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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    No clearly the dog has no concept of what’s acceptable. That’s why it’s the owner’s responsibility.

    No one suggested otherwise, that’s plainly obvious. And if the dog had entered a garden, eaten all the children’s faces and baby robins before buggering off then the owner would clearly be responsible for the damage.

    Or a lead?

    Of course, but again, there are places that it is reasonable to have a dog off lead in public, and the scrubland referred to by CodyBrennan sounds like such a space. And given that acceptance, recall within 10 seconds from somewhere the dog isn’t allowed but has unexpected access to sounds reasonable to me.

    Unfortunately dog disliking absolutists don’t seem to be that good at ‘reasonable’.

    Full Member

    No, but it’s not reasonable to expect livestock in a field to be under proper control. It is reasonable to expect someone walking a dog to keep it under control

    Absolutely, but people’s idea of what constitutes proper control is the problem here. Coming out of a prohibited area full of interesting smelling stuff that was unexpectedly accessible within 10 seconds sounds eminently reasonable to me; others will think not. It’s a dog, with a brain and curiosity. If you want absolute control, get a drone.

    Full Member

    Bravo! I don’t think anyone could have demonstrated the clueless dog owner’s sense of self entitlement any better

    I don’t think that’s entirely fair. If you’ve got a property that backs onto scrub that people walk their dogs on, you can’t get too upset if a dog comes through a hole in your fence. I have horses behind me. There’s a fence. If the fence had a horse sized hole in it and I found Ned munching my petunias, I wouldn’t go and give the Farmer a load of shit about it, I’d fix my fence.

    Full Member

    I’ve not had a voicemail facility on my phone for years. The above point about reading out the whole number, slowly, only to hear a ‘…click, brrrrrrrrr’ completely killed it for me. People’s inability to hang up OR leave an intelligible message fries my brain.

    So now, just text or try again later.

    Full Member

    Me and my lads, 7 and 9, (ages not hippy names🙄) went for a tootle round FoD today. Busy! Wow. The amount of eBikes was eye opening. They do look great fun, interesting to note that there appear to be eBike shortcuts developing on a lot of the switchback climbs, taking advantage of the extra torque available. Given that they appear to be able to sustain climbs on a steeper gradient than non motorised bikes, hows about they get their own, steeper, shorter climbs to the top of the trailhead, then they can crack on down the same descents where their advantage is less pronounced? It would save my lads having to give way to the whirring contraptions frequently and becoming disheartened by it. My eldest started loudly commenting “oh look it’s another cheater bike” as they went past in the end (he’d get on well on here I reckon) I had to shush him a few times 😂🙄.

    Seriously though, I can’t believe that they are allowed on trails. They are going to increase trail erosion no end.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    You have to tell it to upload to strava with the little box/arrow icon top right of the exercise summary screen. Doesn’t seem to do it automagically. On mine anyway. It’s a bit of a pain, but not a dealbreaker.

    Full Member

    Jeez. Speeding threads really do bring out the holier than thou crowd, don’t they? 😂🙄 those without sin, and all that jazz…

    Keep smiling OP. I’m sure it’ll all work out okay in the end. The smart arse posters above are the thread equivalent of those annoying drivers that do 55 in a 60, and then 40 in a 30. 🙄

    Full Member

    Unsure how getting what you believe is the right result highlights a failing in the justice system.

    Because, perhaps cynically (but definitely realistically), I believe that there’s not a cat in hells chance that most people could afford the defence team that could pull that defence off, and the widespread decimation of the legal aid system means that justice is a luxury only the wealthy can afford.

    Full Member

    Feeling particularly acerbic last night were we, Mr Darcy? 😂😂😂

    Full Member

    It’s speeches like that that made me really like JC. It’s his singular failure to make (or at least project into the public domain) any speeches like that in the last few years that made me despair of him.

    No place for gentle, reasonable, nice people at the top of politics. Loud and nasty always overwhelms and grabs public attention.

    Jonathan Pie for PM?

    Full Member

    The ridiculously infectious and entertaining enthusiasm for stuff that makes him so popular is hardly a common trait in the general population; I’m not surprised that he’s somewhere on the spectrum and I’m glad; it highlights that people on the spectrum haven’t got a ‘disorder’ or an illness, but that they can have all sorts of great skills to bring to the party. Good for him.

    Edit; just read that back and I’m sorry if it comes across as patronising to anyone who is or has relatives on the spectrum. I just think he’s a great entertainer 👍🏼

    Full Member

    Stronger steering servo will see you right. Look for metal gears and high torque ratings. Savox are one of many trustworthy makes, but there’s lots out there.

    Full Member

    Bringing in Psychiatrists seems a bit OTT.

    When he was potentially looking at

    £5,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison.

    I don’t think it was. Whatever works to convince the judge was the right thing to do.

    Full Member

    He’s lucky that he had access to clever lawyers and through that psychologists. I don’t imagine that the normal bloke on the street, ASD or otherwise, would have managed to wangle this defence. If it’s true he genuinely thought the license was real (and submission to the DVLA would suggest he did) then I’m glad for him. Highlights the failings of our two tier justice system though.

    Full Member

    No. The grown up thing to do is say you aren’t as right as you first thought

    He’s neither right nor wrong, he postulated that’s it could be electric netting, because lots of people use electric poultry netting, which is true. I do and know lots of others that do too. Don’t be a point scoring smart arse, lol 😘

    It’s a weird non argument because we don’t know whether the netting was electric, and if it was it’s largely irrelevant because as pointed out, it could be turned off, still leaving a possibly injured, aggressive, probably disease ridden urban fox tangled and trapped and in need of dealing with. I can’t see an issue with the decision to dispatch the creature with the quickest means to hand, the massive error of judgment was always going to be the decision to tweet about it.

    It’s akin to Ronald McDonald tweeting “lolz! We slaughtered 1000 head of cattle as cheaply as possible today to keep you fed! #efficientkillinghmachine! #yummy!”

    It’s true, and legal, but not going to do their public image any good because people find reality distasteful.

    Full Member

    We have kept chickens for over 20 years and have never even thought about having an electric fence. I don’t know anyone that does in fact.

    We do, our neighbours do and my folks do. It’s good because it’s also easily relocatable.

    That being said; it’s a red herring in this discussion as there’s no evidence it was involved.

    Full Member

    I might be being a bit thick, but can someone explain why jump starting can be bad for some cars? I mean, I think of it basically as lending a working car battery and charging system to the one that has dropped its voltage; it’s not like you’re exposing it to voltages or ampages that the flat cars system isn’t designed to cope with is it? I don’t get it 🤯

    Full Member

    Same here! They sent me the email twice, and yet the code doesn’t seem to work. Frustrating

    Full Member

    Whether it’s a weapon of opportunity or not is irrelevant because it’s not in a public place, I think. It’s not illegal to have offensive weapons in a private place.

    Full Member

    Collie crossed with something placid and lazy all the way. Intelligence x calmness x stamina x reduced possibility of collie psychosis.

    (In the spirit of STW ‘recommend what you’ve got)

    Full Member

    Assuming he didn’t manage to kill it humanely yes it has.

    I see your point, but I think that the statutory defence would be around reasonable practicability. The argument would be that the fox couldn’t be safely released, or conventionally humanely dispatched, so in the circumstances the best was made with the equipment to hand. Unpleasant, but I’m not sure what he could have done differently in the circumstances. Why the **** he thought it sensible to tweet about it though is beyond me.

    Full Member

    Not sure if my messages are going through; so if you’re one of the kind chaps who have offered up assistance, I’m not ignoring you, I have tried to message you. Cheers

    Full Member

    As an owner of chickens, can’t say I’m that bothered about the event. However I find it incredible that someone so evidently intelligent has had such an enormous failure of common sense as to bleedin’ TWEET about it. Just 🙄 really.

    Still at least he’s admitted the crime

    I’m not convinced a crime has been committed to be honest.

    Full Member

    Salt and pepper – push it

    Full Member

    he refused to condone the IRA.

    I absolutely refuse to condone the IRA too.

    Also, what he said ☝🏼

    Full Member

    Thanks peeps, YGM 👍🏼

    Full Member

    Iambobody; cheers, out of stock though. Got all excited for a sec 😏

    Full Member

    which side do you need?

    Right hand side 👍🏼

    Full Member

    Thank you ScotRoutes; evidently my GoogleFu was weak this morning, appreciated.

    What’s wrong with the other one?

    I know. I’m not very OCD at all, by non matching brakes would grieve me a bit.

    Think I may have a spare xt lever from the same era – I’ll take a look later

    👍🏼 Thank you

    Full Member

    I’m sympathetic to this issue. I’d never heard of a ‘bus gate’ until one popped up near work about six months ago. My one is fairly self explanatory being a side road off a main road, but the example above looks like a trap for any driver who’s never driven on that road before. I bet if you set up a blind test where you sent 100 drivers down that road without briefing them at least half would end up with a £30 fine.

    It’s all very well saying that they sho you do have known better, but you’ve got to legislate for the lowest common denominator.

    Some big red no entry ⛔️(Except busses) would work fine and is available as an option for the road designers, I’ve seen it used lots.

    Signage should be clear, or the risk of being accused of deliberate revenue generation is great.

    Full Member

    I have no problem with people being millionaires or even billionaires but by god they should pay the same rates of tax that the rest of us do on any income or assets.

    Dirty commie. Have you not seen what happened in Venezuela/haven’t you heard of trickle down economics/politics of envy/You mustn’t scare away the wealth creators etc etc…

    Full Member

    All comes down to money (Much like the rest of society, really). Anything that eats into profits of the big estates will be exterminated. Same as farming, it’s a business decision. If there’s a legal way to do that (‘tree protection’🙄) then they’ll use that. But don’t be under any illusion that the landowners particularly care about trees, other than as a nice backdrop to encourage the guns to spend their money.

    Full Member

    It’s supercilious people like you that make people like me feel that they have to come and let the World know that not everyone is as misguided as you.

    Well, there’s some learning for me right there. Hard to know how not to come across as ‘supercilious’ when I’m just so gobsmacked and saddened that so many decent and good people (I’m talking people I know rather than on here, but I’d imagine it’s across the board) can be persuaded by the blurred, non specific mirage of a message offered by the Cons that they offer actually anything at all for them. I GET why people haven’t been enthused by Labour, but I don’t get how people can be so unenthused by them that the think the Tories are better.

    New Years resolution; be less supercilious…

    I very much feel an alien in my own country. I thought better of us.

    This is how I feel too.

    Full Member

    Oh and if people do vote for ideologies, policies and principles

    They* don’t. They vote for personalities and sound bites. Doesn’t mean politicians should abandon principles. Just means they need more convincing personalities and better sound bites to sell them with, I guess.

    Oh no, a non-believer in the echo chamber!

    Absolutely! Pity he didn’t pipe up before really; it wouldn’t have been such an echo chamber then, would it?

    *massive generalisation obvs; people vote for lots of reasons

    Full Member

    Basically it was the thickies and feeble-minded who don’t understand what they are doing

    Don’t forget the terminally selfish and nasty, and sadly decent people who’ve been misled in their droves. Which category do you put yourself in? Seriously, as you only feel able to join the political discourse from the safety of having won, how DO you justify voting for the dishonest, self serving, nasty bunch of **** that you did? Have you got a friend who’s a nurse in Leeds hospital by any chance?

    Full Member

    A politicians job is to deliver on their promises if they get chosen

    Exactly. I’d add that it’s their job to try to convince/educate the electorate as to why their ideology is attractive too. It’s NOT a principled politician’s job to flap around in the breeze of public opinion trying to please everyone; that’s populism, and leads to dark places.

    Full Member

    The steering is really only noticeable when manoeuvring or parking, I honestly couldn’t tell you if it was working or not once moving. I have driven a few cars without in my time though.

    I reckon you can get that through the MoT, unless the tester has one on him.

    In seriousness, check your tyre pressures. A slightly soft front tyre can really make marginal PAS struggle.

    Full Member

    Not true,

    OP (and me) are talking about hydraulic PAS that’s struggling when manoeuvring, not failing suddenly at high speed. I’ve no experience of failing electric PAS steering.
    Should still be fixed though…

    Full Member

    It’s a dearth in the ability/desire to critically analyse what is read on Facebook/Twitter/gutter press/memes shared on WhatsApp that makes people so vulnerable to this modern style of propaganda.

    Correlation is entirely predictable I think. Sad.

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