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  • FGF 601: Fort Bill is Back Edition
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    I’m fine with it. Those cyclists who ride like dicks are the ones getting us a bad name.

    This, and well punned sir!
    And also this.

    It’s not just that they give us a bad name. They create resentment which breeds a dangerous attitude towards other cyclists. Every time I see a cyclist bust a red light I feel the roads get slightly more dangerous.

    Good. I hope they also took the time to do some motorists sitting in ASLs at the same time. I’m all in favour of this.

    Free Member

    The foreign aid budget must drive you round the bend.

    If you want to give only to UK charities, give only to UK charities. There are plenty about. Other people chose to care about people in many other places across the world as well. Is that so bad? We live largely free of disease, we have doctors and nurses, running water, electricity, and can afford 2 bottles of wine on a Friday night.

    Free Member

    Hopefully my crappy crappy Strava times will convince people I must have a heap of shit bike not worth breaking into the shed for…

    Free Member

    Well, if we’re being pernickety you said “we can’t even…” not “I can’t even” and were talking about the country ” we need to sort this country out ” not ” we need to sort this bit where i live out”.

    We, as a country, are for the massively most part pretty well off compared to most in Africa, and other parts of the developing world.

    Can I ask how far you have to walk for water on a morning?

    Free Member

    we can’t even walk the streets without being

    This year so far 74 days on the trot! Oh yeah! Who’s the Daddy!!! Not even a kevlar vest!

    There is the argument that this country and a bunch of other Western European ones **** Africa up royally in the first place and maybe we owe them.

    Free Member

    But seriously, to deal with hunger – mtfu, it’s an eating day tomorrow.

    not for me.. though not writing about it might make it easier.

    Just to give some proportion to my phenomenal hunger, at uni I was unbeaten at Pizza hut AYCE with 24 slices of Pizza, and various side dishes. People would try beat me and fall groaning by the wayside. serve 6 macaroni cheese? doddle. I have honestly never met anyone who can eat as much in one sitting as me. I wish you could do it competitively in the UK, apart from the not wanting to end up huge thing.

    Free Member

    Not eat my own weight in jelly? I suppose…

    Free Member

    Is jelly not bad for me? Surely jelly is bad for me… really? is jelly OK?

    Free Member

    hmmm – maybe i need to distract myself and delay tea. I will need to find something really compelling.

    Free Member

    So, what do people do a couple of hours after tea when hunger pangs set in? I tend to go for muesli (non sugar variety, but I know thats is quite carby).

    Anyone of the ‘always hungry all the time’ persuasion come up with anything good and effective?

    Free Member

    I can write very neatly, but slowly, or quickly, but in a way that 1 week later I don’t know what I’ve written.

    Even when being neat often my hand willl write the wrong letter if I start going too fast.

    Free Member

    This is a trend at the moment, pay one person very high amounts to work every hour god sends, to avoid paying 2 people to do the work, and probably be happier, your wealth seems to be making you quite misserable. Owing to a series of circumstances I won’t bother going into last year I earned around 1/10th of your wage, yet I seem to be happier. I used to pay more tax, now I don’t pay so much, but as I’m public sector I haven’t had a pay rise in 3 years, you sound to have had one, which should cheer you up, but that too sounds to have upset you.

    My advice, request a paycut, or job share.

    Free Member

    Don’t forget to give him a playful slap on the bum. Motorbikerists like that sort of thing

    I think they prefer a playful pinch.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m lazy. I have cleaned enough chainsets full of accumilatied gunk for a life time, and the whole apply – wipe off excess thing is again too much buggering about when I just wanna ride. So I use this. No cleaning the chainset, no wiping off the excess (occasional removal of accumilated wax from small cassette sprockets – say once a year), put on – ride – put on -ride – put on – ride. if its wet, after ride take chain off, put on radiator, put chainback on bike, lube, go. Never ever ever going about to all the other stuff, the cleaning chemicals, the water displacers, and the routines.

    Free Member

    No but it is upside down.

    Free Member

    Can’t do it if I’m home, being just close to food makes me hungry.

    So through winter I’ve been two semi fast days (consecutive hence the semi), eating a moderate breakfast, just fruit and coffee at lunch time, and a low/zero carb tea with lots of veg, and then, early to bed. If I kick about the house I get hunger temptation, if I’m sat in bed with the laptop I don’t. Make no sense I know. Given my bad habits the rest of the time this has kept my weight under control over winter, nopt shifting into summer, riding more, and working non consecutive days, so will start doing it porperly. I was surprised how easy it is. I will, this year, bloody will make my 90k target.

    Free Member


    Ian Basterding Smith?

    EDIT – Ah, no sorry, just worked that one out.

    Free Member

    “You trying taking this much Heroine and cycling to work!”

    Free Member

    I do it in a bag and hang it from a tree, kept seeing them about so assumed that’s what everyone else was doing too…

    I find once I’ve got up in the morning, I have 15 mintues before I MUST go, once that happens do not get in my way, do not have decided to have an early morning bath… I have no choice in the matter, secondary poos are very rare for me. It takes a MASSIVE meal to disrupt the pattern. Or the Trotts.

    For No 1s, not an issue, can hold 4 pints of beer, can wait for hours. Its quite funny I make other people feel like a pregnant woman.

    Free Member

    nitrite I think may have been the word I was looking for. Many thanks chaps… and powder free, I made that mistake before too…

    Free Member

    Yeah, I should have stashed loads when I had access to lab gloves.

    Free Member

    I’d give a plus one to holiday. I’m in a similar situation, and as I’m sure your finding it comes and goes but it never really goes. I know when I was 4 months through I did a good impression of being OK, but it was just that. Getting better now, but one thing that went for me was attention. But consider taking some time off, and spend some it going place that remind of her, or going through some stuff if you’ve got stuff to go through.

    My sister and I are going through stuff as our Mum was it turns out something of a hoarder. Its actually a weirdly enjoyable and entertaining process, the things we find are heart breaking, exasperating, hilarious and deeply moving. It has helped me greatly. Spend the rest of the holiday riding and getting away from things.

    I was very upset, though I wasn’t depressed. I was happy in myself, but very sad about what had happened and it really didn’t feel real to me, the above has helped. Might not really pertain to your situation, and it isn’t a strategy I deliberately took, its just the way things have gone, but I’ve come to understand recently how much it has helped me. Though a bit worried about when it’s completed. Fortunately there is so much stuff that’s a way off.

    Free Member

    Looking at it in the pic i’d venture – No. But the proof is in the … putting a bike in.

    Free Member

    ^^ I do normally have some organics/kevlar somewhere in case. The last time I put them in I plunged the UK into the wettest 8 months on record and caused many parts of Calderdale to be flooded, many times.

    Its selfish to use Organic pads without thinking of the consequences.

    Free Member

    I’ve got one of the cheapos, it does rotate under load, but 5 minutes with a drill, a bolt and nut, and its fixed. Not the greatest, but good for the money once modded.

    Free Member

    SS Sintered for mine. They’re good for what I use the bike for. Possibly a little sharp, but that’s compensated for by the slightly soft bleed I have in them at the moment.

    Free Member

    I’m just going to pitch the other side of this for a moment. I was not spoiled by my parents, far from it (no nintendo, crappy bike, never anything close to the fashionable clothes etc), which I hated at the time, and considered to be ‘so unfair’. However, despite not letting me go on the french trip (a massive **** about by all accounts), I did go on the outdoors one, and where I was put in the sailing group. Gutted at the time, I wanted to canoe.

    Then I got put in a topper dingy and… click!

    Despite still having a crappy bike, deeply unfashionable trainers, and being bought shirts by my mother instead of body warmers and hoodies etc, they somehow found the money for me to go on 3 more sailing weeks, 2 res. – one not, and after school sailing trips for about a year I think. I doubt I realised how much they were, often they were quite short notice, so much have presented a real inconvenience.

    Looking back I find it difficult to argue with their priorities. I don’t sail any more, but I do want to and will certainly do so one day. I do like getting outdoors, even if its cold and wet.

    Oh, and outdoor pursuits teachers are not minted by any stretch, equipment costs money, as does liability insurance for when little darling doesn’t listen to what he’s told about the edge/harness/pointy things.

    Free Member

    A quick review of the channels shows Aljazeera presenting the most coherent commentary. A difficult one as its basically “We’re live, we know nothing.”

    Free Member

    The BBC have utterly run out of things to say… they’ve hit that spouting shite phase of commentating public events in a way not seen since the opening ceremony.

    Free Member

    Well we’ve been spared the bikini round – we have a winner.

    The successful proto-pope will now quickly weave himself a cocoon and pupate for 30 minutes on gas mark 5.

    Upon emerging he will be handed the log in details to the papal twitter account and his pick of the Vatican junior choir…

    Free Member

    you’re all thinking about it wrong. In winter they are in fact a giant walk in fridge. And as such a great place to keep yer booze.

    Free Member

    Go to doctor, MU and get an endoscopy if recommended. My Mum didn’t. I miss her.

    Free Member

    I am a dog owner and I don’t do that, I have left bags to pick up on way back, but by the gate into the field I’m just going into to give the dog a run around then leaving again, not when going a long way away, and I always pick it up. Never met anyone who [admitted that they] leave theirs on a tree. Don’t see why you would unless you are just a lazy idle self centred **** unaware that other people exist in the world.

    Don’t see it round our way either tbh.

    That said dogshit IS becoming an issue at Stainburn.

    Free Member

    Why would you want to? They’re not that interesting! Lots of “if your stopping distance from 30 is X and from 35 is Y, and the length of a bus is X and a kid walks out the front you’d be able to stop” type stuff.

    I wondered if they may do some techniques to stop your eye wandering off the speedo, this is me assuming most speeding is due to slight abscent mindedness rather than flagrant ignoring of speed limits. That said, going through NSL signs already at about 40… guilty in at least a couple of places I can think of. 😳

    Free Member

    Can you go on a speed awareness course without first being caught speeding? Or is it one of those weird irregularities you must first get done? Caught myself being a bit silly recently.

    EDIT: Oh it costs money – never mind. I’ll stick to giving myself a firm ticking off. Still interested in the answer though.

    Free Member

    floor of mouse traps = coffee out of nose.

    Free Member

    I came up with Semolina and so did my wife.

    And there aren’t the right letters for Hyphenated – duh!

    Free Member

    Well, that’s the Singing and Dancing round done. I didn’t feel anyone really stepped up above the rest.

    I have had a chance to review the field and have decided one thing. We should for the sake of decency skip the Swim Suit round.

    So, I think I’m right in saying the next round is…. the steeple chase? yes?

    EDIT: Awwww, they’ve just chucked the BBC cameras out of the room. This next bit must be on Sky as Pay Per View or something.

    Free Member

    Just accuse them of it being Grinder related toilet time.

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