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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • unknown
    Free Member

    The bus is horrific. I did it 4 days a week up until about a year ago. Yes, it’s a lot cheaper than the train but it’s unbelievably slow, cramped and uncomfortable. The drivers also all seem to have to pass some sort of test to prove they drive like psychopaths. On the plus side, they are often so disinterested that they don’t bother to punch your 10 journey ticket so it usually lasted me more like 12-14 journeys.

    My commute was easily 2 hours each way, and that’s without much walking at either end. I lasted almost 2 years before I got a (worse) job back in Edinburgh.

    Free Member

    They also have performance targets. E.G. Making sure a certain percentage of employees are marked as under performing so they can be denied bonuses and pay rises.

    This is utter garbage. The STW position seems entrenched but no, HR are not just there to do “the management’s” bidding. For example the big focus of my role right now is teaching our managers how to manage, and ensuring that our staff are treated fairly and consistently. We do have targets, like reducing sick days for example, because fewer people off with stress generally means a happier, more productive workplace.

    Free Member

    Based on your own list I’d say go for the new job – its pros are guaranteed, but the pros for staying are uncertain. HOWEVER – I was in a similar situation last year and ended up moving, a decision which I’ve regretted ever since. I think if you’re not in a frame of mind by the time the offer comes through that you really want it then it’s probably best not to accept.

    For me, leaving my old job was the correct decision, it’s just that I chose the wrong one to leave it for. It sounds similar to your situation now and if you’re anything like me, deep down you know the new job isn’t right.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Any pics of the great tits in the back garden?

    Free Member

    Not bought a bike mag for years but one of them, MBR I think, used to have “just get out and ride” on the spine every month.

    One of my own, which a friend pointed out to me. When faced with any problem in life, a drainage channel on a descent, a closed chairlift, empty wallet, lost cat, gas leak, anything… my default response is “that’s fine, I’ll just bunny-hop it”.

    Free Member

    “Could someone prepare a download of the audio and play it back to me?” is a phrase frequently heard in my office. It doesn’t have anything to do with voice-recording software, what these insufferable jackasses mean is “tell me what was said on the phone call”.

    Free Member

    I’ve said it before but I think I’m about to give up on ebay. Just about to open a case against a seller who hasn’t bothered themselves to send out a laptop I paid for nearly 2 weeks ago and hasn’t responded to my (polite) enquiries about if it had been posted yet.

    Free Member

    That I must humour idiots on a forum

    physician, heal thyself :wink:

    Free Member

    I break the speed limit. I’ve never had points but then I do have indate prescription glasses and drive within my limits.

    Oh, thanks ever so much for keeping us safe by driving within your limits, you’re my hero :roll:
    Any other laws you’ve decided don’t apply to you?

    Free Member

    Only on STW do you get willy waving about toasters!

    Free Member

    Mine’s the opposite – reports 40ish but actually gets 48ish.

    Free Member

    It couldn’t be that your 8 year old is telling you a little fib could it?

    Free Member

    . 2. You won’t need to buy parts anyway as Japanese cars are more reliable.

    In my experience that’s a myth at this level, one that pushes up the price of Japanese cars at the lower end of the market. I’ve found the Renault or Fiat you buy for £1000 is likely to be “better” than a VW or Honda of the same price. Always buy on condition not model, and you can tell a lot about how much trouble the car will be from the owner/seller.

    Free Member

    I’d use carbon wrap. And a spoon.

    Free Member

    There’s a good chance that I am the coolest person that posts on STW. That’s not something I’m especially proud of, or happy about.

    Free Member

    Sounds to me like 2 separate things are happening, your wife got an informal dressing down for some reason (real or imagined) and all managers have been called to a meeting. The first one may or may not be reasonable, depending on the circumstances, but the second one sounds like standard practice to me.

    Given that all managers are required to attend, is it possible your wife is reading too much into this, maybe feeling a bit insecure as a result of the talk with her manager? Bear in mind if the company didn’t want her back part-time they could have just said no – they are obliged to consider a request for flexible working but well within their rights to refuse it.

    Free Member

    To be blunt, you can cope because you have to cope, but you don’t need to alone.
    Be strong for them if you feel you need to but don’t neglect yourself, take an hour or two, find a mate and let it out. It doesn’t have to have a point, but you’ll feel better afterwards and likely have someone to support you too.

    I can’t offer any advice on the rest of it, other than that there’s a good chance one day you’ll look back on this as a really shit time, but one that passed and got overtaken by all the good times that are yet to come.

    Free Member

    I’ll be seeing them headline Sonisphere this year – some sort of fans-vote-for-the-set type thing. Not sure if they’re doing that at Glastonbury, or they might end up playing Coldplay covers all night.

    Free Member

    I think it sounds legit, but if you’re worried I’m in Scotland so just send the money to me and I’ll pick up the van for you. PayPal gift though yeah?

    Free Member

    Sounds like you’re right to be ticked off.

    Free Member

    Cable ties and/or gaffer tape. Or in the unlikely event that doesn’t work: “it was like that when I found it”.

    Free Member

    Done, one sink of thyme, peppermint, rocket and spinach, the other a randomly chucked together assortment of alpines. Nervously awaiting the return of Mrs unknown from work to give seal of approval or lecture for not knowing any better…

    Free Member

    Thanks littlei, that might be worth a try for me. I find exercise and being outdoors are the best things for my depression, but often I need a bit of help to just get up and started.

    Free Member

    Has anyone got any experience of 5-HTP? From what I’ve read I’d like to try it but I’m a bit wary about it for some reason.

    Free Member

    Rocket Player

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t the polar opposite of getting a van for biking be getting a bike for vanning?

    Free Member

    I’m not even English, honest gov!

    Free Member

    EDL hoodie*

    * for the avoidance of doubt, this is not me. I am not a racist. Or from Bolton.

    Free Member

    For all kinds of reasons, that story is incredibly sad. That said, I hope nothing good happens to the SUV driver for the rest of her wretched life.

    Free Member

    Whatever you do, just don’t use McEwan Fraser.

    Free Member

    Hallowed Be Thy Name.

    Not just my option you understand, it’s a matter of fact.

    Free Member

    If you can find them then Avid Arch Rivals are the best V-brakes in my opinion, with the “Ultimate” versions being the er… ultimate. No need for full length others for vees.

    Free Member

    Just remembered the city might be familiar to you as the site of one (the first?) of those South American urban DH videos.

    Free Member

    My 24 year old 205 costs about £240 a year to tax, which is about a round of drinks short of what the car cost me. Do I win as worst purchase cost:tax ratio on the thread?

    Free Member

    Woe to you oh earth and sea
    For the devil sends the beast with wrath
    Because he knows that time is short
    Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast
    For it is a human number
    It’s number is six hundred and sixty six.

    I love that it’s quieter than the music, so you turn the volume right up before the opening riff kicks in.

    Free Member

    The Constant Gardener. I actually tried to fall asleep in the cinema and failed because I was too angry at how crap the film was.

    Free Member

    I tend to find that people who can’t see the value in consultants are usually part of the problem…

    Free Member

    I’d be careful about offering much over home report value. I’ve just taken my flat off the market after not being able to sell it at or slightly below home report value in 6 months. It’s a first-time buyer’s property in pretty-central Edinburgh. Looking around there are lots of similarly-priced properties that have been on the market longer than mine. I certainly haven’t seen much of an upturn in the market and I know others who have had similar experiences.

    Back when I bought the flat the norm was to offer c.20-25% above the offers over price, but that price was set lower to begin with.

    Free Member

    Whatever you do, do not, under any circumstances, use McEwan Fraser. Seriously, just don’t. Years ago I used Valente McCombie Hunter who a lawyer friend of mine described as “cheap and largely competent” – I was going to use them again last year but they never returned my calls.

    I’ve bought 2 houses in Scotland. 7 years ago I made the best offer I could on an offers over property that had been on the market 1 day. Last year I offer home report value on a house that had been on the market a few months. Both were accepted inside a few hours, no notes of interest, no closing dates.

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