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  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    I’m one again for the cheeky one two miles from my house… pure awesomeness – Ilkley moor, several cheeky ones in calderdale that i don’t know the names or locations of because I was blind folded, thrown into an unmark jeep and driven to them by angry locals reluctant to share the treasure.

    Free Member

    Bangernomics will mean the large part of your financial outlay goes on skilled jobs near where you live as well. Get something 10 years old and you will have many of the modern safety bits and bobs.

    Free Member

    I saw in my rear-view mirror

    Now i saw this but initially just assumed Brombtons come with one… and probably a drinks holder for your weak lemon drink.

    Free Member

    Good on him, I think its time all cyclists took action against the knobbers in our community who give fuel to the clarksonesque flamers…

    Free Member

    Bad dog breeding is also a massive factor, there is apparently a problem strain of golden retreiver which was bred from in the 90s (any goldie owner will find this as mind boggling as i do, but i’m reliably informed its true).

    We used to keep Maremmas. MASSIVE dogs, they live with the sheep on the italian mountains, great with kids, wonderful temprament, but pity the fool who tries to break into the house where one of these lives… Not the dogs fault, what it was bred for.

    Mine apparently was bred to ensure an even distrubution of socks around a house.

    Free Member

    Sniffing’s cool, Your dog could sniff my balls if he wanted too

    If you’ve been on a long ride he’d probably quite like that. He triesd to bury himself in my sweaty funk when i get back from a ride, then licks the inside of my helmet… 8O

    Free Member

    1st 2nd and 3rd Videos do not show dogs attacking, badly trained dogs yes, irresponsible owners? yes, but attacking? No.

    But they were behaving in a way which suggests poor training from the owners.

    Mine comes trail building with me, and likes to snuffle the odd especially funky smelling rider. Kick my dog and expect the same from me in return.

    Free Member

    JD Cycles have done me many favours and quick turnaround jubs in the past and i cannot praise them enough. Woodrups OK, were very road oriented when i lived up the road from them (four years ago), but friendly and affordable, needed chasing sometimes when stuff was on order. Not used cross trax but hear good things. Boneshakers in Harrogate have exceptionally good CS.

    Free Member

    there’s an ‘l’ at the end of Gnar? I’ve been saying it all wrong for so many years and no-one corrected me… the shame.

    The rest reads like lingo from the 90s…

    Free Member

    That’s certainly true, an idiot in a tiny hatchback is much less threatening and terrifying and less likely to make the same impression as an idiot in a RR Vogue.

    Free Member

    What if somebody in an X5 drove through a river to save an old lady in her broken down 1993 Fiesta? is he cool or a ****?

    Not sure, but they would certainly be an unusual X5 owner. Its not a universal thing. there was this time about 3 years ago when an X3 driver used a passing place to give way to oncoming traffic out of no other motive than it was the sensible thing to do. So there are exceptions to the rule.

    For the most part what crankboy says is the same down here.

    Free Member

    I don’t mind them having them, and had an old Subaru myself, awesome car, but i never understood the need to drive in the middle of the road all the time.

    Free Member

    The vast majority of 4x4s couldn’t do that! I’d love to seen someone plough through that in their precious shiney X5…

    I would most likely wet myself when they got stuck.

    I live in the Yorkshire Dalesv and anywho actually needs the ability to off-road has a Landrover, an old Subaru estate, an L200 or a Hilux. All the range rover vogues, X5s and other silly SUVs are clean as a whistle and never go ‘off road’, though they do all seem to drive in the middle of the road, and never give way.

    Free Member

    If i’m worried conditions are gonna kill pads straight out the gate, say if its rained for 40 days and 40 nights (just imagine it i know we’re in a drought), I turn the bike upside down (sorry rightway uppers), put pads in rear, spin wheel up, brake med hard, so the pad gets some heating, repeat 20 times. Let cool, take those pads, out, put in front brake, then repeat for new pair and leave those in the rear. No reason why you couldn’t do this and bag the pads.

    Free Member

    Xiphon and others

    Thanks for offer/advice/info. gonna gear up again, and I will i think try and be more confident on the CV front and ‘sell myself’ #cringes# more, as my big mouth has always landed got me involved in all sorts of things at work. Purist that’s a ace idea/site, I shall check that out in more detail when i get home. Need to make some time for productive things…

    Free Member

    Cheers for the offer, mine’s at home, and a half written mess… But threads like this help me to MTFU, finish it and start again, family illness made me drop job hunting last year as of all the things i spent time on it was the biggest thing outside my job, and was yeilding the smallest returns (nout). So I need to add recent courses etc to it as well.

    In the meantime, What would you open with? my employment hist is not of direct relevence though it shows respoinsibilty. my current job is zero relevence and I suspect a put off as its with the local council. This leads me to think education i.e. recent courses, but at the same time i feel the need to explain why I’m doing uni courses in my early thirties. I was previously in credit underwriting, but when i took a short course in C++ because redundancy was looming it was like a little epiphany, but when i try to comminicate this it comes off sounding very twee…

    Free Member

    Flashing your lights is for no reason other than alerting other road users to your presence.


    It can be interpretted as drawing your attention to the fact that they have not begun moving, and have let a gap open up so as to let you turn right, or drawing your attention to the fact that they are slowing. It is not an assertion that it is safe to do anything.

    As for riding in a city I always assumed everyone was always about to do the most dangerous and stupid thing possible at that given moment. As such i survived 6 years cycling across Leeds.

    Free Member

    Well I worked for the Bank of Ireland, and decided after being made “All in it together”, banking was not something i really liked doing, so through OU, Standford open thingy and Udacity have been studying software dev. primarily in Java but i’m keen not to be a Java only type as I understand the downside top that. About to look for a graduate/junior opeing and design/developement in Harrgoate/Bradford/Leeds, would happily consider probationary/temp role to prove myself as I believe i can prove my worth etc.

    Writing CV is a horrific thing, not really sure what an IT grad CV shuold look like, and my part time job has become a little too comfortable for me tbh… Its very tempting to not think about it and just ride bikes…

    Free Member

    3. Maximum cycle lane length of 10m

    Free Member

    Deffinitley a bulb, given time of year. Quite possibly its struggling because of the large thing above it. Keep an eye on it, and if you decide you like it move it once it has flowered.

    Free Member

    I like to think we live in a world were people are afforded second chances. Lets be honest, probably the biggest punishment is that they have been branded cheats. That won’t go away. They should be subject to more frequent testing. But as I understand it all medal winners are tested automatically.

    Free Member

    that’s about it.

    Free Member

    Yes…. all bands get a bashing, blah, blah

    no, not all bands. Keane. are they on fire in this live performance? dressed in orange in cuba locked in a stress position being play System of a Down backwards?

    I read an interview Keane once, when forming the band they spent significant time deciding how to dress, how to have their hair, what instruments to play, where to base them selves, their name, then as some kind of irrelevant after thought they DECIDED what kind of music they might play…

    so no fire huh?

    Free Member

    making whoppit… Pontius Pilate?

    Free Member

    are you allowed to nominate yourself?

    Free Member

    I’ve heard of the rubber queen

    8O I haven’t, do tell…

    Tyres, as you’ll find out if you survive this initial flaming, are an incredibly personal and oft discussed topic. Good ones go for 35 – 50 new, each. Yes that is silly, but it seems to be where we are, Mountain kings are a good all weather tyre that do pretty much everything.

    Thing is you won’t really know what you want until you’ve ridden a bit. The guys in shops sound to have been trying to milk you of your money a little. I don’t know how bad your back probs are but maybe some exercises to stregthen your lower back muscles bufore you fork out cash on a bike. I have low back issues, but hasn’t bothered me on a bike for many years now following the above.

    Free Member

    Black Sheep or i ain’t buying. (or green king abbot)

    Free Member

    Like wise for giro and my head… I recently asked a similar question here but in the end i found a good deal on the giro and went them again, but as and when i see the recommended brands i will be trying them on and taking notes…

    Free Member

    Pepper and salt, fresh oregano if you have it, then from the other side of the kitchen introduce it formally to the cooker. Serve.

    or if you insist. Cook for about 90seconds each side over a high heat. Once done set aside (you should let it sit for a few minutes after cooking before eating)Splosh wine in pan keeping heat high, get all the residue disolved into the wine, that is your ‘sauce’, pour over stake, take from oven the best possible chips (or your home made wedges) that you prepared earlier, rocket based salad, more wine in some form of silicon based vessel.


    Free Member

    That is a beautiful thing, but that looks like the tiniest linkage that ever their was.

    As for origins it looks for all the world like a commencal mashup to me.

    Free Member

    doesn’t it.

    shame, TF2 doesn’t really do it for me. I need my fix of Zombie killing to get me through the day…

    Free Member



    But yes, very careful thoughtful belting in with a hammer here to.

    I did buy a proper remover though, worth the money (tenner -fleabay)

    Free Member

    When i do mine i [probably] won’t be cutting hoses, I’m interested by your no bleed solution. Are you swapping at the caliper?

    Free Member

    Do you guys have a trailbuilding group/website etc?

    Free Member

    Its a shame about the risk to honesty boxes, as they allow people to contribute in times of person plenty (beginning of the pay month) and too still ride at the end of the month when maybe can’t afford to go to the pub/see a film, but can just stretch to the petrol to their nearest forest. But as seems to be the case from comments here, honesty boxes more of an issue at unmanned sites, not places with VCs. Sadly I’m not aware of a truly secure model, i.e. forged in sky iron by an armoured bear.

    Anyone aware of any? any cunning solutions? A sign about the local trailbuilding group may help but I think it would need to be something more immediate,

    “yes I have a couple of quid in change in my pocket, yes I right now am buzzing from a ride and feeling gratitude.”

    later we forget or spend that amount on beer on the way home, huiman nature as much as anything. Also if a box looks like it will, or has been seen to get knocked off, i wouldn’t want to put my money in.

    Free Member

    I miss the days of Old Harry’s Game, and Absolute Power.

    Free Member

    hmmm, yes tis weak. My fave at the moment is the Unbelievable Truth, which i think could stand the test of time like JAM due to the potential to argue over the rules.

    Free Member

    The mtb the dales site has the gouthwaite route backwards, the quarry route should be done leaving via bewerley so the quarry is a descent.

    Free Member

    Yep he’s a Copeless little Hunt. But it takes more than that to get done in politics, cos it doesn’t have anything to do with him boning anyone.

    Then he’d be in trouble.

    Free Member

    PB to middles moor, over to scar, round the top to over ramsgill down and back to PB? somewhere between 21 and 25 miles. Depending on which deviation/varient you take.

    If you go out via eagle Hall and Ladies Rigg, down merryfield mines and then over Heathfield that adds 5, 7 if you bare left of the NW and ride up to Greenhow, and then down through cockhill mines and rejoin above Merryfield.

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