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  • New Santa Cruz 5010: first ride review of mid-travel mullet
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    You said “They bite kids” which made sound pretty standard behaviour, they dig holes, they like bones, they fetch sticks, they bite kids.

    I’ve been assaulted by people more than I have by dogs.

    grum: I never said it was his fault, most likely it is the fear/anxiety, maybe its something else, but molgrips does seem to have had a disproportionatly high number of negative dog encounters. I’m wondering if its a dog reaction to his mental state, or just sods law, I hate spiders, and I’m the only one in the house who routinely finds them in his bed, his pants draw, his towel, just on his leg etc…

    Free Member

    So they bite you. Fair enough then, but as a dog owner saying all dogs bite kids is like saying all fathers are like joseph fritzel or all men are rapists.

    Some dogs bite (very small fraction, tiny), either as a result of previous mal treatment, or just some dogs are a bit mental in the head (poor breeding can be a big contribuer), but there’s often a clear sign before the event. Out of the blue bitings are very rare. Behind a biting dog is the irrespsonsability of people somewhere along the way. But then most violent criminals have given warnings along the way too.

    EDIT: I’m wondering now following your other posts if you give off some kind of anti dog vibe, Can I borrow you and do some tests? You seem like a dog anger bomb.

    Free Member

    I like cats better. Dogs are stupid and annoying, mostly. And not as soft. And you have to pick up their poo, they don’t bury it, in other peoples gardens, where the lettuce and rocket is planted.


    And they bite kids.

    Yeah, all the time, just none stop child biting. I’m out on the moors, turn my head for one moment, look back – there he is with a baby’s skull in his jaws, take it off him, throw it away, 2 seconds later he’s got it again. And don’t even get me started on walking through town on a busy saturday, bite bite bite bite bite bite, none stop child biting.

    Free Member


    much more personality.

    Free Member

    +1 for the Am, 16 front, 15- rear, falling more and more in love with mine every ride.

    Free Member


    Sorry but I find you attitude cruel and inconsiderate.

    Posting a sunny pic of embsay cragg when I’m working all week and not going to have time to ride… That’s just mean… 🙁

    At others, Rights of way are there for Resposible Use – and to me that does include avoiding when conditions are so bad that you damage the trail by riding it. Whatever you’re riding. That would also most likely mean its ridable sooner in the Spring.

    Free Member

    Their call, just like it’s our call whether or not to ride a difficult section.

    If I fall and ding my bike the bike doesn’t suffer pain and distress.

    OP describes 4ft long hoof skids. But equally possible rider got half way down before realising, dismounted and walked that horse down the rest of the trail and has not returned because it wasn’t suitable. Tracks don’t tell the full story.

    But yeah, crappy network only concentrates usage and increases effects of horse usage (and bike usage).

    Free Member

    I can only sympathise. Its a similar story round away, but that’s due to our having very few bridleways so its difficult to fault them for it. We got utterly screwed in the 40s when the designations were made. For us the result is trails strewn with loose rocks. The ground get churned up, water washed the soil away leaving rocks behind. I do litle bits of trail repair work, usually drainage related, wonder if walkers/horse riders ever do given each camp contains factions keen to paint us as the villains.

    I suppose for the rider they are not in contact with the trail surface so may be less aware of it. But from what you describe its dangerous to take horses down there in winter.

    Free Member

    Has any dog owner EVER admitted to dropping shit bags / not cleaning up after their dog’s had a dump?


    Yup I did back on page one. (not picking up, I don’t drop bags)

    vincienup makes a good a point re food, and I suspect he’s right, ours gets dry food and I very predictable/regular, we live in a rural area and he’s often off the lead (won’t poo on it unless beyond desperate) so I’m often clambering into rhododendrons breath held cursing the little sod, but I love him and its part of dog ownership, if I’m on the moors miles from anywhere and he craps, he will go away from the path, that gets left, that’s not inaccessible, but we are talking remote moors 10m into the heather. Think of me what you will for that. When staying with my sister in Edinburgh I self impose a very strict 100% pick up routine as I recognise even the remote areas will have people walking hundreds of times a day – I see it as non negotiable and the bit of edinburgh she’s in, it seems most people do. FWIW my bags are bio-dregadable, and lavender scented (but not enough). I think they should all be biodegradable as it still all gets buried in landfill doesn’t it.

    Free Member

    IME they do weap a bit post gunking, if it hasn’t repeated my gut feeling is its fine. To find out remove shock, let air out and unscrew the aircan (not as scary as it sounds, and infact a good thing to do every few months if using a lot) and look – online instructions available, you can get little sachets of fox goo to top up the gunk if you wish – but if someone knows what weight oil fox goop is that’s something I’d like to know as I’m not convinced it being blue makes it magic.

    Keep an eye on it if you’re worried, but some gunk is normal.

    Free Member

    Difficult one, in the local woods kids often like running about off the path, and people will often go and look at things of interest, which makes for a strong argument to clean it up, so often I will follow hound off to his spot and get it, but sometimes hound does choose a spot so in the middle of undergrowth that its so difficult to get to I reason may as well leave it, its virtually inconceivable anyone will stumble across it.

    I am wearing my fire retardant pants so ready for what follows from the collective, but there, I said it.

    I would Never leave poo in a path, or in a place i think people might mill about about off the path (pretty blue bell patch, by the pond, near an old ice house etc.) – such places IMO require a pick where ever Angus has drops his trousers (which given my hound is always a bugger to get to – he is a poo out of the way dog, my sisters dog is a poo where you have to pick it up every single time sort of a dog, so if I’m walking her, then the question doesn’t arise).

    EDIT – I take the bags home, or to a bin, I do not subscribe to the idea that the bag makes poo somehow OK.

    Free Member

    I’ma massively pro-dog dog loving dog owner and I ****ing hate it too. It is red light jumping for the dog owning world, cos we all get tarred with the dog poo brush. These days there are dog poo bags, and bins everywhere, its not hard, its not a massive effort. Absolutely bloody hate it.

    Trails I build get people walking them with their dogs early on the mornings, fine, its nice they can get an extra use than the intended one, but god help the dog owner I catch letting the **** darling snuffy poos shit on the trail and leave it… Swear I will go all out shouty pants.

    Free Member

    View to a kill

    That does definitely win the award for best silly noises in a bond theme.

    Free Member

    I think Casino’s was massively under-rated.

    Also, here’s a rejected theme for Quantum which would have been much better IMO

    Anyone else ever listened to bond themes while out riding some ‘gnar’. If you’re at all susceptsable to mood music, don’t – it doesn’t end well.. 😳

    Free Member

    Wet and windy

    Yeah i had a boozy dinner last night too and I’m much the same way 😀

    Free Member

    That sounds worse than being in the walking group who just bimbled their way up the high street, sticks and bags full of sandwiches and weak lemon drink, cos these people will not spend one penny in the town, but they will bitch about the lack of shops and how they like we’re a “Walkers are Welcome” Town cos you have to have a special welcome for whatever reason, and there he is, right at the back the guy in too short shorts, with what I swear was a whip. Actually I would take the stomach bug over being force to walk with that lot.

    Best reason, there also seems to be about 50 people on mountain bikes doing some kind of cryptic treasure hunt, looking for clues in the place names etc, I had a chat with them and pointed a few bits out, great idea, quite jeelous – looks a lot of fun, in a non serious biking just fun on a bike sort of way.

    Free Member

    As above set an example, think happy relaxed thoughts etc, also find a bench by some traffic and spend a few quarters of an hour now and then sitting watching the traffic go by. He’ll get used to it, just needs the exposure.

    Free Member

    Any massive hills near you? I fijnd a good short thing it to just go out and ride up the most horrific hill in the area. 20 minutes up, 5 down. 25 minute work out if I don’t have time for a propery ride, recently repeated on 1 X 9 with 36t chainring… somehow got up, wasn’t sick – was close though. Be prepared to stop the first couple of times, better to get to the top with breaks.

    Free Member


    Am I real?

    Free Member

    If it was men with sticks and rope don’t tell us, I don’t want to know

    Free Member

    I did a lol.

    Please put those up that’s ace.

    Free Member

    But get us pictures of whatever parasitic nasty they pull out…

    Free Member

    In winter after a ride slip chain, indoors over a radiator, put back on before ride, reapply, leave 15 minutes to dry before riding. works well.

    Free Member

    since no one’s done it yet.

    I choose not to have to clean my chain. Never looked back.

    Free Member

    Has anyone seen my car keys?

    Where did you have them last?

    Free Member

    FWIW I’m not even sure this forum passes the Turing Test half the time…

    Free Member

    Can Metro not be installed (or uninstalled) as a feature of Windows or will it always be there necessitating clicking through to the desktop and can you reinstate the Start Menu?

    No, there is no way round it. Massive shame, as a linux like approach to desktop managers (choose the one that best suits your needs), would have seen Win8 be a really popular and powerful OS imo.

    Free Member

    so many ways this can end badly… I sense a sweepstake coming on.

    OP, you are right, we all think it. but don’t ever say it out loud or it will happen again…

    Also. 45 likes… 45. I’ve seen tin foil hat pages with more likes than that. The one for Aliens built the pyramids has 63 FFS!!!

    Free Member

    Well, I AM the Anti-Christ and I’ll have you know that there is no comparison.

    Well maybe i you try really hard, up the rudeness, throw in some lying and dishonesty, some unfounded accusations, work on getting people’s hopes up only to dash them, put people on hold and then disconnect them because it’s going home time* you can be that diabolical too? 😉

    *in the interests on fairness these experiences, while in just one transaction were 5 years ago.

    Free Member

    If I was spending money on a boat I’d want it to be able to do this in case of emergencies.

    Free Member

    given the OP’s username that’s quite an appropriate background for the picture

    Makes you wonder just how far that goes doesn’t it… 😯

    Free Member

    A GXP self extracting crank bolt. Not much, but turns my 456 from a crankless pointless thing in the garage back into my beloved green hurtle monkey.

    Oh and a reverb bleed kit. This weekend many things will be bled.

    Free Member

    So they answer the phones now? Wow it really has changed since I last interacted with them.

    Free Member

    I hope ST Towers have provided protective custardy to the snitch. I wouldn’t want to be him on a cold night in the internet… 😀

    If true… wow. That’s a whole new level, as above, makes my pointless timewasting look better by comparison though, so, errr, thanks. I guess.

    Free Member

    I came very close to buying one of these before I got my meta… I’d still have one in a shot if I won the lottery, for my Leno like bike stable. Many afternoons spent staring at the pictures.

    Free Member

    You can be pleased with that. Wants putting on the short list for next wednesday IMO. No pretense, no slow mo whip ****, no waffle. The sort of riding we all actually do. Very well done sir!

    Free Member

    The catch is human nature, they are hoping you will not have the will power/self control etc to pay it off, rather let it sit there. If you do trust yourself, then do it. You will also have to make the minimum payments each month ~3%

    Free Member

    maybe we could run a side event to see who could get the fastest recorded speed

    Just confused myself trying to work out if it would be irony if even people who were trying could not exceed the legal speed limit for the nimbys and their electronic cockwangle speedgun.

    Free Member

    They’ve BOUGHT a speed camera? Just when did nimbyism become an actual hobby? I wish this was near I would have endless fun with an encouraging banner standing in front of the miserable **** twunts. Also asking them every time a cyclist went past how fast they were going.

    “How fast was that one?”
    “What about that one?”
    “That one?”
    “Woah he was going fast what was he doing, 35, 40 45?”
    “Why are you here again?”

    Pretty sure you own personal camera wouldn’t count for anything without it having been properly calibrated etc given previous “get me off my speeding ticket” threads.

    Free Member

    I KNEW TJ wasn’t a real person.

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