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  • user-removed
    Free Member

    That does look good – where did you order yours? I see you can pre-order it on Amazon…

    Free Member

    What’s the etiquette with adding commercial enterprises to Wiki? I only ask as I see a previous poster mentions adding to his company’s profile.

    Can I add my two little photographic businesses or is that a no-no?

    EDIT: just googled the question – interesting reading. I have been in the local press a good few times (for good reasons!) but pretty sure the businesss isn’t ‘noteworthy’….

    Free Member

    Rude to talk with yer mouth full.

    Free Member

    Now THAT is the coquettish pose I’ve been trying to get my brides to do for the last eight years! Wanna come and do a workshop? “Just get the weight on the back foot there… Lovely! Now just put your hand on your hip – fantastic! Think, “Charlie’s Angels! Give it some sass” “.

    Free Member

    😆 Proper laugh at that! It was worth a lot more new… Worse; the replacement was a Carrera Kraken which is truly horrible on so many levels and in so many ways 🙁

    The only bike she’s had which she’d actually ride voluntarily was a (different) skip rescue steel framed Trek. It was lovely and we went round Cornwall, Southern Ireland and the West coast of Scotland with it before it properly fell apart (and therein lies a story, replete with Irish rain and a tour bus full of folk from Prague). Her heart wasn’t broken, but the new Trek just didn’t cut it.

    Free Member

    In fact, actually spotted one of my bikes once, outside a shop. Waited until the ‘owner’ came out; young bloke, studenty type. Made some small talk about ‘nice bike mate’ etc, then planned to follow him home, with the intention of just coming round with a few mates later to retrieve it

    I saw Mrs Removed’s stolen Trek in the park nearby whilst walking the dog. It was unmistakable – Blackburn rack still attached, same big scratch down the down-tube where it fell off a small cliff….

    The guy riding it was a beardy fellow with a happy smile and a tweed jacket (yes, really, and it wasn’t made by Rapha). I could have run up, bounced his speccy face off the path and taken it back, but it was worth perhaps £200 and we’d already bought a replacement. There’s absolutely no way he’d nicked it, so I let it lie.

    I do understand that it’s different when the bike’s worth a lot more and you’ve worked hard and made sacrifices to get it – had two stolen myself. I reckon the OP had absolutely no intention of using the ice axe – sometimes we need a confidence boost to put ourselves in the way of danger. Also, (bike) love does funny things to us 🙂

    Free Member

    aidso – Member
    If you go to Settings > Accounts & Sync > Manage Accounts and click on the GMail one, do you have an option to “Sync Calender”?

    No. Just sync contacts and sync Gmail. If I go to my Googlemail account, the option is there to sync my calendar, but it spins for a few minutes and my Googlemail calendar remains resolutely blank. Just been trying to import the calendar (Googlemail, on the laptop) but can’t.

    Thanks for trying to help – it’s a fekkin nuisance but will just have to rely on using the calendar on the phone, or go back to using the Blackberry 🙁

    EDIT! Right – got one way sync running (laptop to phone) so I suppose I’m half way there…. Can’t find anything in the google calendar settings to allow a two way sync yet… It must be there somewhere, right?!

    Free Member

    As above – my version of Outlook is too old to sync with Google… That Gsyncit prog has installed fine but I can’t find any options to tell it where, what and how to sync. It says it’s synced, but I’ve no idea what it’s synced and where it’s put the synced info 🙁

    Phone / laptop / hammer interface imminent.

    Free Member

    Righto, thanks again. What I’d really like to do is just start afresh and do away with Outlook altogether – I don’t use it for anything else other than its calendar.

    Just before I do anything else stupid – Gsyncit wants $20 to continue – is that right?

    My phone tells me it’s syncing with my google calendar but when it finishes, the (google) calendar is still blank.

    Free Member

    Thanks Cougar – will go and have a look at Gsyncit – does it matter if I have, or am signed into or out of any of my many Gmail / Googlemail accounts?

    Free Member

    Yup. Had to do that too but still not working. Perhaps I just need to buy a newer version of Outlook…. I’d far rather use a Google calendar though – I’m not entirely thick when it comes to computer stuff and really can’t understand why I’m having such difficulty in setting it up.

    Free Member

    I do remember the cartoon booths, but never actually got past getting in and imagining what the cartoon would be like if I had any money.

    Just for the sake of nostalgia, for years my mum and I went shopping at a big Safeways (Exeter? We lived in Shepton Beauchamp) and right by the checkouts there were see-through plastic robots filled with various billious colours of ‘fruit’ juice. I was desperate to have one and after many sessions of pushing the trolley I was finally allowed (this is a non-story, sorry). It was horrible, and once I’d drunk all the bright blue chemical, the robot looked crap.

    Also remember getting to the far side of the car park with a laden trolley and seeing my mum gasp and put her hand over her mouth. She’d just walked out with the shopping and forgotten to pay! She went back and paid.

    Free Member

    I did a jobby on day four of a two month bike and tent tour of Spain / France / The Pyrenees. It was a four day jobby (flying upsets my constitution).

    We’d stopped under a bridge and brewed up some strong coffee. I made my excuses and left to find a suitable spot as my innards broiled. After beginning, I ran out of space and was impelled to hop forward in the manner of a primary school child performing a rabbit hop. Suffice to say, this poo required no less than three rabbit hops.

    On completion, flushed (pun intended) with pride I ran back to the bridge and joyfully encouraged my companions to come and see the marvellous thing I had wrought, but they seemed strangely unwilling to share in my special moment, saying instead, ” **** off you dirty bastard”.

    Free Member

    Bin done.

    Free Member

    This BS is happening accross the board. My little part time, local authority job has just been ‘vanished’. It’s not too bad for me – I’m self employed and the two shifts a week just got me out of the house and away from the computer for eight hours a week.

    However, there are / were loads of us on a PVH (permanent, variable hours) contract – some of us working up to 40 hours a week who have all suddenly had the carpet pulled out from under us. People with mortgages and kids.

    Three years ago they did away with guaranteed hours contracts and we all found ourselves fighting for shifts on PVH contracts. We were suddenly employed on an as-and-when-required basis, with no onus on the City of Sunderland Council to give us any hours at all.

    So last month, when the new boss was told to cut staffing hours, those of us without ‘proper’ contracts were the easy target and we were informed we no longer had jobs. We would be kept on the books, so no redundancies / payouts, and we might get called in once a month to cover sickness / holidays if we waited with our caps in our hands….

    No fat pensions for us – in fact; no job at all. hh45 – you are dangerously mis-informed.

    Free Member

    Self employed photographer here (weddings, portraits, dogs, anything else!). I love the 10% of my job which actually involves a camera. The other 90% is a mixture of enjoyment and frustration.

    I don’t earn very much but my time is mostly my own. Can’t imagine working in an office or having a career now, although I do occasionally miss the banter – it can get a bit lonely being a one man band….

    Free Member

    [grammar-nazi]Sorry just realised that the apostrophe in my last post is in the wrong place – couples’ is a plural noun 😳 [/grammar-nazi].

    And swiss – I also don’t believe this would happen in the UK. Not for one second.

    Free Member

    I want a bottom hat. Winfarms are a subject close to my heart… I earn a fair chunk of my pitiful annual income through carrying out visual impact assessment photography for the agencies who procure planning permission for turbine farms.

    There’s almost always an element of secrecy – I have to lie to anyone who asks me why I’m spending my days at the top of all the highest mountains in the area. If the locals find out, a NIMBY group springs up overnight and the whole project grinds to a halt.

    I quite like the way they look, but I may be somewhat biased 😉

    Free Member

    My Dad was married to a rather unpleasant Chinese lady for many years and visited her relatively rural hometown two or three times. He had some shocking stories of dead female babies left in the gutter – all down to the one child policy (which I think is slightly more relaxed now). If a couple’s first child was a girl, it was apparently not at all uncommon to kill the baby and try for a boy the next time. So not very surprised by this news – horrible business.

    Free Member

    I sold my motor on ebay a few weeks ago and asked for £100 deposit within 24 hours by paypal at the auction’s finish – this gives you an idea of whether or not the buyer is serious about completing the sale.

    The winner didn’t pay the deposit for three days – I phoned him and got endless daft excuses – quickly realised he was full of excrement and sent out 2nd chance offers – but alas, too late. Eventually sold to a chap from here for a good bit less cash, but much less hassle!

    Free Member

    Way back in the mists of time, my ancestors had bigger nails and larger teeth, and there’s a good chance they could run after deer and bite their heads off. 2000 years ago, my great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great,great, grandfather’s bitch befriended a wolf, got raped and he taught the offspring to do it for him. My teeth are in a bad state of disrepair. I have difficulty disembowelling a jellybaby. My dog can eat a whole packet in three seconds*

    *Probably. He’s not allowed sugary sweets – they’re bad for his fangs.

    Free Member

    Cheers Cougar – it wouldn’t let me buy it on the laptop – kept coming up as ‘Purchased’, even though the download had been cancelled on the handset. Strangely though, it’s suddenly worked – coincidence, or signing into the laptop with googlemail?!

    Free Member

    Not long back from a week with a photographers’ group on Skye. Really didn’t want to come home 🙁 Haven’t had a chance to do anything with the photos yet – must have at least one keeper….

    Free Member

    who taught you that was a good idea?

    My mum! And it does work overnight…. A week may have been pushing it. Mind you, she also told me that cheese hums in the fridge at night and also took pleasure in filling my innocent head with all kinds of other humbug. I’m probably yet to be disabused of other ‘true’ facts.

    Free Member

    Not chicken, but I did once get food poisoning from a week old pie from Farmfoods. I got it home (along with a large bag of other frozen food) only to remember that I didn’t own a freezer 😳

    I eat most of the food over the next couple of days and wrapped the offending pie in newspaper and left it at the back of the fridge. A week later, I remembered it and stuffed it down after a quick warm in our ageing oven, just before getting on a train to Edinburgh.

    The shaking started shortly before Montrose, and by the time the train left Dundee, all the other passengers had left the adjacent seats – I think they thought I was a junkie undergoing withdrawal – the shakes had been augmented by a very bad case of cold sweating and my teeth were chattering loudly.

    The minute I got to my destination, I took to bed and stayed there for three whole days, filling several buckets and drifting from horrendous hallucination to fevered, nightmarish dream. Bin the pesto.

    Free Member

    Isle of Skye

    Free Member

    Mine’s back on the classifieds here after a week on ebay and a complete time-wasting cock-knuckle. Won the auction, didn’t pay the £100 deposit and ignored all emails. When I eventually phoned him he started crying about his son’s birthday and said he didn’t know when he’d be able to pick it up – he’s in Liverpool, I’m near Durham.

    2nd chance offers sent out, but not holding out any hope there. Really, really bloody frustrating 👿

    Free Member

    Cheers for the advice. Just sent a message telling him I can’t wait more than a week for full payment, and that he needs to paypal through a deposit ASAP if he wants to hold the car. Pretty sure I’m not being unreasonable.

    Nowt’s ever easy with ebay – I was hoping some local guy would buy it on Monday and pick it up and pay for it on Tuesday. Now I’m skint and stuck with two cars 👿

    Free Member

    I am brilliant 😀 Website link in profile.

    Sorry – would have been rude not to…. Half price if you can persuade Mrs Doosuck to have a cycling themed wedding 😉

    Free Member

    To reiterate my post on the original thread; find a witness. A mate. Any witness. Otherwise there’s little you can do. Been there, felt your pain. Turned down the offer of a ‘witness’ statement and had to replace my bike, goretex jacket and helmet. Spent a good few months hirpling around on sticks too 🙁

    Free Member

    Not for me – my website is in my portfolio! Perhaps I need a second login… I did create one a few months ago, so I could post about a sensitive matter, but now I can’t remember the login, let alone the password. Sorry church.

    Free Member

    What do you think of immediately, which mix?

    I immediately thought, “Fred”. Which is annoying, given that I am mixed race myself.

    Free Member

    Crumbs. If that’s the worst thing you’ve ever done, I reckon you can sleep well in your bed at night. One of the least worst things I did as a stoopid kid was to burn down a church. A derelict church, but still…. And that was before I entered the world of pain that was adolesence 🙁

    Free Member

    +1 on Drugstore. Really, really liked their eponomously titled album but the rest of their stuff left me a little cold…. Didn’t know they’d reformed – will give the new album a listen.

    The Delgados were a wee bit up themselves but well worth a listen.

    Free Member

    Well my Dad were a nookleer technician, cleaning out reactors, and him and his mates did the job wearing nowt but a whippet skin and a hat made out of pigeon feathers.

    That aside, Stoner’s hat looks exactly right – it’s what my stepdad gave me after a crash course in how not to sink the blade into the tarmac whilst chopping up several tons of forestry comission logs off a saw-horse. 10 mins later, I boggered the blade by sinking it into the tarmac.

    But. During the nine minutes of successful chopping, I felt a good few chunks of wood bouncing off the visor….

    Free Member

    That happened to me and after several garages sucked their teeth and replaced pads and discs, Mr Clutch bit the bullet and replaced the calliper. No more siezed brakes.

    Free Member

    😥 Ok thanks – will try… Really pissed off with the whole malarkey now and seriously thinking of going back to faultless Backberry – would miss Google Skymap app though.

    Thanks all for help.

    Free Member

    Gravity-slave – thanks but for whatever reason, it syncs contacts and Gmail, then dies on its @rse when trying to sync the calendar. Just freezes up 🙁

    Craig – I’ve installed and uninstalled it several times and have decided to go down the Google route (if I can get it working!). Have Adobe Air installed already…

    Quick edit; I put a test appt in my otherwise empty Google calendar on the laptop and it synced to my phone. Nothing the other way though…

    Free Member

    Done that Cougar – and set up mobile notifications too, but how do you actually get the two to sync info? (Sorry for hand-holding request) 😳

    Free Member

    Sadly, my old copy of Outlook isn’t supported by the Google app. If I just stop using Outlook’s calendar altogether, and start using a Google calendar, is there a way to just sync straight from my phone to the Google calendar (and vice-versa)?

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