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  • Video: Greg Minnaar’s Unfinished Business
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    You haven’t done anything to expalin why dulling one of the senses could be seen as a positive move when you have the option, except to show me that as you do it, and you are clearly AWESOME, that it should be seen as acceptable.
    When i ride I listen to the traffic as I find feeling it is a bit difficult and not something I desire.
    You keep riding with earphones and carrying your opinion, I’ll keep riding without and mine. OK?
    FYI I don’t read the Daily Mail, and in fact quite a bizarre thing to say.

    One thing, if I don’t hear a car its much much much more to do with the sound of wind passing my ears (I think such noise is slightly reduce with headphones tbh), wind and traffic noise (not just engine but tyres on road a pretty load) occupy the same part of the sound spectrum and are both a broad whitish noise. There for they blur into one another. Music tends to be diffinitive sounds and higher in pitch.

    Obviously that’s doesn’t change the fact that music must not be load, and when taking in a road section and going faster, I often can’t really here much of my music.

    But if you really believe traffic is such a soft delicate noise that it can be lost under tunage. Do this. Go somewhere away from traffic, put your mp3 player on, set it to a comfortable (not loud – just comfortable) volume. Now walk to a busy road…

    Headphones or no you should be looking often, and look them in the eye too.

    NB – needless to say I don’t use fancy seinheisser earphones that block ambient noise when out riding, I use cheap crappy ones cos sooner or later sweat kills them. Nor am I saying you must wear headphones. Just that it really makes piss all difference.

    Free Member

    make it illegal to slide down the left hand side of any long vehicle, in the absence of a cycle lane, within 50yrds of a junction.

    Sadly most cycle lanes actively encourage cyclists to go up the left of vehicles to make it to the ASL.


    in the absense of a cycle lane… in my experience there aren’t ususally cycle lanes leading to ASLs, they put an ASL in, but no way to get to it. :| (maybe places other than leeds are a bit better at this). I suppose you’d add a bit that would make you stop until long vehicles have pulled away if you’re in a cycle lane with left turning traffic or… see this is why I hate legislation.

    New Law: Drive sensibly, Ride Sensibly. Or Else.

    The End.

    edit: i thought you could do nested quotes here…

    Free Member

    Just to allow some sense of numbers to seep in here. Does anyone know of any source of figures on cycling fatalities what describes in collisions with vehicles proportions dying from head injuries, proportion dying from other injuries (blood loss, internal bleeding, crushed torso etc).

    I suspect it’s biased much towards the latter. Myself I wear a helmet, because if I slip a chain, tumble, or have a lower speed collision (as I have once) what could be a significant/serious head injury is nothing. I do not imagine for a moment my helmet will stop my getting a punctured lung.

    If nothing else Wiggins has opened a debate on mainstream media, the CTC have been on five live, and its being covered in the newspapers. The Mail will always write what the Mail likes. But a conversation, in the national media.

    Also he won stuff, was probably still very tired and full of endorphins, and lots of people pointed microphones at him, not like he prepared a statement…

    Free Member

    a fresh start from everyone.

    possibly one of the truest things ever spoken. From irritated self-righteous motorists right through to irritated self-righteous cyclists…

    sadly, almost certainly impossible.

    Seems people realy like legislation, so make it illegal to slide down the left hand side of any long vehicle, in the absence of a cycle lane, within 50yrds of a junction. Also make it a really serious offence to turn left through a cyclelane without signalling (pet hate from my commuting in Leeds days).

    Free Member

    The full quote had him saying that if the whole community did this, then when someone was killed we could turn round and ask just what the chuf else we can do etc. Which to my mind is a valid point. But woefully unrealistic, what about knees out seat down scally who zig zag their way about the place, they aren’t part of the community in the first place.

    I’m also disappointed in him for reinforcing the earphone perception as well. Does his team radio stop him hearing things going on about him (i know race events have closed roads but I bet they use it in practice too).

    If I don’t hear a car it’s because of the wind in my ears, and even that doesn’t happen very often. FWIW I don’t hear much of my music as I don’t have very loud, I get the best out of it when off road and going slower.

    I always wear a helmet, It doesn’t save my life, not riding like a dick does that. But its a good bit of protection that has in the past had me land on my head, and just get up and carry on with my day.

    But fair enough, BW has his point of view and he won’t change what he says just because everyone loves him now. But I would have liked to have heard stronger words against certain driving mentalities from someone in his position.

    Someone point a mic at Froome lets see what he says…

    EDIT: sorry you’ve covered that now, it took a while to type that, other stuff going on…

    Free Member

    Cheers! Liking this rewind live tv feature on the beeb streams now :)

    Free Member

    “he’s got wings on his wheels has Bradley Wiggins.”

    Free Member

    I am obliged to correct you – Ye Oldest Sweet shop [in all of Engleland].

    hmmm, sheep.

    Free Member

    Armstrong takes gold, quite decisively, Pooley ends in 5th or 6th, not sure

    Free Member

    Pooley up at first split, by 7 seconds, from 14 minutes of riding…

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t want them on a big hitter, but I have them on the XC HT and love em, I have old old Lxs, but the brakes are bitey bitey and I’ve never had a problem with shifting. Though a freind of mine has them and he’s had a few offs and borked them, so now he is looking at making the change.

    Free Member

    What an excellent day (if you haven’t already) to Back le Bid!!!

    Free Member

    Oh My Good God Yes!

    Free Member

    About time… but also YAY!

    Free Member


    It’s god’s Back-sommat that’s for sure ;)

    Free Member

    Any Way of the Roser’s passing through Pateley today come in the TIC, I have PIE!!!!

    Free Member

    Whatever bike you currently really want and are struggling to justify will, by definition, conveniently, make you a better rider.

    If you’ve only ridden FS for a while, chances are you’ve maybe got a bit lazy complacent, and HT may snap you of that (possibly by flinging you mercilessly to the ground, or puncturing when you don’t shift your weight), if only ridden a HT, first time on suss you may well be quite crap and not be able to get the best from it.

    Personally I think challenging yourself, and riding different bikes can makes you better (long travel HT, short travel XC ht, 6″ FS etc) as you will never get lazy and rely on the specific strengths of one set up. But I could just as easily be wrong, but it helps justify my three mountain bike stable, so it works for me.

    Free Member

    I think Ben Aimsley [sp?] may be cheating, I earlier heard “And I think Ben’s really going to put the pedal down now”.

    Free Member

    “if only she’d hit that snatch harder…”

    you owe me a keyboard and cup of coffee for posting that…

    Free Member

    The Now Show? It s a topical comedy show on Radio 4 – usually Friday evenings, they’re doing live shows 3 times week through the Olympics.


    Its funny.

    Free Member

    It is nearish to the top of my to read heap staring at me reproachfully. As soon as I finish the official history of MI5 I may give it a shot.

    Free Member

    Has STW ever created a campaign of any note

    you mean come together with one unified voice and said proudly and clearly said ‘we hold this to be true’?

    Doubt it. ;)

    But 11 pages… Can I throw a cat into the works, a spanner amongst the pigeons? Where do we fall on waving people past on such occasions?

    Myself I avoid it. But there is an argument that it would allow people to pass when the cyclist can see more than the driver. Think I made exception once for someone in a kit car who was very low down and couldn’t see a thing, and it was very very very safe.

    Personally I think the more people are behind you for longer the more ‘appropriate it becomes to find a straight bit to tuck in. On a narrow windy lane a long line of traffic can begin to pose a hazard for oncoming traffic (if they drive like the **** tourists we get in summer). But the biggest group I’ve ever really been in is 7 or 8. And of course you have to take the safety of the riders bunched up by the side of the road into account as well.

    One last thing I try to remember in situations like this. You don’t know what’s happened to these guys before you got there. Entirely possible they got two people behind them in big threatening four by fours, who performed a silly overtake, nearly clipped someone, pulled in too soon, barged past. And they just decided for one ride they’d had enough. I’m sure any one who rides/drives on the road has had those days when you can’t help but begin to believe there is some kind of conspiracy to terrify you out of your wits or try to kill you. On such a day even a politely worded criticism at a petrol station isn’t going to go down well.

    Free Member

    nasty… I suppose could just be panic if suffering black out of some kind. But still, maybe driving not the best idea…

    Free Member

    It is much more structured this week. Several features now each one concise, short but to the point.

    better. definitely better.

    I can’t help but want immolate the guy in a polka-dot jersey though. Its as much my problem as his, but there you go. No-ones perfect.

    Free Member

    Oh silly Locog rules, looks like they’re not allowed to get pictures of the riders…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Looks at Wwaswas’ pic, less trouble for getting them back…

    Free Member

    So how do say the Australian team get their horse here?

    Free Member

    No direct expirience to make the exact comparison you describe, but I would imagine…

    Q1 – No (unless its worse),

    Q2 – yes very probably.

    32mm 150 forks are silly imo.

    Free Member

    +1 for Dakine, very well thought out for carrying stuff. My only prev such bag a Hydrapak one of similar size, nowhere near as good, or comfortable.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I suspect it’s to factor in the proportion of your time you will be descending which in fairness is usually when bad helicopter necessitating stuff happens…

    Free Member

    Downhill with dogtag implies using uplift of one form or another, if I remember correctly. I know I went extreme last time.

    Free Member


    Well covering very windy bits of road round me, I judge it on my speed, the road, my knowledge of any upcoming passing places etc and make a judgement accordingly.

    If there’s a passing place I’ll pull in and drop some speed. If i know there isn’t a passing please then I might up my speed. I might pull close to the edge of the road if I think there’s a passing opportunity in the road ahead.

    In a big group we have in the past split our selves to allow a car to pass some of us, and then the rest.

    depending on the width of the road number a abreast can make the difference, but its a balancing act between balancing width and length.

    Certainly some roadies can behave in a more dominant we’re special way… but not all. were they perchance, all wearing matching clothing?

    Free Member

    I live in Nidderdale. Weatherhead’s (bottom of Pateley high street) Pork and Sweet Chili. All other Pies are false idols.

    Thread Closed. Please return to your homes.

    Free Member

    Maybe more the early morning types than the GT types. When we were there we rocked up at about 11, apart from a little bit of carpark agro going on, lots of cheer hellos, except the odd hardcore XCer (this was before strava).

    Free Member

    How do you get a degree, and then not earn enough to pay the fees back??

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

    oh where to begin…

    Free Member

    tis true, I found their company records. CRC own decade.

    Free Member

    Can you imagine the horrendous balls up if they weren’t so technologically backwards?

    Free Member

    Why are people who just shoot guns called athletes? Surely they’re just competitors all said and done…

    Free Member

    It was you! All the bodged timings and updates and on-screen stuff. All your fault. you people who went out and sabotaged it with your mobile fondle phones, and your I-slabs and your modern hocus pocus…

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