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    Free Member

    it’s pure and simple greed

    you seem to have very questionable morals

    Welching on the deal for a possible couple of hundred is a low , shitty thing to do


    Do you have any?

    Does none of that sound like moral high-horsery to you? We’re talking about a guy trying to minimise his losses selling a car here, it’s hardly ruthless profiteering.

    The point about it being different as it’s a dealer is because it’s a business. They’re the ones trying to make money here and in business if you don’t close a deal quickly enough (even if there has been an agreement in principle) and someone else becomes more competitive then you lose out.

    Free Member

    Wow, lots of high horses out and about today, how’s the view from up there?

    If it were a private individual that I’d agreed the sale with I’d give them a chance to pay there and then and settle the deal, if not then on to the next buyer. As it’s a car dealer I’d have no problem whatsoever pulling out in favour of a better offer. They’d do it to you in a heartbeat.

    Free Member

    Pan fried not deep fried or stir fried? Got nothing for oven roasted though.

    Free Member

    I’d drop the UK like a hot stone if I had the chance, all the bits with people in them are awful. I love France and the French people (really) so somewhere in the Alps would be high on my list. Top of the list is probably Chile, fantastic country, incredible scenery and mountains, nice people and a decent economy.

    Free Member

    I’m meant to be in HR. Since moving to a new company 3 months ago I do literally nothing. At all. All day nothing. As a consequence I hate it and will be moving on ASAP. I am better than average paid, but less well paid than my peers.

    Free Member

    Thanks all, some useful ideas and an unusual level of consensus for STW!

    Free Member

    As a doctor* I always advise people seeking an internet diagnosis to go and see their GP.

    * I am not a doctor.

    Free Member

    My Mrs earns more than me but I still bought her car for her. Because she has zero knowledge or interest beyond it working and being easy to drive. She buys my shirts for me because I’m colour blind and would come home with rubbish. I’m confused, should be both be offended, just her, just me or neither of us?

    And don’t buy a mini, they’re horrid.

    Free Member

    What annoys and amuses me about the london-centric media is the descriptions of people who call into the radio or email a website:

    Ed from Sheffield
    Daisy from Bristol
    Rob from Brixton
    Dave from North-east Hammersmith
    Brian from Scotland
    Julie from Wales

    Why not Ed, Dave etc from England and Brian from Pitlochry?

    It’s a bit like talking to americans: where are you from? Scotland? Oh, I love Europe! Are you near Paris?

    Free Member

    Do not inform your insurance company. In the past I’ve had premium rises even though I haven’t made any claims because I made the mistake of calling them to discuss if a potential claim would be worth more than the associated premium rise. In the end I didn’t claim but they recorded it and bumped up the premium anyway.

    On a car that value I wouldn’t even claim if it was stolen. I view the insurance on my cheap car as a tax, I need to pay it but I’ll never claim unless I’m at fault for someone else’s damage.

    Free Member

    Another vote for meh.

    Free Member

    Many years ago I rode a bike with no lights while I was very very pissed indeed. The police stopped me and had a pretty stern word. This is unsurprising as I’d just ridden right into the back of their patrol car, which was in the road, blue lights flashing, having just pulled a car over.

    I got a letter a few weeks later saying that although there was enough evidence to charge me with being drunk in charge of a bicycle, it wasn’t in the public interest to do so and I should be of good behaviour from now on. It must of worked because every time I’ve drunkenly crashed into a parked police car since I’ve had lights on!

    Free Member

    I found this very very funny at first but the more I hear from pike the more I’m concerned that superstar isn’t even close to being the biggest problem in his life.

    Seriously, forget superstar, move on, calm down and find someone to talk to.

    Free Member

    Was meant to be chat forum, could be either I spose.

    Free Member

    Good laugh that. I don’t need anything at the moment but I think I’ll buy some grips or pads or something from superstar today. I only hope that by doing so I contribute in some small way to the op disappearing in a mushroom cloud of teenage angst and bad spelling. Wearing a suit.

    Free Member

    I hate romcoms because they don’t appeal to me. I don’t like most stuff in the cinema not because it’s popular, but because it’s often dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, I don’t think that’s pretentious and some popular movies are good.

    And I only offered an opinion on a film, didn’t say I’m right and you’re all wrong.

    Free Member

    Nope, in my 30s, despise romcom and most popular cinema. Enjoy interesting and thoughtful films from all eras, just thought bladerunner was pretty dull and unremarkable.

    Free Member

    Watched it for the first time last night. Wasn’t awful,but it was very ordinary. Don’t believe the hype.

    Free Member

    Kincardine o’ Neil

    Everywhere else is crap.

    Free Member

    Jamie, your beer is off.

    And it’s Cockleroy Black IPA for me.

    Free Member

    Citroen DS. Or maybe either a coupe or cabriolet Traction Avant. All other answers are incorrect. Except 205 Mi16 – I’d settle for one of them.

    Free Member

    Yes Adam, you can change week by week. The same way you could change your broadband or mobile phone provider every week. It’d be stupid, but no-one’s stopping you from doing it.

    The two companies you chose are multi nationals, the clue is in the euro figures. Not so relevant for a discussion of the UK energy market.

    I’ll ask you this then, what is an acceptable profit for an energy company to make? Remember that tax is paid on these profits and in the course of their daily business these companies directly and indirectly support tens of thousands of jobs. No profit = no investment = no jobs.

    Free Member

    You can buy gas from centrica, electricity from sse, boiler insurance from another if you choose to. You probably won’t find it the cheapest way though. And certainly in the energy company I used to work for, profits announced were for the whole group, not just retail.

    Seriously, think about everything it takes to generate and distribute electricity so that you can turn the lights on in your house at any time. Power is so essential sometimes it feels like paying for oxygen but I genuinely don’t think it’s expensive – and that’s me just lost my discount too!

    Free Member

    It’s a bit silly trying to compare supermarkets and energy companies. Energy companies sell one product and rely on a common infrastructure to deliver it, hence the opportunity for price fixing and profiteering is much greater than a supermarket and so requires regulation to prevent it. You can’t compare this to a supermarket industry which has completely independent operations selling thousands of products.

    So how come the market with more opportunity for price fixing makes lower profits? The profit margins on the infrastructure you mention, natural monopolies, are already regulated. Also, energy companies sell a lot of “products”, not all of them retail products. Check out one of the big sixes websites.

    Free Member

    You seriously think the energy companies are more competitive than supermarkets?

    What is an acceptable profit to make on retail energy? IIRC SSE, one of the big six make about 5%, a lot smaller than the profits made by Tesco on food. Clothes are also essential, should the price of pants and socks be set by the government?

    Free Member

    Rangers FC as we know them are dead. It’s all over.

    Of course they are. They’re cheats and liars. Everybody knows that. They can’t help themselves, it’s in their DNA.

    And of course they must be stripped of their titles, trophies and dignity. Oh, and don’t forget those five stars above their badge, Get them torn off as well.

    Jim Traynor 2012. Jim Traynor is currently Head of Communications for Rangers FC.

    Free Member

    Actually it is pretty relevant to the op. In the scenario outlined he’s under no obligation to let the bus out, particularly as he’s already passing.

    Free Member

    Of course you carry on passing. Indicating signals a driver’s intent to perform a manoeuvre, they should only begin to perform that manoeuvre when it becomes safe to do so.

    When in the car or on my bike I treat buses exactly the same as I would any other road user, I don’t automatically let them out just because they’re buses.

    Free Member

    Well I maintain that at the height of the yellow band wearing, most wearers of said band couldn’t give a stuff about cancer. They didn’t wear it to raise awareness any more than they wore North Face gillets to go climbing. Despite its intentions, honourable or otherwise, it was a fad.

    Free Member

    Bad Company.

    Free Member

    Hence why I don’t feel…

    Redpanda you lost me at “hence why”.

    As for the OP, this might not be a popular viewpoint but weren’t the wristbands only ever really a fashion accessory that were trendy among try-hards for a couple of years a decade ago? I doubt most wearers gave much thought to cancer to be honest.

    Free Member

    This is also no help but I know I’m going to lose mine one day, and it was custom made to my own design so no replacement possible. I had 2 made so I have a spare. Apologies for unhelpful smugness after the fact.

    Free Member

    I’d choose Portugal. In my limited experience of all three countries I found it by far the least ‘Brits abroad’ of them, and that’s pretty much my number one criteria.

    Free Member

    I find it very sad that we live in a world where that exists.

    Free Member

    Now travelling at 100,000 mph and it’ll still be 40000 years before it reaches another star. Makes you think… I wonder if we’ll have settled on a wheel size by then?

    Free Member

    Polar Exploration

    Free Member

    Wherever you go make sure you check the cost of the public transport commute into Edinburgh. Stirling would be OK on house price but I’d imagine the train fares would quickly eat away any savings there. A Perth Edinburgh commute doesn’t make any sense, especially for a non driver.

    Free Member

    How much damage can you do with a cereal box?

    Free Member

    Some areas of the country/society have a genuine problem with knife carrying engrained into the culture. There’s no way to stop that other than zero tolerance. It might inconvenience people when a knife could have been handy, but that’s the price we pay. Self-policing your own responsibility to carry a knife isn’t really an option.

    FWIW I take a penknife camping and into the hills and that’s it. In either situation I’ve very rarely needed to use the blade.

    Free Member

    aggressive enduro/light DH

    What on earth does this mean? Is it the new name for riding bikes?

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