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  • Bike Check: Benji’s Cotic RocketMAX Mullet
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    Day soft here too, the new silk ones are deff better for all day wear.

    Free Member

    I believe the standard ending to such statements is “I may be some time.”

    Free Member

    Ace, thanks! I have a bee garden which I like to sit in, so I may extend that with these.

    Free Member

    ^ mongoose…

    Free Member

    Its not my culture, tonight’s curry made from lambs from the field three fields over from my house. Yummy.

    Free Member

    I thought that when I had my first attempt, tyre up holding pressure, hit the trails, took a not massive drop at stainburn, BAMM! blew the tyre clean off, not wilding keep to try again, I was ever so upset.

    Free Member

    “We respect you, so you should respect us” he yelled angrily from his SUV

    That isn’t what I heard yelled from SUVs round Leeds… SF sounds nice, and also a little bit make believe.

    Free Member

    Also CB has nothing to do with tax. And in all seriousness has no place in such a discussion.

    Free Member

    If there was a South of England football team I would cheer their defeats. But then I want to be Scottish. 😀

    Free Member

    4 working days I think it was for me

    Free Member

    Someone with children?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Can we start a serious political campaign to make this happen?

    I really think we should.

    Free Member

    Groove armada- At the River.

    very good call

    I posted this on the other thread as well, but it caused me to get back into them, and so this.

    Free Member

    internet is go…

    Free Member

    non necassary, I did not know that, I just thought they didn’t detect bikes. Thank you muchly.

    Free Member

    So what is the main cause of accidents? Not mocking, some of you seem to have gone through statistics, I’m interested.

    Free Member

    Heard of it, a bit, does she wear that alot?

    Free Member

    Put D’artagnaon in a spaceship?

    You sure?

    Free Member

    Do they sell something to remove semi chewed apple from a keyboard?

    EDIT, pinched and facebooked, on account of being particularly ammusing.

    Free Member

    Imagine the commute, lining up at the frontier with your passport and your work visa… Sniffer dogs and metal detectors… wondering if you have enough sterling to buy lunch… You know how bothered we all about immigration, probably only allow 100 people a year to immigrate into the UK, not like you’d be automatic EU members.

    Free Member

    How many involve speeding vehicles? It may not be the primary cause, but it is always going to increase the risk of injury.

    Free Member

    That’s OK, we in the north often wish we could have rid of Surrey 😀

    Actually I don’t know anyone I’ve pitched the idea to who disagreed with the notion of [if the Scots vote yes] drawing a new border from the Humber to the Mersey, and pledging allegiance to the Republic of New Scotlandshire. You lot like Dave so much you can keep him. 🙂

    Free Member

    Oh, i thought you were going to point out typos…

    Free Member

    ooooh! Just got a letter from my employers, apparently because I have to launder some of their clothes (uniform), I get a bump in my Tax allowance, back dated!

    That will be about £60, or your taxes… for doing nought! (well, m’ washing which being a clean sort of a chap I would have done anyway no matter what I wore) for the last three years, do you want me to fill the form in DrRSwank, or do you just wanna send me a cheque! 😀

    Free Member

    While you have a point sbob, merely surrendering the road everytime doesn’t alert the driver to the fact he might nearly have killed someone, and reinforces the notion they have somekind of supremacy over cyclists. If I did something which a cyclist found threatening, inimidating or dangerous, I would want to know about it. And lets be honest no matter what the Melanie Phillips of this world might say, a dingding on a handle bar bell isn’t going to achieve that.

    Free Member

    All in favour of that, but the country we live in means that’s a long way off, and idealism won’t get us anywhere, certainly not in the short term.

    If the cyclist who keeps nearly hitting Melanie Phillips uses this forum can I ask why you haven’t yet managed it? Is she surprisingly nimble? Maybe a fatty bike would increase your chances? Or some type of jousting pole, modded Mad Max style?

    Free Member

    That’s also true of a great number of minor incidents between bikes and cars. Knocked off by a car with only cuts and bruises and the temptation is not to report it since the police make it such a long winded process and are extremely unlikely to do anything about it.

    True, can’t argue with that one, done it myself, I took pity on them. Were genuinely mortified by what had happened and it was a little bit my fault too.

    Free Member

    From 2006 to 2010 [from Office for National Statistics] there was an amazing 18 incidents of pedestrians struck by a cyclist on a pavement in the same period there was over a 1000 struck by cars whilst on the pavement.

    Given what in my head seems the likely proportion of urban miles driven to urban miles cycled [more than 1000:1], 18 actually seems quite high to me. Also I doubt all cycle incidents were reported. I probably wouldn’t bother unless someone was hospitalised, whereas I would with a car even if everyone was fine.

    The problem with cycling, is also the great thing about cycling. Anyone can get on a bike. The worst stuff I saw around Leeds was split between lycra clad hardcore elite made a point of passing me nothing will stop me, types – and people in normal clothes [jeans often under the arse], with their seat too low, in a low gear, no helmet, no stability wiggling about all over the place and the drive chain squealing its rusty self to bits i.e. not what I [and I suspect many here] would describe as a cyclist.

    That’s a worrying line to go down though as it leads towards licencing of some kind which I am dead against.

    Free Member

    Just got sent notification of this .

    Likewise, should they say where there will cameras? So people are more careful not to get caught, and as a result maybe speed less, or should they just put them places and do people (quite possibly me, I’m sometimes a little naughty on NSL roads)

    Free Member

    See my follow on point about the politicisation of policing. I don’t like it, I think its insane, I think the police should decide what is worthy of attention, and also focus on all things all the time. As opposed to having a crime of the week.

    Free Member

    I’m calling it.

    I need to cancel out falling for the income tax one yesterday.

    Free Member

    But while its a silly one there is a perception issue, when they next do stopping motorists for whatever is the hot topic of the week, and they get the “why don’t you go getting all the horrid nasty cyclists instead of punishing decent [speeding/negligent/red light running] motorists” they can say – we did, look. I don’t like it, but it is the world they have to operate in, even more so now we have elected police commissioners.

    I’ll give a massive +1 to speed limits, my town has a 20, and I reckon a trap would catch more people at 30+ than they could effectively process.

    Free Member

    Well, just to take the otherside of the arguement, I would favour police cyclists being out and about all the time (just one or too, doing people, who run lights. All this story has really done is told cyclists, don’t worry if you had to stop jumping red ‘cos you heard were were stopping and fining people, we’re done now so you can carry on as before.

    Free Member

    Your bog standard burglar doesn’t kill anyone, should he not be a priority for the police then by that logic?

    Free Member

    So in conclusion the vast majority of cyclists stick to the rules.

    Or once a copper is writing a ticket and giving a stern ticking off, he can’t then stop another cyclist until he’s done.

    Free Member

    I can get hit by all four sets of closely spaced lights on one short stretch of my journey, whereas a car will not.

    I’ve encountered this, also insufficient timings to clear the junction before other traffic starts moving – on one commute I would stop if I thought the light had been green too long as I knew traffic coming out of the side road tended to 30 as a minimum, and didn’t ever look.

    Also, lights which are triggered by the presence of a car. (I once for a chuckle – i had been to the pool, was knackered, and wanted a bit of a breather before cycling home, sat on the sensor with many cars behind me, before eventually calling out – “Do we all agree that this one time its OK for me to run this light?”

    Unanimous it was.

    @butcher It is, and our near misses feel all the closer for our vulnerability. But I think give and take in some way is the way forward, the annoying thing is the ‘roll right through a moving junction’ types I used to see were not what I would describe as a Cyclist, rather, some bloke, and a [usually horribly squeaking barely working] bike. Also, we need a better campaigning body, with cycling numbers on the up we may get it in the CTC – who are I think our best hope.

    Free Member

    Or, if you want something which is truly 100% off the deep end, you never know you might just like it, its probably my favourite album of all time, you could curl up in the fetal position in the corner of a dark room and listen to some VHS Head.

    This one’s probably a little more accessible.

    Ok, just listened to Red Snapper, this isn’t where you’re coming from really, but I like it a lot, should be getting me some of that.

    I’d also recommend typing the following, separately, into Youtube, Fulgeance and Kelpe

    Free Member

    @butcher. I do agree but two things, One a cycle meandering (often they do, wildly haphazardly so) through a red into a junction could cause someone in a big ton of metal to steer suddenly, out of a desire not to kill a cyclist, and result in worse injuries etc. Even if they didn’t its gonna **** them up a bit through not fault of their own. Second we should campaign for things like bike filters, bike turn left on Red laws etc. Include the flexibility of the harmless simple bicycle in our traffic law, which it isn’t really much at the moment.

    Free Member

    Prefuse 73


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