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    All my HK gear has come from Digital rev. I’ve spent thousnds with them and had no bother at all. I’m also on EPZ forum (as mentioned above) and know that Kerso is extremely well thought of….

    I’d rather go with a known company and spend £10 more, than with an unknown.

    Free Member

    I tried that Veet hair removal cream once. Living in my 1st ever flat, got a job interview and didn’t own an iron for my shirt, so went round my parent’s house to borrow theirs.

    Whilst there, I glanced in the mirror and thought, “I could do with a shave”. Sadly, my stepdad has a beard and wee brother was too young to shave. I did find a bottle of my mum’s Veet though. Followed the instructions to the letter, liberally applied it all over my face, sat back and waited for it to do its stuff, glibly wondering why all blokes didn’t use this stuff.

    I know now – bright red, very itchy face and throat, the odd bald patch in my stubble. Panicking, I reapplied the cream with an eye on the clock, which obviously just made things much, much worse.

    Didn’t get the job 🙁

    Free Member

    +1 – bombproof.

    Free Member

    Aha! Thought I’d paid a bit less – the one I bought was this one;

    " class="bbcode-link">HERE

    It’s a bit superfluous as I already have the tubular ‘improved’ bastid from last year and another focusable bastid head-torch. Oh well.

    Free Member

    fastindian – thanks for that – will take it apart first opportunity!

    uplink – bit late now 🙁 And I’m pretty sure I didn’t pay that much for mine (or did I?! Was a late night drinking purchase 😯 ).

    Free Member

    7dayshop rechargable AAs are the dogs’. I use them for my flashguns and never had any failures. Even the five year old ones are still going strong.

    Oh, and you can get 2900 Mah ones now!

    Free Member

    Yup – that had occured to me…. It’s just that the pins fit in very loosely – bit worrying….

    Free Member

    The fact that they want permanent homes, yet still enjoy the benefits of a nomadic existence

    Where do you get this startling info from? I thought the whole point was that they don’t want permanent homes.

    Free Member

    Liberal applications of GT85 on the mechs, and Finish Line on the chain. Actually, exactly the same as the rest of the year!

    Free Member

    I quite liked his speech, right up until, “GNR, FGNNR, RRRRR, NERRR, NRRRRRRR!!!”

    Very odd.

    Free Member

    Yes – get a bluntish driver in there and push the pisons back into the housings.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I occasionally work with a Ukranian guy who is the most racist person I’ve ever met. He’s massively anti-semitic, thinks black people are no better than animals and says English men are all “wet”.

    Teh ironing is, he’s off work right now after claiming he’d suffered racist abuse from some other members of staff 😯 You couldn’t make it up.

    Free Member

    Proper LOL at Derek – that is hilarious, thankyou!

    Free Member

    I quite like it the way it is. Sorry. My wife really enjoyed the article written by the new lass if that’s any help?

    Free Member

    Braemar to Bob Scott’s bothy is easy though – might take you an hour. Grand place to spend the night. Beware though, last time we stayed there, half a dozen guys appeared out of the undergrowth and demanded ID cards.

    We had none, they sloped back into the woods, covered in special service’s netting and carrying SA-80s. The Queen was in town……

    Free Member

    The Police – Walking on the Moon.

    Free Member

    continuity – Member
    Just a thought, but Fox Flux’s are £30 without any vouchers at CRC atm.

    Only if you want an extra small white helmet…. 🙄

    Free Member

    Southern Upland Way![/url] Wanted to do this for ages and have started a thread about it here a while back. Sounds mostly rideable….

    Free Member

    Just as an aside, if you call your folder, say, 11_06_25_chorley, just press start, and type “chorley” into the search box, then select “pictures”, and voila! All the pics you’ve ever taken of Chorley will appear!

    Free Member

    That ^^^ is pretty much what I do with the many thousands of photos I save each month. Drag and drop is just the easiest and most reliable way to do it IMHO.

    Yes, you’re still looking at 100s of folders, but at least they’re presented in time order. I also use the same method to backup onto external drives. Most of these drives come with backup software, but I may not want to save every single last image so drag and drop it is.

    Free Member

    I’d like to think bikers with trail centre hounds are a bit more considerate, but I’m not sure.

    See? It’s caught on already. 8)

    Free Member

    Nikon have just brought out a range of ‘rugged’ compacts which seem to be well reviewed…..

    Worth a look…

    And they come in camo too if that’s yer bag!

    Free Member

    It’s a very specific kind of training though, and only a few specific breeds of dogs make good trail centre hounds (Yes! I’ve coined a new phrase. Trail-centre-hounds).

    My dog is very well trained and will heel to the back wheel of my bike, but he doesn’t come riding with me at all, purely because he’s too slow. He can keep up, but he doesn’t enjoy it and I don’t want to make him miserable. He doesn’t come with me on rides – I go on a bike with him on his slow perambulations of the local park and wait whenever he wants to sniff stuff.

    Conversely, I’ve seen a border collie at GT, on a busy Saturday, heeling in exactly the same way my dog does, but with far greater speed and agility. If I had that dog, I’d take him out riding every day with me, no matter where I was. But I don’t, so I don’t.

    Sadly, not all dog owners recognise their dogs’ failings (for want of a better word*) and thus friction ensues…

    * Skillset?!

    Free Member

    Oh, and my stagger was in Kinloch Rannoch with an open invite and a nice rented holiday house which slept nearly 20! No strippers to bother me out there 🙂 B’stads did try and chuck me in the loch at one point though…

    Free Member

    I have a good mate who only went to Magaloof (sp?!) for five days. I honestly couldn’t think of anything worse – not that I’m a boring old fart or anything 😳 But they had those lycra gimp-suit things and everything.

    I just said absolutely no fekkin way right from the get-go, and told him why.

    Very glad I didn’t go when I saw the pics / heard the tales – 24 hour drinking / lapdance clubs / real and proper nasty abuse of Eastern European females (not by my mates, but by the guys who run the clubs).

    The whole thing just made me want to go for a ride then open a nice ale later and read my book whilst patting my dog. He didn’t take it personally (I don’t think…) but he has started riding his road bike more than his proper bike.

    Free Member

    It’s circular innit?

    Free Member

    Agree with all apart from the fish eating veggies (just don’t care!). And especially with those who, “speak as they find”. On a par with those who say, of themselves, that they “don’t suffer fools gladly”. Almost without exception, anyone who has ever said this to me has been a massive fool.

    Free Member

    Although using your car as a weapon is clearly A Very Bad Idea, I’m surprised none of the onlookers did.

    I know there’s no way on God’s green Earth I could sit in my car and watch a 20 year old human trying to kill a 60 year old human.

    Free Member

    Sorry, but yes, you are. Stick it on ebay and hope for £20-ish on a very good day. You almost literally can’t give this stuff away now, unless it’s older, metal-bodied Nikons or Canons (or proper Voigtlander or Leica stuff!).

    Free Member

    The only pupil at The Aberdeen Grammar School to study Russian, I was unsurprisingly chosen for the Scotland / Russia exchange programme which ran throughout the height of glasnost and perestroika.

    I received several proposals of marriage and more offers of carnal relations within the first two days than I have received since, despite my best efforts.

    I was 15 at the time and thought it was down to my Levi 501s.

    Free Member

    That dude has definitely been looking at schoolgirls funny. If I was a Dad, I’d be a bit outraged. Probably.

    Free Member

    I just bought a Volvo which cost £30,000 back in 2002 😀 Paid cash too. 2nd hand is the way forward!

    Free Member

    😳 Oh God! That is so me doing that drunken breakdancing shizzle 😳

    Free Member

    Ach, they’re probably safe enough, but I do wonder how easy it would be to find spares, or to buy compatible extra bits and pieces if you wanted to expand the kit….

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I shoot babies for a living (sometimes)! I tend to use two large softboxes as close to the baby as I can get them, in order to get the softest possible light. These days, you can get a two head 150W kit off ebay for sub-£100 – almost as cheap as renting…..***

    I also use a white backdrop (backlit by a third head, but it’s not really necessary) and a few posing props.

    The natural light and reflectors will also give you a nice, soft light, but you’ll have to wait for some nice, soft light 🙂

    And no, your current body will easily deliver the goods.

    ***disclaimer – these may or may not burn your house down.

    Free Member

    I don’t doubt that you’re very aware that a career in the creative industries isn’t likely to pay well, but be aware; a career in the creative industries is unlikely to pay well 🙂

    I went back to uni when I turned 30, got a degree in photography and am only now (at 38) beginning to see a half decent income. And it’s still an uphill struggle too….

    Like others above, I had no dependants, was a Scottish student in England (fees paid) and didn’t mind working two P/T jobs to keep the wolf from the door – all these made a big difference to my decision to retrain….

    EDIT: that all sounds a bit negative, but now I’m where I am, I wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂

    Free Member

    Raasay (little island between Skye and the mainland) is a great place to see otters / Golden Eagles etc. There’s a ferry from Sconser on Skye….

    Spring is as good a time to see wildlife as any and not get eaten alive! [shamelessplugmode] If you’re looking for somewhere to stay, you could do worse than my Mum’s cosy wee cottages on Skye [ /shamelessplugmode].

    Free Member

    “The best evidence I’ve seen against the moon landing is from a photographer who notices photos taken on the moon that are incompatible with the list of photographic equipment taken.”

    That was the head technician at Hasselblad at the time of the moon landings – he couldn’t understand how the crosshairs present at the corners of each frame could have been obscured by the flag and rocky outcrops, in the negatives from the moon. In fact, even with no understanding of camera view-finders, it’s patently impossible.

    But I’ve been here before and had the same argument, and there are those on the forum who apparently have a better understanding of the way light refracts than the man responsible for designing and building cameras to take into space.

    EDIT: that’s not to say I don’t believe there have been men on the moon, but those negs were doctored IMO. Perhaps they were damaged and they felt the need to prove their attendance on the moon by faking the photos?

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