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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • unknown
    Free Member

    I do take both – kind of. Our scheme lets you downgrade the car and take the difference as cash. My downgrade payment covers a big chunk of the BIK and through the vagaries of our car scheme I was able to get exactly the same car just without full leather and sat nav.

    Free Member

    Opened the thread to see if it was about the cairn o mount box. Was not disappointed!

    Free Member

    He used the word OCCUPY

    Interesting word that. Care to remind us of your views on Israel and Palestine?

    Free Member

    Thanks all, particularly colournoise – I will spend a long time browsing that place and try and buy only one!

    Free Member

    OK, propelling pencil it is. Let myself down badly there.

    Free Member

    I overtook a Disco 4 on the M5 at 110mph in a Citigo


    Free Member

    You need some data – why not put up a pole?

    Free Member

    For balance I’ve got a V40 D4 r design and over 23000 miles in the last 18 months I’ve averaged just over 60mpg. Can’t say I’ve noticed a problem with visibility either.

    Free Member

    It’s this kind of thing that makes me think about getting a dashcam, but then I reckon I’d be sending the police videos at least twice a week.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    There is such a thing as a double cab Duster, but you’d have to nip over to South America to get one.

    Free Member

    You’re both probably right. Anyone actually tried on of these though?

    Free Member

    Err… no. I just think it’s pretty obvious that given the context and the quotation marks around the word countryside that I’m not talking about agricultural land. I’ve yet to meet a tractor or combine harvester in my local woods or half way up a Munro, and I’ve yet to go for a ride around the local farmer’s fields.

    Free Member

    Best tell those pesky farmers making all that noise/mess and ruining the countryside for everyone else.
    No need, I don’t tend to walk or ride on agricultural land, but I expect you knew that didn’t you?

    Free Member

    Best tell those pesky farmers making all that noise/mess and ruining the countryside for everyone else.

    No need, I don’t tend to walk or ride on agricultural land, but I expect you knew that didn’t you?

    Free Member

    Personally I don’t think things with engines have any place in the “countryside”. Appreciate you didn’t break any laws, unlike the knobs who have been tearing up my local woods for the past few weeks.

    I like to get outdoors at least partly for the peace and quiet of it and motorbikes ruin that.

    What about a segway?

    Free Member

    I’m sorry, that’s **** horrible. My wife and I have been there too, more than once and that first time was and is the lowest point of my life.

    It will get better, it won’t be quick but you can find a way. The only people who understand what you’re going through are you and your partner so try and be there for each other. She might blame herself, remind her that’s not true.

    You won’t want to hear it now but one day it might help. We went through this a number of times, then right when we were ready to give up we got lucky. My daughter is 2 in June and makes my life worthwhile.

    This is shit but it doesn’t define you.

    Free Member

    This type of thread title? Annoying? Why yes, yes it is.

    Free Member

    I was hoping that at least one person would get the movie reference

    The lowest of the low…

    Free Member

    Apart from the screen seemed to be made of the crappiest glass in the world

    Really? I’ve had two of that same model and despite daily use and no case there isn’t a mark on either screen.

    I think people are crazy if they don’t buy a cheap phone from China. Well, not really but on balance it’s a no brainer for me personally.

    Free Member

    The STW axis of indecisiveness has really been out in force over the past couple of days!

    Free Member

    If that was my van (i.e. the guys worked for me) and I saw that video I’d be taking the cost of the mirror out of their final pay packets.

    It might not have been legally sound but I’ve no problem with what she did. Remember she likely felt threatened by two blokes in a big van so the adrenaline would have been pumping.

    Free Member

    I work for a large company and I’m both in HR and a manager so I must be doubly incompetent. Some of our workforce are represented by a union, whose main job is to negotiate the annual pay increase for their members. Every year they trumpet the excellent deal they’ve won for their members and every year it’s either exactly the same or a slightly smaller increase than the non-union members get. People are cottoning on but not as quickly as you’d think.

    They may have access to good legal advice when the need it, but in my experience the union reps will often overstep their role and a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I’ve seen them mess things up for their members for than once.

    Personally I wouldn’t join a union. I think they had their place at one time but they’re now outdated and often unnessarily adversarial.

    Free Member

    I just get my coffee served free on flights.

    Free Member

    Gt is correct. Practice in ability tests is next to pointless and there’s no point trying to cheat a personality questionnaire because a: it’s smarter than you and b: it knows when you’re lying.

    Unknown MSc (Occupational Psychology), BPS accredited test user.

    Free Member

    Concrete posts? Please. Land mines – that’ll learn ’em.

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    Oh look, another attention seeker!

    Irony overload!

    As for Xmas, I enjoyed listening to do they know it’s Xmas in Sainsbury’s this morning as people were stuffing their trollies with Xmas excess. Thank god it’s them instead of you – quite. Of course, I was doing the same, it’s Xmas isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Given that I’m a mountain biker and have been for 25 years, and even I don’t give a stuff about the racing side of things, what hope do you think you have with getting the general public to care? I gather from here that she’s had an excellent year but I couldn’t even tell you what Atherton won.

    Free Member

    I’m amused that the parent space invaders justify parking in the spaces closest to the shop by saying that people should be willing to walk a bit further. Manages to both miss the point and be hypocritical.

    Free Member

    how many still work for you?

    Of the people who started this year? 96% as of the end of November.

    I should add that although we do have a high profile in our industry we also have a (deserved) reputation for not paying as much as many of our competitors. My team are very open about this and will tell a candidate that if their only motivation is to maximise their package then they’ll almost always get a better offer elsewhere. We “sell” on career development opportunities and the profile of the projects we have. That said, no-one in my department would refuse to discuss salary with a potential candidate, even if they might sometimes not give a specific figure or range.

    Free Member

    We don’t advertise salary and by the end of the year my team will have hired 500 people, with the whole resourcing function bringing 1600 people into the business this year. That’s 1600 experienced white collar, skilled people, in a market with significant skills shortages. Not bad for a broken recruitment process.

    As to why we don’t advertise salaries, it’s politics really, partly to do with existing staff salaries (and the same job titles meaning different things in different parts of the business), partly because the range can and does change quickly depending on what the market tells us when we’re looking.

    Free Member

    FWIW I didn’t actually say it couldn’t be called a truck, I was just laughing at the people who do.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    ell I did the Glenmore lodge course and no kit was recommended, so I’m not sure that is necessarily true

    Well I did the course at Gelnmore Lodge and they were more than happy to discuss what kit to buy and how to decide. Selection of kit is the first bullet point on the winter skills course. Did you ask?

    Free Member

    If you haven’t already then spend your money on a skills course instead. They’ll also advise you on buying kit.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Horrible news, I’m so sorry for you both. Like others here we’ve been through this a number of times and there’s no two ways about it, it’s just a terrible thing to go through. You’ll be feeling pretty helpless as you see the pain your wife is in but you’re helping her more than you know by just being there. That said, don’t play the rock at the expense of your own feelings, give yourself some time (and space if you need it) to grieve and it’s OK to be angry at the unfairness of it all.

    There is plenty of support available but my wife and I actually retreated into ourselves (as a couple) and helped each other through it. Might not work for everyone but in a weird way it made us stronger in the long term.

    Finally, the worst will pass. When it does, it isn’t a betrayal to start thinking about the future again. You won’t forget your twins, they’ll always be a part of you now, but that doesn’t have to be the end of your story.

    Free Member

    I probably would, but not if I’d dinged an Audi. Everyone knows that Audi drivers are **** so anything I can do to make their lives a little worse is worth it.

    Come to think of it, when I drove an old bager I used pull into the work carpark every day next to jags or beemers and swing my drivers’ door open with gay abandon. Particularly the car of the guy who gave daily clarkson-esque reviews of his drive to work. But then, I knew the owners were **** even without the Audi test.

    Free Member

    A referendum.

    Free Member

    Hooray for taking back control

    Is this the kind of thing we’ll get to do more of?

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