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    aracer – I fell off the stage on mine. Must have been a four foot drop I think. Felt like four feet of pain. One of the very few bits of the Bible which makes sense is the bit where it tells you to leave childish things behind when you grow up to be an adult. I ignore that as a rule and continue to behave like a child, and I’m terribly sorry your childhood was so deprived that unis weren’t on the menu but some things are best left to children and circus artists. Unicycling is one of those things in my humble opinion.

    Free Member

    GrahamS = R4 listener. They’ve been banging in about it for days now. Interviewing window cleaners and clients. Again, wganactualf.

    Free Member

    I well remember the day I was returning my delivery van to Altens Industrial Estate after a morning of dealing with wizened, awkward storemen. There was a fair sized gathering of secretaries all clutching their chests and pointing at a badly injured seagull which was wandering around, very dazed and bleeding from its eyeballs.

    Ran the fecker over. Kindest thing to do.

    Free Member

    Step one: drink the alcohol, you’re doing it wrong. Step two:wgaf anyway?

    Srsly though, I use Windowlene and those grey paper towel things you sometimes still see in the gents – you can buy a box of 10,00000000 online for about £15. They are the secret ingredient.

    Free Member

    Can’t in all conscience argue with either of those comments but at least with two wheels you’ll be in the middle of nowhere faster than with one or three wheels, thus increasing the remoteness factor.

    Free Member

    I fully agree but in the meantime? Personally, I’ll go with the flow rather than risk getting to the front of the right hand lane and see nothing but set jaws and angry faces, with no beggar letting me merge.

    Free Member

    The point’s been made. Lane’s closing in a mile. Ok, best get ready, this lane you’re driving in won’t be there in 500 yards. Right, c’mon, you’ve got 200 yards, slow down and merge.

    Oh I see. You’re going to push in at the front.

    It’s just the way our UK brains work.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    As a kid, I helped my dad run a circus workshop called the Suitcase Circus which is how I came to be in a theatre on a uni ^^^.

    When I moved to Aberdeen, within a few months all the spoilt rich kids in my area also had unis, mostly Pashley. My uni had been bought from an alcoholic clown rejoicing in the name of Haggis. I had to make the saddle myself out of an old leather jacket and some soggy foam.

    Didn’t have a bike so did my paper rounds on it – so perhaps eight miles a day. I now have an Aldi special which someone threw in to sweeten the deal when I bought his old Canondale.

    Would still recommend a night in a b&b or learning to juggle as better alternatives.

    EDIT: point being, as a kid, it’s the best thing in the world. Just plain old good fun. As an adult, unless you’re busking at the Edinburgh Festival dressed as Darth Vader and playing the bagpipes, it’s almost literally pointless. Save up for another wheel.

    Free Member

    Another very happy co-pilot app user here. Even when I know where I’m going, I stick it on to warn me about the speed cameras. You can also set it up to reroute you automatically if it picks up delays ahead which has saved me hours.

    Free Member

    Very, very sad. Driving in Malaysia made me realise how absolutely brilliant driving standards are in the UK (despite what you read on here). Vowed never to complain about British driving when I returned but after a few months you just forget…

    Free Member

    Well, I suppose I do reserve the right to get cross with people who ignore LANE CLOSING signs two miles down the road and race past (can’t actually remember if this has anything to do with the op).

    If I see a LANE CLOSING or ROAD NARROWING sign, I’ll generally shift over to the left lane. S’just polite innit? But I really don’t want to see this go to page eight :-(

    Free Member

    I learnt at the side of a theatre wall with a railing, which inspired confidence. It was dark – not many people saw my humiliation. Pashley uni saddles will take a lot more falls than an eBay special.

    Any tips? Honestly, just buy a night in a b&b with your family instead. It’s a pretty pointless skill after you’re 12. Learn to juggle instead – that way, you can show off anywhere, anytime with anything available. And yes, I’m a massive show off.

    Free Member

    Followed this and held my peace so far. For me, the most important points raised have been; you cannot legislate for the behaviour of others, on both sides of the argument. It is inbuilt in the British psyche to mostly continue behaving in the left hand lane manner, regardless of rights or wrongs.Some of us are obviously so bored that we’ll read seven pages of bollocks on and off without even chipping in.

    Free Member

    I was going to say, “Requiem for a Dream” but I watched it again a few nights ago and I’ve seen so many horrific things since the last viewing that it didn’t seem that bad anymore.
    So just go ahead and watch it. Comedic :-D

    Free Member

    Have to say, I’ve never understood why anyone would want a career. Aged 30, after a series of dead end jobs, I set up my own ickle thing and have been doing it for the last decade, happily enough.

    It’s often said, but I’ll say it again; do what makes you happy. Not what makes you money or what makes other people hold doors open for you, whilst they tip their caps in deference.

    Go run another bike shop.

    Free Member

    It’s easy to get used to slight imperfections on your own bike. Nothing other than the crack sounds like a worry. Perhaps send the seller some photos and request a small partial refund.

    Free Member

    I got a mod email overnight for suggesting a name involving the fact that, actually, it wasn’t a spoon at all. I still can’t think of any way to put it politely. Sorry mods. Sorry Al.

    Free Member

    Sorry but this is a complete load of toss, if anything WP has more advanced SEO plugins than Blogger. 

    Ahem. Google owns Blogger. Cough. Not that it would EVER give priority to one of its own concerns of course.

    Free Member

    Haven’t read beyond the first 10 posts (saw the way it was going) but if you’re looking to get picked up by Google, it’s Blogger all the way. Tag your photos, alt tag them, give them titles – all these options are available when you upload images and will bring the googlejuice pouring.

    If you don’t care who sees your content beyond Uri Geller and the rest of the Sheffield Cutlery-Mongers, then WordPress looks much prettier and has a good range of template sites to choose from.

    Blogger. Just blogger if you want to be seen.

    Free Member

    Sounds like he’s offloaded a POS to you. PayPal will refund but it’s annoying when folk waste your time. And yes, photos should show any damage imo.

    Free Member

    I had a woman try this on with me at a large roundabout and am firmly in the camp that anyone could be sucked in.

    The woman was in front of me, plenty room between my car and hers. Nothing coming and she pulls off at a decent lick. It’s a difficult junction so I follow at the same speed. Suddenly she’s completely stationary and I skid to a halt. A little further round and she does exactly the same thing again. Had it been wet or had I not been completely switched on, it’s entirely possible I could have tapped her bumper.

    Car was a shitty old banger and so was the driver from what I could see.

    Free Member

    Just had a call from the garage doing my MOT today. Can I please add ABS sensors held inside the wheel bearing by a TINY METAL CLIP which DISINTEGRATES the very second it gets wet. The perfectly working wheel bearing then needs broken open to realign the perfectly working sensor and fit a new clip. GGrrRrRRr1!!1!

    Free Member

    Might manage to get at the bulb but I ain’t going anywhere near my car with my laptop :-D

    Free Member

    Thanks all. Yep had read about the wires under the seat and the seat does get shifted around a lot as my midget wife uses the car a few times a week ( I can barely get in afterwards ) :-)

    Free Member

    Agree with the co-existing posts but their poo is the most offensive stench in the world and they do seem to like crapping on items like garden toys, balls etc.

    Free Member

    And the military stuff is pretty bulky and far from lightweight. .. Totally brilliant though.

    Free Member

    My old work tried to sack me for pretty much exactly the same thing – got hailed into a meeting six months later and the manager had a 20 page report detailing the incident.

    I literally laughed in his face, asked him if he was serious and walked out of the meeting. Left a year later anyway and went full time self employed.

    Free Member

    Just buy a different bike. They all have two wheels and handlebars. I’m not having a great day, sorry.

    Free Member

    Some genuinely unpleasant people have outed themselves on this thread. Well done for not having a broken noggin / ever having been unlucky several weeks in a row. I’m bloody lucky but I recognise that and try my best not to judge those who maybe aren’t.

    Free Member

    We had an alcoholic geography teacher who chewed those things. We called him Teabag Master and stuck teabags on his back all **** day long.
    Poor **** retired shortly thereafter and drank himself to sleep.

    Free Member

     closer to a grand!
    That said, I reckon he’s trying it on.

    ???! So, yes it’s a cheap repair, or no, it’s a scam?

    Free Member

    Peak Imaging still do b&w process. Or send them to me and I’ll dev them for £2 each. Bargain.

    Free Member

    You see an attractive member of the opposite sex on a bike and realise you’re trying to work out what tyres they’re using :oops:

    Free Member

    A double trailer logging lorry did exactly this to me on the road running down Loch Ness. Fortunately, I was able to bunny hop sideways up the (5″) kerb. Chased him for a few miles before coming to my senses.

    Firmly on the side of the cyclist here. Pointless overtake by a wannabe silverback.

    Free Member

    I nodded off fainted with agony during a root canal just before xmas!

    Free Member

    Stopped a cop who told me there was an “armed incident” in a house on the road ahead. When they finally let some cars through, I saw about 10 armoured up, heavily armed cops all piled into the porch of a house and at least 20 police 4x4s lining the road.

    Free Member

    …as for the 50/50 option thats not an option at all as the rest of the fence is shagged so no way going down this route as its a long fence ! (90ft)

    So you’d rather gamble on paying for the whole fence? This happened to us a few years ago – the neighbour and I eventually got our arses in gear, went to B&Q, bought the materials between us and spent a pleasant afternoon drinking beer and building the fence. Sounds like your neighbour may be a bit of a wazzock but 50:50 is the way forward for neighbourly relations.

    Free Member

    globalti – Member
    I’ve never understood single people or pairs driving around with bikes displayed like trophies on the roof or boot. Just madness.

    I use a Saris Bones for my bike on family hols / trips away etc. Once you have a child and a dog, there’s no chance of getting a dismantled bike even in an estate as well… Yes, it’s a pain when you stop for lunch / need to let the dog out for a pee but it’s either that or leave the bike behind (or the dog or the kid but had no success there).

    Free Member

    Yup, sorry, load of toss. It tastes the same if you drink it out of a teacup.

    Wine is a different kettle of bananas but I spent four years doing my Wines and Spirits Education Trust Diploma, during which I tried most regularly available malts from a variety of glasses. I also did a fair bit of, ahem, erm, homework.

    Giving your whisky room to breathe is for pretentious twitmongers. Get it down ye.

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