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    Free Member

    Stuey – you are reading right – I’m using the supplied charger with a travel adaptor of dubious origin. I also wondered if perhaps the battery is merrily discharching instead of charging?

    I’ll give it an hour or so, try wiping the switch then get in touch with DX. Peeved as it took nearly a month to arrive.

    Free Member

    Not sure it will TBH – we had dog wardens here in Sunderland when I was a student working a summer on the beach. These guys supposedly had the power to give ‘on-the-spot’ fines to anyone allowing their dog to foul the beach.

    In practice though, they had absolutely no power and were consistently ignored or told to F right OFF. The kind of folk who allow their dogs to crap everywhere and don’t bother picking it up (or flicking it into bushes in rural places) are never going to meekly stand there and accept a fine.

    Free Member

    Erm – isn’t that more about dogcr@p issues than lead issues?

    Free Member

    Also sorry to hear about your whippet and the resulting problems.

    Regarding leads – our dog had an extending one whilst he was being trained – came in very useful on hols at Mum’s house on Skye – the place is crawling with bl00dy sheep. He’s only ever on it now if he’s being looked after by friends / relations who aren’t happy with letting him run free.

    He has a normal lead too, which comes with me on every walk, but rarely (perhaps once a month) gets used. He walks heel when asked to (Damn, but did that take some work!!) and will WAIT! too, which is useful!

    Strongly agree about keeping your dog used to other dogs – perhaps the extender lead could be a useful ‘interim’ accessory, allowing him a bit of jiggling space when approached by other dogs, and until he is ready to walk without one? Also agree that a whippet on a leash for life would be a far sadder thing than a whippet with the odd skirmish 🙂

    Free Member

    Yup – had a few done by different companies in the past and nothing came close to Blurb. Just be sure to choose the ‘Premium Paper’ option.

    Free Member

    Hanging out on the forums, shooting the bries…

    Free Member

    That should be early November…

    Free Member

    It really depends on the kind of riding you plan on doing, doesn’t it? If I’m going to a trail centre, I may take a spare tube, pump and a puncture repair kit.

    If I’m planning a day out in the mountains, I’ll take as much as I can comfortably carry, in order to carry on riding (almost) whatever happens. If my mate turns up without a bag and asks me to carry his 2L bottle of lemonade he’ll be offered a carrier bag to hang off his handlebars. I’ll be more than happy to lend him a tube though…

    Free Member

    Kevevs – Member
    Curly68 -get a grip mate, you have the tools..

    Curly68 – Member
    Work van broken into and stole all MY power tools

    Hmmm. Other than that…. Loads of good advice here. Years ago I was in a slightly similar situation – fortunately for me and unfortunately for her, the lady concerned was on a downward spiral of drunken depression which made me see her in a new light and I was able to just cut off all contact (she lived two floors beneath me, so this required a Herculean effort). I’m now good (facebook) friends with her and happily married.

    I absolutely agree with those suggesting you cut off contact, other than that required for the wellbeing of your kids.

    Best of British.

    Free Member

    Two days?! Think yersel’ lucky. I’m trying to quit smoking and have spent the last TWO MONTHS parping away due to the phenylalanine in the nicotine tablets 🙁

    Think my wife preferred the smell of smoke 🙂

    Free Member

    Yup – same here – big white spaces 🙁

    For a while, I could see the youtube ones but not the vimeo ones – now none at all. Have tried turning off security stuff with no joy.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the replies – I’ll just wait it out then. 2-4 weeks seems like a crazy long time to me – if I buy camera gear from HK it’s usually here within two weeks tops 🙁

    Free Member

    Perhaps I’m being daft here, but if it’s showing as “Waiting for Supplier”, surely that means the supplier hasn’t got any stock? The light is still showing as “In Stock – ships in 3 -4 days”. Bah.

    Free Member

    I’d rather not – even if it’s in its original packaging it won’t sell for as much as I paid for it.

    Has anyone on here ever cancelled an order? Anyone else waiting for a light? Is this sort of delay normal?

    Free Member

    wire your bike into the mains electric instead.

    Other Aberdonians may remember the newspaper story about a Mastrick loon who wired up the handle of his shed to the mains. He’d been broken into several times over the course of a few months and was at his wits’ end.

    The very next day, some theiving swine ignored all the signage and tried the handle. Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, etc.

    The owner of the shed was imprisoned and the theif survived to rob another day.

    Buy a dog.

    Free Member

    I’m putting together an album design for a wedding client and looking up every time there’s an argument – seems to be once a minute, which is distracting… Very well shot film though.

    Free Member

    Many, many recent threads on this subject…. spokebloke (username) does a lovely wee light for not very much money. The prevailing wisdom seems to be; big light on bars and spotlight / torch type thing on helmet.

    I enjoy one big light on the bars – I just close my eyes going round corners.

    Free Member

    What behaviour(s), specifically, are you finding annoying?

    Free Member

    Mine works a treat and (more importantly 🙂 ) doesn’t spoil the look of the bike.

    I went through months of getting mud in my contacts / cycling in my glasses / buying and immediately losing safety glasses before investing. Wouldn’t be without it now…

    Free Member

    You can get face-aids off bad acid.

    Free Member

    One of my riding mates has one. When he first got it we arranged a trip to Whinlatter trail centre (most of the guys I ride with are terrified of the real outdoors). He spraffed on and on about how many muddy bikes he would be able to get in it due to its full on plasic-fantasic boot liner.

    When it came to the bit (end of the ride, everyone shattered and coated with the Lake District’s finest cr@p) he suddenly didn’t want all the crud-encrusted bikes in the back of his pride and joy and we all had to limp down the hill to the campsite on two wheels.

    Other than that, all good. It’s roomy, fast and not too greedy. And if you can get past a bit of interior mud and are willing to remove all wheels from the bikes, it’ll swallow three nae bother. Dogs will have to sit with the family / mates.

    Free Member

    Well, no, you weren’t very clear. Also, try drugs. They are very rewarding…..

    ….. 🙂

    Free Member

    Moving may not be an altogether bad plan. There’s nothing worse than the place you call ‘home’ being an unpleasant place to be, whatever the cause.

    Realman – are you for real, man? Why on earth wouldn’t you feel compassion for a smoker who, say, came home and found his house burnt to the ground whilst his dog and daughter were in it (assuming an unattended cigarette didn’t start the blaze)….

    Free Member

    Aye – there was a prog on Radio 4 about massive hikes in insurance for exactly the reason you mention. Mine just renewed at £2 more than last year but mrs-removed’s went up by £150 (she had a crash two years ago which might explain the rise).

    EDIT: and she did shop around. A lot. To the point where I snapped at her for hogging the laptop for three evenings in a row and being uncivil 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve been thinking about this too – started a thread a while back which has a few useful tips;

    here it is

    I’m likely to go for it in one chunk – probably in March next year (I’m a wedding photographer so life will be quiet around then!). Taking the dog and a radio for company 🙂

    Free Member

    TBH, I’ll probably end up going full frame when the business can afford it. In the meantime though, a pair of D300s works well for me – low light noise just isn’t a problem any more – software has solved the (not very bad) problem.

    I’d recommend a D300 and good glass – the D700(0!) won’t really give you anything that a D300 and top-notch lenses can’t – perhaps a 17-55 f2.8 and a superwide prime? And don’t forget your strobes and triggers if you’re shooting in dark woods….

    EDIT: Oh, and there are light years of difference between the D200 and 300 in terms of high ISO quality / lack of noise – I really was blown away.

    Free Member

    gordi – trying to work out what I’ve said to evoke that response (I’m from Aberdeen and am not a big man).

    dd – fair comment but stop getting personal twit

    Free Member

    dd= troll / twit. I will not grace your name with capital letters. Oh, that’s OK, neither do you 🙂

    I don’t have capitals either but I’m not a **** twit.

    Free Member

    I actually agree that a dialect is not suddenly a new language – it is all just evolved English language. Are you one of those creationist types dd?

    Free Member

    *Awaits picture of large chap surrounded by broken bus / tyre / law suit*

    Oh, and search the forum for “tubeless”

    Free Member

    dd – yoowa quoite fackin roight guvnah – kick ’em all dahn the apples ‘n’ pears.

    Free Member

    He looks like a lovely Saluki! They are absolute mentalists, according to a few books my mum gave me when we got a lurcher. Very resistant to training, especially recall. Led largely by sight – if they see something they want to chase, they’re (supposedly) unstoppable if off the lead. But very lovely dogs – I’d have one.

    My lurcher is about as well trained as any I’ve met but he still does the unstoppable rush thing at anything which captures his attention, so I have to constantly vigilant. If I notice him getting interested in a dog / rabbit / cat, I bark out, “Kasper, Leave It!” and he will.

    Case in point, he’s sitting on his mat licking away at his latest puncture wounds. Ran up to a big dog to play a few hours ago – I missed the trigger behaviour in the dark – big dog got a fright and gave him a right old kicking. Poor lad off to the vets tomorrow for (another) course of antibiotics.

    Free Member

    GEDA – Member
    Free carpark, less people and better downhills?

    Eh? Wasn’t free last time I was there… (was about a year ago).

    I far prefer GT but I don’t do downhill. Loved Caddon Bank though – got a tingle up my spine just looking up at it from the carpark! Agree about the long relentless climb being a bit dull and a slog, apart from the feeling of exposure when you get to the giant bowl and big step-up at the far end. Took me a few attempts.

    Free Member

    Had the odd one in social situations – really, truly unpleasant – had to just wander off into the night hyperventilating and make excuses later.

    If you’re having them just sitting by yourself at night, perhaps a brisk walk (sounds Victorian I know) at the point in the evening when you know it’s likely to happen might help? And yes, visit the doctor.

    Free Member

    LOLed at stuartie’s link – and I’ve posted this before but bears a repeat airing;

    Free Member

    Chuck it in the sea – not the most environmentally friendly thing to do but IMO the best option.

    Free Member

    Low blow that 🙁

    Free Member

    I’ve got a couple of sets of the Halo ones. One of the wee tabs which stops the thing unscrewing has snapped off though, so has been retired. Wasn’t impressed as it’s barely been used.

    The remaining set is on my ‘good’ bike which gets regularly hammered and so far, the wheels have stayed on…

    Free Member

    My mum’s place on Skye – a bit more of a drive, but well worth it 🙂

    Lovely it is.[/url]

    Free Member

    Laughing out loud at a whippet racing the 12 year old greyhound which I’m looking after for a few weeks. Sheer doggy joy 🙂 He really opened up for the first time since I met him. He’s moved twice in the last six hours though – hope he hasn’t overstretched himself…

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