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  • Christmas Countdown Day 17 – Dynaplug Megapill
  • user-removed
    Free Member

    Stoner – the trip switch stops a few other lights working too when thrown – does this mean they are on the same circuit (I assume it does). There are two switches for the ceiling light.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the warning and whilst you are probably right, I meant to say in the OP that I really wasn’t looking for posts advising me to get a sparky in. But I’ve said it now 🙂

    Free Member

    el_b – Good idea, nicely executed. In fact, all the pics on this page so far are excellent 🙂

    Free Member

    Like Northwind, I like to drink properly if I’m going to have any at all – can’t see the point in having A beer, so never, ever drink and drive.

    I’ve managed to fall off my bike twice, out of my mind with the drink, in front of the same police car in the space of two minutes. They just gave me the sanctimonious head shake.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently – purposely haven’t clicked on this thread either (until now).

    Recently, I saw a pic of a lad on Christmas morning circa 1981, either here or on Facebook – in his bed wearing a football scarf and hat, Etchasketch box in the background and Action Man box in the foreground. He looked happy as Larry.

    I remember similar xmas’and birthdays when you got exactly what you wanted (except the bastard never had eagle-eyes), even if you never knew you wanted it….

    So yes, I think kids get too much now – if extra disposable income exists, it comes at the expense of our society in general.

    Free Member

    I seem to recall that there might be a link to early-onset senility through consumption of aluminium….. The story was linked to old people using aluminium teapots.

    As an aside, worn teflon coatings on pans are deadly poisonous to budgies and not so good for other pets either!

    Free Member

    Dammit – spent ages typing a post and STW fell over. Long story short – I use FB a lot for my business because the ads can be targeted at a very specific market.

    And they work well.

    Free Member

    I’m alwys surprised at how little this topic comes up, on a forum full of middle aged men who spend a lot of time perched on bike saddles!

    Free Member

    Nice to hear some of the story behind the mag! Am also now sober, and less ‘upset’!


    Free Member

    Shiver ye not and turn off the stereo. Get the telly on to channel 9 (BBC 4).

    Right the noo.

    Free Member

    Hmm. I posted a response with a sweary word and it hasn’t even appeared – either the mods are quicker than the speed of teh interwebs, or a system has been put in place which automatically pulls posts with the word ****

    Have I taken one for the team? Out with the Germaloids…

    OH! It came back 😀

    Free Member


    Actually, please don’t click this link as it’ll promote the bad things in this world – it’s a link to the Olsen Twins site. And they’re a proper pair of misguided, badly brought up **** aren’t they.

    Free Member


    That was my response the first time around too 😀

    Free Member

    The latest addition to the garage was a swap for one of my air rifles. Mrs Removed was only too happy to see one of the death-sticks leaving the house 😀

    The death-stick in question was a snip at less than a grand…

    Free Member

    I blame top gear – they pioneered the moody sky look as well – loads of OTT tobacco ND grad filters and the like. Tut!

    Free Member

    ephotozine classifieds have worked well for me in the past – you can check out the profile of buyers / sellers to make sure they’re not bogus.

    Also, mifsuds are good for 2nd hand gear.

    Free Member

    Cardboard on the windscreen before beddies has been working for me recently. Taped round the doorposts but not with duck tape as this’ll make a right mess of your paintwork….

    Free Member

    My flashgun is in the post

    Won’t help much at the long end of a 300mm lens ! Unless used remotely 🙂

    Dinnet really care for all the puns 🙁

    Free Member

    Was wondering if I could mebbe pick your brains about wedding photography btw?

    Pick away – info[at]emersonphotography.coDOTuk or phone number on the website.

    Free Member

    Hmmm. When the system works, it works very well, but sometimes a bit of arm-waving and stomping of feet is needed.

    I fell off some slimy north shore stuff in Chopwell Woods earlier this year. I had a bit of a ‘fuzzy’ moment and afterwards my neck hurt like hell. Gave it a few days and the pain was only getting worse so went off to the GP. He told me I may have broken my neck, so I went straight up to the local drop in clinic and was x-rayed the same day. They told me they’d send the results to my GP within three working days.

    Fast forward three weeks and still no x-ray results so I went back to the clinic, shouted a bit, stomped my feet and the x-rays miraculously appeared two days later.

    Arthritis was the diagnosis – was advised I’d need to get physio and an appointment was made. Sadly though, the first available appointment wasn’t for nearly three months. By the time I got there (four months after the injury) my neck wasn’t even tender and the physio asked me why I was wasting her time if I felt better!!! GAAAARH!!

    Free Member

    My grandad had a huge garden by the coast in Edinburgh and it was inhabited by several foxes of varying ages and cstates of health.

    My dad took to feeding them – he would just chuck all the leftovers out of the back door and it was usually all gone within an hour. It was great having the foxes in the garden – they’d happily frolic around within a few metres of us.

    But….. They stunk the place up something awful – they’d shit on anything but had a preference for small spherical things (balls, gear-boxes, cardboard boxes etc). Fox poo really, badly stinks of dead things.

    Free Member

    Baby womble.

    Free Member

    Lovely stuff grumm. That 2nd one beats several top tog’s engagement shoots I’ve seen recently!

    Free Member

    Happy 40th Ho hum – I remember my Dad’s – got pissed for the first time with a random bunch of journalists, train enthusiasts, unemployed actresses and musicians. Two and a half years for me 😯

    Better go bunjee jump or something…

    Free Member

    Had to wait for Mrs Removed to go to bed before I could comment 🙂

    In my mid twenties I went back to uni and ended up going out with a luvverly American lass. After a few months of young love, she got all antsy and eventually confessed she had been seeing a girl for nearly a year.

    Turned out, her girlfriend was a girl I’d fancied for years. I was absolutely delighted, so I fit in with the general (male) consensus. Was a magical Summer and only had a very positive impact on our relationship.

    Will concede that it may have got messy long term, but she went back to the states before the spell had a chance to break!

    Free Member

    Must be 😐

    I broke all my cables with the strength of my thumbs…

    Free Member

    Holy crap Jon – do you weigh 22 stone and ride 20 foot gnarly hucks all day?

    I’ve snapped bars and pedals.One set of each. I’ve also snapped a few brake and gear cables back in the olden days – do they count?

    Free Member

    I actually just put my head in my hands. Physically. One palm cupping each cheek of my face. Elbows on knees. Fingers extending to forehead. I did this.

    Free Member

    After many years of flat-hopping and some really, really bad neighbours, I’ve settled comfortably into a terraced house.

    Our neighbours are neighbourly and once every two or three months, they have a late night with friends. We can hear them, their music and so on, but it’s not a problem because we know that the next night there won’t be a peep. We behave in a similar fashion.

    No need to go round to their house and listen to the stereo blaring from my house and agree a ‘bearable’ volume.

    I do realise that we’ve been lucky though – when we first moved in, the neighbours spent their lives blaring out shite music all day and night. I feel the same way about surround sound systems – no need. If I want to crank up the guitar and amp once in a while, it’s fine – the neighbours know it won’t happen again for a good while and the headphones will come out of the drawer.

    I suppose what I’m trying to say is that we can all bear the occasional bit of bad behaviour / noise – it’s when it’s predictable and constant that it becomes unbearable.

    Free Member

    Me. There’s an old geezer 50ish(?) who works exactly 16 hours a week. He won’t do any overtime as it would cause him to lose his benefits. His rent (very lowly little place) is completely covered. I would do the same in his place (and at his age).

    Free Member

    esselgrunt – I’m guessing that’s Rookhope? Based on the fact that (I think) you work in Durham.

    Free Member

    Except that he hasn’t. According to the law, which may well be hog-tied and blinkered but stands or falls on its consistency.

    Free Member

    partyboy – Member
    For anyone that actually opened that link, I hope you have very good virus protection

    Really?! Worried now – I had a look earlier but couldn’t think of anything constructive to say about it so just kept mum. Also suspected it was the work of an enthusiastic kid and didn’t want to voice my honest opinion…

    Free Member

    GJP – Member
    Gillian Welch – no one has mentioned her

    Well, I kind of did in posting the clip of the Dave Rawlings Machine ^^^^

    And yes, they are a bit incestuous – went to see Old Crow at The Sage in Newcastle, supported by the DRM a couple of months ago and Dave Rawlings completely stole the show by coming on at the start of OCMS’s set with Welch and staying on for the whole set 🙂

    I stand by my earlier comment though – a lot of these bands have closer affiliations with bluegrass than country.

    Free Member

    I am trying to imagine what that dog would look like, if it inadvertently chewed on a wasp.

    As Ernie touched on a few pages back, none of us knows how we will react in such a situation. Remember that fine, upstanding ENGLISH lady earlier in the year? The one with a previously unblemished character who ran over a small boy, legged it and spent a month or so in hiding because she couldn’t come to terms with what she’d done?

    I listened to that Radio 2 interview this morning, and yes, it was quite heartbreaking (quite as in completely, rather than ‘a little’) but I see no reason to treat him any differently, in legal terms, than any other citizen bound by the laws of this country.

    Free Member

    Sloth? Tortoise? ST magazine delivery 😉

    Free Member

    The Dave Rawlings Machine is almost country but probably more like ballady bluegrass. And it’s beautiful stuff.

    Free Member

    farmer giles – Member
    on my old series 3 land rover i had been known to stand on the bonnet and use a bodily function to clear the split screen of ice

    farmer giles’ windscreen yesterday;

    Free Member

    Report him for obstructing the road?

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