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  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    The problem isn’t with religious people, the problem is with arseholes. Some of whom are religious.

    I think you’re partially correct; there ARE arseholes everywhere. The problem with religion is that it confers legitimacy to some arseholes; their otherwise unreasonable positions are entrenched by the writings of long dead zealots, and it’s then held up as a legitimate argument to (for example) withdraw children from classes where gender and sexuality equality is being taught.

    Hell, they even have the arrogance to call it the ‘Truth’ for goodness sake.

    Full Member

    if your comes team would maybe run something?

    You had me scratching my head for a sec but I think you meant comms team, 😂 and yes, send me something for our weekly propaganda and I’ll gladly forward it on 👍🏼

    Full Member


    There but for the grace of Argos toasters, and all that jazz…

    Full Member

    Whereas the groups I mentioned above often just downright lie.

    Ah, but they do it for profit, not prophet.

    I don’t like either motive particularly, but the profit motive is at least transparent.

    Full Member

    Teej is correct.

    Molgrips, KennyP, There’s a massive difference between the secular groups and organisations that you mention (even the ones I/we don’t agree with) and religious groups. The religious groups justify their attempts to influence on elaborate make believe, and call it faith. Even the NRA (as a not (specifically at least) religious group whom I find the aims of abhorrent) use reasoning and dodgy statistics to get their own way. Religion is far more opaque and sinister. The fact that most are fairly benign does not excuse the fact that they are basing their position on fallacies.

    Full Member

    Kant’s moral argument for the assumption of the existence of God.

    As an atheist, I genuinely find Kant’s moral theory patronising and insulting.

    Full Member

    seeing or reading anything that could be magical, construed to be ‘not-real’… They are super religious

    It may have already been said (skim read, sorry) but this statement right here is beyond satire. Wow.

    Full Member

    Ever more control of the plebeians via criminal legislation. Cheers, all you idiots that voted Tory. 🙄👍🏼

    Full Member

    conspiracy theory from me, maybe I’ve watched too much homeland. Chances some american assets were on that plane? you know the spy type asset? anyway will never know. RIP the innocents

    Crossed my mind too, but Hanlon’s razor says probably not.

    Full Member

    Do you think the police would have shot a white person who left that building carrying a backpack?

    Because there’s never been a white terrorist? Oh, wait…

    Full Member

    How do you know if you’ve been parked there for 2:24 and away watching rugby training / shopping in town or whatever else people do? I don’t see it as victimless at all, if you’re taking advantage of people who can follow the rules.

    Okay; I should qualify that by saying I’ve never been to a Lidl that has a more than half full car park. If spaces are at a premium I probably wouldn’t take the liberty, but if there’s plenty of spaces, I can’t see the harm.

    Full Member

    I had one from an Aldi car park I ignored it. The follow-up letter also went in the bin. I heard nothing more.
    That’s my experience.

    This is my experience too, and my policy with this kind of thing. I’ve had a few over the past 15-20 years, always ignored completely, always gone away. I may just have been lucky, but my theory is that these grubby little businesses play the statistics game, and if they get a zero response it rapidly becomes less likely that they’re going to get an income from the case. If they have any correspondence at all from the driver, they know that there’s a human at the other end and the likelihood of getting cash out of them rises massively, especially since the aforementioned case ruling. I don’t know but I’d imagine that a significant proportion of tickets have errors, wrong addresses, cars not registered correctly, etc, and there’s not much point spending expensive man hours chasing the dead ends. So other than automated threatening letters, unless they can identify a real person the cases get binned after a while. Plenty of people who’ll ‘just pay up’ to make easy money from, after all.

    This does not constitute advice, and may well bite me on the arse eventually.

    As for the ‘Dont be a dick scale’ I don’t see it being a dick at all, so long as a) no Lidl customers were prevented from parking by SR’s wife parking there, and b) SR’s family regularly shop at Lidl, contributing to the costs of the carpark. It’s a completely victimless infringement.

    Full Member

    Iran more ‘grown up’ than Russia shocker.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Mines hovering around the 135/85 mark now, on ramipril and amilodipine. I’ve got an appointment with nephrology next week to look into primary causes for my rather extreme hypertension (200/110ish pre meds) as it doesn’t fit well with my lifestyle, diet and habits. I’m hardly a paragon of virtue, but I don’t smoke, drink sensibly, exercise regularly and maintain a reasonable diet, when compared to the genpop. I’m not sure whether I’m hoping they find something or whether I’m hoping they don’t, to be honest 😳

    Full Member

    Seems fairly conclusive. NYTimes have apparently interviewed the amateur cameraman and are considering this video to be genuine.

    Full Member

    the special speed controller uses the extra wire to sense what the motor is doing and apply power appropriately

    Close but not quite. Brushless motors are effectively three phase motors. The speed controller puts power into each of the cables in turn, at varying impulse speed, to control the rpm.

    I think…

    Full Member

    @jimdubleyu Maybe; (I’m no expert either) but lots of little holes, plus the timing of the event makes it seem like the balance of probability lies firmly in the favour of a missile strike. Who and why, we’ll probably never find out, but my money is on incompetence under intense pressure.

    Full Member

    ‘Mechanical issues’


    Sauce; PPrune (thank you)

    Full Member

    Airliner crash seems pretty coincidental. Just seen video footage online of the plane coming down in a fireball

    Undoubtedly shot down by twitchy and excitable republican guard on high alert for counter attacks from the Great Satan.


    Full Member

    Remarkably measured response from Iran or so it appears. If no US personnel harmed then the US have the opportunity to de escalate whilst saving face. I suspect there were warnings given via diplomatic channels so that key personnel could be moved.

    Sad state of affairs when Iran are liking to be the more ‘grown up’ party.

    Full Member

    Was Soleimani a terrorist though? He did terrible things, and was a despicable human being, but he was the chief of staff of the armed forces for a large, wealthy internationally recognised independent state. Terrorist is pushing it.

    The word terrorist is cheapened by the constant labelling of everyone that America doesn’t like as such. It’s a convenient way to justify all manner of international extrajudicial nastiness.

    Full Member

    I like Phillips’ energy and bolshy, no nonsense character; with some course edges smoothed off and some content added she could be a real asset to the Labour movement given a position of power.

    I like Starmers pedigree, background and respectability; he’s got a competent and professional image that will appeal to many that would be put off by Phillip’s Kevin the teenager vibe.

    Is there any possibility we could get these two in the top two jobs? I reckon they would compliment each other well.

    Full Member

    Look at it the other way round…

    I suppose that makes sense. I do wonder how much ‘overinsurance’ goes on though. I’ve got commuting on both of my vehicles policies, just in case I need to take the big one of the little one is out of action. But I guess I’m paying more because of that, when the risk isn’t actually reflected. Also, my commutes are never at the busy, high risk times, so statistically screwed over there too. It feels that insurance cos are always looking for factors that increase premiums, but never take into account stuff that should decrease them.

    Full Member

    Anyone know why commuting isn’t counted as domestic driving? It’s certainly not work, as any employer is at pains to point out…

    Full Member

    I’ve got a modular system going on with pig arc roof and euro pallets. Turns out that a pig arc covers two euro pallets lengthways perfectly. Ideal footprint is four pallets, and two pig arc sections. A third adds a generous overhang for rain protection. You do need a fair bit of space for this, but it looks nice when full o wood. Pallets were scrounged, pig arc sections cost just under £40 each, and cover a LOT of timber. I may try adding a bit of height to the system when the weather gets nicer for a more efficient use of floor space.

    Full Member

    Take someone with you Teej, even if they stay quiet, it balances things up psychologically.

    Also, I probably don’t need to say this, but politely but firmly seize the agenda give a recovery date (does not matter if it moves later, people’s recovery times are by nature elastic) quote policy and tell them what you want to do, within scope of policy. Managers do not enjoy these meetings; if you offer solutions within the scope of policy that they can sell to their managers, they’ll likely go with it in my experience (as, and working with nhs managers).

    And good luck 👍🏼

    Full Member

    Gorgeous pic ☺️ Focus on the happy memories.

    Full Member

    And the in-house newspaper at the BBC, ironically. PAID FOR BY LICENCE-PAYERS MONEY!

    Not since 2011, apparently, when it was wound up due to the latest round of cutbacks at the time. Interesting coincidence though.

    You sound exactly like the sort of self righteous and unquestioning sheeple the BBC is relying on to keep their gravy train of gross waste & warped P.C. culture on the rails.

    Unquestioning sheeple? 😂 Maybe take a look at yourself as you frothingly regurgitate wholesale bylines from the daily mail 🙄 (I’m sure I’m influenced by media too; I expect we are two sides of the same coin to be honest).

    Full Member

    It’s a very odd and tragic story, that’s for sure. Can’t get my head around it.

    Full Member

    What are the go to racing games for PS4 these days? Very much an occasional gamer here too; never even really ventured ‘online’…

    Full Member

    😞 I’m sorry bud.

    Full Member

    I’m gonna go; Phillips for Leader, sharp, witty and charismatic, things that have all been sorely lacking in the post, and are desperately needed to win votes in this modern soundbitey world. She’ll tear Boris a new one given the chance I reckon.

    Starmer for her Shadow chancellor to provide depth, gravitas and someone that the chattering middle Englanders can warm to.

    Full Member

    Haven’t had a license for 20 year or so, very very occasionally plug the Ariel in to watch live TV. Netflix, Amazon and YouTube cover my viewing requirements.
    Had tonnes of letters, ignored them all and never had a knock on the door.
    I don’t get letters threating me about needing a fishing, dog or pilots licence, the BBC can do one.
    High time it was made a subscription service for those that want it.
    If I wanted a leftwing view of the world I would buy the guardian instead. (I don’t)

    I’d happily pay an extra tenner towards the manpower required to make a case and prosecute licence fee dodgers like this one who think that they are above the law. Benefits from services paid for by all, thinks he’s somehow entitled to not pay his share, making us all proportionally pay a little more as a result. Classy. Wonder if he pays his car tax, or whether he brags about dodging that one, too?

    Also, it’s aerial. Ariel was a little mermaid, and a washing powder.

    Full Member

    It’s typical of the puerile. Anti-American ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’, sub-sixth form approach to politics of the Corbynite left.

    I don’t think for a second that that is his position; it’s probably more to do with the fact that if America bumps off a country’s chief of staff, there are likely to be profound consequences, for both America and it’s allies. It’s hardly a de-escalation of tensions; any unexpected action from an ally that has the potential to spark a Third World War surely needs urgent attention.

    But yes, the fact that his position can be construed as such highlights the immense political naivety (or couldn’t care less-ness) when it comes to internal UK politics. Sooner he’s back on the back benches the better.

    Re ‘the membership can’t stand Jess Phillips’. Hi! I’m a member, I joined dieting the initial excitement around the possibility of Corbyn being able to deliver real change, and have spent the last 4-5 years becoming increasingly disappointed and frustrated by the endless lineup of open goals that have been missed. I’m ready for a change, and I’d back Jess Phillips, or maybe Kier Starmer. They both appear to have something about them, which sadly has been more than could have been said for Corbyn in the end.

    Full Member

    Badger is a Welsh collie crossed with a bull lurcher. He’s absolutely ace. Fast, fun, clever, soft with the kids and the cat and relaxed. We got very lucky.

    Full Member

    What makes you think that she does?

    A well documented Pavlovian response to a brummy accent, I suspect. Plummy accent subconsciously equates to clever in a high percentage of the genpop’s minds still, I suspect.

    Full Member

    No, despite not even having a tv aerial, because I value the relative independence of the BBC, and radio without brain numbing adverts. It’s brilliant value for what you get, but only because everyone (cept you lot ⬆️🙄) pays it.

    Full Member

    Autoignition point of DERV is even higher at about 210deg. So I wouldn’t worry. It’s basically a light oil.

    Full Member

    The trail of swerved and crashed cars behind them must have made insurance companies weep. rub their hands together with glee at the thought of all the premium increases they can inflict on innocent parties because ‘statistically’ they are more of a risk now they’ve been driven into by a pisshead now…

    Not that I’m bitter or anything…

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