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  • Singletrack MegaSack Countdown Day 15 – SKS Bundle
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    They tend to be pretty darn hot from my memory.

    But I too spent much of my teenage year years staring at one, eating coco pops, listening to the white album. draw your own conclusions.

    Free Member

    I’d hope they’d be miles better, an open coal fire kicks out something like 15% with the rest going up the Chimney!

    Its possible my coal fire experience isn’t typical. We live in an old blacksmiths, and our fireplace means business – and I know how to get the best from it [melt the furniture].

    Free Member

    My sister lives in the new town, they have three. The modern ones burn incredibly clean and are fine for smokeless zones. They kick out as much heat as an open coal fire and are staggeringly efficient.

    Free Member

    #hoping there will be a poster#

    Free Member

    Errrr guys, I just found a hatch. It has these numbers on it… I’m not sure we survived the accident…

    Free Member

    good lord you’ll be wanting them read next…

    Free Member

    I was totally converted on chirstmas music to ‘early’ or medeival christmas music. Much jollier than carols and often pretty bawdy / funny too. Fantastic stuff. Better than carols IMO

    “Oh god this song is boring”
    OH God This Song Is Boring

    Free Member

    Jedi, out of interest what pressure do you run your contis at?

    Free Member

    Well, personally. Couldn’t do it. Appreciate it that people do. Despite the ever reducing pay and conditions.

    An honest question. Is the Is reduction in pay/conditions having a noteable impact [to you] in the quality of recruit? Any other effects aside from morale?

    Free Member

    I have the LX ones, may be the same part. got mine in 2007. Personally I’d suggest trying with out. I took mine off 4 years ago, never even considered putting them back on.

    Free Member

    Not so much as a sprig of holly goes up in our house until Dec 21st. That is the winter soltice. You can’t celebrate the passing of a day until that day has passed… stand to reason doesn’t it. You don’t celebrate your birthday 4 months before it happens, We don’t celebrate easter in January, we don’t go trick or treating in July and we don’t go on our summer holidays February. Harvest festival isn’t in June and we don’t put the winter bloody olympics on in September. Midweek movies is on Sunday out of anticipation and you don’t tweet #ff on Wednesday cos it wouldn’t make any bloody sense. But christmas for some reason lasts 4 bloody months and its only a 12 days festival, as a result most people have taken everything down before new year. That’s like the last four days of the olympics taknig place while builder START DISMANTLING THE Statium AROUND THEM!!!!!!!!!!! It’s like Everyone going home at half time in the FA cup final. Or only playing the first 3 levels of a computer game because you spent so long waiting for it to come out. its madness, a deranged desire to live permanently live in the future at cost of the present and I FOR ONE REFUSE TO PLAY ALONG!!!

    #bit more like that would be my advice…

    Free Member

    Not in our house it isn’t. Booze, food, greenery, child sacrifice. We celebrate yule, but we call it christmas as that gets us days off work etc.

    Free Member

    For me it lost points after a promising start “I was in morrisons…” oh its gonna be good, the various sizes of food bag, the fact that some product in lots of wrapping is cheaper than some product loose, the quality of staff in the cage they keep the banana people in… but it was the early appearence of christmas, an obvious target and while yes we can all sympathise it is bordering on cliche.

    That said once the rant begin it went on for a good while, several lines, a bit of a argument formulated. could have gone on longer. I’d say C+/B-, OP needs a greater belief in their own ranting power.

    Maybe you could get a grant from somewhere to develope your ranting further, or go on courses in the evening?

    Free Member

    As far as you’re concerned, Bridgend might as well not exist.

    As far as I’m concerned it doesn’t. Where is it anyway? Somewhere tropical?

    Can I ask how I got to the wildnerness? And just how do I plug in a record player to play me 8 discs anyway?

    Free Member

    Do I get a book and luxury?

    Free Member

    Just like to clear this up – what is “THE TRUE SPIRIT OF XMAS” exactly?

    Child sacrifice… I like to stick to the old pagan ways me.

    I sympthise with the OP, but this is why I avoid shops, all shops, (except mine and the [not so local] LBS) like the plague. I would just get too cross.

    Free Member

    No, but on very cold mornings I have pushed the ‘1 hr boost’ button twice now, just to take the edge off. Its becoming a close thing, flat roof being done with insulated roof lights in the next month, will fopefully make a big difference.

    Free Member

    can anyone be bothered to count how many dog owners have posted a ‘I agree with you if you mean a badly trained dog, but mine is so well trained he won’t take a crap without permission’

    my count to that is none… 1 if you bend one’s person’s words a bit.

    If they’re are wild as you imply a lead makes very little difference to the level of control…

    Free Member

    With hold a thing if they push it too far, TV, playstation, what ever luxury they really pine for. Maybe also look for an avenue for the engery.

    Free Member

    Did he ask you for ehlp by email? Do you have any kind of record of it? Might be better to approach it in a “Provided assistance to other members of staff to allow them, and therefore the company to acheive… blah blah”

    You’re right, and have every right to, just be careful how you do it. Offices I’ve worked in competence doesn’t seem to be the desired quality when looking for promotion candidates. Problem is when ever you start wroding it like that, it sounds bitter etc.

    Free Member

    Sounds like I used to do exactly what you did. I look forward to trying this, cheers! Post more next week!

    edit (pls)

    Free Member

    I’ll throw a fiver in.

    Anyone know of a comprehensive list UK air ambulances?

    Free Member

    I’ve loosely had thoughts around the same thing. First off running an actually charity is a lot of work, and to get charity status involves a fair bit of hoop jumping. The plus side would be gift aid on donations. There are a lot of people on this place, and yes they do while away their working days bickering they also have a lot of compassion that comes out when bad things happen.

    How about a just giving fundraising drive at the end and beginning of each season, (autumn and spring equinox) for a different air ambulance each time. That way low admin, gift aid, and nothing to stop it being developed into something more if its really successful.

    Free Member

    Ace, I always miss that.

    If you like that, try this does the same for harry enfield.

    Free Member

    Romney strikes again…

    he’s like a sit com character “ooooooh Romney!”

    Free Member

    Right. I bought 2.4 RQ for the front and 2.2MKII for the rear. Coming from high roller there was a short but sketchy adjustment period. but I grew to rear like them (was a bike fan of old MKs).

    But then one ride the back began to feel really wobbly and unpredictable. When I looked thinking a couple of spokes must have gone, the side wall had badly degraded on just one wall, on opposing sides on the tyre. Pics in this thread. this has reminded me actually nothing back from CRC on this yet… But not sure I want another one, was a great tyre, but had heard of sidewall problems earlier. Had not done a lot of miles, 500 at the most, and much of them on track/road.

    Free Member

    oh breasts. Forgot they did that. Isn’t quaint, still putting titty in a daily newspaper…

    Not talking about just going straight from page 2 to page 4 then. that would of course be silly and make no sense at all…

    the difference between that and a french beach, is I imagine it’s frowned on to walk along until you see a nice pair and then have a good old gawp.

    Free Member

    No, just realising that we’re argueing different points, and all said I’m not really bothered. I have not seen one comment from someone who takes their dog on trails which makes me think they shouldn’t. A few who people who go on the trails with out a dog that makes me glad they don’t ride trails near me.

    But I won’t change your mind, you won’t change mine. One day I may try and train a dog to run with the bike, and if I’m satisifed he sufficiently trained, and some test rides go well, I will take him riding places with me. Not all the time because you do have to split your attention between trail and dog, but dogs are pack animals, and if you don’t intend to include it in your life you shouldn’t have one.

    In the meantime my hound goes trailbuilding with me. No rider passing an area we’re working on has ever complained, most of them stop to make a fuss of him. He tends to be the best behaved dog there (yes, several dogs on the trail, and not even moving, often just lying down – and the sky hasn’t fallen in. Madness.)

    Free Member

    Soooooo glad no-one came in the shop while i was reading that [while i was convulsed in the mild hysteria behind my monitor making sounds like someone was tickling a cronic asthmatic…]

    Free Member

    Just when I thought devs took the crown, we get this – a direct comparison of pubs and trail centres…

    Free Member

    Now you are talking. Imagine having Madhur Jaffrey as your mum. I’d never have left home.

    If there was an english version of MJ, it was my mum. No end of tips and hints for making what would be normal english grub absolutely delicious and just a phenominal cook. With a pinny and rolling pin and everything.

    Anyone know where you can buy tamarind concentrate btw? I finished mine a while ago (used to live in leeds, it was a doddle then)… Or an online source of spices in decent quantities, again when I lived in leeds just went down the veg shop, spent a tenner, got two bags of veg and catering size packs of whole spices… I miss it I really do.

    Oh, one more tip for properly grinding spices, I used to use the dicing attatchment to my hand mixer, and I’ve used a pestle and mortar, I have now got one of those little coffee grinders with the spinning blades, and I can’t beleive I ever used anything else, so quick, so easy, and such a better grind.

    Free Member

    hmmm. I haven’t made curry for a while… you just activated my curry node….

    edit: feel free to share some knowledge. I picked mine up from asian friends and Madhur Jaffrey books, always room for some more… especially on chappattis, mine come off like singed bread dough… 🙁

    Free Member

    I thought it was going to be a thread about a new hiphop group… 😳

    Free Member


    think you mean

    Based on that I reject your logic and will replace with common dog owner non-sense decisions based around things I don’t understand so must be wrong…

    Replace ‘dog’ with ‘mountain biker’, and ‘trails’ with ‘footpath’. And all the arguements on this thread sounds really familiar…

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t the same logic prevent my dog going to the pub. That’s a purpose built facility after all…

    Based on that I reject your logic and will replace with common sense…

    Free Member

    For example, you’re not allowed to make a picture of the Prophet, are you? You can draw pictures of Jesus though.

    I am, its only muslims aren’t allowed to draw pictures of him… this small detail does get lost in the hysteria…

    Free Member

    Oh I would say all manufacurers of dairy products, but most definitely excludes the maker of Dairylee and Cheese strings, they will be going straight to hell…

    Free Member

    Blessed are the…

    Free Member

    Well I’m deeply offended by the comparison of that awful youtube parp to the holy and truly reverend Life of Brian. I’m just nipping to by some pebbles and some nice round stones to throw through your windows. 😉

    Free Member

    I was thinking that… although that article did detail how to properly train your dog. Ooooh, I found a new can, worm anybody?

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