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  • A bike, a puppy, a donut conversion kit | Fresh Goods Friday 476
  • user-removed
    Free Member

    I am the above mentioned user-removed. Feel free to get in touch – info[at]

    Or have a gander at the website;

    Dependant on venue, I'd be glad to offer an STW discount (especially if you're planning to get married on bikes :-) ).

    All my clients get a DVD of print ready pics (don't do the hard sell thing).

    Thanks to zoo fighter for the mention!!

    Free Member

    an eye for true quality and customization, not the biggest name or the latest fad

    Woah daddy! Does that mean my Boardman Pro is cool?!

    Free Member

    Uplink – can you do me a massive favour and keep an eye out for a dark blue Halfrauds GT i-Drive please? Big scratch on the left hand side (as you sit on it) of the down tube.

    I phoned the number in the article yesterday but got passed from pillar to post for about 20 minutes :?

    Cheers in advance…


    Free Member

    I retrained as a photographer – don't really think it could be described as a 'helpful' job, but 9-5 it ain't…. Ended up at usual default setting of wedding photographer but am absolutely loving it.

    Free Member

    Sorry but that particular constabulary are hopeless.

    Phoned the number and got a lady who hadn't a clue what I was talking about – got put through to four different people, all equally clueless and eventually got put onto a helpdesk ansaphone.

    The message promised a quick call back and that was five hours ago.

    Cr@p. :evil:

    Free Member

    *Sigh* Once again, held up for general ridicule…..

    Free Member

    Cheers tails – I'm so not a bling kind of a person – the rot set in with the seatpost clamp, moved into the pedals and got out of hand with the stem…..

    P1ssArtist – in what way have I got under myself?

    Free Member

    djglover – Member
    One word: Totally Wrong

    Holy cr@p – that's a 'back-from-the-pub-and-forgot-how-to-count' opinion if ever I saw one.

    Free Member

    Not good / wrong as in style or in terms of handling? Or some other reason? Actually, never mind – I don't actually care :-)

    I'm going to ride it anyway and enjoy doing it too. So there.

    Free Member

    I think that if you look hard enough you will find plenty of good looking bikes that suit you requirements.

    Uuumm I thought I already had :roll:

    Just needs a wee bit of tinkering :-)

    Free Member

    Don't know why you'd worry about it – are you afraid he'll go home and crack one off looking at it?

    I'd be flattered (I think!).

    Free Member

    The Boardman range are only stocked by stores with a BOARDMAN EXPERT and so far as I can tell, they are all built by the BOARDMAN EXPERT.

    When I picked mine up, it was fully (and competently) built, bar a ridiculously long front brake cable. I picked up a Kraken for the wife at the same time and it was in a box, exactly as per 0091paddy's post.

    Free Member

    littlebear – fair point. I guess I'm looking for the holy Grail – a do-it-all bike. Obviously, it's never gonna be a jump bike or an amazing descender, but if a shorter stem helps me ride more smoothly, I'm willing to put up with the weight gain / twitchiness on the flats.

    I may end up with a comprimise or just a plain fugly bike but it can't hurt to try different bits can it?

    Oh, and I reckon the frame is spot on – OK it doesn't have A NAME but it's light and hasn't snapped yet. You broken one recently?

    Free Member

    Actually, it's described as, "Day After a Whole Bottle of Malt Whisky P1ss".

    Free Member

    Borrow a few stems and try them out. I had a go of my mate's Blender with a little Roox stem and it felt brilliant – especially in really rough, steep downhilly stuff. So I've lashed out on a teensy stem – see thread here;

    I might miss it for longer, landrover track type rides – time will tell…..

    Free Member

    Best bike I've ever ridden – and the rear mech is worth more than my old Kona beater :-)

    Free Member

    Oh well, the majority of people on here seem to think it's not too much like a bike wearing a sovereign ring, so it'll stay on….

    EDIT; Haribo – it's the one on the right, just past the short cut to the Ewok Village. Looks like someone's taken a bulldozer for a joyride straight down the hill.

    Free Member

    Hora – they're the ones by the Ewok stuff – we'd never seen them before. Don't know what the handling's like yet – I'm hoping it'll be much improved……

    Munquechick – do you mean the stem or the frame?

    Please stop suggesting gold stuff to buy – my wife's reading this


    Free Member

    Colnagokid – saddle's way low as we had a few rounds of some cheeky 'straight-down' new trails at GT last week – terrifying and v steep… Weeds. Meh.

    Swiftacular – those levers look amazing but I'm drawing the line at a saddle for the time being…..!

    Free Member

    The pedals are actually a champagney goldy colour (bought from classifieds)!

    Don't think I could handle any more bling – I already feel a bit self-conscious…..

    Off to look for a nice yellow saddle – Wiggle had a nice Selle-Italia one with funny wings on sale at £50 odd notes, but it's out of stock now :-(

    Any recommendations?

    Free Member

    Well deserved, I would say…….

    Free Member

    Learn to block properly if you haven't already – tires out the opposition. Failing that, move to Aberdeen Circa 1990 – 95 (you'll need your time machine) and go out on a Saturday night. The AFCSC will pretty soon get you used to taking a cheekbone fracturing beating every week.

    Free Member

    4) – I've seen too many mouldy, manky bladders not to get paranoid. Having said that, it's such a pain to clean it that recently, I've taken to leaving the bladder in the car and chucking a few bottles of Lucozade in the Mule……… Kind of defeats the purpose I suppose…………..

    Free Member

    Sharpness has never been an issue for me – I shoot with no 'on-board' sharpening and sharpen at the last stage before printing – can't imagine why a D300 would produce soft images unless it's the fault of the user.

    "Better" is very subjective.

    Free Member

    Happy D300 / D200 user here – but I'm looking at upgrading purely down to the dual memory slots. I've had a couple of CF cards corrupt on me after weddings and it's a terrifying experience. The backup would give a massive amount of peace of mind……….

    Free Member

    Cheers chaps – these are Halo ones and have a tab which grabs the bottom of the dropout to stop rotation, in theory…..

    Feel a bit happier about fitting them now :-)

    Free Member

    Ride it, then have a polite and measured conversation about why you're a bit peeved – as has been mentioned, there may be a good reason for it.

    Free Member

    Hmmm – I passed a class whilst on my way through the local leisure centre. I don't doubt that there are benefits but I couldn't help smiling – loads of wanabee hard men punching air. Many of them had their thumbs tucked into their fists……

    No sign of punchbags / medicine balls either.

    Try a proper martial art?

    Free Member

    Lol at the advert with the strapline, "Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere"…..!!

    Free Member

    TBH, I would flog the Cokin P system, and get yourself a set of Cokin Z Pro square filters and a Lee holder (much better quality than the Cokin holders). You can pick up 3rd party rings for a lot less than the cost of Lee ones.

    I did this a few years back and never looked back – I also had the P system and a slot-in polariser. The only hassle is getting a screw in polariser in the right position when you've got the filter holder screwed into the front of it. It is a fiddle but it can be done – the polarisers for the Z Pro system are crazy expensive, so I just put up with it.

    Also, it's worth noting that polarisers on a 10-20mm can give uneven polarisation over the frame, purely down to the massive wide angle…

    Free Member

    I think there's two versions of this lens.

    As for polarisers, just buy a Hoya screw in one, and watch out for vignetting (esp if you're using grads too) at the wide end.

    EDIT: what are WRT filters? Wratten?!

    Free Member

    First up – sobriety is quite right.

    Secondly, a couple of droll anecdotes.

    My friend and I were walking into town with enough to get into the Mud Club (£2) and a couple of quid left over for a few jars at £1 a pop. Not many.

    Half way there, we spot a lad running (staggering) for a bus. He's pulling change out of his pockets, and every time he does so, he's dropping notes all over the pavement – must have been paid in cash – it was a Friday.

    So we shouted at him, "Hey Mister, you're dropping yer money!".

    And he shouts back, " Go 5uck yersels, ya wee c&&&&"

    We followed him down North West Street for a quarter mile picking up his £10s and £20s. We ended up with a cool coupla hundred and got massively hammered. That's what you get for being rude.

    Second tale; I found £60 sticking out of Asda's cashpoint. Given that there was a queue behind me, and that my conscience was pricking ( could have been an old lady's pension!!) I handed it in to a non-plussed customer services lass.

    When we'd done our shopping, I went back to the desk to ask what would happen to the cash. The lass huffed and puffed and wrote down the details in a book, telling me to come back in six months if the money hadn't been claimed, which I duly did. I was then told that the money had been returned to the bank, as it had been found in a machine, not on the floor. What a load of w@nk. Next time, I'll spend it on beer and tabs.

    Free Member

    No, but when I was about 18, my flatmates persuaded me to go to a 'BUSINESS MEETING' at some loser's house, in a nasty Barrat estate. They had been impressed with his mobile phone (this was many years ago!).

    Even at that tender age, it was blindingly obvious from the outset that the whole setup stunk. The guy was incapable of answering any questions – just blethered on about all the money we'd make, for only a tiny investment.

    He and his reject Stepford Wife kept this humbug up for nearly two hours, drawing meaningless diagrams onto a flipchart. I think we were supposed to be overwhelmed – so many big words – such an onslaught of bullsh1t.

    All that happened was that we became 'un-stoned' and had to leave to rectify the situation.

    Free Member

    My ancient Hahanna. No idea why I own this, or why I spend money on it…..

    Now with IMP wheels and DMR pedals…

    Free Member

    Gotta 2000 Focus estate and it's certainly the most reliable car I've ever owned – 90,000 on the clock now. Ditto the remark on page one about front tyre wear – they seem to need replacing at twice the rate of the wife's Fiat tyres.

    Other than that, just as has been said – nary a problem other than the usual exhaust, tyres kind of stuff. Spares are readily available too – any scrappy will have replacement wing mirrors and other bits and bobs in piles.

    Free Member


    There was a respected doctor that came out couple of years ago and said it was possible for someone to maintain a heroin habit and lead a normal life i.e. marriage, job etc.

    IME (not personal!) that’s completely true. I have a very good mate who’s been on the gear for over 12 years. He runs a sucessful business, is married to a lovely girl and has three well behaved, well brought up children.

    I asked him very recently (at Inners, doing the XC route!) why on Earth he hadn’t kicked it into touch. He replied that he’s “self medicating”. And when I thought back to his pre-smack days, it’s true – he was a miserable sod – perhaps not clinically depressed, but certainly not far off. He reckoned the gear helps him stay motivated and maintain a positive view on life in general.

    I still reckon he’s missing some of the best years of being a dad to his kids though – surely he can’t be ‘there’ properly if he’s in a permanent half-dream?!

    And yes, he does have to deal with some truly scummy folk to keep his supply going – prohibit prohibition I say…

    Free Member

    Why thankyou mrsflash. He had to be bribed with mini sausages. :-)

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Kasper likes short, fast runs but doesn’t do epics. Lazy sod.

    Sorry for all the pics……

    Free Member

    Jimmy – I’m driving from E’borough that day and will be totally up for this, but you’d have to make your own way back up North.

    Was up Hamsterley last night and the new red bit – proper grin making after a few hours in twilight woods where you can’t quite see what’s coming…..

    And I chickened out of the bombhole, so promised myself to go back during the daylight hours!

    Please count me in.

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