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  • 2020 Crowns 2 New World Champs in Leogang!
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    I think you’re all mad. Or far too wealthy for your own good. Or both? Casio triple sensor protrek here, it does more than all of the above and more accurately, without being a scary liability on the getting lost, damaged or stolen score. Plus, there’s no dodgy associated image preconceptions that come with the likes of Rolex et al.

    Surely you’ve got better things to be spending your hard earned wedge on? Blimey.

    Full Member

    you should take her up the OXO tower

    Never heard it called that before, fnar fnar.
    <gets coat>
    EDIT; google says nearly everyone else has heard it called that before. Doh!

    Full Member

    A lizard skins green one. ‘coz it’s green. And I like green. (except in the tree hugging sense, I’m ambivalent towards that sort of green)

    Full Member

    I presumed this was a ‘I’m fettling my Cotic, here’s some pretty pictures’ thread… Lol

    Full Member

    Thankyou everyone. I’ll get onto the planning dept on Monday. Monkeyboy, sure I can’t persuade you to make the short (ish?) trip up the M5/6/54? I know it’s a long shot, but worth an ask…

    Full Member

    Thanks guys. Yeah I’m in Shropshire. Had a look at that planning portal site, I may be being daft but there doesn’t seem to be anything I can find on attached garages. Just detached ones and single story extensions. Hmmm.
    Can anyone recommend a competent plans draughtsperson? (is that what im looking for? Surely i dont need an architect??) My builder mate doesn’t usually get involved with that side of things, he mainly works on big commercial stuff.

    Full Member

    Anybody? :(

    Full Member

    <Smattering of polite applause>

    Full Member

    Gaddafi taken to Hospital by ambulance with leg injuries


    Gaddafi beaten by mob, Dragged by legs behind a pickup (to hospital? 8O )

    And people complain about our NHS??? :twisted:

    Full Member

    , usually an awful vibration when turning on full lock.

    or a strange honk from the transmission accompanied by a distinct and disconcerting change in direction whilst hooning around roundabouts on three wheels. To be fair, this only seemed to happen in the older shape CRVs. New ones seem much better at graduated torque biasing.

    Full Member

    Used to drive the latest model at work, (mostly like I’d stolen it) comfy, reliable, bit thirsty, workshops love em, least troublesome car type in the fleet. Ugly though, in my personal opinion, especially battenburged up.

    Full Member

    Only washed 100 times in over 16 years? That’s roughly once every 2 months.

    Yeah, but I don’t suppose it sees much use for, what, eight months out of twelve? Suddenly 100 times seems more reasonable.

    Love mine too, if you get too hot, just open the sides right up, let the sub zero air get next to your sweaty bare skin, soon cools you down. You are wearing it properly right? Nothing underneath?

    Full Member

    My Hayes nines haven’t needed so much as a bleed in six years, still strong, not draggy and excellent modulation. But they’re not fashionable… :roll:

    Full Member

    Nice vid. Nice looking bike, Lovely looking trail. Cheers!

    Full Member


    (think of the children, etc etc)

    Full Member

    Jeez. Good luck bloke.

    Full Member

    I’ve had a rock thrown at my ambulance whilst driving through Wolverhampton a few years ago, so not just a Scottish thing. Missed the driver’s window by six inches. 8O

    Full Member

    I tell you what, them skydivers always seem to wear helmets, now I REALLY don’t see the point in that… 8O
    EDIT; I think that the (slightly tongue in cheek) point is that we don’t know that those skydiver whose chutes opened successfully wouldn’t have survived the fall anyway, as no two jumps are the same, fortuitous haystacks, leilandi trees, etc…

    Full Member

    Oh no!!!! I’ve broken the thread!!! Quick, find something to strongly disagree about, or I’m going to bed!

    Full Member

    Bez, completely agree. But that’s the stupid world we live in, isn’t it? And the weird beauty of it is that the people that hide behind half formed arguments on one side are almost always neutralised by the people on the other sides half formed arguments! Lol. And then you throw the fundementalists into the mix and it gets very messy…

    Back to this thread; we can pretty much summarise by saying “wear a helmet (or not, it’s your choice). We can’t in the least bit prove it’ll save your life, but we’re pretty positive that if you do hit your head on something, a helmet will make it hurt a little less. Oh and by the way, they don’t make you invincible, so don’t think you can suddenly ride like a **** either.”

    Full Member

    Bez, you are a bit of a monkey aren’t you? Methinks you just enjoy a cheeky little argument… :wink: I get the impression that you actually think helmet wearing is a pretty good idea, but the opportunity to poke holes in half formed arguments was just too good to miss…?

    Full Member

    *pops to concession stand, does anybody fancy anything? I fancy a mahoosive bag of maltesers and a veritable bucket of diet coke…*
    EDIT; I’ll happily donate my body to helmet testing science should I pop my clogs any time soon…
    …so long as they promise to post the video on YouTube. :lol:

    Full Member

    I really love the helmet threads, they just go to prove that obviously intelligent people are sometimes somewhat lacking in the common sense department… Some people are exhibiting an almost fundemtalist need to cling to their views.

    Full Member

    Turbo went on my 99 Peugeot 306 td estate at 158k miles, Cost me £185 inclusive of fitting. Old diesels, love em. I’ll never spend more than a couple of grand on any car, that way I’m limiting my exposure to risk. My other car is a Mercedes c250td estate, with 72k on the clock, more thirsty, but lovely to drive.

    Full Member

    So how can you tell?

    Full Member

    Sounds like he had reason to stop you and having questioned you was happy with your explanation? What’s the big deal (or point to your post)? Should he have deduced that having not spoken with you?

    I read that as a comment in wholehearted support of the bobby in questions actions mate. Which I agree with. Of course I could be wrong…

    Full Member

    Rutting deer the other night, very weird noise. As an aside, I initially misread the OP trombone as tombstone, now that would have been surreal…

    Full Member

    Chill wrightyson. There’s not any more dangerous about those sections than any other trail that’s good for MTBing, natural, or man made. You’ve got eyes, brakes and can ride a bike can’t you? I took my dad round follow the dog the other day on an eBay special carrera that’s too big for him, he hasn’t ridden a bike for years, and never really off road. He loved it, had no problem with braking bumps, and did not think it was dangerous. He did do a proper comedy fall off at werewolf drop though, which made me chuckle…

    Anyway, maximum respect to all the trail builders who give their time up freely. Thankyou. (the trail erosion is a bit of a pain, but I’m sure you guys are all over it)

    On a separate note, ST, when’s that section that’s seems to have been closed forever going to open again? SKeems such a shame to spin along the fire road…

    Full Member

    For a tenner, I’ll collect mate! Lol. Good luck with your pikes, I love mine.

    Full Member

    Sounds like they’re knackered mate… I’ll take em off your hands your hands for a tenner, doing you a favour like… :wink:

    Full Member

    This seems like a wholesome and thoroughly enjoyable thread, what can possibly go wrong?

    Full Member

    Wow, jealous; muchly. People must have a lot of spare time and money to develop their hobby to that degree… Top skills and huge cojones.

    Full Member

    The issue is why our system isn’t better.

    Well I’ve made my offering on that score. There is plenty more wrong, but it’s a start.
    It’s all irrelevant; we’re all going to hell in a handcart anyway.
    I’m out.

    Full Member

    Woah, rewind. There are people on here that think that the US health (doesn’t) care system is GOOD? oh dear…

    Full Member

    Can’t say I’m in favour of that, BUT, how about just telling people how much(ish) their treatment might have cost them had they had to pay for it? (edit: of course I know they do pay for it, indirectly – but I mean if they had to pay directly as they used it)

    I appreciate that it sticks in the craw, I consider myself a socialist, but I am consistently disappointed with mankind generally these days. Telling people the monetary value of the service they are recieving would work for some, helll it would for me, but for a lot of my average punters it would just be bragging rights to their mates.
    No. I truely believe, that to avoid out and out collapse of the NHS as we know it, people must be made to truly appreciate it’s value again, in a language they understand. ££££. No one is sadder about that than me, especially as I don’t think it will happen in a month of Sundays, and we’ll end up with the shite ‘health for wealth’ service that the USA suffers from.

    Full Member

    Elf, edumacation is definately part of the answer, but unfortunately ‘educated’ people can be just as guilty of under appreciating and misusing the NHS. In my personal experience, some of the worst (because it’s disgusting that they don’t know better) misusers of ambulance and primary are resources are GPs, sometimes at their own practice (999 because it’s home time, anyone? Patients ‘mis-sold’ to admitting medics to wangle an inappropriate social admission…) but mainly the £100+ per hour, almost unaccountable out of hours locum GPs who will admit anyone, usually by ambulance, just for an easy life.
    In the interests of balance, I think most GPs are hard working, concientious and just as frustrated as everyone else…

    Full Member

    Simple but unfashionable fact, the NHS is not actually valued realistically by a significant proportion of its service users. To see a GP, or have an ambulance attend, or to see an a&e doctor out of hours has a real monetary value that is simply not considered by many people, leading to abuse/misuse of services which in turn leads to resources being inefficiently allocated.
    This could, IMO, be simply addressed by asking everyone to pay a small contribution towards the initial cost, even if we’re only talking £20 or so. A kind of compulsory national insurance excess. Within my own sphere of experience, I know* that if ambulances were more expensive than taxis, their workload would drop by 60-70% overnight. I hear GPs and A&E staff tell similar stories of people unable/unwilling to engage their common sense and tying up services that could be better directed all the time.
    So doctors are comparable to lawyers? I think so. However, imagine a world where access to lawyers was completely free for all for any trifling issue and the state picked up the tab, every time. An unaffordable model?
    The NHS worked when it was appreciated for the amazing, valuable commodity that it is. Unfortunately that is no longer the case for large sections of society, and something has to give.
    *i obviously don’t Know this, but would be willing to bet large quantities of cash, or body parts on it.

    Full Member

    Too many nurses in hospital are doing roles at used to be performed by docs and not enough nurses/ auxillaries/ hcsw are around to feed the patients.

    True, because doctors are silly expensive! You can’t knock managers for trying to be cost effective on one hand, then knock them for not having enough staff. One thing leads to the other…

    EDIT; julianwilson, nominated for best post of the thread award.

    Full Member

    All of the above is right. Don’t sweat it, keep bouncing around all the different adjustments, you’ll be closer all the time. Think of it as stress relief, not a task, as such.

    Full Member

    The latter.

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