearly antisemitic and TJ is many things but he’s not that.

    Full Member

    There is no chance of a Labour majority at this election…

    Is probably a reasonable prediction but talking to a lot of the young’uns at work I’ve cause for a tiny glimmer of optimism. I’ve never known them so politically engaged, and universally suppose of Labour, it feels. I have found the odd older reluctant Tory voter, but they all seem embarrassed about it.

    The glimmer is probably the headlight of an approaching train though, to mingle my metaphors horribly.

    Full Member

    Boomerlives – Thank you binners; much more sensible

    Well. This should tell you something Binners… 😂

    (Although I notice that you have toned it down a tad recently, to be fair…)

    Full Member

    Jezza says he’ll get a deal in 3 months.

    He says he’ll get to the Labour version of where Boris is now in three months. That may be slightly optimistic, but not ridiculous, seeing as the Labour position is much more closely aligned in regard to a customs union etc. Much less painful all round. Following such an agreement, a trade deal should be simpler too.

    Full Member

    You might want to have a look at the steering…device.

    Ah, c’mon. Didn’t you love KnightRider as a lad? 😂

    Full Member

    Ohh.. how much was the deposit? And when do you get it? Post pics

    Ha! Not that tempted, yet.

    Full Member

    basically filling in potholes and curing dementia?

    And no extra tax! Don’t forget that! Bribery. And free parking for patients and staff at hospitals. 🤬 mainly things that are Tory issues in the first place.

    Full Member

    whose left?

    Well I’m tempted at that price and I’m no fanboi. I quite like the ‘practicality before looks’ stance.

    Full Member

    This guide suggests that the internal door handles should still work; break glass and utilise those is the advice. I presume they are mechanically linked? Never been in a Tesla so cant say for sure.

    Full Member

    Have you retro-fitted anti-burst locks?

    My first one didn’t have them (and I had the occasional going round a corner over a bump door flinging open moment 😳) but my current one is a spring chicken 1986 model so came as standard with them 😂

    Full Member

    minor electrical failure to leave you stuck in the car.

    Which does seem daft, agreed. But the above case, a car hit a tree hard enough to disrupt automotive grade batteries; I think that the electrical failure could well be moot. The root cause is the crash, not the electrical system, surely?

    Full Member

    It’s nothing to do with the door locks. It’s whether the car body has deformed (and it takes surprisingly little visible deformation) to clamp the door firmly in the frame.

    And I’m not posting this as any kind of fanboi of Teslas or pointless overteching. I like (old, proper) land rovers for goodness sake!

    Full Member

    I’ll tell the FRS to scrap their holmatros then, Edukator says it’ll be okay 😉

    Edit; in what way is a full roll cage not ‘significantly more structurally robust’ than a car without one? (Not to mention welded seams, etc).

    Full Member

    Rally cars are SIGNIFICANTLY more structurally robust than normal road cars

    Full Member

    Not necessarily.

    Source; been to lots that haven’t over last twenty years.

    Full Member

    That court case (respectfully to the deceased) is a load of shit. Doors on modern cars are rarely openable following a significant RTC, whether or not the door handles ‘self present’ or not. Like the fire service are gonna go; “doors won’t open chief!” “Ah well, let her burn then”. Likely the poor chap was incapacitated by the accident before the fire took hold, and if he wasn’t, then that’s horrendous, but no different to the potential of any other automotive accident.

    Modern cars, so safe in RTCs now, do present the fire service with new and unique challenges. This is a more than acceptable trade off for the fact that they are SO much safer than they used to be. Accidents that would have been fatal or life changing 15-20 years ago are usually walked away from these days.

    Full Member

    Iveco also produce the only automatic gearbox I’ve ever driven that is possible to stall the engine with on a hill start. **** awful engineering.

    Anyway; OP, get your wheels balanced again. A weight has probably dropped off.

    Full Member

    Expect to see most large companies (> 250 employees) follow in order to avoid Labour’s 10% company theft plan.

    This has got to be the funniest post that I’ve read for ages on this thread.

    Yes, the reason that the companies are leaving is a recently announced policy by a party that probably won’t get elected, NOT the clusterfudge of asshattery that has been a Tory led Brexit looming for the last three or four years.

    The mental gymnastics performed by Tory voters never ceases to amaze me.

    Full Member

    I’ve stopped buying any Aldi/Lidl special buys. The only thing that is special about them is that they are good for a matter of weeks and then something always fails or doesn’t work quite right

    And then you take them back for a no quibble refund? Although I must say you are buying different stuff from me then. Loads of Aldi and Lidl stuff in our house, kitchen, clothing, living room and workshop and I’ve never had to take anything back as far as I can remember.

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