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  • Michelin launches new Wild and Force All-Mountain Tyres
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    Of a 3 bike stable I usually average 2/3, nothing massively wrong with the 1/3 at the moment, waiting on a chain in the post/pads etc

    Free Member

    Stubborn Dwarf


    Free Member

    Stubbins is always our post ride pub of choice, cracking selection of ales and great food. Also water…

    Free Member

    But its been settled in US federal court, how dare Lancashire ignore the might and authority of the Federal Court on such matters…


    Free Member

    cos they can’t ride and they don’t control their speed…

    Free Member

    Oh god I just read the comments… that’s my faith in the human race destroyed for the day…

    Free Member

    Unk stupidly wrote

    Ramblers have their own publication, Walk Magazine which i get at work. In 2 yrs not seen one single complaint letter about bikes…

    And summer’s edition just fell into the letter box

    TWO letters, one from someone who had a walk spoiled by quad bikes, 4X4s and scramble bikes and decided to shove mountain bikes in with those. Another letter asking legal advice after their walk was “caught up in a cross-country cycle race” and the “had to keep stepping aside for competitors” what are our rights etc…

    The responce was the usual cyclists shall yield for anyone but made no reference to the circumstances (race), I thought in order to hold a race on a public bridleway you had to apply for some form of licence and that would override the usual policy (not saying run people over, but, you know, its a race! why not just cheer for people etc.) :roll:

    Both letters very short on detail and supporting info so came off as “other people spoiled our day with their fun” but that could just have been the editor cutting them down for space…

    Free Member

    Psammead, you lucky devil, remember to only use the wishes for good…

    Free Member

    Awwwwwww I was hoping this would be a “what tyres for…” thread… :(

    Free Member

    For Exmoor go from Minehead area, forge the route I did exactly but the descent from Dunkery Beacon was a techy treat on the XC bike, Some great bridleways around porlock as well the locals have a chilled attitude about footpaths (both riders and walkers), and there are LOADS of bridleways, but thats because there is a f**kton of horses, if you’re pimpy about your downtube protect it 8)

    I had an OK time on quantocks, but local knowledge more important there I think, I was on bridleways, all pretty wide and motorwayish…

    Free Member

    sorry if obv question, you’ve also replace cables yes?

    Free Member

    I know its a ball ache (especially the first time you do it) but it does suggest you’ve got crap in the seals, sooner rather than later could be a good idea…

    Free Member

    I live in the Yorkshire dales, it doesn’t get that much more remote… If only claymores were legal…

    Free Member

    I have toasty chin, all day yesterday out on Embsay Crag with Roots Riding… much awesomeness though, and achey arms and shoulders…

    I had the white goatee of calamine lotion today, which I then forgot about and went outside in several times…

    Free Member

    I just realised instead of a hose pipe you could use a nailgun…

    Free Member

    meh… humane…

    does he cover how to stop the little b*st*rds digging up my beetroot and shitting in the hole?

    Seriously if I let my dog wonder round your garden digging stuff up and leaving you presents you’d complain, maybe even call the police and rightly so…

    Free Member

    It may be to pop the piston right out, and wipe it and the calliper seal clean. Messy and need to rebleed, but ultimately could be quicker

    Free Member

    vader, isn’t endor a touchy subject for you?

    Free Member

    Full suss sales are well down this year (based on my purely anecdotal evidence gathering of chatting to people about bikes).

    I don’t ride mine as much since i got my 456 as an everyday chuck about bike.

    Free Member

    I’m going to sound all silly now but bear with me. In a lot of way market forces, some version of it will come into play.

    Someone mentioned fields above, unless there is a well worked packed down path by a field (usually round the edges), field as BALLS to ride, there are BW across a few near me, having made the decision to ride them once, never again. Like wise badly eroded areas are often poor riding, and also many cyclists are aware of this issues and will avoid in poor weather, or just most of the time. Large numbers of people are also a deterrent for me. On Bank Holidays etc I always go further out of town and avoid the Nidderdale Way. I don’t think I’m alone in making riding choices like this…

    Free Member

    One of my very favourite cheeky rides includes a footpath which hardly exists, can’t get onto one end of it legitimately as its lost. The common walked path has migrated 100yrds to the west. Makes for entertaining exchanges with the Red Sock Gestapo when I do the other run through those woods which does use the common walked path…

    “This is a bridleway, you shouldn’t be here”

    “This isn’t a public footpath, you shouldn’t be here either”

    “Yes it is”

    “Got an OS map on you?” [of course they do, its hung round their neck] “See? The public footpath is over there. Tell you what, you don’t tell anyone, I won’t tell anyone.”

    #cue speechlessness…

    Free Member

    oops, the Dire Straits resulted in chewed apple on monitor…

    Free Member

    I really hope Scotland votes No, I also cringe everytime Dave goes near the issue and really don’t think he’s helping. But if the worst comes to the worst I’m firmly in favour of the border of any independent Scotland being drawn in a straight line between the Humber and the Mersey and Yorkshire on up being incorporated into Greater Scotlandshire…

    …please don’t leave us with Dave, please, we’re sorry, what ever we did we’re sorry…

    Free Member

    Increased longevity of tyres due to reduced road mileage as part of everyday rides.

    Free Member

    However, we (cyclists) need to be more self policing and to actively promote responsible trail use.

    Very definetly. I wondered if we got to the stage where it looked like access was a possibilty then the main 5 magazines might agree to run double page spreads on the countryside code dos and don’ts.

    Free Member

    I’d folow their example and get in the odd evening or morning jaunt and play it by ear.

    If you have a day off one day check it out at day time. Presumably the bikers are leaving bike tracks here and there, if the signs haven’t been excalated, made bigger maybe everyones just happy having a ride on their chosen steed.

    Free Member

    That could be a very interesting interview, would also be great if Trail or Country Walking did an interview with the Singletrack team in return, might really help build a better understanding.

    Ramblers have their own publication, Walk Magazine which i get at work. In 2 yrs not seen one single complaint letter about bikes…

    For anyone wanting to contribute some reasoning Nick’s thread is here

    Free Member


    I’m not sure I do, we’re not talking about redesignating footpaths as cyclepaths with the removal of styles and increased access that involves, merely lifting the ban on riding footpaths. This should be seen as seperate to the increase in cycle/accessible paths and other work done by groups like sustrans. The two compliment one another, but are fundamentally seperate. Other than a clause to prevent land owner increasing hinderences I see this as being what is already there stays, and involving no actual work on the ground. Lift your bike over the gate/style/etc, or ride elsewhere…

    Free Member

    Allows riders more choice and so can avoid trails where conditions are unsuitable (not a consideration of the current access system).

    Better for horseriders by removing cyclists from bridleways as well as walkers.

    Makes cycling more accessible for all, less dependant on car travel to a riding location.

    Free Member

    Interesting that he said ramblers, not walkers.

    Well I’ve decided to reply to their email as it was from the Campaigns Administrator (probably not as significant position as it sounds but hopefully more than just email monkey), I’ll resist the urge to dissect their policy in detail and instead briefly make the following points.

    • The policy is based on misconceptions that do not reflect the real world (what happens when cyclists meet walkers, and what cyclists want/need from shared access). This is a good thing as all their concerns can be reassured and with discussion a way forward found. ;)

    • It’s a shame all outdoors access groups aren’t represented by one single body as the ‘us and them’ standpoint implied by their choice of words distracts from more important things and again doesn’t reflect the world outside (ill try and find a more diplomatic way of putting that).

    • Cycling off road is not a destructive or an aggressive sport, it’s basically just rambling on wheels, most off road cyclists also own walking boots, and the current access classifications are woefully inconsistent and inadequate.

    Taking on everyone’s comments (big thanks btw) something just now struck me, this policy read like the writings of someone who has all the gear, but rarely actually goes outside walking in the real world :D. That encourages me that even if they never mellow their opposition, in calm reasoned debate they would end up looking out of touch and silly.

    Nick I think that would be a good idea, I think Dave of the Magazine Access Things currently has an interview request in with the ramblers so such a list could be useful to him as well as for future purposes.

    Free Member

    I don’t know of any firm figures, but since the opening of the Way of the Roses the anecdotal opinion in my town is cyclists spend more than walkers in the destination towns. They don’t bring their sandwiches and warm lemon drink with them. :wink:

    I believe the same goes for mtbers… for a start the hunger is more demanding.

    Edit: Better riding on the doorstep may mean rather than spending money on petrol riders may spend money on post ride beer and food at local pubs.

    Free Member

    druidh I rushed that a bit cos i’ve got somat under the grill. I think that total open access would be a considerably bigger push than lifting of footpath restrictions with very little actual comparative benefit. And there may even be a risk of illicit trail building under such provision. This is partly playing devils advocate, and partly from experience of illicit trailbuilding issues of FE land.

    However there is an argument for campaigning for it as an opening salvo to then be argued down to footpaths.

    I put the lacklustre down to the feeling that access laws will never change. I’m more optimistic, plus my MP recently confirmed an access review for England is in the pipeline.

    Free Member

    Myself I don’t support open access as in “you can ride anywhere you like”, and think access to footpaths would be sufficient.

    Much of the Access Land in England is moorland, and so anything that’s not a path would be balls to ride on anyway. Same for fields, unless there is an established path they’re horrific and energy sapping and I avoid whenever possible.

    I think anything where shared access can be shown to work is a step forward as one thing we really lack atm is evidence. So much of the argument is anecdotal or presumption.

    Free Member

    I wonder what British Cycling has to say on the matter.

    If it doesn’t involve road biking probably sweet FA.

    CTC would be the better target for lobbying by far.

    Free Member

    out of interest anyone ever been in ‘conflict’ with walkers?

    The most I’ve encountered has been a heated exchange of words. (being generous and assuming the old man was merely turning round and not trying to put his walking stick through my front wheel)

    EDIT: ah, tackled above…

    Yeah walking groups walking 4 abreast trampling everything in sight clearly doesn’t really damage the natural surroundings…

    Free Member

    OK, they may never be in favour, but I reckon the grounds for their opposition can be countered pretty convincingly.

    Free Member

    Indeed, the word facilities’ implies construction, and ‘engineering’ while it could be used to refer to debate and campaigning work, implies destructive activities.

    effect that cycling facilities will have on the natural beauty of the countryside,

    This implies more than just someone changing the sign…

    Free Member

    I’m usually mroe reserved on forums than I am in person, in person i might judge something tongue in cheek to be suitable for the audience, but online it would need to be suitable for everyone, and sometimes people go out of their way to be offended.

    Free Member

    Stainburn wonderfully busy yesterday evening, the trees have put on a growth spurt so all you could see were lots of head bobbing up and down as they sweap left and right across the hillside…

    Free Member


    I won a skills day riding down natural gnar (how to do so better). Its gonna be sunny. and I love my bike.

    Then Pims!

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