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  • Making Up The Numbers Podcast | Danny Hart
  • user-removed
    Free Member

    Seller must instigate the procedure to claim a refund from the PO. Seem to remember they want you to wait six weeks or somesuch though…

    Free Member

    [shameless self promotion] Try;

    jamie emerson wedding photography

    Useful if you're getting married….

    [/shameless self promotion off]

    Free Member

    Cheers Hiker – the guy's actually offered to swap me for a BSA Lightning XL air rifle with Tasco scopes. To sweeten further complicate the deal, he's offered to throw in a nice little unicycle too :-)

    The rifle cost me £320 inc scope (new) about five years ago – haven't used it much at all, and would rather have another bike than a rifle which lives in the cupboard….

    Free Member

    Done – lovely wee animation – you just know that dog is coming back for the stick :-)

    +1 on the FB page / group thing.

    Free Member

    Woody – Member
    Any days planned for the N.E (England) ?

    +1 I'd definitely be interested too, but wouldn't it make more sense to go where the training trails are?

    Free Member

    Kind of… Did a grand tour of the Pyrenees (sp?!) when I was but a callow youth, on a fully rigid Lavadome. Swapped it a year or so afterwards for a brand new, shiny aluminium Carrera.

    Never thought about it much until a Hahanna came up on ebay a few years back – same everything (paint job, foot-long stem), slightly cr@pper parts. Got it for £50 + delivery and now use it for pootling about on.

    Can't beat a bit of nostalgia, especially when it's cheap!

    Free Member

    Drac – it's on the coast a little way past Easington. We did the coastal path from Sunderland to Hartlepool – pretty muddy…

    Free Member

    Snow first thing here in the NE, but all gone by the time we got out to play….

    Free Member

    Phone in sick. Hire a row-boat. Go fishing with a six pack and kill hangover. Job's a goodun. Oh yeah, come home and clean vomit from downstair neighbour's windows.

    Free Member

    He's OK, it's only 12.05

    Free Member

    Not into police-bashing but must admit that when it comes to bike theft, they're just not interested. Perhaps it's because they know that in the huge majority of cases, there's zero chance of recovering the bike(s).

    Free Member

    Sorry – can't help with the OP, but in the interests of sharing…. My disaster was a bit of a mixed blessing as it killed my nasty Dawes Edge Pro HT, and forced me to buy a proper bike.

    After mincing the DH bit at Hamsterley in seriously sodden conditions a couple of times, and witnessing both my mates have potentially lethal offs, I decided to go and have a pedal round the red route whilst they continued trying to kill themselves.

    When I'd finished, I went and waited at the carpark for them in the p1ssing rain for half an hour. When they finally showed up, bleeding and broken, I chucked their bikes onto the rack with mine on top. Managed to secure both their bikes properly but my fingers were too numb to properly attatch mine…..

    Needless to say, the lack of effort on my part came home to roost about ten minutes later – the car behind us flashing furiously and beeping. Stopped, got out and saw my bike was trailing behind us on the road – utterly mashed up with its front wheel caught in my mate's pedal.

    Devestated at the time, but was consoled by the reassuring noises made by the insurance company :-)

    Free Member

    Grizzly Man soundtrack by Richard Thompson.

    EDIT: not all that acoustic, but very mellow!

    Free Member

    getting the girls to cheer when it went over perfectly, and shout 'useless tosser!' when it didn't.

    They were 2 and 4 at the time. I can in hindsight see her point.

    LOL @ theotherjonv :lol:

    Free Member

    TooTall – Member
    On the other side of the coin……..

    There are a frightening number of people who appear to have absolutely no life experiences at all posting around here.

    Posted 32 seconds ago # Report-Post

    I have read this post carefully, several times over and can find no grammatical or spelling errors at all.

    Free Member

    PP – that email response is pathetic – they are breaking the law. I would get a screengrab printed out before they make any changes, then send in a reasonable invoice for use of the images.

    My pics get nicked all the time, but only for Facebook profile pics and the like – certainly not for commercial useage.

    Free Member

    Many years ago me and a pal were surprised to find a goat's head in the woods near Banchory-Devenick, just outside Aberdeen. It was right next to a Cenetaph (pointy obelisk thingy).

    Back then, this monument was right in the middle of a deep, dark, silent, conifer forest so we were pretty freaked out….

    Mate's aunty who lives nearby fed us drop scones and told us about the local, very active coven – scary sh1t!

    Free Member

    Gouching out is my guess :-)

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member

    I was talking about from a photog point of view, rather than a gawping one!

    Thanks for the stats boost :lol:

    Free Member

    User-removed – the fashion show ones are better than the biking ones!

    Errr, thanks for looking…. I think……

    Free Member

    emerson photography blog[/url]

    Scroll down past the wedding stuff and there are some bikey pics….

    Free Member

    wasn't this posted yesterday?

    Done a search – can't find it…

    [/quote]£30 IIRC for a legit copy of outlook

    Really? whereabouts? Thanks!

    Free Member

    Is it the same thing that Radiohead's technicians use to make Tom Yorke's voice wibble about? I remember seeing them in a live concert on telly, and wondering how they would do the whole 'wibbly voice' thing… It looked a bit like an etch-a-sketch, or a Wacom graphics tablet.

    Free Member

    Another delighted HT Pro owner here – almost went for a Voodoo but the inferior componentry and crazy weight difference made it a no-brainer (God, I hate that phrase, but no other would do….).

    Free Member

    Yup – mine once managed to get right inside a huge, very dead ewe and completely cover himself with the stench of death, but fox poo is deffo the worst. He gets an outdoor hosing to get the worst of it out of his long, fluffy fur, then a shower – if we try and bath him we end up with fox cr@p all over the walls and ourselves. At least in the shower we can contain him….

    Free Member

    Same here on my Vista laptop – a yellow bar at the top tells me that "Pictures have been blocked to stop your computer being identified. Click here to download the images" or somesuch.

    Free Member

    Yup, sorry, running Vista. I guess it's Outlook Express (same layout as OE on XP) but just calls itself 'Windows Mail'.

    Just to clarify; you know when you get an email from, say, CRC, it has a banner at the top of the email with their logo and so on? Well, that's what I'm trying to achieve….. I know it's easily done but Google's giving me zilch :-(

    Free Member

    I know it's a dull as sh1t question, but can no-one help? Pretty please?

    Free Member

    On the way up to Scotland, the wife and I sat in a service station cafe and looked on in horrified silence as an old lady swept majestically onto the dual carriageway the wrong way 8O No idea what the outcome was but we did hear sirens about 10 mins later….

    In terms of day to day, consistently bad driving, I have a pal who occasionally comes riding with us and I flat refuse to get in a car with him. To his face. He drives literally two meters away from the car in front, at high speeds. He's not getting angry, he's not in a hurry, he just thinks this is perfectly acceptable road position. Scares the sh1t out of me.

    Free Member

    Pic seems to be up now here on CRC

    Free Member

    Fell 120 feet out of the tallest tree in the forest, lived, and played a gig on crutches the next night*.

    *Had to administer some, ahem, self-medication.

    Free Member

    For a quick, easy and effective way;

    Crerate a new layer and filter > blur > gaussian blur. I set it so that the skin looks pretty blurry.

    Then in the history palette, check the box to the left of gaussian blur – the history brush icon will appear there. Then select the previous history state (that is, the box above, which is probably duplicate layer.

    Then select the history brush tool and get busy blurring. As above, I set the flow and opacity pretty low, and reduce the opacity of the layer afterwards to let some texture back in.

    Free Member

    Hmmm – there's not that many parts which could fall off a bike and allow you to keep riding…… Pannier rack?

    Free Member

    +1 on pixelmix.

    I sold a camera to an American who didn't have enough funds on her credit card to cover the payment. It all went through, but then her CC company recalled the payment – paypal then sucked the money out of my PP account, leaving me with a negative balance and a frozen PP account.

    It was a bl00dy nightmare – I couldn't pay for stuff I'd bought and PP treated me like a criminal for having a negative balance….

    Sellers are 2nd class citizens in any dispute.

    Free Member

    Good tip about clearing the threads, cheers. Will give it a shot tomorrow. It's only the 2nd hanger I've ever bent in my life so I probably won't invest in a tool :-)

    Free Member

    Er no. I may be cabbage looking but I ain't green……

    I just worried that I may have damaged the mech's threads by trying to screw it into the damaged thread on the hanger.

    Free Member

    I'm a paid up member of digital wedding forum and it looks like this kind of crime is becoming ever more common, sadly.

    But really, what a great place to go thieving – loads of unattended bags / cameras knocking around and no-one questions you if you're wearing a suit and smiling…

    Loads of US wedding togs have had gear pinched, from cars, churches and receptions. Seems weddings over here are getting targetted too :-(

    Free Member

    ****t, ****t ****t. Tried straightening the old hanger out with the vice and molegrips. The grips slipped and I've boggered its threads (but hopefully not the threads on the X0 (not X9 as previously stated!)).

    So, likely to be without the good bike for a few weeks – time to get retro on the rigid Kona :-)

    Free Member

    Cheers for that z1ppy – unfortunately I'm an impatient b*gger and have just placed an order for two spares at in the US – prolly means a two week wait :-(

    BETD do have the mech I need as well – it's only a few quid more than the American company after postage. Bah!

    Off to play with my vice…..

    Free Member

    Some crackers there. Zokes' one has a pleasing abstract quality!

    Here's mine – been on here before, but any excuse and all that….

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