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  • Diversion Diary | Indulging In Nostalgia
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    Free Member

    I'm good for the 23rd May….

    Free Member

    OK – I originally linked to it because I'm a bit of a magpie and actually quite like it. But I wouldn't be seen dead with one (tho I do actually own a fixie…..(MTB rather than the full blown hipster-mobile)).

    Free Member

    I've always carried a penknife of some description or other. Saved up for my first aged 10 – the age at which my parents judged me responsible enough to have one (I still managed to cut myself a fair few times, play knifey with my mates etc and finally respect how dangerous they can be!).

    When all the media hype started kicking off a few years ago I got myself the most inoffensive, old mans' folding knife I could find. It's in my pocket now – a George Wostenholm from Sheffield. Looks lovely but utterly un-macho :-)

    I still have a few lock knives and sheath knives but sadly, they never leave the house – just not worth the risk IMO – you never know when you're going to meet the one in one hundred tosspot policeman like the one who arrested the pensioner mentioned on page one.

    Free Member

    Would sir like an ashtray with that?

    Free Member

    Kinda depends on the kind of photography they do – i.e., does he go walking / biking in the hills all day, or will it never leave his house / garden / car.

    But +2 for the Manfrotto – got one and it's great – bit heavy and large for carting about tho….

    Free Member

    Ah! Penny drops! I was just thinking that pic of Trotsky looks a lot like that self-posted pic of rudeboy, then scaredypants calls Talkemada 'Fred'. Have I missed a trick here?

    Free Member

    Not a very inspiring pic, but here it is….

    Learnt to ride age 9 or so and got this one thrown in recently with another bike. Just like riding a bike – you never forget how :-)

    Free Member

    No way dude – I don't delete anything on the day unless it's very obvious that something's gone horribly wrong.

    15 hour days? Sorry man but you're the one going wrong… Claim your life back :-) I stay for eight hours or less. Tops two days editing and processing. Album design takes perhaps a day (on a bad day).

    Mind you, add in 24 hours meeting, booking, re-meeting and going over a checklist, backing up onto DVD and external hard drives, cleaning and servicing kit and my pricing structure needs some work :|

    EDIT; sorry SFB – hijack unintended.

    Free Member

    Monkeys and typewriters :-D

    Free Member

    Nice pics sir, but shot a wedding today and hit 2232 :-(

    They'll be edited down to about 300 – every shot gets taken at least twice for the blinkers / odd facial expressions. No idea how my grandad managed with film (also a wedding photographer, but presented about 20 shots in an album as opposed to 300 on disc)!

    P.S. I can only see two…

    EDIT; oh four in a montage, I gets ya blood.

    Free Member

    Fantastic – cheers for sharing! I agree about the whole 'embracing' of hike-a-bike. It really does get you properly off the beaten track. Unfortunately most of the guys I ride with get upset if one of my routes gets any more challenging than a well defined path, so most 'proper' adventures are done solo!

    Free Member

    My first and last – got pinched not longer this was taken. Went back to a hardtail with the insurance….

    GT Halfrauds i-Drive BTW….

    Free Member

    I'm getting very good at falling off onto my head – I just can't seem to let go of the bars even when it's clear I'm going over them….

    Free Member

    Pah – Aberdeen butteries are responsible for more premature deaths than B&H*

    *I haven't actually tested this theory but it's probably true.

    Free Member

    Has he seen the massive thread about him yet :D

    Reaaly glad to hear it, even though I've never met him!

    Free Member


    *Scotsman in exile.*

    *though they're not all bad…..

    Free Member

    Late night bump – for no other reason than I'm still massively peeved at this guy's behaviour.

    EDIT: Oh, and forgot to add that he swore like a trooper in front of all the kids and when I approached him to knock his teeth down his throat he pedalled of and stuck his finger up at us. C***

    Free Member

    +1 rusty trowel. All the BMX lads at my local park are proper built. I had a shot and you can see why – landing takes it out of your upper body in a big way.

    Free Member

    Great light in pic number four, but might have been worth turning them to face the sun, even if you would have had to be in the loch (in true Ti29er fashion). I always wonder why these threads don't do better – I love seeing pics / reports of rides – isn't that why we're all here?

    Free Member

    But did you laugh?

    Free Member

    Had various similar episodes – one turned out to be a radial nerve palsy (no right arm for a year).

    More recently, odd vibrations in my chest – felt like a mobile phone constantly ringing in a breast pocket – had the full gamut of blood tests, MRI etc – all clear thank the Lord / Buddah / Spaghetti monster.

    So 50% chance you're fine :-)

    Free Member

    How do you crucify a spastic?

    On a swastika.

    My wife pointed out earlier that most groups he takes the mick out of are able to defend themselves – DS kids aren't in this position, therefore she wouldn't find jokes of this nature funny. However, if I'd taken her to the gig, she would have laughed along with the rest of them – it's human nature to follow the crowd innit.

    And the above is my favourite joke :-) And two of my cousins are ginger, jey, spazzers so it's OK.

    Free Member

    This one is in London – not too far away but 0 feedback. Dedicated B&W head though…..

    I'd avoid anything with a tube-like stem (Gnome, Meopta etc) as they tend to be less stable than the likes of the Durst linked to above, with a rectangle section stem.

    Free Member

    Congrats – you'll love it! I use an old LPL colour head enlarger but print B&W. Dedicated B&W heads seem to be less available and more expensive – not sure why… The colour head does just as good a job once you get used to setting the contrast up. Make sure your enlarger has a red filter to swing in front of the lens.

    Don't buy a cheapy enlarger – it'll just frustrate you – the stem will wobble about every time you try to change the contrast (be it dials or a filter drawer) which makes split printing very hard to do.

    Oh, and you'll need an 80mm lens for MF – the standard 50mm lenses are for 35mm negs.

    It's totally addictive but I tend to do most of my printing through the winter when it's cold and dark – rather be out and about on the light summer evenings :-)

    Free Member

    *trying to remember the last time there was a pagger in a House of (any) God.*

    Oh yeah, the turning out of the traders from the temple in The Bible was mentioned only a few pages back.*

    Forgive me if I'm wrong – but I don't think 'our' troops aren't actually shooting at/in mosques on a regular basis.

    Free Member

    *trying to remember the last time there was a pagger in a House of (any) God.*

    Oh yeah, the turning out of the traders from the temple in The Bible was mentioned only a few pages back.*

    *Notwithstanding a particular nefarious Scottish clan pushing over a burning church to kill off a whole other clan…

    Free Member

    If the above is the case, then you're in noise activated mode – pressing the mode button firmly twice should get you back to business as usual.

    If all else fails, harrass it night and day until the charge is completely exhausted, then harrass it some more – it might force a factory reset.

    Free Member

    .duncan – that's a cracker. Just turned the laptop upside down and reckon it looks even better with a 180 degree rotation (IMHO!).

    Free Member

    TBH the manual is worse than Nikon's ones – totally hopeles. You're better off pressing random buttons.

    Free Member

    Card full? Have you tried formatting the device using your laptop (I did this with no problems…).

    Or – have you accidentally pressed the mode button? Perhaps try pressing it until you get back to normal video mode.

    Free Member

    Funniest thread for ages. Thank you.

    Free Member

    the same as the first four, thus leaving me free to spin the rotor and the ONE (penultimate) stuck bolt

    cullen-bay – Member – isnt the penultimate bot the 2nd last one? :evil:

    YES!! Am I speaking bastardised Latin, or perhaps uttering pre-druidical grunts?!!11! :twisted:

    Let me try once more; I removed the first four nae bother. The fifth stripped. At this point, with two bolts still in, I thought to myself, "Oh well, I'll remove the last bolt (not, at this point, stripped) and then unscrew the FIFTH bolt by rotating the disc. That is all.

    Free Member

    More details req'd. How good was your description (measurements)? Has he paid for it already or was it cash on collection? If he hasn't paid, you're probably stuffed…

    Free Member

    Cheers uplink – yes that makes sense – I've clamped it in the vice just to get it back to something approaching flattish! It's actually one of the 'arms' coming out from the centre of the disc which is bent – this has then malformed the whole of the rest of the disc :-(

    Think it must have hit a pointy rock during my comedy over-the-bars fall last week.

    Free Member

    Uplink – I meant that I was assuming the last one would come out no bother, the same as the first four, thus leaving me free to spin the rotor and the ONE (penultimate) stuck bolt. Unfortunately, the last one also got stuck.


    Anyways, they're all out now – one job always leads to another and now off to drill holes through my workbench to fit my vice. The vice has been sitting in the garage for about eight months now :oops:

    Is clamping my rotor in the vice to straighten it a very bad idea? (I'd clean the jaws first).

    Free Member

    Uplink – was that aimed at me? Did you read the OP or just guess at what it might say?

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member
    cheapo torx set – try a new, good one?

    Posted 4 minutes ago # Report-Post

    user-removed – Member
    Off to buy a half decent torque set….

    Posted 8 minutes ago # Edit

    I meant torx tho…. :-)

    Cheers for the advice and info – off back down the bat-shed to wield my mighty hacksaw.

    Incidentally, and I know this has been covered many times but the search function isn't helping, I'm guessing that a bent rotor will never be completely straight again – is that right? Running Juicy 7s so the pads are very close to the disc…

    Free Member

    Gratuitous pics of Scotland (well, Skye) as briefly glimpsed in my SHONKY VIDEO[/url] of Glen Sligichan;

    Free Member

    Count me in too! Sundays / weekdays best for me – usually shooting weddings on Saturdays. Scotsman living in exile in New Herrington ('twixt Durham and Sunderland).

    Free Member

    My arm is twisted – once more I roll out the retro pics…

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