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  • Cost of living crisis and Singletrack – An appeal
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    Go L unless you’re planning on using it more more pedally XC type riding*, it will give you more scope to move the bike under you. I’m 6-2 and this was the advice from Commie when I emailed them.

    *I’m guessing you’re not, wrong bike if you are, though they do climb well.

    Free Member

    If it is illegal then the same should apply to children. They’re not even fluffy by way of a redeeming feature, and many of them are ugly.

    Free Member

    I used to pop along about now and tell you they are the mail order equivilent of the anti-christ, based on my own horrific experiences with them some years ago. But a friend of mine recently ordered a bike from them, and about 5 days later, it arrived. So maybe they’ve got their shit together now…

    Free Member

    So it’s OK for everyone to have two dogs, to fill the countryside with toxic shite etc? That’s before I start on dog attacks and the amount of resources that they consume.

    You are a Daily Mail columist and I claim my £5.

    Free Member


    Noisy, shite everywhere, make your house smell.

    Wow. Only if you don’t train them, much like children…
    only much nicer IMO.

    The only argument against except those of cost is the dogs can former a cloer relationship with each other then they do with you. But with both being adults, and having had a life beofre they start living together I would expect this effect to be much reduced.

    Free Member

    no you wouldn’t.

    Yes I would oh bugger…

    Well played sir.

    Free Member

    I technically have two, but can’t get access to unklehomer, must have put a typo in the email or something… so this one for the last 3 years.

    I wouldn’t agree with myself, I’d argue with myself, but that’s just me…

    Free Member

    I actually had one, it came in the box instead of my Meta AM. I got to hold it and look at it. Then I had to send it back, momentarily very confused.

    And with a pair fox 32s to put on the front of it… 😆

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Subaru Legacy. Almost tardis like for space, regularly went on road trips with three 6ft + blokes, 2 bikes, 2 seperate tents (we’re not sociable), and 3 set of riding gear/ kit – all inside.

    Free Member

    came up fast and silently from behind


    On a more serious note, get a pro campaign going, invite the MP to the event.

    Sponsored walks and the sort bugger up trails for decent riding, round here Sunday’s are a write off for walking groups of 40+ bimbling oaps who on a track where 2 cars can pass don’t/won’t make space for a bike, but so be it, its all just part of getting along.

    Free Member

    My stock repsonce to nearly running over someone’s little darling with a trolley laden with goods is “Ah, never mind – next time.” and smile.

    The looks I get. 😀

    Free Member

    Maybe he means On Topic?

    Free Member

    From Mr Steve Bell

    Free Member

    Yeah I’ve often suspected I know the way from being there before they put all the skills stuff in. But it is still a joy to ride round, need to get back there.

    Free Member

    Well you are thinking about it right, recently near me there was accident involving someone backing out of their drive, and because they were backing out they were charged with death by dangerous driving. If you need to reverse you always do so into the lesser road, in this case your drive. Of course that’s in theory, I’ve never had to deal with the reality off a busy road, but had enough people nearly back out into me.

    End of a day tosspot in a merc, ignore him.

    Free Member

    Yup, working on preventing continued water erosion on a patch near me that made my preferred line uncleanable, and some drainage issues. Also prone to havinga go at brambles etc too.

    Free Member

    have tried sneaking up behind and shouting “BOOOO” ?

    Free Member

    OK now this is MAD. The PM is cutting short his European tour of doing the business of the country… why? Has her death plunged us into some kind of crisis? What’s he going to do when he gets back, mouth to mouth? 4000 volts? Not kidding, there’s nothing for him to do here, stay where you are and do your job Dave.

    Free Member

    twitter reports from stw indicate that moderation reports have skyrocketed in the past few minutes.

    They surely had a policy in place for this day.

    Free Member

    Time for a Thread Lock Sweepstake I think. Entry is £5. Winner takes all – in the event of a tie, the Higher value takes it eg. closed at 13 pages between 11 and 15, 15 would win.

    place your bets by Pay pal gift. 🙂

    Free Member

    Have they cut the head off, you know, just to be sure?

    Free Member

    I have 12 weeks in my head so maybe its 2… vet should tell you though. Also, you put ‘puppy’ in the thread title, you know rules… Pics. Now.

    Free Member

    My mum answered the the questions when they arose, and that was probably about 8 through to 10, its just information. Best not to have 1 converstaion but an ongoing conversation, let him go away and reflect a bit, come back if something bothers.confuses him. Better to do it early as much less awkward IMO. What you are describing is the playground, we had some whacky ideas and I was tryin to get into girls knickers from about 6, I didn’t know why, but that didn’t stop me trying, quite the 6yr old sex pest now I think about it… 😳

    Free Member

    nacked ladies

    Given the colloquial usage of ‘nacked’ – broken, ruined, not fit for purpose – I wonder if this was the search that brought about the tears…

    Free Member

    Can I blame Google for this?

    I’m sure there’s a shonky legal firm who would be willing to find out for you.

    Free Member

    He’s a curious child, and it sounds like what he found got too serious, probably its the result of playground talk. But the nipple tassles is not that worrying, we had a prudish teacher when I was that age who got border line hysterical because we put footballs up our jumpers and pretended to have boobs. He’s mimicking what he saw, probably in an attempt to understand it.

    Mixture of 2 and 3. 1 would risk him hiding stuff from you.

    Free Member

    Why would it not be a queue? If we’re all waiting to overtake, and have been sat there for 10 mins, why should you get to go first when you’ve only just arrived?

    special badge on front of car?

    Free Member

    Some classic road habits in this thread. The drivers who do 40 every where no matter what zone they are in made me laugh.

    I followed someone in an Audi of all things from Nidderdale to Ripon last week, 35 the WHOLE WAY – combination of snow drifts and oncoming traffic so no overtaking chance I was willing to take, even once in Ripon and in the 30 zone – 35. Mind boggling. I still ended up next to him in the traffic lights. Tried not to gorp, “what kind of person are you?” Not angry, just fascinated.

    Free Member

    For what its worth I would rather have you over take than have you trying to mate with the back of my car all the bloody way home which I find distracting, especially at night in 4×4 with the beams too high… I will overtake when I feel I can but in a bog standard diesel Mondeo on country roads I much prefer to play it safe than chance it. What is alarming is people who just pull out, then start indicating, usually you can spot these poeple a mile off (pie chart on the front of the car, or interlocking rings and they’ve been romping up the road behind you), sometimes they can take you by surprise. But if you’re a twonk in a powerful car with poor regard for road safety, I’d rather have you the hell away from me and mine thank you.

    Free Member

    Like a window into another world this thread… 😐

    Free Member

    I’m just going to put this here and go away and watch game thrones, y’all have fun now

    Free Member

    That has to be a joke, crikey?

    depends on ‘quickly’ surely

    Free Member

    You have admitted not driving an Audi, but also flagrantly using the Audi Lane… he was probably trying to warn you of your faux pas.

    Free Member

    Not easy, well done.

    Free Member

    don’t zoom out too far or a feeling of utter insignificance may follow

    Free Member

    Was anyone being mugged, stabbed, raped, held up, racially oppressed, intimidated or suffering any other crime that you are aware in the car park at that time?

    If so then I agree with you – more important things to be done, if not then rather than say “oh look there’s some one committing a potentially dangerous but still minor traffic violation – this is a nice pasty isn’t it.” they did their job.

    Free Member

    Sorry but good, doesn’t sound like they ticketed you, just stopped you and had a word, IIRC car parks are an accident hotspot, probably down to stuff like this, and lots going on. Fair play to them, and likely it will help you remember to take a little bit more time in the future. If you’re complaining to us and not the police officer in your family it sounds like deep down you know that.

    Free Member


    When it goes wrong hit the button and transfer your atoms to your nearest ball pit.

    Free Member

    impressed, I think I draw the line at about 5. And don’t tend to bother with big snake bites either. Feel very wasteful now though…

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