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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
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    Free Member

    Years ago, i sold a vintage camera to a lady in America via eBay/ PayPal. This was after 800 mostly ok sales. About three weeks after she paid, PP suddenly sucked the money out of my bank account and froze my PP account for good measure, meaning I couldn’t make or receive any payments.

    After about a month of emails (this was before the days of them letting you phone them) they finally said the lady had paid with a maxed out creddly card or some such. I had to fight tooth and nail to get my account reinstated and reclaim the cash, minus a load of stoopid charges.

    They’ve since tried to royally screw me on a few other occasions so yes, I would say they are a law unto themselves.

    Free Member

    Bear in mind that there’ll be half a million mutated Glaswegians fighting for survival in an apocalyptic wasteland.

    and then a big bomb will go off


    Standing ovation :-D

    Free Member

    Ours is four now and sleeps through. As a baby though, he was a nightmare. Every hour or so he woke up needing boob. Moved him into his own room and the pattern continued. He also never ever slept during the day (unless we went a long drive) so the house slowly fell apart round our ears. It really does get better.

    Free Member

    Lots of food for thought, thanks. Had the second valuation today from a local firm – 20K less than the first valuation! Will show this thread to Mrs. Removed tonight.

    Free Member

    Grand thanks. Might have to (will) mount my own internet campaign whilst the guidwife deals with real people. Does a scanned floorplan drawn on engineers’ paper pass muster?

    Free Member

    I’m all up for selling on the internet and as a photographer, I can do the photos myself. My wife however, is keen on going down the trad route.

    If I was buying a house, I’d hit the web first then visit in person.

    Is there an agency which lists properties across the whole gamut of internet agencies?

    Free Member

    Ta. Done all the research on other local house sales- there’s another couple for sale on our street so that was easy. We’re getting three valuations – already had one and his fee is £1000 if the place sells. Top value is difficult – people move to my street for a nice view and stay there until they die. MUST ESCAPE!

    Free Member

    Poopscoop, I’ve read most of it and although stw threads occasionally cause a bit of soul searching, this is obviously a piss take of the first order.

    “why didnt you just buy the cable and do it yourself if it is a “5 minute” job?”. Because few of us ride around with a set of spanners, pliers, cable cutters and crimpers for the end cap (‘coz it might be child’s face).

    Captive market.

    Free Member

    Yup. They’re the new exercise bikes. Also, Gumtree, Freecycle and eBay. Much cheaper though, to buy a decent pair of trainers and enjoy everything the British weather can throw at you.

    Free Member

    Dress, coffee, sofa for 20 mins staring at vapid shite on my phone, roll a tab (just started again, bah!), think about turning the computer on and doing some work, nah, porridge first.

    Free Member

    Yesterday’s dog photoshoot was like the curate’s egg. Good in parts…

    Free Member

    In his bed under the kitchen table, or his mat in front of the fire. In theory. Reality is, he often sneaks onto the leather sofa, scratches the bejesus out of it, covers it in mud and leaves a pillow’s worth of dog hair for us.

    Free Member

    I’ve so far managed to avoid damaging our four year old but when I was 11, my little brother was two. I had a den in the attic, accessed via a very, very long ladder – the loft hatch was about 25 feet above the landing.

    He always used to follow me up the ladder and play with all the rubbish my family kept up there. One day, we were called down for tea and he refused to come down (I always carried him down the ladder).

    I went half way down and warned him I would leave him there. No joy. All the way down and repeated the threat. Down to the next landing and was horrified to see he was lowering himself over the edge of the drop, his legs dangling into space.

    Legged it back up the stairs but it was waaay too late. He bounced off a pile of stuff waiting to be taken into the attic, landed on the carpet and was worryingly quiet until the gasps for breath started. Then the screaming.

    I told my mum he fell off the third ring of the ladder…

    Free Member

    tech – no-one would dare ask :evil:
    Seriously though, I did do some white backdrop / shoes off / lying in a pile sort of stuff when I first started about 12 years ago. I thought it was brilliant…

    Free Member

    As a wedding photographer, I’m subjected to this trite toss at almost every job I do. In fact, it’s worse than ever before now, as it seems no wedding is complete without four foot high, lit up letters spelling out, “LOVE” or “MR & MRS”.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Absolutely agree and my post about cutting down was in regard to abstinence, rather then just drinking a bit less.

    Very well out put by the way and am glad you’ve sorted it out – it’s crap when that switch is missing.

    Free Member

    I’m a massive alky and have been for years. Still manage to give up every few weeks or so, and stay off it for a few weeks. It’s less than ideal obvs.

    On a practical level, if you’re a habitual drinker and suddenly stop, it can be desperately unpleasant (you’d have to be on a bottle of spirits a day for a while to actually put you in danger). So instead of four cans at the end of the day, have three the first day and keep cutting down – helps to write it down so you have a plan to follow.

    Do this as soon as you can or you’ll end up entering “the arena of the unwell”.

    Free Member

    Agreed. Had a subscription for a good few years and there’s nothing to match it (believe me, I’ve looked).

    Free Member

    I tend to bodge everything from bike repairs to fairly major home repairs because I’m time rich and cash strapped.

    As a result, everything sort of works but nothing is perfect. Had I the cash to pay someone to do all these things properly, I’d happily shell out. So I say, go for it and bask in guilt free braking brilliance.

    Free Member

    The Deer Hunter has been mentioned twice now and as Binners pointed out, it was on telly again last night. I watched it again and was reminded why it’s such a genuinely brilliant film. If you haven’t seen it, put by a couple of hours over the coming week and do so :-)

    Free Member

    Buckfast doesn’t get you pissed it just sends you a wee bit mental.

    On a serious note, Becks Blue is (imho) the best tasting of all the pointless alcohol free lagers.

    Brewdog nanny state is an irony too far.

    Free Member

    power kites

    Added to Christmas list. Ta.

    Free Member

    Definitely use Watchfinder then

    I lolled, sorry.

    Anyway, definitely don’t take it to Cash Generators, pawn it and forget about it until two days after the due date, thus losing a £600 watch for forty quick bucks. Ffs.

    Free Member

    Had a similar one overtaking a gawking tourist in Glencoe a few years ago. Started my manoeuvre, didn’t hit the hammer as the chap in front was doing about 30 and wobbling around a bit.

    Suddenly, I see a car pulling out of a layby on the other side of the road. All I could do was brake sharply and pull back in behind tourist gawker. Layby man went completely mental and stopped to shout at me (either German or Dutch – couldn’t understand him) but to me, it was clear that he was in the wrong. He’d obviously driven off looking over his shoulder without checking the road ahead…

    Free Member

    Telling my boss exactly what I thought of him shortly before quitting and going full time with my own businesses. Few years ago now and still gives me a warm glow :-D (I’m normally a nice, peaceful guy too).

    Free Member

    Haven’t got time to read the whole thread (I usually do, honest) but save it as a gif and your problem is solved. Apologies if this has already been recommended.

    Edit- sorry png not gif.

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable said it – black Friday is about selling all the worthless crap that’s taking up valuable warehouse space, at a knock (each other) down price.

    Free Member

    Nice lenses! I’ve sold my last few through Facebook groups – there are usually rules requiring sellers to include photos of their item along with a signed, dated note but I suppose it still leaves you open to the same problems as eBay.

    Dealers will offer you a fair bit less than they’re worth because obvs, they have to make a living but at least there’s no comeback or hassle.

    Free Member

    Selling prints these days is a mugs’ game. Clients want the digital images. No-one realises that the printed image is future-proof. It won’t corrupt, it won’t disappear when the cloud provider goes down and we all know that DVDs fail eventually.

    When my grandad died at the ripe old age of 98, I was asked to scan all his photos. I didn’t- just stuck them on the walls.

    Free Member

    I’m self employed so I never, ever stop working. Even when I’m out walking the dog or going for a ride, I’m thinking about work. It’s a choice I’ve made so I can’t feel bitter about it. Ups and downs. Be grateful you have a job :-)

    Free Member

    the driver is really concerned

    And so they should be.

    At least he / she is willing to talk. The last time I got knocked off, the first words out of her mouth were, “You didn’t have your lights on”. 2p.m. in July.

    Bike was a write off, Berghaus jacket destroyed. Witnesses, witnesses, witnesses.

    Free Member

    I have exactly the same issues with my (nearly) brand new Galaxy J5, 8GB. Downgraded from an S5 which I now bitterly regret. Also have a huge Micro SD card which is set to store photos etc. Also have to shift apps back on to it on a weekly basis when they reinstall themselves on to the internal memory. Sends you scatty!!

    It’s just constant firefighting – as above, uninstall apps, run updates, reinstall apps, empty caches, swear a lot and probably eventually buy a half decent phone :-(

    Free Member

    Yeah I use it for taking booking fees in clients’ homes / cafes / hotels etc. Card reader was free too :-) Very reliable ime.

    Free Member

    scotroutes – Member
    Ride for fun.
    Ride for views.
    Ride for fresh air.
    Ride for solitude.
    Ride for company.
    Ride to explore.
    Ride to listen.

    Well, there it is. Right there. You can’t **** with that. I’d add fellowship.

    EDIT – I still can’t swear?! Dagnabbit! I faiirly punched those last few keys!

    Free Member

    I’m no stick in the mud but given the circumstances, isn’t that a bit immoral? We’ve got a racist, homophobic, mysogynist with a fair chance of winning and a dyed in the wool career politician who knows how to play the game. Either way, it’s pretty much bombing business as usual.

    It makes me despair, not gamble.

    Free Member

    I bought a Topeak mini ratchet tool about three years ago when it was on offer. Haven’t used it once :-( Mostly, admittedly because I just stuff my minimal tool roll into my pocket / bag / camelbak before I set off for a ride.

    One of these –

    Free Member

    I disagree fundamentally with the idea that if you’re not crashing you’re not trying hard enough. I cycle because I enjoy it – I enjoy being in the moment, I enjoy the challenges and I enjoy the glow of satisfaction afterwards.

    If something looks a bit hairy, I get off and walk it. I do also push myself but I’m no fan of terror or pain so I try to avoid putting myself in situations where I’m likely to mangle myself. Why would you? Just enjoy it at a level within your happy limits.

    Free Member

    Mattyfez is on to something there. Prohibition breeds stronger strains of alcohol / weed etc.

    I well remember my first visit to Amsterdam, on a cycling your of Europe. We tried the skunk, decided it was way too much and left with jersey pockets stuffed with Lebanese Red instead.

    There’s no doubt that horribly strong weed will mess you up – even a few weeks can result in disaster for some but it’s equally imortant to recognise that most people won’t suffer anything other than a few “black days” before coming to their senses.

    Free Member

    Nope, posted fine the first time.

    As above pepipoo (why the duck is it called that?!!) is the first port of call. My wife works for the NHS and gets a few tickets every month through parking in hospital car parks. All have been overturned with a phone call but don’t ignore them as it gives them carte blanche to roll you over.

    Edit – no, right enough, your 2nd post has expanded….

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