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  • New downcountry and trail bikes from Last
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    The danger in jumping isn’t coming short, it’s simply being out of control in the air, a tabletop cant fix that.

    Some of the danger is coming up short if there’s no middle, and getting little bits of air is still fun even if you don’t perfectly hit the down ramp, no need to deny that little bit of fun to everyone, and us ground dwellers don’t always know if we’re going to get all the way there.

    Fair enough if you’ve got your own jump spot, but if you’re building in the main line where others ride then there’s a strong argument for building to all skill levels.

    Free Member

    Why can’t people dig an alternate line rather than ruin it for other trail users?

    amen. safer, and more convenient for everybody.

    Free Member

    If its on legitimate sanctioned trail it would be so they’re rollable and so accessible to all, but this doesn’t sound the case from your OP.

    If just built in the woods by yoofs then they build the bit they care about landing and take off. But you wouldn’t get that at a trail centre. FE for example have a thing about In Line enforced air. Its a no go.

    Free Member


    Oh the world just got a bit less special.

    Free Member

    As above, only benefit is being able to choose all the components to try and build something that will last as long as possible, specifically suit your needs or be all colour coordinated and bling on the inside (this really matters to some people).

    Free Member

    I make a point of giving an appreciative hand, wave, nod to people who I notice have waited and then overtaken with lots of space, I shout and gesticulate at those who nearly kill me, so it seems logical to acknowledge those who show me some consideration.

    He was deff. giving the **** gesture? You never know, the guy before you might have nearly killed him and not bothered looking behind to appreciate the gesticulation. All [insert user of specific transport here] are the same and routinely stop to compare notes in their secret clubhouse after doing the special handshake, find the relevant driver and pass on the message…

    Free Member

    My policy is this. Sofas belong in dramas, could be a soap, could be a film, but sofas should never ever appear in factual TV, unless its a documentary about sofas, or a clip of another program.

    Real Journalists have desks, not sofas, they are serious grown up people.

    *exception is made for Charlie Brooker and [insert here]wipe, cos that is his sofa, in his home (I choose to believe it really is).

    Free Member

    Well Woman’s Hour is on so that settles the ‘it is[n’t] proper journalism’ arguement I’ve been having with a female friend for the last year.

    Free Member

    yeah– woke up to radio programme praising Ratsinger as pope–thought that the item was going on a bit……then thought it must be sunday….!

    this. So confused. never realised how much I rely on John Humphries to tell me the time every few minutes. I had to turn my head to look at the clock…

    Free Member

    Quiet you mad fool!

    Free Member

    for the [imagined fictional made up] gnar?

    Free Member

    they’re into the last 24 hours…

    I think I worked out who made them…

    Free Member

    Once you’ve attended a dig, you can request to join the Dalby group, but I’ll see if we can make the groups visible so people looking can see.

    Free Member

    Right, cheers.

    Free Member

    Sorry about that, its to keep dig day info separate from general, STA info (on a different facebook page), but I thought you would still be able to see it, I’ll see if we can change the settings to make it visible.

    People meet at the visitor centre cafe about 9:30, look for people in red or orange t-shirts. They will then drive up to the area they are working on.

    I’ve posted up on the page so hopefully Mike or someone might bodge along and confirm that, but i’m 99.9%.

    On the note of finding info, we’re review our web presence (forum etc) at the moment as the forum has fallen by the wayside with the facebook taking over, where were the first places you looked for info, so we can looking into putting something there. thanks, and hope you enjoy the dig day!

    EDIT: I’ve had it confirmed, so get to the tree tops cafe by 9:30, and then just follow the group up the work site.

    Free Member

    I have a long time ago, think i had to use IE for a bit. Don’t know if I ever worked out the cause. What browser you using, think it was chrome for me.

    Free Member

    Oh that’s like a terrible version of the game what happens next. Of the ones I hadn’t seen before I got 1 out of 6.

    The luckiest russian ones are mind boggling.

    Free Member


    Built in lights to the rear guard? Save interfering with any on your seat post?

    Oooh i didn’t think of that, tiny little LED ones that don’t weigh much, would also save trying to fit lots of stuf on the small amount of seat post available if you have a dropper post.

    Free Member

    Are there any entry requirements to go and live in norway. When I didn’t have an open fire I would have happily watched that.

    Press your red button to add wood to the fire.

    Free Member

    But all that aside, is he crazy? does he actualy ride them himself? (they do look VERY clean), is he a self confessed rider of the bouncy bicycle?

    Free Member

    Cheers Wozza

    It occured to me last night I should add it is just the top section of the climb which has been surfaced, once you come back out of the trees. So no need to push up the whole thing if you don’t want to, though it is less sloppy than the main push. 🙂

    The forcast is mostly dry for the next week so if even just a hand full of people take the time to stomp bits down (last run of the day if you’re there in the evening) and generally trample it could really help, if 20 or so do it certainly will.

    Thanks again.

    Free Member

    Its like it happens to them everyday…

    Free Member

    oooh that got a little frayed while I slept.

    I don’t mind if the secretary of state says he believes marriage is between a man a woman and that shouldn’t change. Well alright I do, but its a background buzz of irritation, it will always be there, I disagree with him and find the view old fashioned and limiting. What I strongly verbally object to is the assertion of facts which are ridiculous and false, and should be challenged.

    Just for objectivity here is the video.

    “I regard marriage as… warm safe environment for the upbringing of children” -an assertion of opinion. But then IMO he then switches to an assertion of fact “which is clearly something that two same partners can’t do.”

    Can’t, not are less likely to due to their crazy gay lifestyle, unstable relationships and whatever. Can’t i.e. Cannot – not possible. That last bit is why I want him raked over the coals, a minister in the government just went on TV and told half a million British citizens they would not be capable of loving a child.

    FWIW I by and large can’t stand children… should I be moving my piercing over to the other ear?

    The Tory bit in the title I regret a bit, I was about to leave work and hurrying about, and my tory MP, of whom i’m not massively ‘woohoo’, voted for the bill last week, as did over 100 others and as stated above, the bill is Cameron’s baby, and I think he’s actually doing his party a massive favour pushing it through, even the leading members of the 1922 committee will likely see that to seek to overturn it would be a largely unpopular act and will let the issue drop in future freeing the party from a big millstone round its neck.

    Free Member

    Illustrating (badly apparently) how humorous I found the idea that I have been brain washing myself with ‘pro gay stuff’. I did also read the Harrogate Advertiser – not of my own will, I have to read it for work. But any pro gay subtext in there is too well hidden for me to spot.

    Free Member

    pro-gay stuff

    Errr, Mary Berry’s cook book? Just William? XKCD? STW? Al Jazeera? The Archers?

    You’re reading more into the Archers than is right and proper…

    My opinions come from my experiences of 32.3 yrs of my life. There are very few people who do not have the capacity for love and compassion, and there is no litmus test to weed them out. Or we would know, irrefutably.

    And with that I think I’d better step back, this has the risk of getting nasty and that was not my intent.

    Free Member

    seriously you’re referencing lifesitenews?

    Really? OK, NO, i do not believe anything printed on lifesitenews.

    I’m suspicious even of the date.

    Free Member

    My view is that he is wrong and verging on the backwards, certainly regressive. He’s basically implying gay people can’t love children. Or such an idiot he can’t frame sentences properly when he knows he’s being recorded for broadcast.

    I think its probably both to some extent. Its fostering that the view that it makes them some how abnormal, lesser and yes i think he should criticised for that, publicly so that young gay people growing up (the children he is apparently so keen should be supported) aren’t made to feel that way by the institutions and representatives of their government.

    Free Member

    He’s being to subjected to the kind of hatred that gays were subject to a few years back. Think about that.

    Oh that did make me laugh.

    Tories not being allowed to serve in the navy, being beaten in the police just because of the way they vote, bullied all through school, the entire Premiership only have one openly Tory player… 😆

    Free Member

    I’ll confess since I got my new phone for jaunts round Stainburn I’ve put it in the pocket behind my head turned up with tunes. result is much the same as have headphones in, with less cables, as the above says.

    Free Member


    Cheapo headphones, not the modern plug type ones that actually block other sounds, and not bass/low frequency type music, pop/rock/light electro, and not too loud. Should be of a volume that when going fast down hill you can’t really here a music for the wind. You’ll find cars are plenty loud enough and a different part of the sound spectrum to be easily heard, unless its really windy in which case you would presumably look more often to compensate.

    Free Member

    Hope the mods will forgive me two bumps with this to catch the evening and then the Saturday crowds tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Yes sir, sorry Sir, I’ll try sir.


    Free Member

    On the clumsy language point, I think could be a valid excuse if that was said down the pub. But that sentence structure, from an MP, (any MP, but it does tend be the Tories) in the weeks after the first gay marriage vote when surely all the Tories would have been sent on a special course on how not to sound too homophobic even if you are, can’t be excused… either on grounds of just being incredibly offensive, or just too plain incompetent to be allowed out unsupervised.

    Free Member

    Oh god I just realised I utterly miss named this thread should be – “Asteroid 2012 DA14 Will I Die?”

    I am so embarrassed…

    Free Member

    no it isn’t and anyone who says otherwise should be told to **** the **** shitting **** off.

    Free Member

    It’s hard to pull good wheelies with a stick up your arse.

    That can make doing a number things much more difficult*, doing your shoes up for example…

    EDIT *apparently! so I read, somewhere…

    Free Member

    Not even a single track road, plenty of space for two considerate drivers… Assuming the RR doesn’t hog the middle of the road in fear of a little bit of slush.

    I think it’s because they don’t know where the wheels are on the LHS, and perversly are terrified of them leaving the tarmac. But yes the irony would be amusing, if they weren’t coming straight for you, at 30mph, in a bloody tank of a thing.

    Free Member

    That’s very interesting, its something I had thought about previously as a model worth exploring… Shall watch with interest.

    Free Member

    Who’s to say he hadn’t swerved to miss an audi driver who had took the bend on the wrong side of the road

    You mean the Audi Lane? Audi lanes are perfectly safe and its only the people who insist on driving on them in the opposite direction who make them dangerous.

    On the 4X4 note, I was almost run off the road by someone in a Rangerover yesterday driving in the middle of the road to avoid putting their wheels in 1 inch deep remainders of snow on their carriage way, perfectly happy to send the FWD mondeo driving into the verge. No slowing down, no sign appology. </rage>

    Free Member

    +1 Life cycles from me. Sorry.

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