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    Free Member

    What do you call a bear with a penis on its head? Genital Ben 😀 IGMC…

    Lovely looking dog – glad he’s settling in OK!

    Free Member

    The 60 year old ex-treasurer of my local running club has a wardrobe full of proper retro Nike trainers in unworn, mint condition. Every time he found a pair which agreed with his feet, he bought five more pairs, just in case they stopped making them!

    I persuaded him to put a pair of the first ever Nike Air trainers on ebay (I did it for him – he’s a bit of a luddite) and they fetched £190. He’s a greedy wee get and he turned up with another five pairs of the same shoes (I think he’d paid about £25 each back in AD82 for them). Given that he hadn’t even bought me a pint for selling and posting the last pair I told him to sling his hook.

    So far as I know, he still has them all in his wardrobe. Address supplied for the right money 🙂

    Free Member

    😯 Fair enough, I suppose.

    JEngledow – Member
    I decided I to marry my now wife the day she came home to find me surrounded by bits of dirty bike spread all over the dining room and simply said “ooh what’s this bit do?”

    That is the single most romantic thing I have ever heard 😀

    Free Member

    TK Maxx often have nice cut-crystal heavy-duty tumblers. I use a nice set of six vintage ‘spirograph’ decorated glasses which I found on ebay.

    Free Member

    I agree that we all seem to (mostly) be agreeing (!). Most of us have a choice about which pubs we go to. My closest local allows kids until 5p.m. which is fine. Dogs are allowed all the time – also fine, and those who can’t stand kids or dogs can go to the pub over the road.

    Life is simple!

    Free Member

    Some cracking photos as always! Here’s some from Kasper the dog’s walk yesterday. Been playing with off camera flash, as you can see….

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Been off for two and a bit months now, bar the odd relapse. Like bakey though, still going through 10-12 2mg lozenges every day. They’re horrible things and perhaps I’ll try to get off them today. Bleurgh.

    Free Member

    £150!!!11?!!!1 I was roundly abused for spending £50 on a Selle Italia, and that was reduced from £70…. Surely you’d be better off spending that kind of money on a shit hot set of bib shorts – much easier to transfer between bikes.

    Oh and with the change, you could invest in a massive tub of Germaloids (the ointment lasts soooo much longer than the cream 🙂 )

    Free Member

    PSA – just so you know, the Bonusprint’s photobooks dept has been taken over by Albelli (removed spammer above ^^^). Double reason to avoid. Whilst Bonus print have been on the go for a long time, they were always on the budget side of cheap. Their association with Albelli makes them beyond the pale IMO.

    Free Member

    So they’re both from farming backgrounds yet their dog is out of control and chasing sheep? Smells like BS to me…

    And just for the record (and I’m sure you already know this) you are quite within your rights to take pictures of whoever and whatever you like if you’re not on private property.

    Free Member

    Aaah, the smell of wild garlic is amazing – especially after a drop of rain… Good to eat too!

    Free Member

    The Allan Carr book just irritated me and made me want to punch his face in. Load of bolloxs psychobabble.

    +1 TJ. Got to the end of the book, followed all the instructions with as open a mind as I could muster, and was dismayed to find, 40 minutes later, that I wanted a cigarette very badly 🙁

    Off them now (for perhaps the sixth time) and on the 2mg lozenges. Two months now and feeling v guilty for still popping the pills. Don’t want a cigarette now though, but if I ran out of pills I would panic 🙁

    Free Member

    If you’ve got the patience, wait with a bucket of water / hose pipe (wee in the bucket first, obviously). As soon as they gob on the car, let them have it.

    My stepdad waited two long hours in the snowy back garden one year to catch the little swines who smashed the back windows with snowballs. They didn’t come back (it was me and my mates, and I was sitting inside eating my tea and drinking hot Ribena). Sorry Dad.

    Free Member

    Oh not this again. And I’m sure I read another news story which described several youths jumping into the path of the bike, forcing him to swerve onto the pavement…

    Free Member

    Haha! Don’t use Albelli (Andrew Fleck above^^^). Their products are so-so, especially the photo books, and their customer service is of the Superstar variety….

    Edit – damn, these mods are fast.. some blatant advertising smacked down!

    Free Member

    “I am a student of the LAW!”

    Free Member

    Cheers Dogsby – I just popped in for a quick look and realised how hopelessly vague my OP is – will do a spot more research and return with specific requests for info….

    Free Member

    Costco or similar will likely be your best bet. If it’s for a wedding, best double up – wedding guests are thirsty types…

    Free Member

    ATP – still nonethewiser…. 13thfloor – I know – they’re somewhat irritating. But the worst to date was one of those flashing jobs telling me, “NO JOKE!! YOU ARE THE 1,000000TH USER!! YOU’VE WON…” whatever it was – can’t remember.

    Free Member

    Er, adverts…

    Free Member

    OK – I’m almost certainly being thick here, but this I can kind of understand;

    nuke – Member
    A rather crap excuse but I find if I line the logos up I can quickly spot where the valve is when changing a flat

    Although I suspect the aesthetic sense is strong with nuke 🙂

    What I don’t really get at all is this (and it seems to be the reason for most aligners aligning…);

    andrewh – Member
    Reason for doing this proved the other day. Out riding with some mates, one punctured. He removed tube and gave it to the other one, who found the hole and said it’s about a quarter of the way round from the valve. Of by this time the tyre had been removed from the rim and we had no idea where a quarter turn was. If had lined them up properly…

    Surely running your fingers round the inside of the tyre takes all of five seconds, combined with a quick visual inspection? Especially given that the vaaaast majority of punctures I’ve had, and that my mates have had, don’t leave anything stuck in the tyre – they’re pinch punctures, broken glass not picked up by the tyre etc. I’ve only ever had a thorn in my tyre once – maybe I’m lucky.

    Like I said – I honestly don’t get it – am I missing the point?

    Free Member

    Good looooong walk on the moors with the dog today – just enough wind to stop it being too hot. Carted round camera and tripod – didn’t take a single photo 😮 Not unusual that….

    Free Member

    I would so have one of those on my car, but I’ll be amazed if you het the go ahead from the-powers-that-be. Nobody really wants their carefully nurtured brand associated with the words, “Whiny Cockbag” do they?!

    Free Member

    When I see a bike with logos / valves aligned, I automatically think – STW member 😀 You might as well put a sticker on your car!!

    Free Member

    No shame here – I quite like wasting my life on here and reading the mag 🙂 I’d have one!

    Free Member

    Bits of it were good – that banjo number was excellent. The second song about drugs / pills was a bit OTT though – one would have been enough! I can understand why Goldie (y) thought the set-list was slightly self-indulgent…

    Free Member

    Local loops / rides – T-shirt and jeans. Anything longer than a couple of hours – wicking T-shirt (Berghaus, Craghoppers, whatever £12 thing I can get).

    Free Member

    1000 neg feedback?! 😯 Don’t care how much positive feedback he has, that’s a mahoosive red flag, right there!

    However, I would set up a fake ID, buy every last piece of stock he has, fail to pay for any of it then disappear into the dark night uttering hoarse laughter…

    Free Member

    Sledgehammer afficianado?

    Free Member

    😥 All this talk of instruments of doom is reminding me of my Kramer Nightswan, with its Floyd-Rose. I owned it for three happy, noisy years.

    Then the straplock failed, it hit a monitor and the headstock snapped off. Got it repaired but it was never the same and it got traded in 😥

    Free Member

    OP – a 10-20mm Sigma isn’t a want, it’s a necessity. A tripod is an absolute basic – like breathing. Go spend some cash.

    Moley, “YES! Right, I’ll take that to Mrs Grips!

    Btw it’s the Oly 9-18mm I want, better than the Sigma. Although admittedly it doesn’t look as cool.”

    Daaaamn – that shit sure is ugly. Is it made by Lomo, under licence from the Cabbage Patch Kids Corp.? And nothing beats the 10-20 – nothing 🙂

    Free Member

    It’s been emotional. And that’s all you can ever ask for, from a musical perspective.

    Free Member

    Two pages of links and no-one has mentioned Acoustic Ladyland or Polar Bear? You are out of your minds…

    Best new Jazz Musician of the Year, Best new Jazz band of the year

    ^^That’s them on Jules Holland^^ The beautiful blend of grindcore, jazz and classically trained musicians with endless imagination. Went to school with the drummer (Seb Rochford) and even managed to get him to play in our band for a short time (he looked bored throughout, understandably).

    Free Member

    Hahaha! Does a fanny mechanic use screws? Does he utilise big tools? Does his workshop have a back door? Etc, etc, ad nauseum – I could literally go on all night….

    My father in law finds it endlessly amusing to insert the word ‘whooring’ into sentences, e.g., “The rain’s hoorin’ bad the day” (said in an Aberdonian accent). Actually, I do too.

    Free Member

    I managed to ignore Nirvana right the way through the whole Nevermind phase. Then I joined one of those awful CD clubs where you got the first six CDs free and they rape you for ever after.

    All they had was the best of this, that and the other crap band, songs for driving, rock anthems and the like. But they did have Bleach.

    I’ll never forget the first listen – hot, sunny Summer’s day (rare in Aberdeen). My parents had made me varnish the window frames in my room so the windows were wide open, the sounds of a suburban Summer drifting up to my teenaged ears.

    Bam! Lovebuzz came on and it really was an epiphany – stopped painting, picked up the guitar and learned the whole album from start to finish in the space of a day. Got crapped on by my folks when they came home and found me unable to stand up, having spent eight hours straight kneeling in front of my amp, the windows unvarnished and a motley crew of small children under the window, some cheering, others shouting swear words.


    Free Member

    Yup, sorry – toss. I actually went and looked up that “Rebellion…Lies” vid before I saw it was linked to. My God – I’m very open minded when it comes to music and enjoy everything from Hendrix, DJ Shadow, Folk (old and new) right through to SOAD, Metallica and Mahler. But that, was toss.

    Free Member

    OK so I may have been a little harsh last night. It’s better than 90% of the crap on the radio, so tune your guitar properly and try again.

    Free Member

    Jayzus. Less of the Cash’s last album humbug. Where’s the bass? Your guitar sounds like it’s being played in a tin can. The lyrics are good, the realisation is piss-poor. (I’m listening on bass-heavy speakers and there is no bass).

    The vocals suck big-dogs’-cocks. Raise your voice and shout a bit!

    Does it need a middle eight? Does a jobby need a wee bit of lube as it exits?

    Having said all that, the more people playing guitar and singing, the better. Keep it up Mr Nutt.

    Free Member

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