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  • 26 still isn’t dead and neither are 20mm axles with the new Marzocchi DJ
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    Elves are quite similar to gnomes, don’t you know. Practically the same in fact…

    Full Member

    Gnome has the answer

    Its 42, apparently.

    Full Member

    The answer is 42!!!!! (now what was the question..?)

    Full Member

    Anyone tried the x tools one? A workstand is on my Christmas list and I don’t want to end up with a pup…

    Full Member

    I refer you all to my previous post, not trolling, but you have been gnomeslapped, good and proper.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Can’t quite make out treadmill from this angle.

    Full Member

    There needs to be a whole new definition for people like you lot. Troll is wrong, as it implies nastiness and a ‘victim’. You lot know exactly what you are doing, and you derive an almost perverse pleasure from it. I shall call you gnomes, and I require you all to sign the gnome offenders register at once. :lol:

    Full Member

    Uphillcursing, are you being serious? Lol

    Full Member

    It is profitable for individuals and corporations though, and governments don’t routinely turn a profit anyway, it seems. (also they can print their own money)

    Full Member

    Can’t afford it? But war is profitable…

    Full Member

    This is an amusing thread, Even though I am far from sure who is taking the mickey and who doesn’t realise… There appears to be an element of double bluffing. Reminds me a little of Mornington Crescent… Love it.

    Full Member

    Apart from the heating bill and frozen pipes aspect, yeah!!!! Bring it on!!!

    Full Member

    Well my ads aren’t very clever. 4 out of 6 are pushing sky tv or broadband, which I already (regretfully) have. The other ones are telling me to subscribe to singletrack magazine, which I already do. Hang on, maybe they’re REALLY clever…

    Full Member

    Lavazza (sp?)
    Mercedes Benz
    Apple (really didn’t want to like the iPhone, then I tried one)

    Full Member

    So long as they all ting the same and it’s not egg shaped or wobbling left to right too much, it’ll be fine. Incredibly satisfying, isn’t it? Pity it doesn’t actually save much money…

    Full Member

    Booo. No workstand. :x

    Full Member

    <like> mind you, looks flipping hard work…

    Full Member

    Woa there buddy! Lovely well put together argument and all, but to aim it at the OP is a little harsh, I feel. All he did was express an opinion that horses crapping on town pavements is a bit minging, shared by some other reasonable posters. His complaint most recently was about some of the language and vitriol aimed at him just for daring to express an opinion that differs from the perceived norm, and I think that that is a fair comment.

    Full Member

    Did a belter t’other week. Left my forks locked out as i launched down a really rocky descent.

    haha, I did this too, down Minton Batch at the Long Mynd. I thought it seemed a lot bumpier and more difficult than I remembered, then a sheep walked out in front of me, I touched the brake and was off in a flash. Snakebitten innertube and a very sore and bleedy knee, I think I got off lightly TBH, lesson learnt…

    Full Member

    immersed phone: 2-3 hours in a fan assisted oven at 50 degrees… always sorted ot for me.

    Full Member

    Actually selling a 2008 KTM Superduke in the fastest colour, and currently building up a turner 5spot. So I guess there’s my answer…

    Full Member

    Or we could just agree that people’s right to protect themselves or otherwise is their own decision, whether we like it or not, and move on.

    Full Member

    Oh for goodness sake, can’t believe this has come up again already. Wear one, don’t wear one. No one should care except the individual and those that care about him/her. Make your own decision, based on evidence, personal dynamic risk assessment or just what looks cool, and stop trying to make other people’s decisions either way. By all means share why you make your decision, but don’t be surprised that others think different.

    Full Member

    So long as it drives ok, isn’t a bucket of rust, and is attractively priced, go for it. Just don’t pay a premium for the low mileage.

    Full Member

    Ok then, what are they?

    mine’s 60 on a motorway… unless I’m on a shout (then its about 78-85 depending on headwinds and inclines. bloody diesel vans)

    Full Member

    I can relate and sympathise with that. Waved my other half off to work last night, watched her slip the merc into reverse, look behind her, and proceed to drive straight forwards towards the garage door. An embarrassed grin, correct gear and off the drive on the second attempt. Mind you, its also not very nice when she drives the other car (manual, diesel) revs the b*ll*cks off it in first driving off; “ooh I forgot that I need to change gear in this one…” 8O

    (for the forum pc brigade; Obviously men are equally capable of driving numptiness, but my wife is DAFT.)

    Full Member

    difficult to break more likely a fracture

    Eh? Fracture = posh(ish) word for break.

    Calcaneus fractures are nasty. I’ve never seen one where the person had been able to walk immediately afterwards, properly or otherwise. Stranger things have happened though, so if you are worried, an a&e is probably a better place to get advice than a mountain bike forum, even if you do have to wait longer…

    Full Member

    Essentially gold is valuable because rich people have bad taste and the richer they get the worse their taste gets. The really rich people are able to pay more for gold so price always stays high. Less rich people want to look rich so also buy it, and some people who have spare money buy it because they know that whilst fashion is fleeting, bad taste is eternal so they will always be able to sell it again, because the really rich people already have more houses than they need, but can never have enough gold.


    iirc, at one time in history salt was more valuable than gold, ounce for ounce.

    Ah yes, something like that, though I thought it was in greek times? Origin of the word salary, anyway.

    Full Member

    There’s something wrong with that first girls waist

    Like having a smaller circumference than that of her thighs? I thought so too. Nice thighs tho.

    Full Member

    Peterfile, very much enjoyed your post, but unfortunately you are wrong. As a male of the more ‘hirsute’ persuasion, I resent this. However, plenty of chicks still dig a hairy chest, surprisingly…

    Full Member

    Has his cat got an itchy bum?

    Full Member

    If this is getting tough to understand, do some research or pay someone to help you.

    Funny, I thought that this was kind of the point of a discussion forum. If you’ve nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Miserable sod.

    Full Member

    So, are they enforceable? And who by? I’m not meant to keep chickens, pigs, goats or sheep, but I’ve had four chooks for a couple of years now…

    Full Member

    Seems like a lot of love for country here… ’tis the reason that I bought a t’internet radio, purely to tune into Texas or Alabama’s or at the moment, Denver’s finest country stations. Find it very frustrating that there’s twenty odd music channels on my tv but not a single country one. Remember CMT? I remember as a kid being amazed that there were songs about racing cars, pick ups and (big green) tractors… Ace.

    Full Member

    It’s about people pulling their heads out of their arses and just getting on with each other.

    Completely agree with this. But it should work both ways. As for horse use in rush hour, how many people commute on horseback? Seriously? It’s hard enough to persuade my employer to put a bike rack in, lol. Also, pushbikes and milkfloats don’t often get spooked by crisp packets, squirrels, noisy freewheels, etc at least not in my experience. A small brained, large muscled prey animal in a crowded environment is a recipe for trouble. Not saying it can’t be done, (police horses et al) but just doesn’t seem to be in the spirit of ‘getting on with each other’ to me. Keep ’em in the countryside.

    Full Member

    Problem with people on horses in proximity to traffic and people is that there is one too many brains in charge of nearly a tonne of powerful beasty. Recipe for disaster, statistically more dangerous than moto-X I’m led to believe. (I could be wrong, I’ve never been arsed to look it up) girls on horses do tend to have nice bottoms though, so they aren’t all bad.

    Full Member

    Don’t mind at all, although I echo the previously mentioned aversion to cold as well. The glasses thing is a serious PITA though, someone should invent little wipers or something…

    Full Member

    More toxic, definately, more distasteful, arguable. Anyway, urban environment are grotty enough already, without random poo mountains on the footpaths. I’m not a particularly fussy person, and in a rural environment mud’s mud, no matter where it’s come from, but I can see the OPs point of view, thats all.

    Full Member

    Ah, but the OP’s point wasn’t about bridleways, it was about a metalled, multiuse path within a (sub?)urban environment I believe?

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