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  • Fresh Goods Friday 558 – The I’m Not Too Hot, YOU’RE Too Hot Edition
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    I grew up in the yorkshire dales, not flat cycling area as such. All of our primary school year did cycling proficiency, they drew roads in the school playground. We loved it, it was an hour playing on our bikes.

    Free Member

    I used to tear through Meanwood with Queens of the Stone Age on full whack… Its a little possible in that zone I wasn’t always the most politest cyclist. :oops:

    Free Member

    Couple of weeks ago at Gisburn, crappy trail edging collapsed under my front wheel. More a tumble than a fall but did my ankle for a couple of days…

    Free Member

    Abbott Ale sends me to sleep after three…

    I would be a healthier, slightly less rotund Unklehomer if it did the same to me. Alas, it does not.

    Black Sheep Golden Sheep is effing gorgeousness, especially if you can find it on draft somewhere.

    Free Member

    Green King Abbott Ale is especially nice. Brakespear Oxford gold also.

    Free Member

    Hope QR seat clamp

    none lockon grips

    tiny tiny hex screws…

    Free Member

    Squirt lube

    Super Tacky Tyres

    Bolt-thru Suspension Forks

    Free Member

    mine is a negative experience. never again. Phone yes, more? no.

    Free Member

    I’ve used many trains when I’ve had to go out of my way, queue for long periods of time not kidding 15 minutes, and generally go out of my way to pay. Any journey passing through leeds train station often involves a long queue to buy ticket on arrival, often if connection is short you don’t have time. Not a fare dodger but probably luck I’ve not been done yet (I always present myself eagerly to pay the fair when man comes, but I’m not gonna stalk the train looking for him…)

    Free Member

    Book of Fight Club is great, its odd, all the bits I thought would be from the book weren’t, all the bits i thought would have been created for the film, weren’t

    Call for Dead – John le Carre’s first book, and still one of his best.

    Free Member

    ideally firm, but I often get water on top. The grounds should compacted from the pressure though.

    Free Member

    I have a Dualit, not perfect, steam pressure is a bit crap, but nice coffee.

    Free Member

    Have you taken the front off and fiddled? I have to be careful not to get it too fine or it won’t go at all…

    Free Member

    Do not believe a word from the false profits above. The answer is a Kitchen aid grinder (yes I know the cost but trust your Unkle Homer, plus it looks like a 50s ray gun :D ), and any 150ish pound espresso machine with decent reviews. the grind is by far the most important thing. For reassurance get it from John Lewis/Amazon

    Espresso machines seems to have a highish first few months fail rate so good warranty returns process is worth factoring in imo.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    to me says it all.

    I’ve always thought twice about what I submit, and very often don’t press send, because I realise while I’m amusing myself, what I am actually being is glib, smug and pretentious, or it could be read differently to how I intend it.

    Free Member

    Jesus Christ, Superstar
    Came round the corner on a Yamaha
    Pulled a Skid
    Killed a kid
    Caught his bollocks in a dustbin lid.

    and even less PC, not my fault I was like 7 or somat

    Puff the magic dragon lived on a shelf
    He had no one to play with, so he played with himself
    He bought himself a Girlfriend but that was not enough.
    He bought himself a boyfriend that’s why we call him [something derogatory].

    Free Member

    he got a fair few olympic figures…

    Free Member

    how long is refusing to communicate?

    Free Member

    I’m pretty annoyed at the whole attitude to death in this country at the moment due to recent events. I’ve just watched my mum die from terminal cancer, at times in a lot of pain, and was often told by nurses she couldn’t have more painkillers (in this case paracetamol) for another half hour because you have to wait 4 hrs between doses.

    Now yes fair enough If i’ve got a headache I’ll wait those four hours accept the reasoning. But for someone who’s whole body, including the liver which could sustain the damage from the paracetamol, is turning against them, it was just insane. Not the nurses fault I realise, but it really seemed unnecessarily cruel.

    The best we can still do it seems is to leave someone to konk out from inevitability.

    I couldn’t quite believe at times that in the 21st century we will give a dog more dignity than a person, and the person is capable of understanding and making their own decision.

    Free Member


    That would make for a great youtube vid “Hi, I’m Herc Castro at the Sram Tech centre, and today we’re going to be showing you have to change the fairy that pushes your reverb up and down. Now if your reverb has become slow that’s probably because the fairy is old, and tired, or maybe even dead! But before we start you will need your new live fairy, some fairy dust, and a reverb seal kit so the fairy stays good and fresh for as long as possible.”

    Free Member

    If you push the remote just a little bit the seat goes up ever so ever so slowly. So the adjuster changes the amount you push at full compresion, so the seat either rises gently, or rams your testicles back where they came from.

    Free Member

    The Matic is my new favourite thing


    Free Member

    not me, I think you have PC aids…

    Free Member

    Yes, but you’ll be charged a packet by your Bank/Credit Card Company.

    not necassarily, but check your bank website, ring them and ask, odds on a couple of quid admin fee and then just their exchange rate IIRC from HSBC last time i did it. Certainly cheaper to get currency before hand, but not the end of the world to use an ATM.

    Free Member

    @ CFH

    but its still nice…

    #flounces off to the other side of the room#

    Free Member

    not too pricey, as a lover of Asus netbooks I look at them with a lot of interest.

    About 500 IIRC

    Free Member

    Tell your bank you’re going abroad, or they might stop your card to protect you from fraud and then spend the following day ringing you to tell you about it!

    Free Member

    I’ve had very diff experiences of kevlar based on two very different bikes. In the alps, as above, they wore out quick and seriously took some life off my rotors. Deff bedded in propperly, but quite possibly over braked by me to begin with while I got used to the alpineness of it all.

    Would go straight organic/sintered there if I went again and change as per conditions.

    However, on my XC HT here, sintered pads seem to last indefinitely. Fit forget, go, keep going. think you must need to change your pads by now. find that No you don’t.

    Both shimano brakes.

    I know old thread but the comparative difference I thought worth posting.

    Free Member

    Hmm, does anyone find people actually hear them? I used to persist with the bell thing but in the end it was just to come back at the “you should have a bell” argument, as they were never heard and I’d ususally have to resort to calling out.

    Free Member

    sounds like he meant “Thanks christ, now I can run away to the other end of the country and not have to deal with this nasty reality that keeps following me about.”

    gonna be awkward when girlfriend’s parents see it, those clips just go round and round on BBC news…

    Or he’s just 18 and not good with wording things yet.

    Free Member

    Deff something light, fruity…

    Melon balls, dusty very lightly with cinnamon and drizzled in cointreux. Old but classic.

    and Orange and rocket salad with cherry tomatos and parmesan w/ balsamic viniger and crushed pepper.

    Free Member

    He’s pointing out the nonsense of some branches of some [well one that I’ve seen so far] religions painting the whole religion with it and then making some wide sweeping statements then likes of which get certain type of person all worked up.

    He actually reminds me of Glenn Beck, only he seems to have a better grip of his emotions. But give him a black board and a stuido and he’s away. His tactic is like describing all of christianity as if it was the KKK.

    Free Member

    I’d have to be on the moon to leave my bike on the roof rack whilst I slept.

    Yeah they were new enthusiasts, wide eye’d and innocent. Bless… foruntatley one of our group had a spare bike to lend them, they came on a ride with us round machno so still enjoyed it, and were insured…

    But mine go in the car locked together, and often with cans on string in and amongst…

    Free Member

    Filming begins for James Cameron’s, Cycle 2 Work.

    Free Member

    I’ll take 350 posts in the sweepstake pls.

    Right you are. purchase by PP gift please :mrgreen:

    To drift into the topic, very briefly, I used to get crap off motorists for notn using a cycle lane which was sepersated from the traffic , the reason I didn’t was I needed to turn right a couple of hundred yards up the road which was much easier than crossing the road… #removes toe from the dangerous waters#

    Free Member

    I used to buy (insert list of 6 different cleaning products here) and go through a long ritual of cleaning that it took to remove the accumulated dirt mixed with (insert current lube of favour here), and then spend as long again trying to clean myself afterwards.

    Now I use squirt lube and don’t bother with any of that. If its wet I take the chain off after a ride, and put it over a radiator.

    I still have some degreaser etc, just in case , honestly cannot remember the last time I used it though…

    For disc brake cleaner, use mud. Or nothing.

    this, if mud doesn’t sort them, they’re ****. Lifes too short 8)

    Free Member

    I’ll be honest I only watched a couple, but I am for freedom of speech, and that can’t be limited or it isn’t freedom of speech. I like my nutters up front and where I can see them, discredit, and mock them.

    But the following of his youtube channel is worrying. especially if they particularly believe his 6 minute islam rant. But I would prefer he be mocked and discredited by intellegent arguement, than made a marter and arrested. Cos lets be honest, He’d bloody love that.

    one of those video mash ups rearranging his words would be perfect, just the job infact.

    Free Member

    Righto its the STW cycle lane usage forum thread sweep stake, 1 pound in, pick a number, the nearest number to the number of pages the thread runs to gets/splits the pot. (minus an administrative fee to Unk Inc. Industries Ltd – reg Grand Canaria ).


    Free Member


    to me said in much the same way as

    “…and a nice chianti – f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f…”

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