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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
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    Slash is a really sloppy player, it hasn’t stopped him.

    Perhaps he is (strongly disagree) but he’s also incredibly dynamic whatever you think of the company he keeps and is as fast as ****

    Free Member

    Slash is a really sloppy player, it hasn’t stopped him.

    Perhaps he is (strongly disagree) but he’s also incredibly dynamic whatever you think of the company he keeps and is as fast as ****

    Free Member

    mangoridebike – that’s not a bad idea. I’ll pass it along. That said thé fact it’s been an active business for at least 30 years speaks volumes.

    Free Member

    Stoner – all the info is available on request. For the last few years they’ve shut down the cottages over Winter because they’re getting on and the cottages are hard work.

    So far as I can tell, it’s a very viable business but you’d have to have at least one person working full time, living in the main house to keep it going.

    Having helped out up there, it really isn’t that hard though. Cottages need an incredibly thorough clean once a week and there are plenty wifies available to hire who can do that.

    Also, a wee bit of maintenance throughout the year but really, they’re buildings. In a tourist honeyspot. Built to last.

    Free Member

    Practice is futile if you don’t have the knowledge to start with.

    The only time I’ve come on in leaps and bounds was with lessons. Feels weird to sit down with another human and ask them to show you how to play but if you can bear it, it works.

    Free Member

    Listened to a R4 prog a few years ago about the way we used to sleep. Apparently it was normal to get up at a out the time you describe and pop round to visit the neighbours for a glass of mead.

    Then you’d happily go back to bed after an hour or so.

    Since my wife and child moved out (I’m joining them soon, not an stw meltdown moment) I’ve been going to bed at 8pm, getting up for a few hours at about 3am, then waking feeling refreshed at 8am.

    Perhaps not practical but feels natural. Have almost given up coffee too!

    Free Member

    Old thread user-removed, bumped by a bot. (And me, sorry)

    Ah, so it is! Still, worthwile topic…

    Free Member

    Slightly OT but my wife has the radio on in her car, at a volume just too quiet to hear properly. Drives me mad (pun intended).

    Never noticed the volume in my car – change it using the steering wheel stalk thingy according to wind / traffic noise (AC doesn’t work).

    But if I knock my toe on something when walking, I do have to knock the toe on the other foot at exactly the same level of force, so if you’ll have me, I’ll join the society too.

    Free Member

    Penshaw here too for another month or so. It’s so flat round here that you can see it from miles away.

    Fortunately I got out of “the hellhole that is Sunderland” many years ago and have been happily living in Herrington ever since (I concur btw, it’s somewhere I avoid until some twit sends me a cheque and I have to go to the last bank in the North East).

    Free Member

    There’s no real reason not to hire a dog walker these days. I hang around a lot of dog groups on FB (‘cos I’m mostly a dog photographer) and there’s millions of them, all competing on price.

    So it really doesn’t cost much, gives you peace of mind, provides a small income to a local person and most importantly, gives the dog some relief and happiness.

    Free Member


    Been a few years but it beats the morning coffee…

    Free Member

    I left a forum which was a large part of my life because there was a guy posting photos of bottoms taken in a similar fashion and the owner / mods seemed to think it was ok.

    It’s not ok, it’s not any way to conduct yourself and you’re quite right to challenge him.

    Free Member

    Fair point IdleJon and the sightings that are on record tend to be of the OMG WTF was that kind.

    The water bailiff I mentioned earlier was a pretty reliable, stoic kind of Aberdonian / outdoors fellow and well placed to see anything out there. Unfortunately hé was a wee bit in his cups and his rhetoric bordered on the poetic…

    Free Member

    I’m intrigued to know how having Mr Jizz in one hand helps with tidying up.

    Free Member

    How do people who’s houses perpetually look like show-homes do it!

    It’s not easy and ours kind of looks ok these days bacause it’s been for sale. If I hadn’t been forced into it, it would still be a cluttered mess full of dog hair.

    And actually, since it sold, it kind of is again but it’s cosmetic and if I could be arsed, it’d all be sorted in an afternoon with a Hoover and a cloth.

    Decluttering is the hard part, especially when you have a penchant for books, retro bikes and musical instruments.

    Free Member

    Moley, any links? I agree that (X Files voice) they’re out there but it does seem strange that they’ve not been caught on camera.

    Moving home to Aberdeen very soon and looking forward to hitting all the old trails, hopefully without getting eaten.

    Free Member

    As an aside, my father in law took me shooting (clays) near Portlethen. I always thought I was kind of not bad and he was a regular shooter, so there wasn’t any real competition.

    One of the party was my wife’s cousin, a keeper for a local estate. He just didn’t miss. Not once. I was suitably impressed.

    Didn’t get the chance to ask him about big cats I’m afraid :-D

    Free Member

    Well, it wouldn’t be beyond the realms of belief. My wife reckons she saw a large black cat leaping over the wall of her parents’ place in Deeside.

    They had gun dogs who both shouted their mouths off.

    Free Member

    Can’t explain with any degree of thoroughness – honestly very tired indeed. Let’s do this is the morning shall we.

    Sleep well in the meantime (genuinely).

    Free Member

    Always thought you did it deliberately tbh. Until you were looking for help. Maybe I’m wrong.

    Free Member

    If it’s puzzling, perhaps have a read back and see how you come across (perhaps not on this thread where you sound human).

    Free Member

    Monsiuer Woppit. You’re not somone I’d particularly like to meet in real life, given your posting history on here.

    Nonetheless, if your anxiety works in the same way as mine, I do hope you feel better very soon. It absolutely sucks big dog’s cocks.

    Free Member

    Found some spoor on a remote landrover track near Strathdon, on the kind of a hill you wouldn’t really climb for pleasure. The dog started behaving quite peculiarly, snarling and roaring at nothing obvious.

    Not fox, dog, cat or human. Took a photo of it next to my shoe and asked the local water bailiff what he thought in the pub that night and was subjected to a good few hours of tales about mysterious cats “stravaiging aboot the hills”. He was quite convincing.

    Fair to say I looked over my shoulder a lot for the next few days…

    Free Member

    Gamies, baillifs and ghillies have always been at least halfway decent to me, despite me trekking all over the place with a half feral dog. Never encountered any when cycling though.

    Just don’t talk to them about rewilding or get them started on the subject of big cats roaming around if you value your time.

    Free Member

    Nom. Drink a pint of water first though.

    Free Member

    Does anyone think/has heard it’s an issue at cycling speeds? I’ve wondered.

    Donno. Never gone fast enough.

    Free Member

    Adapting to an annoying issue is essential. As a 44 year old I have a few, believe me.

    Internet research on this subject in particular is a spiral of despair.

    Free Member

    nickewen. Interetesting that you can identify which ears it’s in. Absolutely not doubting you but mine’s just “in my head” rather than emenating from one side or the other.

    Ironically, loud music seems to be the only temporary cure :-D

    Free Member

    Crikey. Mine’s not painful, just incredibly annoying. To the point of hitting my head to make it stop (doesn’t work but makes me feel better).

    Didn’t realise there were treatments available. Gives me hope.

    Free Member

    Had to Google hyperacusis – sounds awful (no pun intended).

    As always, glad I’m not alone but sympathy extended to all affected.

    At least it’s not TB.

    Free Member

    “What caused it?”. Playing stupidly loud guitars in bands, no doubt. My stepdad also suffers because he spent his youth shooting .303 rifles.

    It’s avoidable if you own a time machine / ear plugs.

    Free Member

    Sorry. It’s pernicious, invasive and eventually, life-changing.

    I too often forget about it until I’m sitting somewhere quiet, reading a book or trying to listen to music.

    Or some sod mentions it.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t worry about it too much tbh. I spent much of the grouse shooting season roaming about the hills with a dog and was entirely ignored and not peppered with shot.

    This was over several years whilst working for wind farm companies – staying at a local hotel will give you a good idea of the lie of the land.

    Free Member

    This place is a great cross section of the middle aged, British, white, male population with some exceptions. There are some proper, full-on nobbers but on the whole, it’s a pleasant place to visit in the way my local pub is.

    Sometimes challenging, often a source of new information and ideas… Needs moar beer though.

    Free Member

    I went to uni with a girl who spoke in the plummiest accent imaginable. She also swore like a navvy which was entertaining and weirdly arousing.

    Free Member

    Swallows and Amazons was a desperate dissapointment.

    Read all the books, lived a mostly land-locked life in Somerset, other than the odd trip to Lyme Regis, suffered a fever as we all probably did imagining a life on the high seas, eating pemican and ships’ biscuits.

    If you’ve got to choose, then perhaps something with Minions.

    Free Member

    I’m sure it’s been mentioned but ‘Song of the Sea’ is unusual and brilliant. Entertains me and my four year old.

    The music is better than any Disney rubbish and the visuals, the story and inherent folklore are just brilliant.

    Free Member

    Why is anyone getting riled up by such obvious trolls, then?

    Because I haven’t been on here for a while. Too busy working, reading and walking the dog.

    Thanks to the gooduns for a good old natter.

    Free Member

    Thanks Monsueur Spanner.

    Kind of used to trolls. It’s a a sad state of affairs when a decent discussion is being tabled and genuine interest is shown.

    (and then half your post vanishes ).

    Free Member

    “…poor education”.

    Cheers :-). It was ok thanks. Degree from Aberdeen uni and a further one from Sunderland. Importantly, I enjoyed them both. Lovely to argue online avouth un-provable stuff.

    The Sunderland degree is pretty much a given btw. No-one wants to admit to a degree from Sunderland.

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