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    I went for a two day biking trip to the Lakes, camping, and a mutual friend expressed concern about where he was going to plug his hair straighteners in. True story. Even worse, was that some of the other lads took his concern seriously and began speculating about possible plug sockets in the shower block 😡

    Free Member

    This one’s not pissed / on drugs – I think she actually means every word of what she’s saying 🙁

    Free Member

    Premier only mobile site? Have I missed something?

    Free Member

    Wasn’t offended but it did remind me that I hate myself for liking Top Gear. Buffoon.

    Free Member

    Hmmm. The HD I thought they were on isn’t the one I thought it was…. Basically, as described, and casting my mind back, there were things on ribbons hanging off the structure – wooden letters spelling out relevant words.

    It was all a bit chintzy / retro. I’m sure there were a few Roberts radios, vintage kitchenalia, a few artists easels… That kind of thing. Very effective – he took more bookings than me 🙂

    Free Member

    Can’t you see it in your head?! Hold on – off for a look….

    Free Member

    I saw a great photographer’s wedding fair display made out of pallets. The guy had made lots of wee shelves and boxes (also from pallets) and filled them with big, rusty old keys, fabric hearts and so on.

    All this was interspersed with hay bales, random bolts of gingham cloth and most importantly, the images he was selling to potential clients.

    A good mix of textures was the winning factor – the products themselves were almost incidental but also very uniform, so they stood out.

    Free Member

    That all said, there are pockets of the UK which seem (to an outsider) to be much more ‘bike-aware’. York is a prime example. The drivers in the city just amble along at bike pace, knowing that even if they did overtake, they’d be stuck again 50 metres up the road.

    I was also hugely impressed that even the 12 year old BMXers with their pants hanging out of their jeans all had a set of lights. Critical mass is where it’s at – acceptance is necessary.

    Free Member

    The most fun I ever had commuting by bike was on my mother’s 1940s BSA with Mahoosive wheels and a wicker basket – didn’t even own a helmet back then, let alone lycra!

    But then, 80% of the commute was on an old railway track, in Aberdeen, so I felt as safe as could be. I flat refuse to commute by bike here in NE England because I appear to be invisible to one in ten drivers.

    I’ll have the odd bimble into town on a fully rigid Kona, dressed in clothes which don’t scream “CYCLIST”, but as above ^^^ will always get the padded shorts and helmet out for fun rides.

    Free Member

    Near Houghton-Le-Spring – will keep eyes peeled. If it gives you any hope, we had two bikes nicked last year, and early this Spring, I saw the wife’s bike being pedalled through Herrington Country Park.

    The rider was a speccy chap in a suit, smiling blisfully at the world. Given that the insurance had paid out and the bike had been replaced, I couldn’t find it within me to push him into the duckpond and retrieve the bike.

    Always worth a few hours driving around the local area – if it’s been nicked by scrotes, they’ll likely ride it around for a bit of a show off before selling (see Jedi’s bike recovery thread).

    Free Member

    Oh and actually, Audible’s files won’t play on my HTC Desire S, so you may be sh1t outta luck there too. Perhaps you could pick up a Sansa 2GB clip player and preload it with a couple of good listens?

    Torrent stuff tends not to be broken down into chapters which is a pain, and often requires ten minutes of fuddling about trying to find your place IME.

    Free Member

    Audible used to do gift vouchers, but it looks like they’ve temporarily stopped doing them

    If you buy an Amazon gift voucher though, the recipient can buy an audiobook through audible with it….

    Free Member

    Sorry, but you made your choices when you started your career, as did your counterparts who chose less money (for whatever reasons) and the promise of a slightly better pension plan. Zero sympathy – and my wee brother’s a lawyer too!

    Free Member

    You’ve chosen to drive yourself into the ground in a (hopefully) very well paid profession – please don’t complain about those who have chosen just to be ‘comfortable’, who have also worked hard to get where they are and just maybe have solid moral and altruistic reasons for choosing a career (not striking – small business owner). Go vent yer spleen elsewhere.

    Free Member

    But you can’t help? Despite knowing all the answers? Is this because you make a living out of your knowledge (fair enough – why work for free) or because you’re generally unhelpful?

    Free Member

    My grandad had a dehumidifier to protect various artworks, especially the family portraits and another in the garage to protect the Triumph Razor-edges and the Standard Vanguards (wooden upper structures). He wasn’t able to empty the tank (he’s now 97) so the task was left to me. The stench coming out of the recovered water was pretty foul. I wouldn’t drink it.

    If you like the taste of dust then you’re on to a winner.

    Free Member

    “Son, I don’t want you hanging round with [insert name here]. He’s known to the police for kissing younger boys”. I’m quite serious – isn’t that all it would take?

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the comments…. There is something dripping off the bottom of the car. Can’t tell yet if it’s oil, oily water or something else. Whatever it is, there’s not much of it, but still slightly worrying.

    Free Member

    Sorry, wouldn’t what? See higher premiums? Yes I would. Maybe not officially, but I’ve seen it happen to others.

    Free Member

    Well, the good new is that three cab drivers saw the accident and remembered exactly what happened. The bad news (for the other driver) is that her car leaked fluid of some kind all over the road.

    Free Member

    Hmmm. Might have a wander up to the taxi office at the top of the road to see if any of the drivers saw anything – just in case…..

    Free Member

    And of course, had I played it by the book, there’s a very good chace she would have claimed it was my fault anyway – lose-lose.

    Free Member

    @SBZ But I’d be looking at more expensive car insurance renewals and know what a hassle it is as soon as the insurance companies get involved.

    Free Member

    +1 to the kids’ worming drink – my mum told me it was milkshake.

    +1 also to mushy brew. The secret is to keep condensing it until it’s the consistency of treacle – at that point, a couple of swallows is enough 🙂

    Free Member

    Went to see The Awakening last week. Yes, it’s flawed but it most definitely has its properly chilling moments. Well worth a watch.

    EDIT: sorry – misread title as Mainstream”….!

    Free Member

    “Quantum Leap” when used to describe a massive change in situation / way of thinking. It’s all about tiny wee stuff isn’t it?

    I actually read the thread title as “Incorrect and dodgy smilies”, as in emoticons, so don’t listen to me 8)

    Free Member

    Brakes – that dude must keep Air Zound Horns in business. There is a quite amazing amount of shonky driving going on in that vid though, no matter whether the guy is a t0sspot or not.

    Free Member

    Pah! One deer? Benton chased a whole HERD of deer.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the update DezB 😀 For the record, my lurcher chases anything small and furry (or even large and furry) but seems to have an innate knowledge of what not to chase. He’ll happily munch pheasants, but shows zero interest in hens, for instance.

    He also likes a good foxy punch up and once spectaculary rolled off a garden shed whilst attached to two bushy-tailed urban foxes 😯 They started it.

    Free Member

    There was a Panorama recently with an undercover expose of a really unpleasant baillif – hidden cameras, fake trainee, the lot. He just made scary stuff up on the spot to intimidate ‘clients’.

    What woody2000 says about open windows / doors is true.

    Free Member

    DezB – Member
    I don’t believe that was a lab. Or a “poor guy”

    Oh? Do tell! Was it you? I seem to recall it was something big and dopey (the dog, not the owner)….

    What you need is a dog collar that explodes and blows their head clean off..

    My father in law would echo that sentiment. He’s trained three balck lab gundogs over the years, but they bought a scarily expensive lab last year, and it’s chuffin’ mental. Won’t do anything it’s asked to – very rarely off the lead. Causes huge amounts of strife, swearing and arguments!

    Free Member

    Had exactly this in the past – Halfords wouldn’t allow a test spin in the car park, so schlepped off to LBS, test rode two bikes and paid cash 🙂 Just had to leave my wallet in the shop whilst testing.

    Free Member

    That vid is perfick!

    Re labs taking down deer, I recall a thread on here a year or so ago, in which a member came on boasting about his lab chasing and felling a deer. Poor guy was very proud of his dog, but the tale was not well received and an epic flaming commenced…..

    Free Member

    The panic in his voice! I almost felt sorry for him!!

    Free Member

    robsoctane – I know exactly where you mean now – have walked the dog in Waldridge Fell Country Park once or twice. TBH, I’m lazy, so tend to just night ride the local trails (like right outside my door)!

    That said, I’m running out of places to go, so am definitely up for trying somewhere new. Tonight’s out, but later in the week would be good.

    Free Member

    Where is Kong Woods robsoctane? I’m just up the road in New Herrington and haven’t heard of them…

    Free Member

    How can the item have sold twice? Surely that’s only possible if you have listed it as having more than one available?

    Sale looks ‘safe’ to me – there are others for sale for £30 more, so the buyer probably just thought it was a bit of a bargain.

    Free Member

    Donno – not my video but she could well be. She’s incredibly quick for such a wee dog!

    Free Member

    Many moons ago, I hired a bike from Alpine Bikes in Aberdeen (mine got pinched). We drove out to Glen Tannar and I did a lap of the carpark whilst waiting for my mates to fettle their bikes. Heard a rubbing from the back wheel and by the time I got back to the car the wheel was the shape of a Pringle 🙁

    Had to sit in the car and wait for six hours while everyone went off and had a cracking ride 🙁

    Alpine bikes tried to charge me for the repair – I wasn’t happy….

    Free Member

    Am I allowed another?

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