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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • unknown
    Free Member

    Thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

    Free Member

    Once more round the sun.

    Free Member

    How fast can I go if I’m driving to pick up a crown race, or do they just come with the headset?

    Free Member

    Anything other than once a day, in the morning, is utterly, utterly mad.

    Free Member

    This is the kind of thing that should be done properly or not at all. I’m sure there are legitimate alternatives but personally I wouldn’t look past Glenmore Lodge. I’ve done 2 courses there now, including 5 day winter skills, and they’ve both been outstanding.

    Free Member

    Apologies OP, this is a hijack. I have an android phone with a dead battery and goosed usb connection (so no connecting to a PC) and the SD card has been converted to internal storage. Is there any way I can recover the data on there, short of buying a new battery for a phone I’ve already replaced and hoping it comes charged?

    Free Member

    Just because it says ‘Protect and Serve’ on the side of police cars

    Yo Dre!

    What Up?

    I got something to say…

    Free Member

    It’s my hope for 2018 that STW gets some new blood to force the resident trolls to up their game. There are a couple of the usual suspects on this thread and they’re boringly predictable. The decline is almost sad to see.

    As for the car thing, it’s different priorities isn’t it. Who cares?

    Free Member

    The brick – then how do you explain that 20+ years of research consistently shows competency based interviews (these are the example based questions you think are a sign of a bad interviewer) to be among the best predictors of job performance commonly used? For comparison an unstructured interview is barely better than chance at predicting performance in role. If you’re interested I’d recommend reading papers by Frank L Schmidt.

    As for not demonstrating problem solving or thought process, I’m sorry but that’s exactly what competency interviews do.

    Free Member

    full of your own self importance with your head stuck up your own arse

    Yeah, you’ve got to watch that…

    Im blinded by your ignorance
    Some sort of expert are we ?

    Free Member

    Swoon. I presume all of those interviews you did lasted 15 seconds then?

    I’m more than happy to help people like the OP who are genuine but to be honest I’ve better things to do with my Friday night than argue with with some closed minded old man on the internet. If you’re actually interested you can do your own research, it’s all out there.

    And by the way, the team I manage has made over 500 hires for a FTSE 250 business this year so I’d stack up my (real world and academic) experience against yours any day.

    Free Member


    Junkyard is right actually and you finding a Google hit that says otherwise doesn’t change that. And yes I am some sort of expert, if you want qualifications will 12 years of recruitment experience and a masters in Occupational Psychology do?

    Free Member

    These types of question are the sign of a poor interviewer so just go prepared with stock answers.

    I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you say this on her before and it’s still rubbish. Care to share what qualifies you to make that statement?

    OP try and remember that the interviewer actually wants you to do well. No one wants to spend all day interviewing so it’s in their interests that you’re good and they don’t have to interview anyone else. Preparation is the key – spend some time and make some notes about what makes you suitable, take those notes with you into the interview if you want. If it’s competency based, prepare your examples in advance – you can usually guess roughly what will be asked from the job spec. The more you practice those examples/answers the easier they will become to access under pressure.

    Free Member

    Well yes but from your op it’s pretty clear you were trying to wriggle out of the deal before you knew it couldn’t be enforced.

    Free Member

    I think its pretty obvious that Ling was just rubbing the ASA’s nose in it isn’t it? How they wasted their time on a joke and how it got her tons of free publicity, while continuing to waste their time and wind them up. Well played if you ask me.

    Free Member

    I completely understand why you went about things the way you did

    Really? Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

    Free Member

    Wow, well that came out of nowhere.

    Free Member

    Criteria I had for naming our daughter were:

    Nothing on any top 10 lists, ever.
    Nothing religious.
    Something authentic (we’re Scottish so as nice as some French names are they were out)
    I wanted her to be the only girl in her class at school with her name.
    Initials don’t spell anything.

    We chose a very rare old Gaelic name that we instantly loved, and we’ve never met another one yet. I live in fear that the name gets “discovered” and becomes one of the next trendy names.

    Free Member

    I’m no expert but I have one of these and it must be pretty tough to beat for the price.

    Free Member

    I find it almost impossible to understand how trans or gender fluid people must feel. That’s not to say I doubt them or their feelings are any less valid but I think maybe it’s one of those things you can’t really understand if you haven’t experienced it yourself. Perhaps that’s part of the problem with the dinosaurs like these parents – people are afraid of what they don’t understand.

    Having said that, I can’t for the life of me understand why any rational, sane individual would give the slightest shit what someone else wants to do with THEIR LIFE. Why not just let them get on with it?

    There is some conjecture on this thread about the six year old in question and if they are too young to know. That may or may not be correct (I genuinely don’t know) but surely the most important thing is that the kid is happy. If that means that right now they’re happy wearing a dress then fine, maybe in a year or two they decide it’s not for them, maybe they decide they are a girl. Quite honestly, aside from the child and their family it’s no-one else’s business. Yours and my only responsibly as members of the human race is to be at least respectful of their feelings.

    Free Member

    Javier Pena. Feeling pretty good about my chances.

    Free Member

    You should use a bin bag. Or a rucksack cover. Or buy a new one.

    Free Member

    I might punish him by making him ride my Unit

    8O That will get you put on the register.

    Free Member

    Poor players and fans.

    One of the worst and most pointless ideas I’ve ever heard.

    Free Member

    Fall of the Berlin wall I think, or possibly Major being elected. My first instinct was Piper Alpha but that was such a big story for so long where I’m from that I’m not sure if I remember it at the time or not.

    Free Member

    That’s pretty cool. I’m not sure it’s two and a half grand cool, but it is nice.

    Free Member

    It’s about time for one of those invasions to set about a regime change that we’re so good at.

    I’m just not sure who we’d replace Trump with.

    Free Member

    Was the kid staying in a glass caravan? Because if not then as far as I can recall he’s perfectly entitled to throw stones.

    Free Member

    they’d have to be dumb to realise even if the verbal terms were legally binding you’d ditch them afterwards (and possibly let the wider industry know to be aware of the shady practice). I guess it could have been a sales guy desperate to meet his monthly target or something

    Exactly what I thought however the MD of the business is backing him up so you’re also right in that

    I don’t think it’s the recording of phone calls that’s the real issue here

    And yes, it’s over a very small amount compared to what we could have spent with them in a year.

    Free Member

    On your guard against what?

    What they did in this case. Argued a higher fee for a piece of work based in saying something like “that’ll be at our usual rate of x% then, yeah?” in a conversation, as opposed to what we have in our written terms with them.

    Not the biggest deal in the world but they were trying it on and there are plenty of their competitors who we’d rather deal with as a result.

    Free Member

    I get that cougar, but in this example the training value would probably be in teaching their staff to negotiate better against ours. I’d not really be comfortable with using our own calls to train them in that way.

    Free Member

    The supplier is in a very competitive marketplace but in my opinion it’s really counterproductive. We want relationships built on trust but this makes us feel like we’d always have to be on our guard. It’s by no means common practice in the industry and we’ve got plenty of other people we deal with who don’t do it (or at least I don’t think they do!).

    Free Member

    Generation Whinge eh?

    Can’t say I agree with that but you do realise that people my age, or maybe a bit younger, will probably be the first generation to be worse off than their parents. We aren’t making money from property like the previous generation did for a start, goodness only knows what the state pension age will be if we ever reach it, and er… thanks for Brexit you old farts. I’d say that entitles folk to a wee bit of a whinge, no?

    Free Member

    I’m 34, and have always just assumed that I’ll never see a penny of state pension. I’m paying into a private scheme but I expect that real retirement will be only be for the very wealthy by the time I reach 65(ish) so my pension will be to fund working fewer hours in my old age.

    Free Member

    and I’ll tell you what, you too

    That’s really quite special.

    Also enjoying the prefect video in the twitter comments.

    Free Member

    Best pedals ever! My pair are currently in use on my main bike. Mostly because it’s a red frame but also because they’re awesome.

    Free Member

    Where I am (big corporate), we offer benefits from day one. Standard probation period is 3 months, but given you don’t actually have full employment rights for 2 years that’s pretty meaningless.

    Free Member

    For my sins, I’ve been a Rangers fan all my days

    So who do you support now? :wink:

    Without wanting to have a pop at you personally, I don’t understand how someone could disown that part of the rangers support and still remain a fan. From the outside looking in it’s far from a small minority and the sectarism seems like a huge part of the club and fans identity. For what it’s worth I’d say the same about the other lot as well. If it wasn’t so ugly it would be comical as it’s got nothing to do with football whatsoever.

    Free Member

    It’s such a normal thing to do that I’m surprised at the comments viewing it negatively. That said, it’s very unlikely to influence the decision one way or another.

    Free Member

    Used to get these regularly asking about recruitment and vacancy numbers. They went straight in the bin and I heard no more about it.

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