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  • user-removed
    Free Member

    Cheers foxy – I've ordered the el-cheapo one I linked to a few posts above, and also the one fuzzy linked to just in case…….

    Free Member

    Fuzzy, I thank you. I've a nasty feeling there won't be enough space on the Halfords quill adaptor for it but I'm sick of looking now and have ordered one 🙂

    Free Member

    Cheers again to all for the replies. Actually went out to Halfords (hellfrauds etc, etc) earlier and bought a quill to Aheadset adaptor so am now worndering if that horrible looking Tektro thing might fit after all? There doesn't look to be an awful lot of space to squeeze it in…

    Foxy – have you any idea where I could get a hold of one of those? Not being lazy – have spent far too much 'work time' googling already today 🙂

    Free Member

    Just wanted to check before I buy a bit – is THIS going to work, going on the photo in the first post?

    If so, does the outer just sit in the top of the adjuster screw? Sorry for being dense but this is a first for me…

    Free Member

    Cheers guys – much appreciated. nick, they look about right. Just want to keep using the Kona as an on-road touring bike but the current laid-out-flat riding position is beginning to kill my back!

    EDIT; it's a 1" stem so that 1, 1/8th Tektro one won't fit, sadly.

    Free Member

    Where is this calendar? Am I missing something?

    Free Member

    Several lols @ Iain…. It's funny because it's true 🙂

    Free Member

    The classic terrier headshake will most certainly kill rabbits in a trice. My lurcher / terrier cross despatches mixie rabbits this way. Bit of a bogger getting the carcass off him though – he likes to prance about, proudly displaying his prize for the next half hour, past all the shocked looking old dears with their pampered Westies and handbag dogs 😳

    Seems a shame to spoil his glory by taking it off him…

    EDIT; after a quick re-read of the OP, just make sure you're able to recall him when you don't want him to chase sheep / other dogs / rabbits crossing motorways etc. I did this over the course of a month using a hard rubber ball. Got fed up of him tearing off after other dogs, no matter how far away they were or what was between them.

    I'd throw the ball and alternate between calling him back mid-chase and letting him 'follow through'. He got rewarded for abandoning the chase on command and totally ignored for failing to do so. A bag full of chopped up sandwich ham works wonders but it does take time and a massive amount of patience.

    EDIT #2; ….and if you can do that with a lurcher, you can do it with any dog – their recall is notoriously bad and he's absolutely obedient now – almost 100%.

    Free Member

    Yup, dodgy. If I unexpectedly came accross the situation above ^^^ at speed I'd prolly try and bunnyhop the lip from a good way back. If I knew it was there, I'd go a different way TBH…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Antennae – never mind hot water, heatguns or WD40 – chop the seatpost off as close as you can to the tube and attack the remaining part with a hacksaw blade, HSS drill bit and whatever else is in your toolbox.

    Worked for me… And I tried everything before getting mediaeval on its ass. Just remember to remove the BB and get all the metal filings out before you go for a ride…

    Laziness is my only excuse for not riding more recently. And it's been quite hot.

    Free Member

    The easiest and most fun descent I have ever experienced (on foot) was coming down the middle peak of the Sligachan horseshoe on Skye. It was the first time as an adult that I'd experienced scree-running and it was truly amazing.

    The whole slope is made up of small to medium sized boulders – you just let go and run – so exhilarating – each massive step covers about three metres and the descent is over in no time. Probably a very bad thing to do in terms of erosion but I'd do it again tomorrow – like sliding on ice, but down the side of a 45 degree slope. Didn't need my poles 😉

    Free Member

    Ahem. 3LC.

    Free Member

    No offence to previous posters but the folk doing the wholw Nordic Walking thing always look faintly ridiculous to me – they almost always seem to be very serious, late 30s couples of the matching anorak flavour, who storm along, dtermined to not really enjoy their walk.

    They never seem to have the time to utter more than a clipped, strained, "Hi" at best. Are they the walking equivalent of roadies 🙂

    And I do take one pole with me on every semi-serious hike – it helps me balance over rough stuff and stream crossings. More importantly, the top unscrews to turn it into a camera monopod.

    Free Member

    I like to be incognito out on the roads / trails…. Bought this off my wee brother maybe 15 years ago?!

    Free Member

    Read all this because it strikes a massive chord with me – had a vaguely similar situation recently with my Dad and his new girlfriend. I spent about two weeks over the course of three months elbow deep in all the filthy junk my Dad had accumulated. The problem is that he not only collects cr@p, he's very unwilling to let anyone chuck or burn it – it's a form of minor insanity.

    Made worse by the fact that the house belonged to my still living grandad (now in a home).

    I've had more stand-up-and-chuck-stuff-at-each-other arguments with my Dad recently than I've ever had with anyone in my whole life, and on the last trip, the girlfriend also pushed me over the edge. Hopefully the damage isn't too permanent – we have since spoken on the phone….

    Family stuff is always a mare.

    EDIT; someone mentioned that because the OP is in a partnership, he always has to comprimise. True to an extent but there are times when feet must be firmly stomped down.

    Free Member

    Psychle – it's called the You Me Bum Bum Train (no, really) at the LEB Building, E2.

    Looks wierd.

    Free Member

    A guy who used to work at the dry ski slope here in Sunderland was running up the tow track one day. We use the lift without skis to save our legs when something wants doing at the top of the slope.

    Unfortunately for him, the seat of the tow was fauly and trapped his nuts. He doubled up in agony and got dragged, screaming for about 20 metres until someone had the sense to hit the emergency stop button.

    He says the operation was a success but he still gets called tupperware due to suspected plastic implants, poor chap. Bet he pissed some blood…

    Free Member

    hora – Member

    user-removed – your assuming that you are the fastest rider on the trail as well? What if someone comes up behind you to overtake? How do you recall your dog?

    user-removed – Member

    My dog doesn't get to come with me to my (very rare) trips to trail centres

    I suggest you go to the doctors ASAP as you're obviously suffering from dog aids of the brain.

    Free Member

    My dog doesn't get to come with me to my (very rare) trips to trail centres because he's a bit crap at keeping up, poor lad. He does come with me on less intense, slower rides because I can stop frequently to let him catch up.

    I've seen collies and spaniels at GT and Whinlatter keeping up with their owners no problem – not in anyone's way. If it jumps up and licks you in the face it's only dog aids, no need to cry about it.

    Free Member

    Faststone is the usual answer to this – and it's free.

    Free Member

    MrSparkle – Member
    Similarly if you are helping somebody doing some welding then be aware that when a lump of (a) red hot slag….

    I've known a few of them…. Lovely lasses deep down 😉

    Free Member

    Try THIS THREAD which is full of useful info.

    I've linked to a probably not very helpful shonky route guide there somewhere.

    I'd highly recommend the Glen Sligichan out and back route – it's impossible to get lost and there's the Sligichan Hotel to have a pint at afterwards 🙂

    The FAIRY POOLS route is stunning as well – you can tie it in with a thrash round the Forest of Brittle too.

    Free Member

    Rusty – he wasn't. He was making a joke about not being able to read whilst ones' eyes are filled with nostalgic tears.

    Free Member

    When I was a kid, I thought that "spatuler" (spatula) meant extra special


    Free Member

    bikerbruce – Member
    or do they go for the jugular…

    How do you kill a circus?

    Go for the juggler…

    Free Member

    Deep 🙄

    Of course you're going to be deeply affected by wise words at an impressionable age. If you're not, you're likely very self absorbed and quite likely autistic.

    Free Member

    Oh! And Damien by Herman Hesse has more than once caused me to chiggidy-check myself before I riggidy-wreck myself.

    Who doesn't want to be on the path to enlightenment and self-awareness?

    EDIT; come on Rusty, that was a wee bit amusing – I think he's suggesting that you were never able to read it through the veil of tears 🙂

    Free Member

    As I Walked out one Midsummer Morning – what a grand text. Read it in the back of 'O' grade English whilst my classmates murdered Macbeth at the rate of one page per hour (PPH).

    Free Member

    The Ginger Man by J.P. Donleavey made me think that drinking to excess is a good idea. Ridley Walker by Russell Hoban woke me up to the very real possibility that I might not last long enough to do so.

    The Mouse and his Son, also by the 'fore-mentioned Hoban gave me an insight into infinity as a child – there's a passage in which the mouse is looking at a dog food tin; the label on the tin depicts a dog looking at a tin of dog food. The label on that tin shows a dog looking at a tin of dog food ad nauseam, literally in my case. I threw up, faced with the concept of the universe as a never ending, infinitely repeating entity.

    Free Member

    Crepuscular (meaning twilight, also a nice word in itself).

    Also; crepitus (the broken ends of bones creaking within the skin).

    Free Member

    geetee +1 It's getting into the mindset whereupon you get your head over the bars and feel no fear on a descent. Or even if you do, you do it anyway.

    When I started my abortive career in snowboarding, my instructors were forever telling me to "…attack the hill". It took me a while, but there is something about putting your head before the rest of your body which; a) inspires massive, high-pitched-singing fear and b) once you're used to it, feels utterly natural and generates confidence.

    Free Member


    Malooma. That one's made up though.

    Free Member

    Self employed as a photographer. Found myself out of a job due to a radial nerve palsy about ten years ago – had to move back to my folk's house, sign on and sit about for almost a year until accupuncture (and time?) made my arm work again.

    It was a blessing in disguise as I was debt free – I started off with a totally blank slate to write ideas on. Followed 'The Dream', went to uni and got a (mostly worthless) degree in fine art photography, spent a year waiting for the world to beat a path to my door and finally took it seriously, attended loads of business start up courses and became a full time social photographer.

    Was helped by having a very patient and understanding partner (later wife) in full time well paid employment.

    Free Member

    Was looking forward to that more than the next issue of STW 🙂 (no offence mag chaps 🙂 ).

    Inspirational indeed – nice piccies too!

    Free Member

    Thanks for that – rootes I had looked at the Carradice bags a while ago and had completely forgotten about them – might be ideal but can't find one in stock anywhere 🙁

    TT – cheers for the pic – did you have to carry anything / a lot in a backpack? Had a look at your relevate link and they do look good – but pricey!

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Member
    There's one at Derby BMX track, scrotes peeled off one corned and nicked all the bikes inside. Theyre not invincible, but probbaly enough to put off scrotes if theres just a few bikes in there.

    Really?! The ones at the ski slope where I help out would be impossible to 'peel' open. The only way to get into them (short of a welding torch and lots of time?!)is by unlocking a padlock which is itself protected by a massive steel cover – there's a gap underneath to get the key up inside, just… In fact, they can be padlocked in three seperate places but it's never been considered necessary.

    Free Member

    a complete Joey


    Haven't heard that particular insult for years. Thankyou!!

    Sorry – nae clue about the key.

    Free Member

    Bunch of twits. Have you ever tried phoning them? Talk about a nightmare in automated response flavour!!1!

    As above, I was one of the early adopters of ebay and laterally paypal – 100% positive feedback as both a buyer and seller over nearly 1000 transactions. Every single bl00dy time there's any sort of minor issue PP block the account, answer emails in cod-English and make decisions based on the logic of an autistic brontasaurus.

    Ass-hats the lot of them.

    Free Member

    I am now a little upset that I sold all my shares 10 years back 🙁 It's nice to feel a tiny, probably meaningless affiliation with so great a company.

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