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  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    And that, folks, is why people die in their own homes. 😂

    Full Member

    I think there’s an 8 week ‘provisional membership’ period. So if you’re quick, I reckon there’ll be time.

    Full Member

    Crikey! I wouldn’t even be driving a car with intermittent power steering

    It’s not such a big deal. Power steering hardly has any effect at normal road speeds at all, it’s to make life easier when manoeuvring. And at manoeuvring speeds you have plenty of time to work around the issue.
    Should still be fixed though.

    Full Member

    Inoperative power steering is a major fault

    OP describes PS that’s struggling a bit, not inoperative. Still needs sorting though.

    Full Member

    In my experience, depends whether they notice. A lot of the lock to lock examination is done with the wheels on little turntables, so they may not.

    Should probably still get it fixed, though. Steering is pretty important!

    Also, could just be a slipping belt. And if you want to make the steering work less hard to get through the test, pump the fronts up to about 60psi 👍🏼😉

    Full Member

    Ideology is for dictators.

    Bollocks. Although, with a ‘flexible’ attitude to morality like that, you’d have been okay in 1930s Germany I suppose. Might have even got a nice shiny Hugo Boss uniform out of it, too…

    Full Member

    Fantasyland that ‘the right Milliband’ would have made the foggiest bit of difference.

    Full Member

    If by “ASAP” you mean “about five years ago” then you’re bang on the money.

    True dat. Still, we are where we are. Any raises on H Grant/F Skinner/P Kaye?

    Full Member

    In seriousness; Labour needs a celebrity, charismatic leader without significant baggage, ASAP. It’s the main reason Boris harvested working class, not particularly politically engaged votes. Time and again I heard “yeah, but you know, he’s funny isn’t he?” from friends and colleagues (in the bloody NHS!!?!?) as a justification for why the were drawn towards Boris.

    Charisma, sadly, is worth a great deal more than worthy policies.

    The manifesto, other than being perceived as complicated and a bit ambitious, was not particularly toxic, and many liked the individual policy ideas.

    So Hugh Grant/Frank Skinner/Peter Kaye and a simplified, less ambitious manifesto should walk it in 5 years time.

    Full Member

    Perchy has it I think.

    I think it’s fascinating the number of new contributors to this thread with smug comments, none of which could be bothered to provide any argument as to why people should vote Tory before the day. Almost as if they are ashamed, or can’t justify their motives…

    If this election is anything it’s another example of how much influence billionaire media baron’s wield in our “democracy”

    This too, rings true.

    Full Member

    As I keep saying, they first need a leader that is popular with the public (personality wise).

    Frank Skinner? Peter Kaye?

    I jest, but actually, someone quick witted, northern(ish) and intelligent like a bright lefty comedian would certainly be better than what we’ve had recently. It needs to be somebody with a likeable and engaging personality with decent humanitarian politics and not too many skeletons in the closet to combat the cult of the cuddly imbecile.

    Full Member

    V8…. We had a small run in yday…. But believe it or not, we’re probably on the same “side”

    Yep and for that I apologise. Bit wound up and snappy at the moment. I admire your optimism and hope that you’re correct.

    Full Member

    It doesn’t feel over dramatic (well maybe a bit) to feel a bit like this might be the UK’s 1933 moment.

    Full Member

    Oh definitely go through a relay. I presumed that was a given 😳.

    Full Member

    If you need spotlights to drive at night perhaps you should consider an eye test first?

    In fairness, some cars headlights are woefully inadequate.

    Full Member

    You could wire in to come on with mains, and use a switch to enable/disable them? Best of both that way. Can’t think of a situation when you’d need spots on/headlights dipped, which is the only option not available to you that way.

    That said I’ve never bothered with any sort of switch, just switching with main beam and it’s always been fine. My current vehicle came with a light bar on a separate switch and it’s a right faff, I often don’t bother with it, so I’d recommend anything but that.

    Full Member

    Anyone else feel an uneasy, sicky feeling in the pit of their stomach? I’m not normally massively bothered, but this election… it’s really got to me. 🤢

    My other half thinks I’m bonkers to be bothered 😏

    Full Member

    You just don’t get those sorts of scenes from the other Parties.

    I suspect that Tory racists are generally a bit better at hiding their bigotry, as they are generally white people in positions of (relative) power. The vocal sounding off that was unpleasantly demonstrated there was that of the ignorant bigotry of people who perceive themselves as the underdogs, rightly or wrongly.

    There’s no need to riot in the streets if daddy knows the local MP and can have a word, is there?

    Not sure who I find most odious, those provoking or those provoked. Only losers there.

    Absolutely. 100% agreed. Tribalism corrupts everything.

    Full Member

    Individuals unfurl a provocative anti Corbyn banner at a pro Corbyn rally and provoke a reaction shocker.

    Some people (on both sides) are thick/uninformed/angry/gobby. Again, shocker. Moving on. 🙄

    Full Member

    Already voted Labour by post, although it felt like a fools errand in (I think) the 10th safest Tory seat in the UK.

    Wish I could move to Scotland.

    Full Member

    Why would a lifelong Labour voter be reading the RW press?

    I don’t know why ANYONE would read, and especially buy into the likes of the Sun and the Daily Mail. But so, so many do. And completely fail to see the bias that is staring them in the face. It’s massively depressing to me, that otherwise decent people become tainted by the vitriol.

    My in laws, in a slight non stereotypical shocker, are really nice, gentle, Christian folk. But they buy the Daily Mail, believe the stuff that’s presented as fact, and take it personally when anyone dare suggest that that rag is an evil, hate filled, xenophobic mouthpiece of Russian billionaires that once ran stories supporting Hitler. Don’t ask me how I know this… 🙄

    My point I suppose, is that lots of people don’t even realise how much they are being influenced by the drivel that they read.

    Full Member

    I live on a shooting estate.

    I see the game keeper tootling round quite frequently.

    He’s never physically carrying a shotgun unless he’s actually out with a shoot. I’m pretty sure his little covered quad thing must have secure storage for his gun. Than said, he’s rarely on foot at all.

    This is England, so RoW are well defined and limited, sadly, but if he approached me telling me to get off the land, whilst carrying a gun, I’d feel a bit uneasy. It’s an unspoken power thing. But he hasn’t, he seems fairly professional. A couple of hoo-rah Henrys on horseback told my other half that she shouldn’t be running on a bridle way once, but they were just politely ignored.

    Can’t stand shooting as a sport, very elitist and a massive waste of open space in England, that could otherwise be enjoyed by all. I wish Scottish style access laws could work in the rest of the UK, the landowner here is VERY protective of access, signs everywhere. Such a waste.

    Full Member

    Don’t FFS me.

    I will, because it appears that you are trying to minimise, distract and divert attention from the real story. That of lies, deception and trickery by the Tories. I’m fact, you appear almost complicit. Do you have a close friend who’s a nurse at Leeds hospital?

    Full Member

    Give consent to the employer to ask, but make clear to your GP not to disclose anything over a year old maybe?

    Full Member

    FFS. ‘Flu’ (real, not cold/flu symptoms that mean ‘pulling a sickie’) is a serious, potentially life threatening condition in the young, old, and otherwise immunocompromised. Add bacterial tonsillitis and you have one poorly kid. Diagnosis will take time and tests; GP correctly identified a poorly child who is best treated in Paed ED and then potentially admitted. Probably followed fairly simple sepsis guidelines, which make decisions simple in cases like this. TL:DR, GP did the right thing.

    Full Member

    Quote it then so we can decide for ourselves.

    Is an article cited by;

    McDonnell commits Labour to shorter working week and expanded free public services as part of Labour’s vision for a new society

    Which is the press release from McDonnell announcing the policy that we are discussing.

    Full Member

    Banning zero hour contracts and full time contracts, I wonder how wide the permissable slot will be?

    OOB, you’re being deliberately obtuse. You know that the objection to ‘zero hour’ contracts is not the actual hours worked, but rather the ability the exploit those workers and prevent them from working hours elsewhere, as well as the misrepresentation of these workers as ‘employed’ in statistics. Similarly, the four day week idea is actually just a policy of governance supporting an improvement in work life balance for the majority of people, paid for by an increase in automation etc, rather than the fruits of automation going straight into shareholders pockets.

    Full Member

    People are more important than money but people’s work has a market rate.

    That’s a very disingenuous statement. What happens to the (ever increasing) pool of people who get priced out of the market value by machines or outsourcing?

    If your job could be outsourced because of a 20% increase in costs that a four day week would cost, why can’t it be outsourced now? I’m sure potential savings would be greater than 20% if you look east?

    Admittedly this is a far bigger problem than we can hope small minded domestic politics will be able to solve. It’s probably going to be the problem that brings humanity to its knees within the next century.

    Full Member

    Concept of unionised workforce trashed by single poor experience with single union, that still won.

    Okay (literally) boomer.

    Full Member

    I can’t help but wonder if train guards are the same, maybe their Union have negotiated them such a good deal that it actually makes sense to automate trains and make them all redundant.

    This point truly highlights the elephant in the room. It boils down to whether you view people or money as more important. What is the point in any organisation be it public, or private? Is it JUST to deliver VFM to the shareholders (in which case, in this age of burgeoning automation, supercharged by AI) 95% of us will face the scrap heap in our lifetime, or is it to provide a service to humans, whilst delivering a decent quality of life to it’s workforce?

    I don’t know the answer; it’s a philosophical one rather than a practical one anyway, but I know which sounds more palatable.

    Full Member

    Yep, I think the picture with the pie proved it 😂

    Full Member

    S’alright, @Binners has done way more Labour -ve (and therefore Tory +ve) posts over the past year. This thread will barely register…


    Full Member

    @sargey, please, PLEASE vote Labour. Hold your nose, look the other way, I accept that Corbyn is damaged goods. But at least Labour is the right direction. Boris does NOT have yours or my or anyone other than his own and his friends interests at heart.

    Full Member

    Never really understood the objection to unions by ‘normal’ people, at least. I mean sure, if you’re a mill owner, or the owner of British Leyland and prioritise having a solid gold Rolls Royce over working conditions, quality of your product and R&D, then yes, but anyone else, nope. Unions are pretty much the only check and balance against worker exploitation, as evidenced by zero hour contracts and the like.

    Full Member

    If he was actually telling just Piers to Eff off, I’d have perhaps a little sympathy. But he was actually telling us all to, really. Scrutiny? Questions? ‘Eff off old chap, don’t be such a bore…’

    Full Member

    Threats to the Beeb AND channel 4 on the run up to an election. But the media have nothing to do with public opinion, oh no. You stay classy, BoJo 🙄

    Full Member

    Nice clear signal.

    But wasted vote, facilitating a Borisexit.

    Please, to stop Boris,

    vote Labour.

    Full Member

    My postie is ace; he even brings dog treats for the dog (smart move I reckon) I’m sure some aren’t so ace. Humans 🙄

    Full Member

    Not having a tracker on an 8 year old?

    I hear ya, but kids are fascinated by the gadgets that the grown ups use so enthusiastically. And whilst I’m no fan of pointless tech for kids, tech that generally encourages them to be more active seems to be fairly reasonable, better than an iPad and mine craft, anyway 🙄

    Full Member

    Gonna be a bugger to water.

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